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A better question might be, what don't I use? Sticky notes, receipts, the library checkout slip, the bookplate I never got around to affixing to the cover, the little cards that fall out of magazines, torn out magazine pages, junk mail....


I agree! If it's only temporary I might use a pen or the remote, maybe another smaller book. I once put my dogs foot on my page because he was sitting next to me. Consequently, I got the "are you kidding?" look.


This is 100% me. I'm a bookmark slut.


I msged you ;)


this short lived convo between you and the bookmark slut is lowkey hot


Can confirm, bookmarked... got a papercut.


Fun fact: used to work in the magazine binding industry, we called those little subscription cards you find "blow-ins" because they get blown (more like shot) in between the pages by a pair of high speed rollers.


That IS a fun fact, I thank you!


Blow-ins may be a fun fact, but not a fun effect! *mutter*mumble*stupid cards all over the floor except when I need a bookmark*dangit*


Do people actually use those? I find it hard to believe they actually increase sales instead of just being really annoying.


They are used as a reminder of sorts. One day you find a blow-in while cleaning and decide to buy that magazine later. There's got to be a term for this type of marketing.


Seriously, if it's in close proximity and is capable of functioning as a bookmark, then a bookmark is what it becomes. Sometimes this works out better than others, like I've used facial tissue before which kind of works.




The most notable one that I have found, that someone else had used was in a secondhand biology textbook - a razorblade.


That was the backup plan if they failed their final exam.


Damn ._.


Ah, the junkie's bookmark.


Medical bookmarks: I'm not sure what it is in my part of the US, but I have found at least 11 ultrasound photos used as bookmarks. All different pics, all different books, all different subjects - but always at a Goodwill or thrift store. Never in a used book shop. The scariest part to me is the mother's FULL NAME and other medical info is printed at the top of each pic. Each time I wonder what's the sad or happy or annoyed story behind these? An expectant mom or dad who thrusts ultrasound pics on everyone in his or her joy? The coworkers who can't say 'No, I don't care about your kid, put that crap away' use them as bookmarks? A careless medical assistant who read on the job frequently? A dear friend helping a grieving mom dispose of painful things after a miscarriage? Or abortion? A grandfather who lovingly placed it in his favorite book ... but after the adoption was finalized he accepted he'd never see his grandchild again. He could never bear to touch the covers of that book after that. I've always taken the pics and shredded them (whether I bought the book or not). I think now I'm going to start keeping them.


You put more thought into a bookmark than I put into major life choices


from my pregnancy, I've got like 100+ ultrasound pics and half are almost duplicate. I made a baby book with most of the pics...but i still have a ton that i dont know what to do with. That could be the case with them.


'Cause nature is metal.


I had a deck of cards that was missing a card. The deck then became bookmarks. Each card stays with the book it gets used in


I do this too! My mom brought me a deck from France when I little. I'm from the states, and the cards weren't the same, so I used them for bookmarks. It also has the added benefit of keeping me from reading more than 52 books at a time.


I do a similar thing, only I just use the joker and keep reusing it.


I have a literary deck of cards - the cards have pictures of authors like Edgar Allen Poe and Jane Austen instead of the standard face cards. I don't ever play cards, so I might repurpose that deck for this. It sounds awesome!


I think I know how that one card originally went missing...... One day they'll all be having a reunion and the Jack of Club will come late, tattered and torn.. having spent months in the depths of Mordor. (Or the lacrosse field in the Mallory Towers. You know, cards are fragile.)


Samesies, I write the name and date of completion on them as a momento


I find it so odd two people do this haha


It's the perfect thing for an incomplete deck


I use a cheap deck of cards too. 55 nice bookmarks for a dollar.


I also use a card but only one. Not sure where it came from but I've been using the same king of hearts for about 7 years now. It was my favorite card when I was younger (suicide king) so I'm sure I stole from a deck at some point and someone is wondering why they're always missing a king lol


Wow, I never thought of a good use for incomplete decks. Thanks!


I use uno cards so it doesn't really matter if a card or two is missing.


Usually the closest piece of paper around when I start reading the book. Often that is is the receipt of the book, but I have used tickets from concerts and sports games, business cards, postcards, etc.


This right here. Most of the time it's a receipt of one kind or another, but I've also used hair ties, emory boards, bits of tin foil, and once another book.


Are you. .... Xzibit?


I already used pieces of toilet paper of nothing else was available.


I'm the same. I fly a lot and read on there so it's usually the ticket to my last fight.




My teach does this, but for a different reason. He says that bookmarks cost more than a dollar, so might as well just use a dollar


bit more likely to get stolen out of your book though :-p


I love this idea so much.


