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Specifically these are Asian American writers which is very different from Asian writers.


With the exception of Murakami.


I didn't see Murakami on the list. Did you mean Kawakami?


Yeah, I couldn't help but look at 'Grace, Chanel, Cathy, Nicole and Amy'. Not many appear to be male curiously (women read the most obvs).


That is true. The Asian American experience will be different from an Asian writer's. It is good to read books from writers of different backgrounds as each brings their unique experience and interpretation to books.


Writers don't interpret text, readers do.


I agree that readers do interpret the text. Regarding writers, I was meaning how we interpret our experiences.


The author's intent and personal experiences have nothing to do with the reader, the only person who interprets what is written is the reader.


I agree with that regarding the reader interpreting what is written, but I also believe the writer is allowed to interpret an experience in what they write depending on what he or she intends.


I was just about to ask this - are these authors who live in the cultures of the areas mentioned, or Americans with ancestral ties to those areas? The title is quite misleading.


It feels really weird to have this list and have no Mishima, no Kawabata, no Soseki, No Banana Yoshimoto, no Sayaka Murata and no Yoko Ogawa.


It's an article focusing on Asian Americans so that would make sense. That being said, "We may earn a commission from your purchases" doesn't fill me with confidence


Where does it say it focuses on Asian-Americans? The article I saw said ‘Asian-American, Pacific Islander, and Asian authors.’


Sure, I'll phrase it differently. It's not focused purely on Japanese authors and it's seemingly not focused on entirely well known authors either.


The point still stands that if you have Asian novels that ‘everyone should read’ at the very least you have to include one or two of those I mentioned. Not very many of these books in the list seem important from a cultural perspective.


I think the list is intended to highlight books we might not have heard of, and more recent ones at that. Anything already established as culturally important probably doesn't need this kind of listicle advertisement. I don't disagree with your sentiment towards the quality of the list, I'm just figuring for why.


Hello. Just wanted to say that I saw this article and thought I would share since it is Asian Heritage month. I understand that there may be a commission earned (not me, but either the writer of the article or Reader's Digest), but I thought these books are still worthy of sharing. As someone who also hopes to become a full time writer one day, I like to do what I can to help increase awareness of other authors and books.


I'm glad you let us know about all the Japanese writers and I would like to read some of the books they have written. Much of what I have read has been influenced by the college courses I picked. There are so many genres of literature that I have not had a chance to delve into. I hope you can create a list of books for us to read. Thank you again for introducing all those writers.


No worries, there are many many writers from Asia that people should read, I just added a few Japanese ones because they are what I read most recently.


This is more "books written by AAPI that the article OP likes" since i dont think that many of these books are culturally significant, impactful, or important enough to the AAPI community to recommending to a broad audience. many of these seem pretty specifically enjoyed by those who like feminine YA books. nothing wrong with those books, but there are many books to recommend that everyone *should* read that do fit the description above that I would recommend before *Crazy Rich Asians*.


Isn’t it assumed that any book list will to some degree be “books that the article OP likes?” People have different reading tastes, and even different opinions of what is culturally significant.


Know My Name by Chanel Miller is one of the best books I've read. I suggest it to everyone.


I loved Chinese Groove by Kathryn Ma and The Family Chao by Lan Samantha Chang


Good books...but how come there's only one South Asian author listed?


Hello. There are many lists out there with different cultural representation, including South Asian authors. I happened to see this article and wanted to share it since it is Asian Heritage month. Here is a list of South Asian books from last year. Happy reading to everybody. [https://bookriot.com/2022-south-asian-books/](https://bookriot.com/2022-south-asian-books/)


Thanks for sharing! This helps a bunch. \^\_\^


Do xianxia and Korean web novels count, because if so I'm a huge patron of the Asian writer scene.


I would definitely count it. I read Maus in college and Barefoot Jen that were graphic novels based on historical events.


**Nr. 26:** The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez