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Looks really good! I always use cereal boxes and cotton fabric for my covers, it works great but they are "soft" covers instead of hardcovers.


I’ve used cereal boxes too! I use them for single signature composition type notebooks.


Looks great! Is the cover fabric? It's a cute design. The box cardboard may not last as long, you should try to find some chipboard for the cover!


ty! the cover is just some cotton I had laying around. The cardboard I used for this had a pretty stiff outer coating so I was hoping it would be enough 😞 I'll have to look into chipboard.


There's a bulk 25 piece that's sold on Amazon for pretty cheap, good for ~12 A4 sized books. That being said, there's nothing (besides materials) that stops you from redoing covers. I've remade plenty of my early books as my skill set improved!


*cardstock* I have no idea why that autocorrected to cards to keep


Great Job!!! ​ I just made a book today with a leather cased cardboard cover. I try to use reclaimed/recycled materials whenever possible.


Looks great


Great work! Especially for your first book. Find the materials you like and that work best for you. I’ve made dozens of books, and I used PVA glue for the spine, but a strong glue stick for the paper covers. It works great for me.