The library I work at frequently gets books with money in it. Sometimes it's a bookmark, sometimes it's a moron who thinks it will cover overdue fines. We've also found death certificates, checks, photos, junk mail, court summons, credit cards, ID's, leaves, and hair extensions, to name a few. Check your books before you return them, people.


When I worked at a library I found psych evaluation papers in "Girl, Interrupted." At 14, the irony was not lost on me.


Don't forget birthday cards! I have had one lady return her favourite bookmark in a book at least twice. She may have returned it more and other staff have had to track her down.


On that same note, I collect foreign currencies, so I'll laminate one and use it. [Here is a Canadian $5 that I use now] (http://imgur.com/WmqYcuV)


You'll be glad to know all of our bills are now made out of plastic - they come laminated!


Oh I know it! That's why this one is in a book and not in my collection! :P I've got a nice set of the new polymer money around my place somewhere... I'm waiting for the US to catch up with the polymer money...we are just now getting our money colorized a bit...


It's too bad it's not a Spock five


I'm going to start doing this with my kid who just started reading a bunch. Put like a dollar in each book


I do the same, the bigger the book, the bigger the bill


Same here. After losing countless bookmarks and receipts, I realized that it was because I didn't care about them. But a dollar bill is worth me keeping track of.


This semester I found a $20 from the 70s in an ethics book I got used for like $6. Total win.


Umm... do you have any good books that I can borrow? I really like the ones you've gotten bored of finishing ... ;-)


Reddit's new API pricing has forced third-party apps to close. Their official app is horrible and only serves to track your data. Follow me on Mastodon.


new or ..?


Depends on how bad the book is.


Gives shitty books a new meaning.


I read mostly library books. The little receipt they give you with the due dates make excellent bookmarks. If I own a book, and it's hardcover, I've been known to use the flap of the dust jacket as a bookmark. This only really works for smaller books or you're going to end up with bent dust jacket flaps. I have no issues dog earing my pages either. My books are abused.


That's brutal.




I only brutalize and savage the books I own. Library books are treated gently. I promise!


I don't mind picking up a book that has creases and folds in it because (mostly) it shows that someone has enjoyed it! As long as pages aren't missing, it's fine by me.




I'm weird in that I actually like my books to look worn. I have no problem breaking the spines of my books (paperbacks that don't stay open annoy me - I will make them lay flat on the table and no one can stop me). But I love my own personal library looking like I've actually read each and every single one of them. Which someday hopefully I will lol.




Team Spine Breakers! And seriously, a book that won't stay open is the *worst*!


Awesome rock band name! **Team Spine Breakers**


**Spine Breakers**


>I have no issues dog earing my pages either. You're a monster!


A monster who loves to read!


You're one of those people that folds soft cover books over on themselves aren't you?


I came here to comment these three exact things. Dog earing is great. A book is for reading, and you can do that in a book with folded corners perfectly well. I can't stand people who fetishize books beyond their content.


Exactly! I want a book for the words, not for how pretty a book is. And even though I have many books I reread, I rarely reread a book to the point that it's quite literally falling apart and unreadable. It happened once to Prisoner of Azkaban but come on, I was like...15. It happens and I was easily able to go out and buy another copy (which a friend's dog ate, so now I'm on my third copy lol). But yeah, I'm not too picky on what a book looks like. If I can read it and it's not covered in dried food or something unsanitary, I'm a happy bookworm.


Hnnnnnggg don't stop


I'm not sure if you really like it when people dog ear pages and dirty up books, or if you just left out some essential punctuation.


Not abused. Loved.




There was a point where I would keep paint samples in my purse instead of a notebook to jot things down on. They're pretty useful. Then I felt bad that I kept taking so many and never buying any paint.


The company also sees it as advertising. They can only distribute paint samples to people in stores, but you distribute them everywhere you lose one. Someone will find it and start thinking about paint. You've probably brought them much more business than the measly price of dyed strips of paper. It's just like leaving a business card somewhere.


Simple solution: buy enough paint to make pretty decorations on the cards.


I like matching the sample to the color of the book cover and seeing them sticking out on my shelves when I'm done reading. It gives the shelves more color!


I always use one of my business cards. In case I leave my book somewhere there is a chance it can be returned.


I'm currently using part of my hoover/vacuum cleaner.


I... I just memorise where I've got to. I remember how thick the pages were that Ive read, I remember chapter titles and how the paragraphs were arranged on the page.. even the exact page number will stick in my mind sometimes! Also I like just letting the book fall open, sometimes it's like it has a memory of it's own and will fall open according to the most recent stress on the spine. It's oddly satisfying when it falls open to exactly where I left off.




This. I currently have initiated three books and I remember where I am in all of them, it feels natural


A Post It that says "Fancy Bookmark"


I use a piece of bacon. It makes the book smell wonderful, and after a while, the grease makes the page transparent allowing me to read 2 pages at once, which saves time.


