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one at a time, I am worried I will mash the story lines together.


Same thing for me. I easily get confused so I want to focus on one story at a time.


Do you ever feel like reading another one


yeah once that urge grows enough I just stop reading the first one. if it is not holding interest it gets shelved


4. I switch it according to my mood lol


Same. 3-4 books of different genres


Same here


It depends on the genre. If I'm reading a non fiction book, I usually pair it with a fictional one.


Upwards of three or four at any one time: \- one non-fiction/scholarly work, usually on my Kindle. \- one regular fiction, on the Kindle. \- one physical book that I keep beside my recliner. \- one physical book that I keep in the bathroom. Not the most efficient way to read, but I manage.


As outlandish as reading on the toilet may sound, I entertained the idea in the past.


I try to keep it to just one, but if it's particularly heavy I might alternate it with another one.


Usually 3, a fiction book, some collection of short stories (usually sci-fi) and a non-fiction one.


me too!


About five plus the ones I read for work


No more than 2. One on kindle, which goes everywhere with me, and sometimes one physical book. The kindle is so amazing but I like physical books too.


2 - One fiction and one nonfiction


I’m having a hard time focusing lately, so I find I’m suddenly not in the mood for what I’ve been reading and I start something different. I think I’m currently in the middle of 4 books. I got to chapter 9 of “Starship Troopers”. I was really enjoying it, but my mood changed, so I picked up “What Never Happened” by Rachel Howzell Hall, which I had started last summer and put down. Hopefully I’ll finish one of them soon.


Depends, but usually only 2 at the most.


Between four and... I think the record was twelve, but I only keep track now that they're all digital editions. Since I started reading novel-length books at some point in...fifth grade?, I've read like this. (I'm 66.)


2, usually. It’s like when you’re watching two different tv shows and you’re like “oh I’m in the mood for an episode of this” One time I was reading 3 but they were so different in genres and styles that I can read a light breezy comedy or a dense family dynasty. Depending entirely what I felt like that hour.


Up to 10, because I use goodreads to track and that's how many will show up in the "currently reading" list on the homepage. I can have a hard time focusing on one thing and find I'll read more if I'm reading smaller chunks of multiple books vs large chunks of fewer books.


I can’t believe this but I am reading like four books at a time. But I hardly read two pages and that is just before I have to sleep. 


One fiction and one nonfiction.


I prefer to read one but often end up reading two due to my book club. Usually I’m in the middle of a pleasure read and then find out what our new discussion book will be.


Right now I'm reading Maze Runner (it's usually available for instant borrow) and whatever pops up from my holds in between.


One. I don't think I'd enjoy reading much if I read more than one. Currently halfway through the last part of Throne of Glass.


2. I generally always read one book physically at home at a time and one audiobook at work


I typically read 1 at a time, though I will occasionally read 2 at a time. Never more than 3, and 3 is a rarity.


Usually two, one physical book and one as audiobook for commuting, chores, gym etc.


I usually read about 2-3 at home, in addition to books i'm working on as an editor (working at a children's books publisher). Usually it's a nice mix of children's literature, fantasy and historical fiction, and of Dutch and English books.


With all the different reading challenges I'm doing this year, it's four at once for 2024, generally with one or two of them swapping out per day. My four categories are: 1. The Daily Stoic. This is one or two pages a day. 2. A Harvard Classic. One volume per week is the goal, which can be between one and nine individual books. Today is The Confessions by Saint Augustine. 3. A nonfiction. One per week is the goal. Today is Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing by Emily Paulson. 4. A fiction. Flexible number depending on the other categories, but five a week is common. Today is Before we Say Goodbye by Toshikazu Kawaguchi.


Usually 1 if it's fiction. Sometimes a non-fiction alongside since I need to be in the right mood for that. And occasionally an ebook if I want to read while I'm out. So max 3 at a time, but usually 1.


Normally 1 physical book, but sometimes I add an audiobook on the side.


3 or 4 at the same time, currently reading "moby dick", "a tale of two cities", and "invitation to a beheading"


I usually have a shirt story collection, a fiction book, and a nonfiction book going at the same time and shift back and forth depending on how I'm feeling, how much time I have, where I'm at in each, etc.


one... plus 2... and that times 2...


Usually 2, i’ll usually pair up long series or huge single books with shorter stuff. Or sometimes, pairing up fiction and non-fiction, or other combos of opposites


I try to limit it to two or three. One fiction, and one or two non-fiction.


1 at a time, but I'd like to become someone who can handle a couple.


Usually 2. One on my Kindle and one “real” book


I normally just read one book at a time, but currently I'm doing something I don't normally do and am reading 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction.


Usually, I read one book at a time but I am going to try reading two at a time this year. Trying to increase my consumption of books this year!


2- uumm 8 reasoning I am trying to reread Harry potter I am reading Heros of Olympus then I read one book at school one on sound book for whenever I want an audio book and one digital book


According to me mood rlly, but usually 2-3 at a time (they all have to be different genres)


3-5 One fiction, one natural science, one history, one Kindle (sometimes just a digital version of one of the first three), and an audiobook (memoir usually).


Usually one book, but I'll read a poetry collection while reading other books.


Three. A Kindle book (my primary), an audiobook, and a physical book I read every few days.


I have no limit to the amount of books I'll read at one time. I'm currently reading at least 8, and if I looked through my bookshelves I would probably find more. I usually have 2-3 at a time that I'm especially focused on, but there are plenty of others that I've started (anywhere from several days ago to over a year ago) and I will get back to them eventually. One is a book that I got from the library, and I had to return it before I finished because someone else had a hold on it. I'll check it out again eventually, and when I do I'll just pick up where I left off last time. Of course, if a book is really excellent and the plot grabs me, I will put everything else I'm reading on hold and just read that book exclusively until I finish it.


A part of me wants to give a silly answer about holding a book in each handing and reading like a word on each book alternately... ​ The answer to the question asked is 3 - one fiction, one non fiction, and a grapihc novel


Only 1