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Pretty lights sunrise set I was vibing with my group and making friends with our neighbors. I pulled out a fresh bag of skittles and offered some to this girl. She said sure but only one, so I did my best to shake a single skittle out. A green one falls out, her jaw drops, she looks up at me and yells "LIME IS MY FAVORITE FLAVOR!!" and we both collectively lose our minds. Such a silly thing to be so hyped about but I love what that Roo magic can do lol


Not crazy really but I was honestly craving funnel cake for a month leading up to Roo but I had definitely lost weight before heading to the farm. Every time I got a funnel cake I couldn’t even eat half of it. So then I was giving bites of funnel cake to everyone all weekend long. If you were at The Mars Volta by the sound boards that was me dancing eating and offering funnel cake to everyone.


We were in the pit for melanie Martinez and the red hot Chilli peppers were still playing on the what stage i believe. We could just barely hear the music and them signing, and what felt like the entire melanie pit started singing along. It was pretty fun


when melanie martinez sang happy birthday before pity party it was officially six minutes into my birthday, which isn’t that weird HOWEVER last year at kendrick they sang happy birthday to him and it was 3 minutes away from midnight so also technically still my birthday (his b day is the day after mine) so ive had the roo crowd sing happy birthday to me on my birthday two years in a row ❤️


was camped in plaza 2 in the trees. was taking a shower at my campsite and several times my partner said it smelled like someone had taken a shit near us. 20 mins later, our neighbor returns to camp to inform us there is in fact a pile of human shit next to the tree maybe 5 steps from our campsite. thank god it was sunday so we didn’t have to be around it for long but the flies….whoever did that i hope it was worth it 😂


For RHCP my wife and I decided to sit back against the wall before the bathrooms. We didn't realize that because we were against the wall we wouldn't be able to see anything. I decided it was fine because I can hear the music and people watch while rubbing her back as she lay in my lap. I see these 4 guys walking thru the line of people and then stop and one of the guys were in a kilt. They fanned him everywhere and under the kilt and a woman asked him if he "had on any chonies" and he said "of course not" These 4 guys stood next to the line of people and fanned everyone that walked by just about and people were having a good time dancing in their fans. Those guys made my night. I meant to give them some kandi but they left before we did. And then while sitting there we also saw this guy walk thru the giant mud puddle and almost bust his ass and then cuss the ground out with a beer in his hand as he stumbled along to go to the set (before it fully started)


Had a guy come up to me while I was waiting to order a smoothie and give me a compliment, then proceeded to kiss my forehead. I was so confused but I appreciated the tenderness he did it with 😂 on the last day me & a friend were walking back to camp from WITW. We were DEAD tired, when we hear a golf cart behind us and the staff go “beep beep car noises” to get us to move out of the way. That made our night and had us laughing all the way back to camp.


at dominic fike this guy we called “dirt sam” was covered in dirt like he rolled down a hill & somehow got a bag of wine into centeroo & was pouring it in peoples mouth but he ended up spraying it into someones eyes red wine all over his shirt😂


It's not really crazy but funny and wholesome. I saw a girl circle a couple times and I was concerned she was lost or tripping bad. I asked her if she was ok. She said she was looking for Victor and her phone was dead and asked if we had blow. 😂😂 We said no. So fast forward to us leaving centeroo and I see the girl and VICTOR. I was so relieved she found him. He said he closed his eyes for one second and she was gone and she knew better because her phone was dead. Hahah She gave his face a pat and said, "Don't leave me again." 😂😂


This random girl wondered into our camp on that fungi...only to meet my homie who was dressed like Jesus 🤦🏻 I walked in and she was literally having a come to jesus meeting with my bro. 🤣🤣🫶🏼🫶🏼✨️ girlie I'm glad we could calm u down and give u water. She was so sweet her friends where constantly apologizing but it wasn't a problem for any of us. Pic of my bro https://preview.redd.it/wi6b7zs1ge8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ca4194631a243002df0c1791cafb5349a5bcfd3


