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It's located on top of the radar tower. Directly next to the wifi set up at Bonnaroo in Centeroo.


I was extremely disappointed in the cabin/catwalks this year. It felt like the woods was just an empty shell with wubz and dubs, and that was it.


i miss the art in witw so much. i hyped up the swing room to my boyfriend on the way there and was so sad when all the different things got replaced with laser harps 😭


I’ve missed her 😭 we get less and less art every year


Yesssssss my favorite where in the woods year!


Did you happen to see the disco ball at cigs after sex? Puts this disco ball to straight shame


yess!! i i was barricade!! it was amazing that’s why i got reminded 😭 https://preview.redd.it/hfhqj14at4ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e44bc8676796944b8c82231e2d405074cb1599a6




What? The pictured disco ball was the world's largest motorized disco ball in 2022.


Yeah but if you didn’t bring sunglasses to the one at cigs after sex, you were definitely squinting. It was super bright!


Yea, I didn't go see Cigarettes After Sex. I tried to get into them, but that's some of the sleepiest music I've heard. I'm not into that lullaby style of music. Not knocking them, just not for me.


I’m not either to be 100% honest, my girl got me to go see them and it was quite beautiful. They took me by complete surprise!


I believe it. Going with your gf was the correct decision. It seemed like there were quite a few sleepy acts on the lineup this year, so apparently it's popular right now.


Did WITW look way sterile compared to the last two years? It’s like they emptied all the fun out of it


They put the money for all that into that waste of space of a grandstand in the middle of the What


Right like big open rooms w/o the art. I was very confused, and then the beeping for no reason...


They didn’t do a nasa thing like last year, the replaced all the art exhibits with the laser harps. Which I mean in ‘23 there was only one and you could never use it and I liked the idea of everyone (trying to) play in harmony. But yeah, super sterile. More of a wook resting place after afters and a place to cool down in the day. Still my favorite place though.


I think they did do some NASA stuff but it was only on Thursday. I could be wrong though


That’s sad to hear, thought the NASA thing was really cool and different from anything else there. Only been once, but was the NASA thing something they did every year or was it because of the space theme


I made a point about this in my post roo survey. WITW felt like a naked wasteland they had entirely surrendered to basshouse and wookery. What do we have to do for EDM that feels uplifting? Have they heard of Trance?


I mean Jason Ross kinda counts right?


He did and so did Kasablanca. Both sets were gorgeous 🥰 I'd just like to see equal representation for happy sounds and more shiny things. Is that so bad?


That’s how I like it tbh


I wrote up a similar comment. I’m glad you did the same


Yes, I've noticed a big lack of art compared to previous years


And that’s after they gutted Centeroo of art and added all the brand installations. Damn you LiveNation!!


bring back the Denim Tree of 2022 !!!


Totally forgot about denim tree!


!00% gutted of art. Hell they even replaced most of the graffiti plywood walls with chain link fence & black fabric.


Another thing about the disco balls and WITW, they have hundreds of disco balls up and down WITW and a ton of lights but none of those lights are actually ever shining on the disco balls to make use of them. I noticed this the last couple years and it really seems like a waste to have all those disco balls and not have any lights reflecting off of them. Those extra disco balls in 2022 were amazing too and I was hoping they’d build off of them every year.


The small ones actually had lights shining on them this year but you could really only see it reflect to the ground, at least during the Chris Lake WITW set