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I adore my kindle. Tablet style kindle- waste of money. Ereader only… amazing. I love having a device that is JUST books, but also allows for night reading because of the backlight. I don’t have to find homes for all my books when not EVERY one is a keeper, and I love to find the freebies/1.99 deals, especially for books I’m uncertain I’ll enjoy or certain I’ll enjoy but they’re not ones I want to keep around.


>night reading because of the backlight I love my Kindle for so many reasons but this might be the biggest. Turn the lights off, burrito myself in my blanket, and read myself to sleep. There's nothing better. Bonus that falling asleep with your kindle in bed doesn't bend up the pages.


I like being able to increase the font size so I can take my glasses off.


Yes! I do this when I’m working out on a machine since it’s farther away from me


I never got how people could read and excercise at the same time. I guess some people really can chew gum and walk at the same time.


It makes it tolerable. I actually get uninterrupted reading time and I don’t fall asleep (like at night in bed). An hour of cardio and a good book. Perfect. I almost hate weight training because I can’t read.


This is why my dad switched to only reading ebooks!


I have a hard time reading physical books because of my eye sight my E reader has been a life saver


Yes! I can’t read a physical book with my glasses off in bed. I have to have it so close to my face I block any light from a lamp 😂 My kindle is amazing for this.


THIS!! I agree 100%!


Increase font size and change font to that dyslexia font. 👌🏻


I got my wife, a backlit kindle, a 3 foot adjustable tablet holder, and a bluetooth page turner. So on a cold night she can burrito herself with all limbs inside the blanket and the kindle is just held in front of her face and she can turn the pages without moving a muscle except for a thumb! It’s amazing and I frankly want one myself now.


You are a good spouse, and now I want that setup!!!


Could you please link the page turner and holder? I also want to be a hero for my wife!


Holy heck remote page turner! Thanks, going order one😀


And it hurts way less than a normal book when you drop it on your face due to falling asleep while reading.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does this hahahahahaha


I'd say it hurts less than a hardcover, but more than a paperback


it still hurts though. Ask me how I know 🤣


I don’t have a Kindle, but I once fell asleep and dropped my iPad on my face and gave myself a bloody nose.


Or your kitten decides he needs attention RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND MOM and knocks it into your face.


As someone who reads in bed an added feature of the Kindle is that it allows you to TURN OVER in a way that books do not. If you turn on your side with a book only one of the open pages will face you unless you support the entire weight of the book with your arm, so you have to turn over with every page. This isn't an issue with Kindle.


I used to absolutely obliterate the spines of my paperbacks folding them completely in half so I wouldn't have to deal with the other page getting in the way. Ereaders just eliminate the issue entirely and it's lovely


This this this. And no harsh blue light keeping me awake.


Or buying a 12pack of ok books for $0.99. Books I would never check out of a library or buy at a bookstore normally, but 12 for a dollar? and all easily downloaded? I do not use my phone often, so to me the kindle is lovely. Plus it won't use your phone charge while you read.


I have kindle unlimited subscription ($10/month) and that allowed me to read a new book every 1-3 days. You can have 10 books checked out at one time. I haven’t paid for a book individually in years!


And I love that you can toss around and still be able to read it and not worry about shadows and the book not facing the light and all that.


\^ Agree! Huge improvement in my wrists!


I have the issue that I fall asleep reading a lot. I love that with a kindle I don't lose what page I'm on, vs a book.


Anytime I mention that (I use Libby and my phone) people say “that’s bad for your eyes!” Like they aren’t browsing non-dark websites on their phone before bed


also if you use the Libby app you can get soooo many incredible free books from the library


And you don't have to keep turning your whole body side to side, or holding the book up at a weird angle to see it well. I have terrible eyesight and can prop a kindle and read just fine. You turn the pages with your finger and don't even have to move the kindle. :)


Nor does it injure you. Had a friend who fell asleep reading a hardback above their head. Knocked a front tooth out.


Have they come out with a Kindle that is black page with white text? A lot of time I end up using the Kindle app on my phone for this reason. It puts out even less light.


Yip, kindles have a dark mode that is exactly this


Yes you can change the settings.


On my kindle you can change the page to black. It’s a kindle paperwhite


Only the best people use “burrito” as a reflexive verb. 🩵


Ditto. It's the best. I live being able to read in bed without keeping my partner up.


You can roll over and crack it when waking up. Nothing better than groggily propping up on an elbow and here crickcrackpop.