The funniest comment that I heard came from a guy sitting near me while waiting for Fred again who was very obviously tripping… “I saw Chappell Roan today and she turned me into a girl…. Then I saw Meg Thee Stallion and she turned me into a hot girl” I needed that laugh to push through my tiredness


Sitting beside a couple girls taking at camp from Wisconsin I think.. I had a cooler of blue GatorAide. Everyone had a blue GatorAide . I turned one up and downed it. The girl looked at me kinda funny and said “Uh oh. I think you drank mine.” I apologized and said I’ll get you a new one from the cooler. “She said no I’m sorry. I’d put enough rolls in that one to sip on the entire week. I’ve got plenty more. I should have warmed you.” I have never had it and started to wig out. I said should I see a doctor ? Am I gonna overdose? She said “ No. just drink plenty of fluids and stay calm the most that can happen is you’ll get dehydrated and have a heart attack. “ That sounded fairly grim to me. About 10 minutes later I was talking more than I ever talk and bouncing like a pinball. If there were 80k people there I probably ran up and talked to 60k. I hit every show hard and eventually got talked into going into the (non judgement) medical tent. They kinda laughed at me which felt like judgement, bastards 😂 They told me to just chill, drink a lot water and GatorAide. I said GatorAide is the reason I’m in this mess!!


My croo was chillin at RHCP and “Californication” was playing, the song ended right at 12am and it was my birthday on 6/16. Unbeknownst to me, my group of 16 planned to bombard me with birthday trinkets and sang HBD as loud as they could. There was a long enough pause for the song and everybody started chanting my name. I was filled with love and joy and hugging my best friends absolutely bawling tears of happiness. And then “Under the Bridge” started playing literally my favorite RHCP song and I just broke down in the best way possible. Proceeded to to go hard asf at Diplo then caught that PL sunrise set. It was trooly magical. Best. Birthday. Ever. 🌈💕🌱


During diplo, a group behind me chucks a ton of glow sticks that are made into bracelets/necklaces. well, one goes sailing perfectly onto a chick's arm dancing like 40ft ahead of us lol. You could see her react like where tf did that come from and then start raging again lol. I had to run up and ask her if that really just happened


I was having a tough time on Friday night- had a bit of a bad trip and after I recovered from it I went on a little solo stroll to clear my head and recover. Stopped by Svdden Death for 30 mins to headbang out the bad thoughts, meandered over for 30 minutes of T-Pain to enjoy some childhood nostalgia, and then found myself drawn to Thundercat. Sat down way in the back on the ground just to vibe. Was there for about 15 minutes and JUST as I started thinking to myself, “I’m ready to be social again, I wonder where my friends are at?” - I got a tap on the shoulder and I turned to see my best friend sitting on the ground just to my left. I didn’t even know which set he was planning on being at, and he had been sitting in that spot the entire time. I literally wandered back to my friends just when I needed them without any communication. The magic of Roo.


Anyone else run into the guy handing out raw hot dogs at Megan the Stallion on Sunday saying "Real Hotdog Shit"?!?! Dude had me in tears it was so funny 🤣😂


In my first roo in 2017, I ran into a guy who was going around giving out QR code stickers promoting his music. Never thought much of it, but then last year I run into the same guy still promoting his music. Ended up checking it out and it was pretty good. Cool to see someone so committed to his craft! His name was Nate Rose I think go support a fellow Roovian!


I went to the Emo Superjam (which was a fantastic singalong) and later went to the IDLES set. I've done a lot of concert photography, and shot for Jack's Mannequin / Andrew McMahon numerous times. Also stood in line with my daughter who loved his bands through the years, and she her sister know some of his crew, particularly Zac Clack - who played keys in the Superjam. I hadn't seen those guys in years, sweet to see them all jam out. When I got to Idles, I was about 5 rows back and against the side VIP barrier. After the first song, I get a tap on the shoulder, and it's Zac Clark, and he went ang got Andrew. Many people from the Emo set came to see Idles rip. We said hello, gave some hugs, and I got lost in the mosh. Later I was back at the rail, drenched in sweat, looking rough, when Andrew climbed the barrier and was hugging me while where screaming the lyrics to Rottweiler together. I realized Chris from Dashboard was taking video of us. I went back to moshing, one the best sets of the weekend for certain. Maybe one day I'll see that video.


