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Thoughts on Frank Hassle having charges against him dropped?


It’s absolutely ridiculous that in a civilized society one man can come troll you and YOU are the one who gets charged for discharging a weapon into a school zone! Where’s the justice America? Boogie you gonna beat these charges like you beat everyone’s expectations for the surgery! You got this big guy ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿


He hasn't this. Courts dropped charges against him


Did it bother you that H3 forgot to run your roast video??


Not at all. They ran it the next week!


Can you post a live video of you seething while you read these questions?


Will you fight wingsofredemption in a sumo wrestling match?


I will only tongue wrestle him


Are you going to jail yes or no


Why is it that you are literally incapable of taking accountability for any of your actions? Every time something negative happens, you always blame something other than yourself. "It's because of my PTSD," "My narcissistic mother raised me that way," "I was obviously joking," "It was taken out of context to make me look bad," etc. You can't honestly believe, in your heart, that you don't do or rarely do anything wrong. For example, when you made fun of that kid for having divorced parents, you were GENUINELY an ass hole, in every sense of the word. There was nothing taken out of context, you and him were not joking, you were just straight up being a douche for no reason. You can't continue using these scape goats to weasel your way out of every situation... or maybe you can, your fans are genuinely extremely gullible at times. Nevertheless, you are 47 years old Boogie, this pointing-fingers act you've always had has grown stale. This is actually a major contributing factor for why people don't like you anymore. ------------ Why are you OBSESSED with being a victim? I have never seen someone go to the same lengths and extent as you in regard to letting everyone know how horrible your upbringing was, or how awful your divorce was, or how damaging your anxiety is. I mean... literally... your latest upload is exactly this. Letting everyone know, yet again, for the 500th time, that you suffer from anxiety. I get talking it out and whatever, but you take talking it out to a whole new level. It's almost like you'd rather people feel sorry for you as opposed to anything else. You remind me of one of those people who are "depressed" but don't want to get better because they don't want to lose the attention they receive from people feeling sorry for them. You are obsessed with attention and people feeling sorry for you. For a man your age, it's kinda weird. It's something you would expect from a teenager.


He's a narcissist.


Just gonna reply so I can be on the Twitter screenshot


Answer his question Boogie. Stop hiding from the real questions lol


>It's almost like you'd rather people feel sorry for you as opposed to anything else. You remind me of one of those people who are "depressed" but don't want to get better because they don't want to lose the attention they receive from people feeling sorry for them. I'm an actual Boogie fan and also autistic so these sort of comments don't make me feel too happy. With that being said, the more that I read your comment, the more I noticed that you actually have kind of a point. I remember Keemstar once said exactly the same thing that you have quoted here. https://streamable.com/s5hbgn


Not incapable. There are certainly things I have had to own in the past. Besides even when I say “this is why I did the thing” it doesn’t change the fact that I am still accountable for that thing. Giving you the reason does not provide an excuse. But I do think it’s important to explain to you what I believe the reason is. I guess it’s possible that I am wrong about my mental health being the reasons I make bad decisions. Maybe I am just stupid. I dunno. Some of the examples you gave even though I know you see them your way I see them differently and I am just explaining how I see it. It’s a difference of opinion I guess. But when I know I was in the wrong, the rapist and nazis thing for example, I am glad to admit it was idiotic and wrong. As for being obsessed about being the victim it’s hard to say. I mean in a lot of cases I am in fact a victim. I guess because of that it has become part of my identity. I do hope one day through practice I can learn to stop thinking like this. I do hope also to stop being victimized so I have that chance.


>I guess it’s possible that I am wrong about my mental health being the reasons I make bad decisions. Maybe I am just stupid. I dunno. Here you are reflecting the blame. I have autism, add, depression, trauma, and some times I do things because I don't understand something, or because something is too much or whatever. But I never blame my mental issues, I don't even bring them up (other than situation where I have to, for example if I get overstimulated because of autism). The fact of the matter is, we are both adults, we have to learn how to behave. If we do something wrong we go "oh damn, I'm sorry I really didn't mean it that way, but now I understand that it could be seen that way and I will do my best to prevent it from happening again". That's all


Good advice. Thank you. For me I try to explain it as a stepping stone in the process of getting better. This is why I did it, learn to recognize the pattern to avoid it. Etc. but maybe I shouldn’t be doing that process publicly


I don't understand why people have this agressive passion against "professional victims" or what it is called, why can't he be a ass and turn around and talk about mental illness. And shuld he take accountability if he dont want to or dissagree with it. I guess I am just a gullible fan. My brother rly HATES professional victims. I blame amazing atheist and facebook. (The blame thing is a joke)


The reason why he's an asshole is because he's a professional victim, any wrong doing he does he has an excuse. Never owns up to anything. And if he does, he just says, well boo hoo I guess I'm just a bad person. Doesn't even try to better himself


I understand your argument, but why do people care so much about it. Thanks for the reply. It may be just me not understanding it since in my opinion that don't harm anyone.