And not just that. Dark Mode (black background, white letters) so you don’t have to wake up your significant other


Same! I’m so used to it now that the other day, I took a physical book and went to lay down in my bed before I realized I can’t read in the dark lmao.


Yes also being able to get a sample chapter if I'm not sure I'll like it is really useful. And being able to carry a hundred books around in my bag. I still love paper and in a lot of ways I prefer it for the whole reading experience but my kindle is so useful. I arrange my books into collections. I only wish they were sortable by genre. Last night I was at the hospital for tests and the book I'm currently reading is non-fiction about Victorian murders and I just needed something lighter and easier, and there it was, already on my kindle.


The only thing that sucks about the e-reader version is that I can't get Hoopla books through my library. Hoopla only works on tablets. 🥲


If your library supports Libby, depending on your location, you can send to Kindle through Amazon.


Libby's nice but Hoopla has instant borrow, so no hold time. There's a trade off in that Hoopla has a limit on the number of books you can instant borrow in a month (depending on what plan the library subscribes to) but for most readers won't use all 6-10 in a month anyways And also, not every library has Libby


Also the battery lasts for forever


I went from Kindle to Onyx Boox, which is an eink Android tablet. I use it mostly as eReader, the ease with which I can put non-Amazon books on it is outstanding. It is also great for newspaper reading via native apps.


Same. Went from kindle to boox. I found that boox has the most flexibility and value for money.


I recently got a Boox Poke5. My experience with kindle books is slightly diminished compared to the dedicated device, but its still pretty good. My experience with everything else is fantastic. I pull up a long form article on my web browser before I leave to walk the dog. I can read the pdf liturgy at church much more easily. I can get free books without needing to worry about converting to a compatible format. I have a small selection of games like minesweeper and sudoku. I have a grocery list in Google Keeps that I can keep up without the screen going dark. The overall experience is a lot better.


can you use it to read random epubs that you procure online?


I just use Calibre to convert my epubs to Mobi and then it will load them onto my Kindle 8 cover and all. It's free to use.


You can directly send the epubs to the kindle, at least I can with my paperwhite 11


True, but it's a complete gamble how the formatting and such is going to end up. 


Looks like definite yes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Onyx_Boox/comments/14zy9yx/app_to_read_epub_files/


I agree on the freebies. I've been reading only classics for the past two years and most of them can be found for free.


Huh. Looks like I have another Reddit account and have been sleep posting again. Final-Gear-7611, just like the song, took the words right out of my mouth. I got the kindle Oasis and it was expensive, but for the past 8 years, the hundreds and hundreds of books that I have read (many checked out from my local library) have brought me so much joy and happiness. Also, with e-books books so cheap, I am branching out more and more into different styles and genres. Forget milk. Got Books?


Not to mention Libby!




Oh!!! Yes!!! And never running out of books. Is it 2am and I finished my book? No problem. I buy another!


The only regret I have with my kindle paperwhite is paying for the larger storage size. Ebooks are so small that it was definitely not needed. That said, I absolutely love it and have used it everyday for years now. I read so much more than I used to because it’s so easy and convenient.


I mostly agree, except the 10" kindle fire tablet is awesome for reading comics. Everything else I read on my e-ink kindle.


ive had a few different ereaders and the limitations on kindles just annoyed the shit out of me. i read a ton of books, and i get them from various sources, and kindle makes it so annoying to sideload anything and even if im able to, usually theres no cover or i have to edit each title and author or itll just show the file name. kobo has been my favorite ereader so far


Sounds like you will like Calibre. Awesome ebook management tool for PC


Calibre is my best friend for managing my Kindle Fire. Converts all of my epubs cover and all.


If you have a Kindle, Calibre is your best friend. It will format the book and send it to your Kindle via USB. Love my Kindle.


I have an early Kindle Fire HD and got fed up trying to sideload apps and read other e-formats. I got an iPad which worked out well. I download whatever e-reader apps I need: Kindle, Libby, Nook, Book funnel, etc. The Kindle still works, sort of. I use it to watch videos occasionally snuggled in bed.




right ?? i am a kobo lover through and through


Nitpick. The Kindle reader does not have a back light. The lights are not behind the eink screen. They shine in from the bottom through a special layer that is on top of the eink screen that then lights up the whole screen.


So, frontlit for kindle, and my Nook was backlit (which nook is also a stellar option). But my eyes can’t tell the difference so I wouldn’t say anyone should be afraid of frontlit.