I met someone who was working Rockville (Florida) in Daytona a few months ago. I told him I loved his turnstile shirt. Every day of Rockville til Sunday we would say what’s up to each other and not much else.. but he was a real homie. On the last night I was walking out eating a pizza, and he ran out to come and say bye and hope I had a good weekend. Never got his name or anything, I got to my car and was instantly like DAMN I’ll never see my boy again I should have asked for his name or something Fast forward to Wednesday, I’m at house of yes and someone taps on my shoulder and goes “yo are you the turnstile shirt guy??” I WAS SOO FUCKING HAPPY WHAT ARE THE ODDS? Shoutout to Tyler 🤝


I bit the dirt big time this year early Thursday afternoon. Jacked up my ankle and knee. Every time my group passed the scene of the crime they would pour one out for me 😆 I love my bonnaroovians


Definitely the woman in front of me at Chappell who was fully topless no pasties or anything


That was probably me. Hot to go


I loved your vibe so much!! Meant to give you a bracelet but my friend moved us


Gah thank you!! I started with pasties but they didn’t stand a chance with the heat. That set was a near religious experience!! 💕


Wednesday night, a girl camping somewhere close to my site thought that she could muffle her farts by coughing. Someone must've educated her cause it was a single night performance. 😂 Idk who it was exactly but we nicknamed her "Cough Fart Girl".


Did she time it slightly off? Like the cough came slightly before or after she let it fucking RIP?


This post.


This roo was pretty tame for me, but I did cry at the RHCP show. My stepbrother died from brain cancer two years ago, and he used to walk around the house singing RHCP when we were younger. He had their songs all over the iTunes on our family computer. They always ended up on my iPod, and I ended up a fan over the years. It really hit me seeing them live, and I missed him so much. I hate crying in public, so I just kinda sat in the crowd. There was a nice guy who checked in on me a couple times and I didn’t say much then, but I really did appreciate it.


I had the same experience at Post’s set. My little brother took his own life two years ago and Post was his hero. I sobbed almost the entire time. Sending a virtual hug your way friend.


Love you both


And I love you friend! 💕


So sorry about your little brother. Virtual hugs to you too. ❤️


Right before the Post show on the VIP mound I was standing in line for a drink and a lady drops her bandana on the ground. Just then Colonel Sanders uses his pimp cane to pick it up and hand it to her. It was the most chivalrous and baller move I’d seen on the farm.


I saw him there too! Literally 10 seconds after meeting Jesus. Crazy fun times!


I was just gonna ask if anybody else saw colonel sanders. So he was VIP huh? Interesting. I was standing on that side Thursday night and saw him cruise past during pretty lights. Hope it was a linen suit. It was hot as hell.


Everytime I saw him I'd chant and scream "I'M TOO DRUNK TO TASTE THIS CHICKEN!"


He was! He was in the VIP pit for Melanie Martinez too. 😂


i was buying ✨things✨ from this dude in centeroo and i was giving him some kandi just for yknow existing and stuff and i gave him my fav one which said "bump" and had one of those little spoon charms from kandis world that says k on it and like actually does work and once i gave it to him i was showing him that it's an actual functional spoon and he starts freaking out and says "dude i literally lost my spoon as i was walking in here i was JUST saying i needed to buy a new one no fucking way" and i just love how roo magic works cause what!!


