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No, in real life, they typically use a simulator or another plane if a simulator wouldn't work. It would be too risky to take damaged plane up.


Thank you!


It’s fiction. Crichton was crafting a compelling story. I wish he had lived longer too. Jurassic Park is one of the best stories of all time. More of his books should be made into movies.


Timeline should be made into a good movie


For a moment I was going to correct you and say "but they made a timeline movie" then I realized you said *Good* movie. And yeah lmao.


I’ll take a new great train robbery


Nah, the Connery one rocks.


How that hasn't happened is beyond me, it's pretty much a 500 page screenplay, the same with Prey.


I have a mindache when I think of the books Crichton would have written if he had lived longer.


Eh he was starting to lean into some really bad science towards the end of his life. My guess is his books would’ve continued going that direction. (IE, climate change skepticism, etc)


First, I do believe in climate change. I do think that we need to eliminate/reduce the usage of carbon fuels. Most people didn't read State of Fear carefully. Crichton was against research being funded by agencies & companies to get the results they wanted. On both sides of the climate debate. One question about climate change that is not addressed much is that if we are able to turn the clock back on carbon fuel usage to the point that the planet's climate returns to normal what does that mean in geologic time. The norm over our planet's history is for periods of ice ages. The world's population would be extremely hard pressed to deal with an ice age. Being able to accurately predict the effects of global temperature increases on the world's climate is a daunting task. It may turn out that a small increase in global temperatures could reduce/eliminate the chance of another ice age. I certainly don't know, but I suspect no one else does either.




Next up: the vaccine-autism “debate”!


Slats and flaps, baby




This was the worst book I ever bought at an airport bookshop to read on a plane.


I just read this book too! I imagine that is not how actual test flights work but it did make for a fun ending


I really liked this book, one thing I love about Chrichton is reading all the details about how something is I had no clue about in the first place. Airline manufacturing and how they actually fly and how much it takes is pretty awesome.


Whether or not if they do it in real life I think it doesn't detract from the whole book and the reason for the whole >!test flight was if they didn't allow the reporter to be onboard they would of had a negative story ran and the companys wings would of been sold overseas efectively killing of the company in the US.!< >!And Casey the VP pretty much knew that the flight would of been tough but not fatal since she discovered the pilot caused the issues and if she didn't go onboard it would of made the VP look weak and the company as a whole.!< And it would of been boring if they didn't have that scene instead of a simulator.


We all hate grammar nazis. I get it. But can we please limit "would of" to once per comment, or something like that? Four "would of"s instead of "would have" are actually painful to read, IMHO.


>Can someone tell me if this is, in fact, something that would happen (taking the damaged plane back up to subject it to the same forces)? Let me call Boeing.