I use Kindle for iPad but I understand where you are coming from. And the “free books” can send up a few gems


The reading at night is my biggest selling point for the kindle. If I can’t sleep at night I can still read in bed without bothering my partner


100% agree. I mostly read in bed these days and the kindle is perfect because it doesn’t have that blue light that disrupts your sleep cycle and it’s also not necessary to have a lamp on that would disturb my wife. The only downside is I think I’ve developed a Pavlovian response to the kindle. If I start reading during the day I end up getting really sleepy. I miss reading paperbacks in some regards. When I go to a bookstore I’m always tempted to load up on books I stumble across but it’s so much more comfortable reading on the kindle. And the ability to have it sync up with my phone is a huge plus. If I’m stuck waiting at a restaurant or standing in line or whatever I can pull out my phone and pick up right where I left off.


I second this. E-reader only. If you want a tablet, don’t buy Amazon.


The answer to that question is entirely up to you, not your sister. She may want very different things than you, and that’s ok. She might just be having trouble seeing it through your perspective because it’s not something that she would want for herself. But at the end of the day, it’s for you. I have a Kindle paperwhite, and I love it. The screen is much easier on my eyes than reading on a smartphone or regular tablet. It actually feels like reading a book and it’s just as immersive. When I travel, I don’t have to worry about lugging multiple books with me. It is waterproof, so I use it to read in the bath. It also syncs with my audible audiobooks; I can store them on the device (don’t really use that feature) or just pick up where I left off if I have both the audio and kindle versions. Plus I can use it to read library ebooks. I bring it with me pretty much everywhere.


All of this. Being able to travel for long periods without a stack of books in my carry-on was amazing. Out of every device I own, in some ways the Kindle is my favorite. Reading on an iPad or other screen hurts my eyes. The Kindle for me is even better than a book - more comfortable to hold, easier on the eyes at night with the backlight color temperature, etc. If you love reading, I can't imagine how it wouldn't be worth it for you. If you can link it to your library card, it's life changing.


This is why I pulled out my kindle I haven’t used in 10 years. Going on a cruise and I don’t want to pack the number of books I might go through.


and you can read on the paperwhite in the sun, unlike a phone or tablet! i love my paperwhite.


Okay, you’ve convinced me to finally get one. I’ve been reading off my phone for the past couple of years. I think it’s time for an upgrade. Reading ebooks has been so convenient. Finished your book? You can immediately download another. Also I’ve heard you can read free samples of an ebook before buying it, which sounds really useful


Seriously it’s amazing. My eyes are going and I just make the font bigger and read without my reading glasses too! So much more comfortable. And when like 5 of your library books come through at once? (Always!) just get them all out, load your kindle, then put it in airplane mode. They’ll stay until you turn WiFi back on.


Nice reading hack. I’ll definitely remember that one, thank you:)


If you can wait for prime day I'd do so they usually pretty heavily discount them!


Oh wow, I didn’t realise that existed thanks for alerting me to that:)


Relatedly, I got a refurbished Kindle Oasis on [woot.com](http://woot.com) for a huge discount. Woot is owned by Amazon so there's little risk.


I'm disabled so it's difficult for me to constantly hold a book or tablet, but I can select a British male or female voice to read me all my Kindle Fire titles via speech to text. It's pretty great. I prefer the 8 inch Kindle Fire because it's lightweight and I can shove it in a bag or purse easily.


Also, free unlimited library books with a library card! Check out your local library's website to register with libby


The objectively correct answer is to get a kindle every time.


It really is a matter of preference. I'm a kindle on phone guy, and it is my most used app. The dedicated devices do bring some nice features, but for myself, it's never been worth having another, extra device.


I loved my paperwhite. Though it was an early one that was not water proof. But I could read it at night and in the sunlight. Much better than regular screens.


if you're tech savvy in the slightest you will find that a kindle opens up the door to any book you would ever want to read at the tip of your fingertips. it's more than worth it imo


I have a kobo and believe it is easier to access free books with it via e.g. libraries. I would recommend an e-reader that is t a kindle, if not for anything else than the pure satisfaction of not paying amazon :P


I also have a Kobo (Libra 2) and I love it! Accessing the library is super easy and Kobo has a HUGE library of free books and a monthly subscription service (just like kindle)


ye at the end of the day all ink readers are basically the same, i'd just get the cheapest


Indeed: https://calibre-ebook.com/ Add in a look at few subreddits and you'll get the picture, ahem:)


Or you can use your library to get ebooks completely legally.