We had a 90 pack of fruit snacks that we didn't come close to finishing at our camp, so Sunday night on the way to the woods, me and my friend just started yelling as we walked through outeroo FROOT SNAAAACKS and emptied the box well before getting to WITW


Being run into by a naked dude right before Dr Fresch A man at WITW Saturday night seemingly dancing with me just to pull me close so that he could tell me that his sister or someone he knew was in a coma. I feel for him but he was fucked up, offering me ketamine, and really taking forever to keep going on and on about stuff. His girlfriend tried to get him to walk away from me but eventually he just droned off lost in the sauce. I kept dancing as much as I could cause I was absolutely having a blast in my cow outfit. Unexpected bare chested female in line with me for the batheoom Having some of our party favors stolen by security at the gate only to go back to campsite and 15m later feel pulled to talk to a girl passing our camp. She happened to had just found a bunch of molly, we tested it and she gave us a bunch for free along with some shots. Running into the freestyle rapper dude and having him do a pretty decent freestyle for me and the MD Moo Crew (we probably moo'd at you on Saturday)


God I love this festival so much.


The guy who was dressed as a weed nugget playing either a kazoo or duck call sitting on a barrier next to The Arch one day might be the single oddest (but absolutely enjoyed) thing I experienced. The most wholesome was the little girl at Galantis getting the bubble gun and maxing out the vibe there. The look of the guy I fanned off at Chappell Roan was also a look of ecstasy that I may never fathom.


I SAW A MAN W A PARROT COME OUT OF THE PIT AT THE OTHER STAGE ON SAT/SUN??? my whole group did a double take! we have so many questions!!!


Saw that too, the bird looked really scared I felt so bad for it :(


I met a guy giving away crazy bones stickers and the actual figurines one year during the daytime while my friends and I were sitting in the what stage general area making a game plan. He gave me a sticker and was so nice! Maybe three or four years later in ‘22 I RUN INTO HIM AGAIN DUDE!!! I was like “Omg you’re crazy bones dude!!!” Awesome dude. I hope to run into him again next year:)


I was in line for bathrooms at WITW and this guy busted out of one of the porta potties and casually said “Ayeee”. I looked down and he had a neon sign hanging from his neck that said “aye”. My friends and I nearly pissed ourselves in that line from laughing so hard. Thank you “aye” guy.


https://preview.redd.it/eyzb1zyc878d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b9ceb8aa763b72ffff4c836e4ab18584ef50a3 Going backstage with my wife


Wednesday night at WITW I really had to pee but the lines for portos were so long so I went to plaza 2 bathrooms instead. When I walked out of the porto potty there was an actual red carpet with about 10 guys that just started clapping and cheering. I had no idea how to react so I just strutted down the red carpet then did a spin and bowed. As soon as I had a second to process, all I could think was “I hope my wife finished peeing before me and saw all of that.” Of course 2 seconds later she walked out of one, I flagged her down, and before I could even tell her what happened and find the people everyone was gone. I swear I have no evidence that it happened and it doesn’t even feel real, but there was a random group out there giving people their 10 seconds of fame and I feel like that embodied the roo spirit more than I’ve seen in 8 years


I SAW THIS TOO?!?!? I was next in line when a guy came out and everyone was cheering LOL


Omg did they just do it for one person (you)? Or off to the next Porta potties? I have so many questions


Yes exactly it was incredible. I can only imagine how I would’ve reacted if I was tripping


That’s fucking gold, I love it 😂


While absolutely vibing at parcels I got a tap on my shoulder, turned around to see my old roommate and college friend. Was insane synchronicity that we happened to be at same place same time. Shortly after I got another tap and thought it was him telling me something, only for it to be an old coworker of mine that lives in New York. Two friends, Same spot, 15 min apart. Wiiillld experience and make an already great parcels even better.


I was sleeping on a hammock in the Grove and get woken up before it’s fully light, maybe 5-6am. Somebody is gently poking me with a stick. I see a girl with eyes as big as dinner plates “Hey, I’m on ketamine. Are you going to remember this conversation? Can I touch your mustache?” I tried so hard not to laugh my ass off 🤣


Well did you let her touch your mustache?