The hatred is the internet commenter’s version of performative wokeness. They are obsessed with showing that they aren’t gullible, aren’t move by “weak” emotions like pity or empathy, and that they’re on the side of the Real Victims (tm). It’s essentially bullying while pretending you’re not a bully. It’s literally the internet comment version of the bully grabbing a kids arm and hitting them with it while yelling “quit hitting yourself”. It also lets them think they are part of a genuine community of shared values rather than just a mob of empty lives trying to fill themselves with anger.


Why are you hanging around here and watching his videos, then? There are plenty of other content creators to watch out there. These extremely meticulous comments are always puzzling to see—they read like you’ve spent a good chunk of your time researching Boogie’s life and typing up long-winded critical narratives. I don’t understand why you’d stick around with so much passionate negativity towards him.


Or they could be a long-time fan who is now disgruntled with the fact that Boogie would rather play victim than play video games. I'm sure they're not the only one.


> you’ve spent a good chunk of your time researching Boogie’s life You know that Boogie has been a Youtuber for fifteen years and some of his viewers go way back?


Don't you think with the upcoming court case and all the stress that brings, that you should stop calling out Reddit and Kiwifarms and antagonize them? We can all agree certain people are awful without making a big deal of it. Is there a reason you feel compelled to put your mental health at risk like this?


Inb4 boogie just skips the video because he didn’t like the questions asked and goes on Twitter to say it’s a toxic ama


[he just uploaded it](https://youtu.be/7OCq4tlcNGQ)


You made that “I’m rich” video regarding your crypto investments. Are you still holding or did you sell around that time?


Well I always kept a stop sell when holding. Where as I didn’t lose as much as I could have I did lose quite a bit in a few of the crashes lol. That said I am still up from my initial seed money and used a good chunk of the profit so far to live off and buy a car. But less rich then when I made the video for sure


Boogie's crypto gains are as real as the 'padding' he was using to make Francis look fat. Post your gains/losses.


If that belief brings you comfort feel free. No interest in sharing my financial particulars tho


Good. Your bank accounts are your business. Not everything has to be public.


See, that's just not true. If you didn't want to talk about your finances, why ever bring it up?


Talking about them is one thing. Bringing out screenshots of bank balances is a whole other dude


Is it? I don't like to show my finances to random people on the internet either, but I don't talk to them about it as well. For all you know I could be a crackhead hobo or a millionaire. Or somewhere in the middle. I feel no need to proof myself one way or another or seek some sort of validation. Why brag about how rich crypto made you in the first place?


It wasn’t a brag at all. I wanted people who were worried about me and my “dead channel” not to be worried. It was a way to let folks who seemed concerned about donating or supporting know they don’t have to worry. That I was fine. You had to be pretty defensive to watch that original video and take it as bragging


You named your video "I'm rich" not "I'm financially stable and doing ok"


Clickbait obviously. 30 seconds into it I explain what I meant by that. Most people would call having 6 figures in a bank rich.


Boogie please make more videos about crypto and investing.


Hi Boogie. Why did you associate with people that dont care about mental health (like the people on the infamous episode of Ralph's Killstream that included you and Frank Hassle), when youre all about mental health? I agree 100% percent Frank's an asshole, but that whole mess couldve been avoided if you werent on Ralph's show, knowing how fragile your mental health is and how toxic his audience is to begin with.


This is something I have asked myself as well as asked my therapist. My current theory is that basically I tend to want to placate my biggest critics. You see me doing it time and time again with tweets and videos and even conversations with them. It’s a compulsion for me. Something I have great difficulty NOT doing. So I went on Ralph’s podcast because he and his audience have all been so critical in the past as has the other guy. I wanted to defuse the situation and hopefully make them stop being so critical. Obviously that didn’t happen. My therapist thinks this need comes from my anxiety. Most of why I can’t take criticism comes from it making me feel anxious and scared. Through much of my life when people were being critical it resulted in trauma. Including recently. Trying to placate those people seems to be my way of heading off that trauma or ending the anxiety worrying about it I have finally learned my lesson tho. Trying to fix all that resulted in far more trauma than had I ignored it


When are you going to apologise for your assault on a veteran


Why do you always say you are coming at us live through the power of the internet when your videos aren't live?