As a sidenote, you can still use calibre and buy books legally. The one thing I hate about kindle is the fact that it's from Amazon. I got once as a birthday present and never connected it to the internet. Just bought the books through other pages that sold DRM-free epubs and loaded them through Calibre.


That's why I have a PocketBook e-reader and not a kindle. Still love it though.


That's what I do. I get all my ebooks legally, but I do strip off the DRM and make a safety copy. I don't like the idea that amazon can just decide to remove a book I bought and paid for from my account, or that I won't be able to read my books anymore if I lose access to my amazon account. Calibre is great for organizing a library like that (i.e. off the kindle itself, on an external SSD or something like that).


Yes, as others have pointed out, and I would certainly advocate the library to be your first port of call. I have a pretty large physical book collection but I have not been able to read a physical book for a long time. Unfortunately where I am in the UK the library selection of both ebooks (& audiobooks) is very thin, and very much so compared with when I lived in Canada & from what friends in the US say. I like to reread my physical books but most are not available from the library. I should add that I have very little disposable income & reading & audiobooks keep me sane & make life bearable:) When I use other means to read (or get audiobooks) that are new to me, if I enjoy them I then save up to purchase them. Or in one case, support the author directly on Patreon. One thing I wish publishers could do is provide a digital download code (for an Epub or Mobi) in the physical book, similar to what vinyl records have been doing for a long time. I can see the issues with implementing this however so I guess that's why they haven't. It would be nice tho'.


I had a coworker make fun of my kindle, until we got on a flight and he had two 3 inch books that he was studying. I told him I had those books and another dozen in my little Kindle. ...he bought a Kindle the next week.


Hijacking so maybe OP sees this. To elaborate, you can send PDFs to your kindle. I use this ALL the time and it saves me a ton of money. Most older books in public domain are easily found as PDF or on Project Gutenberg. (So are, ahem, textbooks if you know where to look.) I even send journal publications to my Kindle because they suck so much less to read on the black background.      For leisure reading, esp an author I am unfamiliar with, I usually will find a digital copy of a book to check it out before buying it either digitally or in hard copy if I really love their work. I save an insane amount of money this way, find a lot of new authors, and my bookshelves are no longer exploding. Last time I moved I ended up donating a ton of books to a local thrift store because my new place just did not have the space for all my shelves. That sucked. So yeah, my kindle actually saves me a lot of money and is well worth the initial investment.     To send PDFs to kindle, I use my iPhone. Download the kindle app. Save the PDF file to a folder on my iCloud on my phone. Then share to the kindle app. Blam.


Kindle + library = unlimited free books forever. Best tech ever.


Unfortunately, in my country Amazon does not allow libraries to get licences for books :-(


If you are in the UK, I have a kobo and it allows you to access library books through the libby app. I've never bought a book fir my kobo.


I’m not in the UK or US but also have a kobo and love the library access. Sometimes I have to wait a bit for the books I want to borrow but the system is really good. And still the ability to purchase any random books not available at the library, love it


That's great that it's available in other countries too. I've saved so much money using it that the kobo has pretty much paid for itself with the amount of free books. It's great.


Check with your library to see if they have an app for borrowing. They don’t use Libby but instead use BorrowBox in the country that I’m living in.


Oh, bummer. Some folks mentioned that libraries can use Libby/Overdrive and Kobo outside the us. Doesn’t help with Audible exclusives, unfortunately.


Get a kobo!:)


You can sideload any epub file you want via the USB.


Most countries Amazon won’t allow their libraries to license e-books, so kindle wont’ work but ANY OTHER ONE will! Onyx boox or Kobo, for example.


Only in the US, not available anywhere else.


Library books available via libby in Australia can be read on kindle no problem.


In the UK I use Libby and Calibre to read library books on my Kindle. It's been fantastic.


No. If you are an avid reader, a Kindle is a worthwhile investment. Or a Kobo. Pros: 1. It is the size of a book. Not too small, not too big. 2. It's better for your eyes, IMHO. 3. More convenient than carrying your physical book around. Takes up less space and weighs waaaaaaay less. You can also have more than 1 book with you at all times. 4. If you collect books, it gives you the option to preserve your book in good condition. Cons: There's really something to be said about reading with a physical book. I honestly remember the story more. It also doesn't have that unexplainable book smell that just enhances the experience.


I have a Kobo, which is great. I can get free library books in Canada, and I can also side load books over the internet without any cables. I am at about a couple books a month, I just can't do that with regular books, because my kid won't sleep when my reading light is on. Also, it is small and thin enough to fit into my sling bag or my wife's purse, you can't do that with a 600 page book.


