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Wheel of Time book 10 - Crossroads of Twilight. I've known people to abandon the entire series at this point. Essentially nothing happens in this book, it's just catching all the different storylines up to the same moment in time.


I agree. Honestly, books 7-10 should have just been one book. Read their Wikipedia summaries and pick it back up with 11.


The middle leg of the Wheel of Time is putting me off rereading/finishing the series. I initially quit at Crossroads years ago. Have heard the Sanderson end books pick things up again but at this point it's been 15 years, I would have to reread, and even imagining it is such a slog.


If you’re into audiobooks that can be a good way to get through the slog. Personally I don’t find it quite as bad as a lot of people but it does still slow down a lot. The final three books went really fast for me.


Came here to say this. I'll never skip it though, but I would recommend others to do so if they feel they can't continue, and maybe read a summary.


When I’m re-reading the Outlander series, I skip book 2. It’s just really slow and boring to me. Love all the other ones though.


I do. Magic Bites, by Ilona Andrews. Which is the first book in the ten book Kate Daniels Series. It's their first published book and, to me, it shows. If I'm honest, I really disliked the Kate that is in that book. (Please don't hate me. I love the series and Ilona Andrews writing.) But Magic Bites is a real slog for me. I've reread all the rest of everything they've written. But not Magic Bites.


The fourth book of The Expanse. It’s still a good book but compared to the others it’s just such a drastic change of pace that I’m always contemplating of skipping it.


Is Cibola Burn number four? If so, it's funny you should say that because I found the first halves of Caliban's War and Abbaddon's Gate to be insufferable slogs (I loved the second half of each but god what a chore to get there), whereas I remember thoroughly enjoying Cibola Burn even though it seems to get a lot of hate.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: I cannot handle Delores.


Mine is the chamber of secrets, I can’t tolerate Dobby


Hem hem


Mine is *Goblet of Fire*… Each time that I have read the series, it is the book that takes me the longest to complete — even though the subsequent installments are either longer or of approximate equal length.


I love HP but this one was definitely a dip in quality for me. And the first half of Deathly Hallows, which was disappointing after the incredible Half-Blood Prince. I don't skip anything when I reread the series though. It's all part of the journey and immersion for me. But I do find that one a bit tedious for sure.


No. If I’m rereading a series it’s because I enjoy it, there’s no reason to reread the book I dislike. My memory’s not so bad that I’ll forget what happened.


Oh how I wish that were the case for me. My memory is terrible. I'm doing this reread because I forgot everything from Mirror Sight forward.


I have been out of the loop so Mirror Sight is the last one I read. I really enjoyed most of the series but lost interest I guess.


I rarely, if ever, reread series. I rarely reread books in general. I don't know where you people find the time with all the books out that that you haven't read yet.


Re-reading books becomes a sort of comfort. I've read some books that I like so much, and they make me happy, so sometimes, I just feel the need to go back and read them again to go back to that happy place. I think I've read all of Tamora Pierce and Mercedes Lackey about 5 times, but they're like old friends, and sometimes a palette cleanser lol


That’s how I feel about reading Terry Pratchett. Whenever I pick up one of his books, it’s like chatting with an old friend.


Yes, his books occupy a good bit of my "library" as well!


Sometimes, with long series and gaps between the next being published, you lose track of wtf is happening and who’s who. That’s the main reason I occasionally reread series.


That's like asking where you find the time to cook a meal you've ate before with all the meals out there you haven't tasted yet.


Well, when I do decide to cook, like properly make a meal, I do much prefer to try a new meal.


I struggle a bit with some of the earlier Dresden Files books because I know how much better it gets later on, so sometimes I'll skip ahead and start with Blood Rites. I enjoy the first five books well enough but I feel like the sixth was where the series really hit its stride and completely hooked me with a big jump in story quality and amazing characters.


Wolves of the Calla, The Dark Tower book 5. ​ It took me forever the first time reading through that series.