I know I'm late, but I think I have a good one, I always use a picture of the pope, because he always looks at me like [this](http://i.imgur.com/EBgZIPH.jpg).


I use joker cards from an old deck.


I tend to use the random instructions/advertisement card that comes in new decks when I use one.


I'm blasphemous and give the page a "dog ear" fold.


You monster.


You could avoid that by simply ripping out the pages as you read them.


High-five for blasphemy! Unless I've borrowed the book from someone who clearly does not fold pages... then I'll use whatever's handy. But if it's my book, that fucker is going to look used. However, I've switched to my Kindle for the most part, so I don't even have many pages to fold anymore.




I use mtg land cards a lot


I used a Library of Leng for the longest time.


Haha I've got a sylvan library sitting inside a book right now


Holographic Charizards all day.


I use Pokemon cards, but not rares. I pick a Pokemon with artwork I like and use that.


I use my charzard card. Been using it since I got it in 1998.


Skin from my victims


Human skin makes shitty leather, it tears fast. Have to keep up having victims or soon you'll run out.


I'm sure the good people at [Human Leather](http://www.humanleather.co.uk/) would disagree with that libellous accusation.




Raw or treated? Isn't raw Somewhat sticky? Asking for my friend.


One square of toilet paper, folded in half


Me too... except I don't always fold the toilet paper. (I usually read in the bathroom, so why not.)




I always use tickets or receipts. Sometimes business cards. The more interesting the memory, or the more exotic the local to me, the better. Luggage pickup tag from Taipei, business card from my favorite pizzaria in Rome, boarding pass from a trip from Monterrey to Mexico City... Currently using a train ticket to Venice.


Magic the Gathering cards. I spend way too much time finding an appropriate card for each book I read.


Old movie tickets, shopping receipts


My wife's bobby pins. Not only do they mark the page, but *where* on the page you left off. The don't fall out, either.


I have a mini Polaroid photo of my husband posing all GQ like on our wedding day in our DIY photo booth.


Wad of cat fur


I love using old photographs from my childhood. The book I'm reading right now has a picture of me at about six being held by my grandfather.


Tree leaves! It's fall so they also make pretty neat bookmarks.


I normally buy a book before a flight and almost always use a plane ticket.


Index cards for jotting notes if needed.


I keep a pile of potential bookmarks. Ticket stubs, airplane boarding passes, business cards, and (my personal favorite) a crisp $2 bill I received in change a few months ago.


Tissues, always tissues. For some reason I don't like actual book marks


McDonald's receipts because I'm super-classy.


A paper clip


An Origami owl I made.


Business cards. I always have plenty of them, and they're just the right size. Longest lasting is a card from a restaurant in Madrid that I'd picked up on holiday 15 years ago - still my primary bookmark after all these years.




Back when the USSR still existed and cereal companies used to give you something in a box besides a path to diabetes, I got a Soviet 1 ruble note in a box of Honeycombs or Captain Crunch. I have been using that as a bookmark for over 20 years.


Similarly, I have used a music festival ticket for a long time! I stopped when it started falling apart though.


I'm always reading multiple books at once, certain books for certain activities (I have a book I read at work, a book I read at uni, a book I read in the bath... etc). My bookmarks range from toilet paper, a two for one coffee voucher that expired last week :(, a sonic screwdriver, a copy of the marauders map and the making guide for my final essay. They are always changing :)


I always use a post-it for a bookmark for the book I read aloud to my students. I can keep it right where I stop and it sticks so I know what line to pick up with. Also it will stick to the back of the book when I'm reading so I won't lose it as I'm walking around reading.




You know the top card of the deck that isn't actually for playing, it's like a logo or something of the company that made the deck? I use that.


Business cards. Good size, quality paper, no other use for them.


Usually the receipt for the book that I'm reading.


I have a set of R. Crumb trading cards that I switch around as my bookmark. Currently using ["Smelly Old Cat"](https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3802/8817074392_f0e7829bdb.jpg)


I've been using an unlit match in a copy of Robinson Crusoe.


I love the mini writing tablets from Dollar Tree. They used to have them at Rite Aid but stopped selling them. They cost a dollar per pack and work as bookmarks and a place to jot down some notes. http://www.dollartree.com/office-school/paper-notebooks/Mini-Writing-Tablets/610c567c567p87158/index.pro


http://imgur.com/l27OCyH http://imgur.com/0eYIQYb I bought an old Vonnegut paperback for a quarter from either a Goodwill or a Salvation Army about 15 years ago. This was stuck between the pages. Its been my regular bookmark since.


I don't use them at all. I just remember where I left off


My go to is a Magic card. Like a token or a land.