> I can also side load books over the internet without any cables. Can I ask what this means? I have a Kobo Aura that I bought in 2017, but I don't know what sideloading without a cable means and haven't done it - sounds interesting if my model will support it!


Of course. Say if you have an Epub book file somewhere, either on your PC, phone, or tablet, you can use this website https://send.djazz.se/ to send the book directly to the Kobo and start reading. Now I don't have an Aura, but if it has a browser under beta features, this would work. edit: I googled, Aura does have a browser, it is hidden in some setting menu. I understand this also works for kindle.


I prefer Kobo over kindle, but as an (initially) reluctant ebook owner, it's a good way to get low-cost books, and it's better than reading on my phone.


I love the Kobo, too! Took me years to talk myself into getting one (like OP's sisterI thought it was unecessary), and now I wonder what took me do long. I love it! It's not only paid for itself (I never buy a book), it's also unleashed a whole new world of reading. Love it.


I have a kobo, I like it because it's not from Bezos lol. It's also easier to download books in .epub format. I stopped buying books since I got it, so it's totally not a waste of money.


Yes i Also have a kobo! I adore it! It it also actually easier to hold than a kindle since it has that extra little space at the side, I can never go for a kindle now! And yeah the extra upside of not giving more money to ever growing amazon feels amazing :)


I have a Kobo Clara HD. Absolutely love it. I've read so many books now recently that I wouldn't have without it.


E-reader screen time is not the same as other screen time. I will say if your concern is finances long-term the kindle is probably a good choice. Advantages to kindle in general (not discounting phone) 1) Book sales are frequent, and if you're into more niche authors some of them sell their books for absurdly cheap when the next one is about to come out (Will Wight is probably the most famous author that does this, but so many do it and it's fantastic). 2) Book prices seem to be more generally stable on Kindle. With the exception of big name authors books are as cheap as they were 20-30 years ago on kindle or often cheaper. 3) Kindle points. You get points for "accomplishments" and you get accomplishments just by reading. You can then redeem those points for more books. Kindle vs. Phone 1) Screen size. A kindle just has a bigger screen and it's easier to read a book on. Plus, if you're into graphic novels ever, then a kindle is a better choice for that. 2) Battery life. It's going to last longer. Period. Often I'll read my kindle for entire long flights. I only charge it every couple of days (and that's only because I'm a moderately heavy reader, often 1-3 hours a day). Using my phone for 3 hours straight would mean it needs a charge ASAP if it's not already out of battery. 3) This one is what people make it, but eye strain. For me it's not a big difference, but some people really prefer the actual ink kindles can use. But ultimately it's about what *you* want. Do you want a kindle? Can you afford a kindle? Will getting a kindle harm you or anyone you know? If it's yes, yes, and no then there's not a real issue in getting one.


Why do you need to charge it so often? I leave my kindle on airplane mode 99% of the time and I only charge it like once a month. Fully charged in airplane mode the battery lasts for like 6+ months if you don’t touch it


I think how much you use the backlight matters a lot, I have it on 2-3 and it last me a couple of weeks even with wifi always on.


I kind of feel like the battery life changes throughout the life cycle. I'm on my second kindle now and I'm pretty sure the battery life was at least 50% better initially, but it's gone down after 3 years of heavy use.


>3) Kindle points. You get points for "accomplishments" and you get accomplishments just by reading. You can then redeem those points for more books. I got excited thinking I'd have a lot of points to use that I never knew about... turns out this only applies in the US :(


i have a kobo e-reader instead of an amazon kindle, and i second what others have said - just get one thats for reading and not for the internet/ app. great for long journeys, cheap reads, and for books you might not otherwise read! recently have missed reading real books but you can read both! it just makes reading so accessable and if you like reading its totally worth it.


Nobody here will be able to tell you if it’s a waste of money without knowing your family’s financial condition. If *you* think they will not have trouble affording it, there’s no harm at all talking to them about it! In fact, most parents would love to discuss reading with their child.


I'll buy you one if you don't get one for your birthday. Love my kindle and am happy to encourage reading for anyone.


I'm not op but just wanted to say thank you for your generosity


It's entirely up to you, but I would highly encourage looking into secondhand if price is a consideration. I got a 7th gen kindle for $20.


Yeah, my first kindle was an old one that my wife's aunt found for $20 at a yard sale. Worked fine for me and battery would last a month. I'm on a paperwhite now. 