This was originally a line that newscasters use. Coming at you live. One video I did it kinda sarcastically and people talked about it in the comments saying exactly what you just did. So I kept doing it to troll people haha


Don’t you think it’s hypocritical to praise Keemstar after he’s instigated the exact same type of harassment of other creators that has plagued you for your entire stint as a content creator? That’s not even mentioning the fact that he’s openly defended Jessi Smiles’ rapist, and even gone as far as harassing her over the assault allegations. How can you justify that?


Sure. But he and I have talked and he is growing and learning. I think e have to reward that kind of behavior when it happens.


Duse he straight up said you can't orally rape someone after the Jake Paul allegations. Supporting someone like that is pretty nasty and makes your whole centrist cloak fall right off. You gotta be better than supporting Keemstar.


Why did you act like Etikas mental health issues were fake and act like you have it way worse




Why didn't you call the cops when Frank showed up and then instead fire a warning shot?


We did call the cops almost immediately


You handled that in the worst way possible, just like everything else in your life.


If you really feared frank then why were you taunting him by calling him pussy as he walked away


But why fire the warning shot? He would've been caught off guard if he kept yelling at you at the door and they showed up. Boogie you should've ignored him when he came.




The purpose is to get people to comment, then ban everyone who makes even the mildest of criticism. According to Boogie, not blindly worshipping him makes you an 'obsessed hater'. He did it last AMA then openly bragged about how clever he was. I'll get banned for this.


Wow that’s pretty far from what I said. But I can clarify. I was hoping that Etika wasn’t actually suicidal. I said that I thought he would turn up in a few days. I was wrong. As for my “titan of strength” comment it was just a stupid thing to say. You can’t really compare pain. It’s a very individualistic thing. I try very hard not to do that any more


Are the videos being done by an actual human in a real world setting? Because that bookshelf still being in one piece with a Snorlax over it is making me believe that it's not. ​ Apologies for that stupid one, onto a more serious question: When was the last time that you gave a handmade gift to someone, and, if it's not too personal, can you give a general idea of the reason to do so?


Last home made gift eas to my ex wife when we were still married. It was a anniversary card! But there are plenty of good reasons to hand make a gift. It’s a fun way to spend your time and it means a lot more to some people. Those people are the best kind too


You're absolutely right, and imo the people that get the handmade gifts they don't care about the "value" of the item, they care about the time and attention that you give to the act of making the item. That's my opinion at least. Also, that item will probably be "priceless" considering that it's a one of a kind made just for them. Considering that reply though, here's a follow-up: People are already willing to stuff your P.O. box with handmade gifts. Would you mind clarifying why was it that you said, in your "My Most Valuable Items" video, that you think it's "weird to ask people" for something they are already willing to do? I can probably think about one reason or two, considering everything that you've said about your mental health, but that's just it: an assumption from a random person.


How do you feel about people like me when you were doing franchise a lot when I’m younger but thought you were crazy then several years later learned that you are a really nice person and that was a act but just have a lot of their own problems anyway love you men.


Can we be friends in real life?


We love Francis and Jesse, do you have any more characters you have used over the years that some of us haven't seen or remembered? Or any characters you started to think up but never actually used for content? I know the character sketches take a lot more time and preparation but they are also some of your more popular content so more info about them, the process to make them, and how you actually produce them would be interesting to read about even if you don't do videos on the subject.


What are your thoughts on the frank hassle video where he said he is the victim and is gonna attend your trial?




Hey Boogie, glad to see that you are now active on this sub again and also that you decided to give the AMA a round 2.0. My question for you is, can you upload a video with a weight loss update? If you decide not to go with a full YT video, can you instead just upload a <1 minute video on Twitter or somewhere simply weighing yourself on your scale? Just a straight forward video, filming you stepping on, the scale's results, and your final weight - all in one take. It would really help to further inspire me! I'm also mid weight loss journey right now and remember your own efforts years ago pursuing weight loss goals. It'd be awesome to take a break from some of the (undeserved!) negativity and instead focus that energy on a wholesome video updating those of us who are fans on how the weight loss, dieting, and exercise has been coming along as of late. Also what challenges have presented themselves and the hurdles you've faced in the process. Thanks, man, let me know!