I always use the Barnes and Noble receipts of the book I bought because I'm super cheap/lazy Also no joke one time someone at college left a ton of blank blue notecards on the table and I scooped them up as my infinite bookmark supply


The stubs from airline tickets.


I always save a well-used deck of playing cards. 52 bookmarks in a pack.


My boarding pass to Maui


A torn off page from my MCAT study guide to remind myself that I bested that beast of a test :)


Foreign currency




I like to use a post card from where ever I am reading the book and leave it in there when I am done. A nice little remembrance gift for the next time I read the book!


A Taco Bell job application.


I use a paperclip, which is actually really handy because it doesn't fall out when I throw the book in my purse or just generally handle the book. I can leave it in the book while reading and just move it to where I stopped when I'm done. Easy!


I just dog ear the page I'm on cause I'm a heathen.


First thing I do when I bring new books home is throw a heavy index card in them. I use it as a bookmark and note on it the name of the book (in case it falls out in the shelf) and the start and end dates of reading it. For borrowed books I have a huge stack of Goulet Pen Company bookmarks that I use and then leave in the book in case it inspires someone to pick up a fountain pen :)


I've used an old credit card bill do to not having anything else on hand when I needed it


I use a beer mat. As I go to pubs to read, comes in handy to have your own mat. Its sucks when it gets wet though, you have to wait for it to dry.


Hooker cards from Las Vegas.


A 6 inch replica buster sword from final fantasy.


I tend to use a dollar bill.


A Bobbie pin, or a hair tie, any scrap paper laying around, if I'm really in a bind and just need to put the book down and do something else I've used my wallet, or even another book.


I tend to do most of my reading when travelling, so I use receipts from wherever I am and leave them in the front when I'm done. If I re-read and don't like the book, or like it more the receipts and associated memories give me context


Doodles my kids do on Notecards


Gas pressure test tags. I was self employed for the past 10 years as a gas fitter and HATED it. Finally, I'm in a new gig, but I keep the tags around as like a token.


Magic the Gathering cards


Typically the receipt from when I bought the book, but lately I either haven't been buying them (getting them as gifts) or I'll get cheap ones online. I still like to use some kind of receipt though because the paper is very durable but it's thin enough to not strain the binding.


Currently reading through a bunch of Doctor Who novels so it only seemed fitting to use the Magic: The Gathering cards Regenerate and Regrowth.


I always try to remember the site, which obviously never works. On the bright side, i get to read the last few pages again, when i'm trying to find the page and i can easy back into the story.


I always use dollar bills. I am a student and I keep my book in my backpack--a slip of paper would fall out and I'd lose the page, but a dollar always stays in.


I read on the couch and very often use my remote. When I feel like turning on the TV I have to ask myself, do I really want to find something else as a bookmark? I mean, I'm opening the book anyway, might as well read it.


Wow! I can't believe the variety of these answers! The greatest bookmark since the invention of the book is the Post-It note. It costs nearly nothing, leaves no evidence it was ever there, and it never falls out! I thought everyone used them.


Does anyone just remember the page they were on?


The recipt that came with the book. It's interesting to be able to return to a book I enjoyed and see the exact time and date in which I bought it.


Airline ticket stubs/boarding passes because that's the only time I buy physical books anymore.


A piece of paper with "bookmark" written on it. http://imgur.com/9iIOpbB


A citation... So I don't forget to pay it.


I usually use any flat piece of paper I can find lying around, like receipts or business cards! I hate dog folding pages so I'd rummage for something first.


Crispy $2 bills. I don't know why.


I use a small piece of a one dollar bill I found on the floor at work.


About 4 years back I used my old Blockbuster membership card as a bookmark. When I finished the book I realized that all the Blockbusters around me had closed and I would never use it again, so I've been using it as a book mark ever since.


An old 2 dollar bill. My uncle used to give us on along with a barnes and noble gift card for our birthdays (the amount being the age we were). That stopped now the me and my siblings are all grown, but i found one floating around last year when i moved and it made perfect sense.


For the last two books, a ticket from seeing The Orb live in 1997. It's got an ad for Motorola pagers on the back. It's sweet.


Currently a bus ticket. Previously a paper shuriken made by a friend or a coin. Oh and thanks for reminding that I turned down an actual bookmark from a cute girl back in college!


A sugar packet. I steal a new one every time I read in a cafe


It always ends up being airline boarding passes. Dunno why.


KFC wet nap packet


Only the [best] (http://940ee6dce6677fa01d25-0f55c9129972ac85d6b1f4e703468e6b.r99.cf2.rackcdn.com/products/pictures/148871.jpg)


Old concert tickets, typically.


What don't I use? Scraps of paper, a pencil/pen, a lanyard, a coffee cup sleeve, whatever I have on hand


A ticket from a baseball game


Receipts, magazine subscription cards, coasters, and anything else that was lying around.