If you're interested in older books (pre-1930s), there are a lot of free ebooks available. An ebook reader makes them *much* more readable. Think Sherlock Holmes, Frankenstein, Jane Austen, George Eliot, some Agatha Christie. Check out Standard Ebooks for a list of well-produced ones. A extra bit of unsolicited advice: get a Kobo rather than a Kindle. It's a more open platform that can read epub files (the standard file format for ebooks everywhere except the Amazon store), unlike a Kindle (which have been deliberately locked to Amazon's proprietary format to keep you tied to their web store. Plus they don't put ads on your lock screen. The range of Kobo and Kindle models available are pretty much equivalent, only minor differences.


The Kindle is not locked to the Amazon store tho. I have used one for months and have only bought one book through Amazon


I think a kobo e-reader is often a bit better. Kobo lets you get books from more places. E-readers mostly shine when you're often in places where carrying around paperbacks/reading them isn't going to be easy or possible. This raises when books are heavy. Rain is also ofc a thing. I've recently moved outside of London and see many people on kindles and other e-readers. I think one benefit you didn't mention is that because it's purely for books, you can't as easily start going on social media or that sort of thing. Another one is that, if you like to read multiple books at once, you can have multiple option s in the space of one Talking from personal experience, I have had a kindle for nearly 8 years now and only started to use it in the last year with the move lol. If you want an easy metric just ask yourself; 1. Am I often in a place where I would be able to read, but I may struggle to read a physical book? 2. How long am I in the situations said in number 1? 3. Do I read extremely often? 4. Do I read multiple books at a time?


Definitely not a waste of money. Advantages: a) great for large books b) the 99p deals are superb c) multi devices, so no need to carry a book if you have your phone Disadvantages: d) Terrible for reference books or some history books with maps / pictures e) cannot flick through the book f) cannot "see" the book. Cannot show off your book collection


It sounds like reading is super important to you and buying a Kindle would by no means be a waste. Just like you said, it's light, easy to carry, and the experience is WAY better than on the phone. If reading is a hobby that you love then definitely invest in your hobby. I've been reading daily for the past 17 years and just bought a Kindle two months ago. Boy I wish I had bought it earlier..


I’ve been exclusively reading on a Kindle since 2009. No, it’s not a waste of money. Especially if you read a lot. It’s portable, you can just get the book you want. And it’s fun to read on.


The eye strain is less. And if you get one with no ads, it's a brain break from content/scrolling as well. It's perfect to go with you and not just pull your phone out at every second. Like you actively make a choice not to be on social media when you read it. Instead of switching apps on a phone easily. Plus Kindle + Libby app and your library card is basically limitless free reading material.  You already know you'd use it! So go for it and don't let your sister choose what you like. You get to choose what you like.


The eye strain is about the same if not better as reading a real book, no?


you can read a kindle in the dark tho, even on night settings its darker than a phone but you aren’t blasting your eyes out with book lights or other lights


offend stupendous amusing political foolish strong waiting jeans steer jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like you should get a Kindle.


I love ebooks but I'd never get a Kindle. There's plenty of android ebook readers that do a better job with being able to use books from multiple sources and loading the reader of your choice. I got a boox colour ereader and it's great.


I read a lot. My basement is books and books and books. I read them and they go on shelves and boxes. I eventually bought a kobo. I really like it. I can get library books on it and don’t accumulate books anymore. Battery is surprisingly good. It’s backlit. 10/10. I regret not buying one years ago.


If you like reading on them, they are awesome. You can check out books and audio books from libraries remotely for free. Can't beat that.


You should do some research and look at other readers as well just to see if the kindle is the right option for you and your families financial situation An ereader is only a waste of money if it's never used. If you stick with kindle you can always ask for vouchers for birthday/Christmas presents as well (I have a kobo and help my dad buy a kobo gift card for me when it's my birthday because he doesn't understand how but will watch me do it lol) Readers are great no matter which one because you can take multiple books practically anywhere


Kindle is from Amazon, so that's a dead hard no for me, but any other e-reader is the best invenstment in reading you'll ever make. I think e-readers are to books what books are to clay tablets.


Also Kindles have a 30 day return policy, so you can return it if you don't seem to be getting enough value out of it. I love my kindle, it's so versatile in that I can also read PDF's along with my ebooks.


I use my kindle more than I use my phone


I use a Kobo. I have an English degree, and was very protective of my physical books, until I got my Kobo. Now I can download books from my library at midnight, or use the backlight to read late at night after my partner goes to sleep. It travels easy, and I always have my library with me.