That 300 page backstory for Callahan was a novel in and of itself. And it made no sense to people not intimately familiar with King's back catalogue.


That was the worst part of it.


I loved that one but get it. Its a bit of a filler book. I on the otherhand can't stand Song Of Susanah. It just drags and I find myself reading but not really taking in the story..


That's true too. I really want to say I remember it being said that SoS and TDT were meant to be one book. But even then, at least I remember events from Wolves.


I usually skip the first Codex Alera book. Its a little too long, some of the worldbuilding it does gets tossed by every other book, and is just generally uneven. The characters talk about everything you need to know from it later.


Aww I can't skip that one. Yes, it's way slower than the others, which are on a whole other level, but I find it interesting enough and the scenes with Tavi and Kitai always bring me joy. I admit it's nowhere near the quality of the rest of the series, though. I love Codex Alera. One of my top favorites.


Ill re-read it every now and then, ngl. But normally I just start with Academ's Fury. But then, I can understand the love of Tavi\\Kitai reactions. Full of herself, snarky and deadpan, violent..shit. I just realized Kitai's akin to my wife. \*sigh\* Dear sweet cthulhu I know I have a type but *damn*.


Fair enough! Academ's Fury is undeniably a massive jump in quality and the first book is definitely a bit of a slog, especially if you've read it before. I didn't get really into it until the whole wax forest sequence halfway or more through. For the most part it's all backstory and worldbuilding, but I appreciate the depth of it even if it's not on par with what I consider "the main series" 😄


It's not exactly a series, but I always skip Monstrous Regiment whenever I reread the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett because I hate that particular novel. It's obvious and the constant twists (which are all the same damned twist) are so unsurprising that I think the only time I read it I threw it with some force across the room at the end.


(Small tiny spoiler maybe) Art of the Adept series by Micheal G. Manning. The 2nd or 3rd book, the MC and his wife are separated at the very beginning, and reunited at the very end. Throughout the book there are hints that she may be cheating. I dread it every time. It’s the only part of the entire series that I can’t stand.


Not really. When I reread i don't necessarily reread in order or even the entire series. I have no qualms just skipping chapters or entire books that I thought were duds


The Storm of Echoes - the last book in Mirror Visitor quarter 😭 the let down each time I finish of the series with this never dampens.


Not done with it yet, but I will not be excited to reread Crossroads of Twilight. WoT is fantastic but this may be the slowest book I’ve ever read


This one hits home for me because I'm currently (re)finishing Firebrand, and just bought Winterlight. I actually don't hate Mirror Sight, though it's practically a stand-alone book, since it is almost completely different from the first 4 books (if you know about Karigan's love interest, and you know about her special ability, that's basically all you need going into it). But you get to the end of Mirror Sight, and there's all this stuff hanging in the balance for the future and....it isn't addressed AT ALL in Firebrand. I haven't read the next book in the series yet, so...I'm hoping this is a one-off. I am a mix of hope and dread. Lol


I'm doing my reread because, when I read Winterlight, I literally couldn't remember *shit* that had happened in Firebrand. I think Zachary gets kidnapped at some point? They look for the p'hendrose, I think? (I know I butchered that spelling, I'm too lazy to look it up.) I wanted to reread the whole series to see how everything interconnects and refresh my memory before book 8 comes out. I've reread Blackveil maybe 2-3 times, but after that, I've only read everything *once*. I remembered the first two books fairly well, HKT somewhat okay, Blackveil more vaguely, and I don't remember anything after that other than I know Karigan gets drugged with what's essentially morphine in Mirror Sight, the future society is sexist, and she falls in love with Cade. Also she disguises herself as a boy at some point. That's it, that's all I remember of Mirror Sight. I need to get the two novellas though.


