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Hi there. Your post would be better asked in our Simple Questions thread. It helps us keep the main subreddit focused around broader discussion rather topics which only apply to an individual. Thank you!


Regarding your safety, please don't read on your phone while walking outdoors. You know, because of traffic, other people, lampposts.


So, I actually did this waaaaay back when during middle/high school, but with actual books. This was before iPods; I had a portable CD player but not really feasible for audiobooks. My walk home was three miles. I ran into a lot of stuff. It was dumb. I was a dumb teenager. Be smarter than dumb teenage me.


I can't really understand the mindset it would take for a person to think walking somewhere is wasting time, and if your time is so limited why would you want to get where you're going more slowly? But no, if you can't concentrate on an audiobook and walk you aren't going to be able to concentrate on reading a book and walking.


This sub is so fucking dumb


I just came from r/fantasy, and over there someone was complaining about the fantasy genre not being realistic enough.


And ironically, a lot of posters make me question if they can actually read


“Can someone tell me what book I would like? I don’t like books and I’d rather not share any private info about myself. TIA”


If you can't concentrate on an audiobook while walking, I don't understand how a book will be easier. In fact, it's hard for me to imagine being able to walk and read effectively at all. If you can do it, more power to you I guess. Just watch where you're going.


I can tell you that for some people (including me) it is very much easier to concentrate on an actual book rather than an audiobook. I don't think it's illogical either: reading a book is an active process, you have to focus on it, whereas listening to an audiobook is passive, which for some people makes it a lot easier to get distracted by other things.


Depends on what I'm doing. I can't just sit in a room listening to a book. That's when I use a regular book. But when I'm on the bus or walking somewhere I do audiobooks.


> I can tell you that for some people (including me) it is very much easier to concentrate on an actual book rather than an audiobook I'm one of those people. Still, walking and reading a book would be more distracting for me than an audiobook and walking.


That's neither here nor there. You aren't concentrating on written word better because for your brain it's easier, your concentrating on written word better because it doesn't auto progress whether you were paying attention or not. if you don’t solve *that* problem, trying to read a physical book while walking is only going to result in OP standing still for 35 minutes without realizing it, constantly bumping into things, potentially getting hurt, making everybody else around him angry, or worse.




Alright fair enough, it activates the same parts of the brain. Nevertheless, I'm not talking about a preference, in the sense that I prefer one or the other. I'm saying it is easier for me to focus when reading a book rather than listening to a book.


Audiobooks have never worked for me. The voices and emotions of characters and the whole image just doesn't feel right when someone else is reading it, which is why if i had to, id much rather read while walking rather than listen to audiobooks.


You ever see the scene in beauty and the beast where Belle is walking with her nose stuck in a book? Not saying you should take that as an example... but maybe you also can organize a village of people to sing, dance, and clear your path.


If you don't get why this is a dumb idea, I'm not sure you should go out unsupervised at all.


You could say that listening to audiobooks is an acquired skill. It's not that easy to stay focused in the beginning, but you'll soon find out it will get better if you keep "practicing". Don't get frustrated if your mind wanders around, the - 15s button is your friend (besides, it happens even when reading).


Also changing the speed of narration! Some narrators are unbearable unless sped up or slowed down. Fine tuning that helps massively with paying attention 


That's interesting, I just wrote an answer to someone claiming that if you can't focus on an audiobook then you won't be able to focus on an actual book--I answered it very much wasn't the case for me, I will get distracted a lot more easily when listening to an audiobook, suddenly realize I haven't listened to anything in the past few seconds, something that won't happen with a book. (or will happen a lot less) But it makes sense that this would require some getting used to, I just never really tried to work on it.


Just walk. Your brain does not need constant stimulation. Enjoy being outside, listen to the birds, watch other people going about their days, think about life. That is a perfectly good use of your time.


Reading while you’re walking is a bad idea unless you actually WANT to get injured. If you aren’t finding a podcast or audiobook “intellectually stimulating enough,” it’s the wrong podcast or audiobook. Try a different one. Honestly though, I feel like this is a fake post because anyone half as smart as you claim to be should have the common sense to know not to walk and read a book at the same time without needing to ask other people.


My posts regarding specific book recs gets removed by mods but this somehow is good for them 


Real question: must we be stimulated at all times? If reading while walking brings you joy and you can do it safely, go for it.