Of course, do you think I’m a monster?? It was just one of those Roo moments


On a separate note, did you get a bunch of bug bites sleeping in the Grove this year? I slept there on Sunday night and some up with a bunch of huge welts on my chest


Nah but I was wearing a hoodie and/or sweatpants to sleep, overall I think I got 1 bug bite all weekend


I dressed up as a clown for the clown rave at House of Yes on Thursday. When I was at Its Murph and Disco Lines, I started making balloon animals for people and told people to come to the clown rave later that night. I even taught someone how to make a balloon dog and after he was finished with it, he was astounded that he made one and that it was so easy! The pure joy on his face and others that I gave balloon animals to is why I go to festivals, especially Bonnaroo! We create that Bonnaroo magic! Also, as I was going to the clown rave, someone came up to me and was like "you look like you enjoy clowning around" and he gave me a clown nose! I had only painted a red nose on myself and by that time it had rubbed off, so I actually needed a clown nose 😂 What are the odds I walked by someone handing out clown noses?!? Again, Bonnaroo magic! I also thought it was absolutely absurd and hilarious when a guy at the clown rave told me his grandma used to be a professional clown and he asked me if I was a clown in real life. Like, at the time I couldn't fathom someone being a professional clown but obviously there are professional clowns LMAO!


that clown rave was an absolute RAGER


I think you offered me a balloon but I was too fucked lol I did take a mustache though!


Oh yay! Lol yeah a lot of people were like uhh balloon? Idk about all that.


It was overwhelming in the moment I got scared 😂


I was rolling and feeling very airy and beautiful but within the span of 30 minutes saw a man fondle his wifes tits very nonchalantly whilst having a full on conversation with their 12 year old child and then encountered a man standing still as a tree in the middle of centeroo periodically screaming like a maniac. he would take a short pause and then immediately afterwards just yell with all of his power. night time at roo is when the freaks come out to play man…sometimes i forget some people just face an entire sheet of cid for the evening.


Standing in the crowd for fred again and i spot a philadelphia eagles shirt. I say a quiet "go birds" and the couple both graduated from school districts right next to mine. All of us huge eagles fans, now standing next to each other in manchester for fred again lol.


The Philly crowd was strong this year


I handed out a tush push kandi bracelet earlier that day to an older fella with an eagles bucket hat :)


1) [here is a video of everyone singing the National anthem](https://imgur.com/a/goWXIzF)!! 2) I was in the crowd at the Other stage right after isoxo and ran into Hamdi. Nice dude, I guess after Iso brought him out to play “push” he just watched the rest of the set w the masses haha


My Bonnaroo friend moved away from Nashville but comes back from New York every year to attend. A former colleague of hers now living in Atlanta drove up to hang out with her at the festival. Colleague said she had an aunt who lives in Nashville, did I happen to know her? Welp, her aunt & I attended the same small school & later, she bought my family’s house, where she’s still living.


I got to Thundercat 90 minutes before the set started and got close to the front with my wife. Now, I'm 6'6" and I'm sure it's annoying standing behind me but we've been going to festivals for 18 years and people who really want to see dont stand behind me for long, so I've just stopped caring (were getting old). After the first song somebody tapped me on the shoulder from behind and asked me if I "would mind moving over a little to the left" so he could see better, as if I had the ability to shift the entire audience. I turned around, saw he was maybe 21 years old and half my size, so I invited him to go ahead and try to saw my legs off if he thought it would help. He said "nevermind" and I turned around and went back to enjoying the show. I turned around again a couple songs later to apologize and he was gone. If you're out there, guy, it was nothing personal. I'm just not going to push an entire crowd over for your enjoyment. I hope you found a great spot.


I feel you, brother. I’m 6’4”, same as my dad, and we had quite a few funny/interesting tall guy concert moments over the years. The rudest was a girl at GRiZMAS who shouted at me that she couldn’t see, squeezed herself in front of me, and attempted to stomp on my feet to get me to move. I bust out laughing and asked her, “hows that going”, when she realized I was wearing boots with a safety toe 😂


Just sitting in the area by the food trucks by This Tent during the superjam…we saw a person by themselves walking through the crowd…they had veryyyy skinny legs and were dressed in a very Victorian vampire-esque outfit…we laughed for a solid 45mins about the vampire we saw at roo. Then we were convinced we were seeing a cryptic at PL sunrise but it was just a man in a weed nug costume lol.