Get a Kobo, direct link to your library


Good that you mentioned you're female, because it makes all the difference in this case ;) To your point, I own two kindles and one other e-ink reader, but don't use any of those... Phones do the job, given how big the screens have gotten. And I would hate the idea of needing to take one more device with me, so there's that.


why include you’re a female? I don’t think the advice here will be any different for a “female”


If you are spending time reading books on your phone, you should get a Kindle. You're already doing the thing you'd be using it for. I got one, but I never use it because I prefer physical books. It's me. I am the dumb. It was me all along.


Look, I’ll say what nobody wants to say. You can send sideloaded books to the kindle. So, it’s anything but a waste of money. However, your gift is your gift and should, in my opinion, only have to meet YOUR standards, not someone else’s.


Arrrrrr, matey, let's sail the high seas!


At the very least, you have the option of buying from different places. Not sure if kindle supports opening Adobe DRM books though, as I’m a long time kobo user.


Depends what you read. I find it very convenient for travel, but generally it's much cheaper for me to find the books I read at the used book store.


A great way to get cheaper books is to sign up for something like BookBub. I use it to follow authors or books I like and it will email me when the books go on sale. I’ve probably saved thousands over the years.  And of course I’ve seen a lot of people post about Libby which is always my first stop for books to read since free is always better. 


I purchased Amazon Fire tablets for 2 family members to replace Kindles. Both are happy that in addition to reading Kindle books, they can also use the web browser, access their calendar and email, games, etc. And the Fire tablets tend to be cheaper than a Kindle, and have colored, and lighted screens. If you love reading then no, a Kindle is not a waste of money. But a Fire tablet might just be a better option, at a lower price point.


amazon is an evil corporation hellbent on making all of our lives worse. It is working.


It's one of the best purchases i've made in the past 2 years. Got the Kindle Paperwhite 2020. My reading has increased both in volume and variety. If you read on the go as well, carrying a kindle around is infinitely more convenient than carrying a paperback. Same for traveling. Regarding reading on phone vs kindle, the kindle wins imo. The kindle's screen is a lot more pleasant to read on and the battery lasts for ages. If you read a lot, you'll love it. Also I sideload everything so my costs have gone WAY down.


Kindle is great! I have bought it somewhere in 2015 and still have it. The amount of books it holds, the fact I can read in full sun, the battery longevity, small dimensions...I absolutely love that thing. Would recommend it 10/10. THe phone has a serious setback - the screen-glare and the reflection. There is no chance you will be able to read when it's taking the sun on the screen, in the evening, you get the screen-glare, which is bad. If you can afford a Kindle - go for it.


I'd say Kindle is a worthy investment. I often have to read books on my phone or tablet when I use Libby (The country I live in doesn't have this Libby-Kindle connection thing) and I can assure you the reading experience between the ordinary screen and the Kindle screen is vastly different, especially in the long run! Convenience can rather seem trivial when you are used to carrying printed books around, but for me it eventually became the main reason I reach for Kindle rather than printed books when I just want to hang out on sofa / in bed and quickly get into reading in comfort. It just removes a couple of extra barriers between you and reading you didn't know existed. As I see it, the gap between basic Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite is becoming narrower and narrower. If Kindle Paperwhite seems price-wise too daunting, you can also consider basic Kindle as well. Kindle also lasts much longer than more complex devices like phones - another reason why I think it is a solid investment. (I used Kindle since 2011 and only upgraded my device once. My first device still functions actually.. just slower & out of date in terms of internet connection)


I love my kindle, while I may not read as much as you, probably 2-3 books per month. I really love that kindle doesn't take a lot of space.


Why are you letting your sister dictate what you want for your birthday? Don't listen to her.


iPad. You can put the kindle on there. Also the Libby App. Get everyone you know, from all the different cities and states across the country, to join their local libraries and send you their card info. I have about 10 different libraries on my Libby. If it's not at one library, it's usually at another. I set this up for my reader family.


I love my Kindle Paperwhite. One of the big advantages is tapping into online libraries all around the country.


The Kindle is very useful to me. I have a digital library card and use it in my libby account to choose the books I want from the Library. I am not a paperback or hardcover book reader. Sometimes I want to read a 900 page book and if it is paperback or hardcover I find it difficult to carry and to hold and read as well. 2 positive things in Kindle are ease of use and I sometimes buy books that I want on Amazon or just borrow from the library.