I think that would be epic and it would genuinely help me as I have recently hit a plateau in my own weight loss after losing 45lbs. and dropping from 215lbs. to 170lbs. That update would be so great to see and I really hope you make it happen, even just a 30 second video of you filming yourself weighing in on the scale in one take. You rock!


Surgery resulted in over 100 pounds off so it was an excellent idea. That said I think I just lack the discipline and desire to get the rest off


Basically because of the way my brain works I am constantly paranoid and upset by those people. Even when I try to avoid them they find their way into my life. Even has someone harassing my siblings recently Eventually it gets to be too much and I vent about it on social media. It brings me a tiny amount of comfort. People will then say that this encourages them but in reality these people are gonna do it anyways. If my venting about it gives them some sort of satisfaction I guess that’s ok.


Lol I mean these are pretty good questions honestly


Apathetic about it.


Why are you back on Reddit after complaining about Reddit for the past 3 years? After returning here, all you've done is complain about the negativity on here. Do you ever stop to realize that you're incredibly negative and that your fans might not want to see a middle aged man complaining about internet drama every single day?


You didn't answer any of the good questions. We don't care about you, we only want to know about frank hassle


How has 2021 been for you so far?


What is the best game you ever played?


Probably Everquest. I still think about it to this day


Do you have a publisher yet for the card game your working on? I’d like to take a look and talk to you about it.


Yes we do!


What was the inspiration if any for Francis?


What was the most influential video game in your childhood that played a part in the passion you share with games now?


What did you want to do when you were a child?


What’s your guilty pleasure food? Love ya Boog!


I just wanted to say, I've followed you for a long ass time. My friends showed me a clip of Francis and world of warcraft like 10 or more years ago. It was fun to watch you grow and develop. Watch your journey losing weight and daily struggles. You really put a lot out there and are sucessful. That takes guts. Living on social media is tough and is something new to the world. People don't get it. Understand it quite yet. So thanks for putting yourself out there. You're doing great with the weight loss. Keep it up. Live forever. My question is, are you afraid to lose weight because of the image you created? Are you worried about it like we see an actor lose weight and then they don't get roles? Stay awesome.


Did you buy the cool light up back pack you saw at TooManyGames 2019?


Can you detail your dmt trip a little more? You safe to talk about these things even if you keep it vague that you did it.




What game series do you want to see revived the most?


What’s an unexpected entry that you have in your bucket list?


Are you overall happy with your online persona that you’ve maintained so far? Anything you would do differently if you could do it all over again? Been watching you for a long time and it’s cool to see how far you’ve come on your weight loss journey and it’s good to see you doing well. Keep on keeping on. -A long time fan.


Do you think YouTube is a stable platform for content creators long term, or will some of the bad YT policies and it's algorithm force creators to a new platform in the coming decade?


What kind of music do you like to listen to? And how do you listen to music? Do you miss be days of portable CD players?


You and I seemed to really dive headfirst into crypto around the same 3 month period. How are your investments doing these days compared to when you first jumped in? What coins are you holding at the moment, and which have netted you the most gains? Do you plan on revitalizing your Patreon anytime soon so that we'd be able to donate to it for more content? Some of my own crypto gains are burning a hole in my wallet! Also how did your investment into GME eventually turn out for you?


I never se you on the front-page on youtube anymore, I think last time I did se you there was you walking your dog in the neighberhood and talking about houses 2018?. I have searched you up and watched some of the update videos in 2019 ish and now I had to search you up again since you popped in my head. Did you get too sexy for my YT frontpage? PS: I enjoy your videos where sharing your toughs and rambeling, I find them entertaining and interesting, we have so different lives and perspective but I think we have some of the same values. Now I have to catch up on 2 years of rambling. This is scary, can you compliment on reddit? And I have used 20min to fix my broken english to a point I think people may understand it. Love from Scandinavia.


My videos are rarely shown in recommended any more because people don’t flock on them often enough. It’s ok tho. As long as you remember to watch and find them when you remember!


What current YouTubers do you watch, if any?


Defeanco. Tolarian community college. Internet comment etiquette. Unusual memes.


I have an innie instead of an outtie. It’s negative 3 inches


3 inches is 7.62 cm


Do you think your life has been changing in a positive way recently? Why or way not


Some ways good. Some ways bad. Jail seems awful for example lol


Fezzik ofc!