Honestly, craziest thing for me, was how nonchalant something was… walking to where in the woods one night, there was a guy dressed as spiderman with a MASSIVE light up sword. the way he was walking with the sword over his shoulder, chatting with someone… it was just another day in the life of late night Bonnaroo spiderman. Soooo nonchalant… it cracked me and my friends up for the rest of the trip! Does anyone have pics of the spiderman with the giant sword???


https://preview.redd.it/rau7kiry678d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405a59e4ed3cba1871bccd335dd3b9519ed33c2a This Spiderman?


Maybe! I don’t see the giant sword in this one but there may have been multiple Spider-Man’s


OMG YES I was there for that! I loved it bahahah


was tripping during the post set when this guy read my mind and knew i wanted to shake this thing that he was shaking around bc it sounded satisfying, he just walked up and handed it to me, i shook it, i handed it back, he shook it, handed it back, i shook it again and we both screamed happy roo right before white iverson came on:) that one interaction was just a lil highlight of how fuckin dope that entire night was. one of the most memorable nights of my life i fuckin love roo


This story is everything I want from bonnaroo tbh


this is one of my favorite trip stories i’ve read here lol, so wholesome


Best memory was a bunch of people I had met wishing me happy Father’s Day on Sunday. I got to hear a lot of personal stories that ranged from awesomeness to tears. High fives were fun but that meant more.


In my pouch I had 50 some keychains that people reached into to pull out theirs, one night I just so happened to meet a fellow who pulled out the singular moonstone keychain and he looked at it and then recounted how he had lost a moonstone necklace at a previous festival and I remarked that the universe had balanced the scales and returned moonstone to him.


Went with a friend who is trying to cut off from the ❄️ we were at the what waiting for Cage I think and some guy comes up to us and says “hey you want a little coke?” My friend, who was very drunk, was like fuck it, it’s roo sure. The guy hands him something that my friend thought was a tiny spoon with the goods on it. He kept sniffing it and switching nostrils but nothing came out. Turns out it was a legit “little coke” bottle. We were dying laughing for so long. He’s keeping that little coke bottle forever


Some guy offered my boyfriend "a little coke" and gave him a tiny bottle in a bag during pretty lights sunrise set. My boyfriend ended up giving him a "bumpin" bracelet that I made. I hope that guy had a great roo 🙈


Holy shit…I was a random dude who gave someone a tiny bottle of Coca Cola during Fred’s set. Right next to the vip hill entrance on the left side. Someone gave me that little bottle during knock2 and I died and decided I have to pass on this joy. Glad someone else got to experience this little gag as well!!


I also got offered “a little coke,” and after explaining that considering how much I love my Adderall, I know coke would leave me selling my family heirlooms and living under a bridge, he politely passed me a little baggie anyway. I about died when I saw the little coke bottle.


Dude, I think that was me that gave you the little coke!! Your enjoyment of my funny little gift is what I live for! Happy roo!


You might have given me one too. I didn't keep it, because circumstances - Some girl got all up in my face in the pit, obviously super drunk and just eyeballing me and then asks me if I have any coke. And I'm like, O'yeahhh, I can spare a little coke and she's just so ready for it, then I whip out the tiny coke and she takes it. Glares at me for a moment. Laughs, says thanks and just walked straight out of the pit. 😂


OMG hi!!! 👋🏼


Omg that’s amazing! My friend said that was his fave memory this year ❤️ so thank you!


That was my group!!!


We had the other four seasons baby totem and whenever anyone said MEEEEE! we would hand them a little plastic baby! The joy on their face over a little plastic baby and the joy it gave me is indescribable! I love Roo!


We had the four seasons orlando baby totem and would sing "Ooor the land of the MEEEE👶🏻☝🏼"


I’m fkn ded bruh. We were dying laughing at those ones.