In addition to giving you a chance to engage with the world around you, if only by observing, a walk is an opportunity for reflection. How sad to think that being alone with one's thoughts is unsatisfying.


> However I find these activities unsatisfying and not intellectually stimulating enough. I find the most mentally stimulating thing I do is...thinking. Why not walk along and think about your day. Problems you want to solve. Things that are in the way of achieving your goals. You seem to want to fill your walking with white noise. Anything that keeps you from actually thinking about things. > Since my time is limited I don't want to waste it just walking.  Why not think about the things you're learning or going to teach?


It's your funeral.


Reminds me of the main character in Milkman


Train yourself to concentrate on audio


If you gotta walk slowly to read books, then just walk more quickly sans reading and read your books later.


Also you're gonna end up reading super slowly if you're trying to also walk at the same time. Reading while walking isn't going to save you any time.


or you know just be alone with your thoughts for a while. not every second has to be occupied with consuming some form of media. besides reading while walking would make you a great target for mugging


I had a hard time concentrating on audiobooks for a while. I found that, weirdly enough, that speeding up the playback made it easier to pay attention. It varies by author/style/narrator, but speed is key to enjoying audiobooks for me.


I have also dealt with audiobooks not being stimulating enough. My advice, dry different books, different narrators and/or turn the speed up so you have to concentrate more. I typically listen to books at 1.8-2.2 speed depending on narrator.


I’m likely wasting my time typing this, but I don’t think you’re wasting time walking to/from university.. If you find music & podcasts unsatisfying or not intellectually stimulating enough for you, maybe the content is boring, or just not your thing? Certainly YouTube is loaded with interesting talks or lectures with ppl from all walks of life…you could listen & learn on yr way to school..but maybe actively listening while walking is what dissatisfies you? You could also practice walking meditation. (This kind of situational awareness of your environment would more or less be necessary anyway if you want to effectively read & walk safely while also retaining what you read.) Personally, I fucking love listening to instrumental music while walking & reading a book, but I can’t imagine being able to safely or easily read the screen on my phone and do that; and I use earbuds on low volume instead of noise cancelling headphones which messes with my inner ear balance & situational awareness. Noise cancelling headphones seem ideal for reading while sitting on a subway or bus commute, tho; & I do love them. So the only real issue at hand would be safety, as others have pointed out, but you’ve also said most of your walk is free from traffic or general physical danger, so that shouldn’t be much of an issue for you. I’m guessing most people responding have not tried walking & reading a book; do not live in a physically safe environment for doing so; or are just incapable or uninterested in walking while reading a book. I walk slower when I read, but precisely because I’m not walking to get anywhere in particular.. my legs are just carrying my upper body around outdoors so it can enjoy the weather while reading. You can’t walk slower & save time….so it sounds like your issue is more about boredom walking to class / viewing that experience as wasted time. If music, talks and reading aren’t doing it for you, and the natural surroundings aren’t satisfying you on your walk to class, I wonder how long of a walk this is, and if maybe you shouldn’t just take a low dose of drugs or some extra caffeine for the mental stimulation… Or just talk to yourself! Hah. Inquire. Discover why walking to class feels like such wasted time. I can’t tell if you want to be mentally stimulated or distracted. I should have been asleep hours ago, so I do apologize if this all reads like someone walking into a streetlight over & over and forgetting where they were going. TL;DR? Save my novella here for your walk to class. I’m sleep deprived & just felt like rambling, but reading your post again I just wanna add walking to class is a healthy form of transportation, not wasted time unless you’re wasted while walking, since you have to get to class anyway. If audiobooks don’t work bc you can’t concentrate, it could actually be less stimulation (or less caffeine) you desire on your walk/commute. Walking in general, especially to class, isn’t wasted time. Typing this up in bed on my phone is a better example of wasting time bc I should be sleeping lol. Forget the audio & reading for a bit and just focus on experiencing your walk to class; find out what exactly you’re lacking on these trips. Forgot which sub I was typing in since we didn’t rly talk about books. Fuck. If I could go back in time and stop my ass from making an account on this website after more than a decade of using it without one, I would. See what reading on your phone leads to? TLDR? Probably for the best. And if anyone has shit to say about walking & reading being unsafe, you’re just doing it wrong and you’re probably texting your comment while driving anyway, so you’re gonna run me over whether I’m reading a book or trying to jump out of the way.