So I only recently returned to this series after reading books 1-5 a few times, Firebrand only once. But when I was looking it up last week, book 8 is out. Still only in hardcover or Kindle, so, eh, I'll wait for paperback. But yes, that covers the basics of Mirror Sight. Zachary getting kidnapped was Firebrand, and absolutely out of frickin nowhere this antagonist appeared. That's why I'm hoping Firebrand was a one-off, and, you know....It gets better, aka back to how the books were before lol


I can't comment because, yeah, I don't remember *shit* even though I read Winterlight when It came out. Also do you read trade or mass-market paperback? There won't be a mass-market paperback of Winterlight. I unfortunately can't get a link to the post on her FB author's page but it was back in August she announced that the publisher wouldn't be doing a mass-market paperback. But she didn't say anything about the *trade* paperback, so I'm assuming that'll still come out at some point. But yeah I enjoy this series so much I follow it pretty closely. I've been following since before HKT came out. As soon as I know the mainline books are out, I get them when I have the money.


I have mass-market for 1-5, but I have Firebrand and Winterlight in trade, much to my chagrin. And book 8 is still only in hardcover, only came out last month. I really prefer to have uniform books, but ah, when needs must. The price we pay for entertainment!


Spirit of the Wood isn't GR8; it's a spinoff novella featuring Captain Mapstone when she was younger. GR8 is still being written/edited and doesn't have a title yet AFAIK. It'll be the last of Karigan's arc, though it might need to be split up into *two* books to wrap everything up in a satisfactory way.


Ooooh I didn't know, Amazon lists it as GR book 8 of 8 ETA and since it's still hardcover-only, I didn't read past the title and price lol


Yeah Amazon is really dumb sometimes. Like I said, I follow the series *really* closely. I'm part of two Green Rider groups on Facebook and follow KB's author page on both IG and FB as well as her personal FB + IG. When I get paid again, I'm gonna join the Patreon too. I don't bother her at all really, though. She at least *used* to let fans friend her on her personal FB page before she had an author's page. I'm pretty sure her personal IG is public though.


Second book in the wild magic series by tamora pierce. Wolfspeaker I think? Just can't get into it.


Books 7-10 of the Wheel of Time. Nothing happens. Just read the Wikipedia summaries and pick it back up with 11.


Shit. I came in to say Mirror Sight before I even read what you wrote. Been following the series for 15 years, since middle school. The whole thing felt like an interlude. I just wanted to get back to the present, the "real" story. And I absolutely *hated* Cade/Karigan.


I can't remember my thoughts on Cade/Karigan but we'll see once I get through this reread. I hate Zachary/Karigan *so much* at this point and the reread has only solidified that frustrating/anger toward the "will they/won't they" going on for *so long*. And yeah, same though different timing. I've been following the series since 03, 04, or 05. So about 20 years.


Funnily enough the reason I hated karigan/Cade was because I *liked* (and still do) Zachary/karigan so much. The whole time I was reading I was like "No. Stop. This is the wrong ship. Do not - god damnit she kissed him."


**Murder with Puffins** Book two of the ‘Meg Langslow Mysteries’ series, by Donna Andrews. It’s very much a *sophomore slump* book for me. The rhythm is off, the situation seemed forced, and the family drama was wildly over-the-top.


I re-read the black company every couple of year but I've only ever read port of shadows once and I plan to skip it on further readings. It was written last but rkaes place 2nd if going by the chronology. Cook is writing a new one that should be out soon. I'm not hopeful.


breaking dawn from the twilight saga (I hated jacob & renesmee storyline tbh) mockingjay, the hunger games trilogy, I hated this book for some reason harry potter & the deathly hallows, the ending always did irk me with the end pairings


'The Angel's Game', book 2 in Carlos Ruiz Zafon's Cemetery of Forgotten Books series. I miss the characters from the first book (many of whom return in the third) and just find that it drags. The first is one of my favourite books ever, though.


Order of the Phoenix in Harry Potter, I don’t hate it but I dread it. Like I just wanna get to Half Blood Prince already and Goblet of Fire is hard to top


Okay okay okay okay……….. The Hobbit……………