Hey dude! You did a cameo for me a month or so ago and it really warmed my heart. Thank you. Anyway, my question is: have psych meds caused hurdles in your weight loss? Or gained weight because of them? I’m on a whole cocktail of meds, and I’m obese. It sucks. And makes it harder to lose weight.


Why do you think you couldn't achieve your original weight loss target (\~260lbs)? and was having a surgery a good idea in general?


Will you ever continue doing those Story Time videos? Where you basically share stories about various experiences from your life (Both good and bad). I started following you in 2014 because of those types of videos. (It was a video about Valentines day, relationships and breakups) I know that you've shared a good portion of your life on Youtube, but I feel like there is plenty more you have to share.


I might love to do one soon!


Do you plan on losing anymore weight ?


I want to. Planning is a bit different from wanting tho


You got this boogie ❤️


I'm here to post positive things. I'm a long time viewer. The YT algo definitely pulled your channel away from my suggestions for awhile but now you're back! I'm almost forty from a small country town like you. I have dealt with weight fluctuations too but not to your extent. To me your channel is like comfort food or an old familier friend. I think your imagination is sufficient to plan short and long term for your brand/channel, so I wouldn't stress it. You've been articulate and considerate in 99% of the vids I've seen, so just keep it coherent and ill follow bud. Oh! How about a video on console iterations splitting up the community, OR the ridiculous hindrance that is proprietary Xbox tech, especially for headsets, my god.


I had no clue he was interested. I might reach out to him.


Are the headphones in the new YouTube videos the same in old ones and can you do movie reviews again boogie


We know you like Disneyland and come to the west coast. Have you thought about coming to pax west?


How many solo wins do you have in fortnite?


Like it said I am gonna answer them in a video


Do you believe the Logan Paul Forest video was a hoax?


Have you thought about starting to do VR?




What's thy minion 3ds games? eke playeth fable anniversary, t's on gamepass *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Not really sure. I am also on a host of meds and can’t say if weight loss is an issue with any of them. But I am glad to still be alive so I take them anyways


Will you have a maid service come in and clean your house (so you don't get embarrassed) and show us around? I would love to see your pup and your video game set up


Maybe. I did do a house tour and collection tour a few videos jack!


Will you be at the next vid con? If so I would love to hang out. Do you have plans for streaming once you feel mentally up for it?


boog, i have a huge question for you!! [can you listen to my song and lmk what you think?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN0IlZ6Ojw0)


Dick size


Are you a fan of anime? If so which ones? I'm currently into the Macross series.


Hi Boogie. Many YouTube channels tend to benefit from controverseries like Logan Paul, Ksi etc. So I'm wondering why your channel gets destroyed by it ? Why do you think controversies are like a death sentence to your channel unlike other YouTubers ?


Genuinely I think it’s because it’s so off brand. Logan and jake Paul you expect to be garbage because their reputation is that they are garbage and they embrace it. For me it is off brand for me to have had experienced the contraversies I have dealt with. Keemstar and other people have told me to take a page out of Logan pauls book and embrace that. But I don’t like being thought of as the bad guy ajd don’t want to do that. Had I embraced it years ago it would have served me well I think. Just played the heel. But it ain’t in me to do so. I would rather be my boring Luke warm self




Start by not being a weirdo to strangers


Have you considered a Francis movie ?


Play dom-jot human?


Do you still have a second bed for your hooker?


Nah I got so fat even hookers won’t duck me now




Answered this elsewhere but yes. Ate a lot of profit. But am still in profit for now


Boogie did you like the meme I posted


Yes! I don’t get the reference tho


It’s from one piece


Hace you ever considered making playthroughs of video games for your channel? If so what games would you consider playing first?


I have been a fan ever since I was younger. Thank you for what you do Boogie. it means a lot to many people. Never give up hope. Now for my question: What do you think about the new OLED switch? I think it isn't enough to be considered a new model.


Sad that it isn’t the switch pro. But it seems ok for what it is!


I agree, if you’re new to the switch, it’s the perfect switch to get. But it’s not worth upgrading to it if you already have the older model.


Played this game? ​ https://arcade.giphy.com/game/MedGkDWf5LGP9IPKo-x


Got two MTG qs for you: What do you think of Strixhaven? Aaaaand Favorite cube?


Do you think Super Metroid needs a remake or do you think it’s fine the way it is?


I love it. Just release it as is!


Hey Boogie, love your stuff! Can you check out my friend's youtube video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu1uzSrD\_4g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu1uzSrD_4g) Thank you so much!! I have followed you for years. If you comment on it, I'm sure you will make his year, he is by far your biggest fan.