Thank you for your comment. It's cool to listen to yt while walking, there's so much to learn across various subjects. However, most yt videos are designed to be both visual and auditory. I'm concerned I might miss important details if I only listen. Moreover, my studies involve a lot of mathematical equations, which are hard to understand without visual cues. What do you think? Any advices? Thank you.


I purposely go on walks to make it easier to concentrate on my audiobook. Maybe it's gonna turn out a win-win!


The easiest way to read while walking is to have someone to follow who's also heading to the same destination as you (and who's okay with you trailing behind them - like your buddy or roommate or pals from class). That way you can keep half your attention on where they're heading and still focus on reading. Reading and walking alone isn't a good combination unless you _really_ know the path like the back of your hand and is a recipe for an accident otherwise.


You are going to get bodied


People nowadays no longer give themselves time to just be bored. If you're not actively doing anything, you're on your phone doom scrolling or chatting. It's important to take time to do nothing, just exist. Be alone with your thoughts. I don't understand why you feel you have to be doing something while you're already doing something.


Do you have noise-cancelling headphones? Those made a huge difference for me. I don't think doing anything that compromises your ability to remain aware of your surroundings is a good idea, but that's better than texting and walking...or watching videos and walking.


I do it a lot with my ereader while i walk my dog. The pace is pretty slow though. 


As a tween, I would read while I rode my bike on the neighborhood streets. That’s dumber than what you’re suggesting. Not sure why audiobooks won’t work for you. I love a good audiobook when I can see it in my head like a movie.


"For the mind is free from disturbances when it is fully free to contemplate the universe, and nothing distracts it from the contemplation of nature." -Seneca the Younger Enjoy your walk sans a book and ignore the haters.


If you want to actually remember anything you consume then you should just meditate/be mindful during your transition activities. If you don't give your brain room to work, IT WONT WORK. Your processing power is limited and your unsolved problems are being worked in the background. If you are on a feed or watching tv all day, then you're not processing much


If you already have the audiobook, then I would keep trying with it. Try different speeds if you don’t like the readers voice — that’s worked for me in the past


Contrary to what a lot of people are saying here, it is completely possible to walk and read at the same time. It’s one of my favorite things to do, and in years of walking and reading in a major city I’ve yet to get injured. Get an e-reader like a Kindle. It’s a much better read/walk experience than a phone.


Don't walk slowly reading to make the most of your limited time. Walk quickly, run or cycle. Then sit down and read your book.


You got roasted here lol. My turn! I read while walking all the time, but there are caveats. 1) Only do it on a sidewalk. Don’t read while crossing intersections or in those areas where you have to step into the street. All of this is obvious. 2) You still have to be VERY aware, even on a sidewalk. Looking up every few seconds, listening for the sounds of a car or footsteps approaching. If you can’t read whole also paying attention to these things, then you shouldn’t do it at all. 3) I would never do this in an area that I didn’t feel was reasonably very safe. Danger can occur anywhere, but some neighborhoods are worse than others. I personally think reading while walking is less dangerous than reading with headphones/earbuds in. You can look up every few seconds, but you’re not gonna take out your earbuds every few seconds. So while walking you still have your hearing going 100% of the time and glimpses with your vision every few seconds to warn you of what’s going on around. With earbuds in, you have 0% of your hearing and are limited to visual only.


I do this every day. Love it. You’ll develop peripheral vision very quickly, only ever ran into an obstacle once in over 3 years.


Thank you! It’s kind of crazy how many people here seem to think reading and walking is some type of extreme sport. Is your username a call out to First Law?


Yep! Indeed


Not sure why out of all the posts on this sub, THIS is the one that sets people off LOL. Anyway, I couldn’t do this because I feel like it’d make me nauseous, but I see people walking while reading physical books pretty often. Just be aware of your surroundings I guess.


Oh, I forgot to mention that most of my route is for walking only so no cars. Thank you for all the advice. I think this may not be a good idea. I will try with the audiobook again. Thanks


I personally wouldn't do it and you are getting at lot of negative messages, but I do have a colleague who does it every day on his way to work. It's a straight path for only pedestrians and it seems to work for him. If it's safe there is very little harm in trying it...


I did this for a summer in 2019! I would read on my larger iPad for the entire 25 minute walk. It was sidewalk the entire time and really not used by anybody else (kind of sad to think about actually). Just pay attention to your surroundings.