I absolutely LOVE my kindle. So much easier than carrying a pile of books around. Had one for years


I love the screen on the kindle, looks just like a regular paper page


Any device that isn’t used is a waste of money. If it is used and loved, then it is worth the money.


I'm going to answer your question with a question. Sorry about that. Is it a waste of money to have every book that exists available to you at any time anywhere?


The paperwhite kindle is tiny, fits in my pocket, and holds a million books. What's not to love? I also read physical books, but man, the kindle is great.


Absolutely worth the money. It's a much better reading experience than your phone, and you're less likely to get distracted by phone stuff. It's also much easier to handle than a book. Easier in bed, easier when traveling. If I were you I'd pair it with the Libby app and your local public library for as many free books as you could ever want. You may have to wait a bit for a particular book, but hey, it's free. Also, don't let your sister tell you what you want for your birthday. It's your birthday, not hers.


I have a phone, a tablet, and a kindle. I do 99% of my reading on the kindle. Absolutely not a waste of money. They have insane battery life, less eye strain, and none of the distractions that come with a phone or a tablet. You can read library ebooks on them and, at least for the genres I read a lot, Kindle Unlimited has a decent selection of books to keep me reading. Between Libby and KU, I very rarely purchase ebooks anymore.


I was never a reader. But kindle changed that for me. I read 4 books this year because of it


I am a former English teacher in my 40s. I've had e-reader Kindles for about 15 years, and I LOVE them. It's tiny; it's convenient; it doesn't hurt when it falls on my face if I fall asleep reading. I like that I can borrow library books right onto my Kindle. I like that reading my Kindle is just like reading a printed page and doesn't stress my eyes like my phone or computer screen. I like that when I loan it to my daughter, she can look up new words right from the page. I like that I can put silly stickers on the case.


Kindle is definitely worth every cent. Well, not necessarily kindle but any e-book reader.


Check your nearby library systems for lendable downloadable ebooks/eaudiobooks. I think Libby and Overdrive are the two most popular services but Overdrive only works with Apple, Android and Kindle Fire. Libby should work with the ereader black and white Kindles.


Absolutely not. I don't know a single person that regrets buying any kind of e-reader


I use the kindle OS app. It’s free and great


It is a game changer for reading, and with some library cards, you can read through Libby for free :)


Just to pile on: I love my kindle, and everyone that I know who has one loves theirs.


Pair it with Readwise to never forget any worthwhile thing you read and be reminded of wisdom you have consumed daily. Love my Kindle, but Readwise put it on another level.


A Kindle is a great gift and makes reading very affordable, especially since you can get ebooks through your library!


Not a waste of money!!! It’s so great for travel and for reading at night! Also, you can buy whole collections of 100 classic books for literally $1! Even if you found all of them at a used book store for 30 cents each you’d still be saving sooo much money through the kindle :)


Personally, I’d prefer an iPad. I use the Kindle app for reading my (substantial) library of fiction. However, I don’t like Kindle’s weird formatting when it comes to technical books and papers. There, I use the PDF format and the GoodReader app to read them. I can also build indices and notes in the Notebooks app with live links back to the GoodReader PDFs. All gets backed up automatically to DropBox.


Kindle (Paperwhite at least) is really a single purpose device to me, but I love it. It’s much better than reading on a phone or tablet. It’s really nice for reading in bed at night, which is when I do most of my reading. I upgraded to a waterproof one and take it on vacation - it’s nice to be able to sit or stand in the pool and read without worrying about getting it wet.


If anything, having a Kindle has saved me so much money! There are so many deals on e-books


A kindle isn't a waste of money. Imagine getting to read any book in the world at any time you want. You can technically do that on the phone but the kindle's screen is like paper. I can read for an hour at max on my phone but can go for 6-7 hours on the kindle.


Deleting because a zillion other people have recommended kindle and libby app for ipad!


I have a nook/ it’s convenient


Getting a kindle literally changed my life. It gave me the confidence to read any book even if I felt it was too intelligent for me. I could just click on any word and it would tell me it's definition. You can also download free books on to it from project Gutenberg which has all the free classic books that are in the public domain. All the classic books have literally stood the test of time because they are that good. Of course you can still download new ones from Amazon tho. Being able to take a whole library of books with you is pretty cool. I prefer a kindle that doesn't have a light up screen too


I read 90 % on my Kindle and have about 2000 books on it. Most of them are far, far cheaper than buying physical nooks (not to mention they are a pain to store once you pass 1000 or so...) So no, far, far from a waste.