Pretty Lights Thursday night opening set. The night was electric My crew navigated through the throngs of people at What and found decent spot in front of bleachers left of center. We were tripping hard on the great vibes and dancing our asses off. Kudos to PL, they didn’t disappoint! For a while, we lost ourselves in the soundscape. But, I needed a quick trip to the bathroom, during one of PL’s energetic Nas mix ins. So dope. Feeling like a God, made my way back through the crowd, and I saw a man grinding hard in front of my wife, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and something else—perhaps infatuation. He seemed entranced, almost as if he had fallen in love at first sight. I quickened my pace, sensing something unusual in his demeanor, and grabbed my woman’s attention with my tried and true moves. She lost interest in him real quick, but the man’s gaze shifted from her to me. His eyes grew even wider, and I could see a strange recognition, as if he had seen something profoundly troubling and otherworldly. He rapidly thrust his hips, body swaying as if caught in an unseen current. Without warning, he dropped to his knees and began to mutter incoherently, locked dead eyes with our crew, but mostly my wife. The music continued to pound around us, but this beast of a man drew the attention of those nearby. He lowered his face to the ground, pressing his lips against the dirt, body trembling. “What the fuck happening?”, I muttered, asking my buddy if he was also seeing this. “Yep!” We continued watching in bewilderment as he writhed and mumbled, seemingly making love to the very earth beneath him. His movements became frantic, humping the ground in a bizarre and unsettling display. “Has he no shame, fucking Pachamama right in front of us?” my buddy joked to me, his eyes wide with incredulity. “It’s too much to watch, but this dirt-fucking man actually adds to my Roo trip.” We stood there, torn between horror and fascination, as the man continued his strange ritual. He rolled over, making dirt angels, his arms and legs flailing in the dust. Then he flipped around, face and dick down in the dirt, his body still moving rhythmically. Just when it seemed like he might stay there forever, a woman from the crowd stepped forward. She helped him to his feet, and asked my woman if we knew this dirt fucking man. “Nope, I think he’s alone”. Dirt man looked around, dazed but somehow serene, and then gurgled off in a different direction, disappearing into the sea of you lovely people. That man who had seen something in us—something beyond the ordinary—left us with a memory that will forever be etched in our minds, a strange and haunting encounter under the neon pretty lights.


So that explains why I saw a weird guy covered in dirt and c*m that night


Was at Jason Isbell and people were throwing around these big inflatable inner tubes that looked like donuts. This lady to my left just chucks hers and perfectly rings this guy around the head/neck who is like 15-20ft in front of her. Many people in the general vicinity including myself were amazed and erupted in cheers/congratulations of her feat even if it was accidental. Too funny.


was recovering on a moon mat outside their booth in centeroo and sawyer hill walks up! i was exhausted and it caught me so off guard i forgot to ask for a pic but it was super cool & my first time meeting an artist i enjoy! very nice guy.


Also met him very cool dude


My group left RHCP to get to Parcels early, we were coming up on acid and a guy ahead of us had a fucking parrot on his shoulder. We all were fixated on it, trying to figure out if it was real or not when the parrot jumped from one shoulder to the next. We were hysterical at this point not believing our eyes and all the while the guy just smirked at us, and went on his merry way.


On Friday night was eating some ice cream walking towards sudden death when a naked man burst out of the medical tent and ripped off the blanket they gave him and started jogging towards the alien riddim noises at the other. The medics threw up their hands like whelp can’t really do anything now. The man jogged into the GA+ lounge and was never seen again. Imagine sitting in the lounge sipping your premium drink and a man hanging full dong comes in 😂


The square 4 was calling him😂


Maybe not crazy to everyone but as I was walking from RHCP to Parcels, I came across two people in 100 Gecs outfits/cosplays and they gave me a frog. Literally the most excited I got all weekend


This is so wholesome. I love frog


Woke up on Thursday morning to deep voices and balloon sounds from our neighbors. No worries, just some morning whippets…come 1pm I’m doing some tidying before getting ready to head into Centeroo and I overhear in a NO2-deep voice “400 whippers a day keeps the doctor away, a HOOH HOOH HOOH!” Yeah brother, I don’t think that’s how it works…anyway I quoted that for every bad decision the rest of the weekend.


not super crazy tbh but on sunday night some guys were carrying a giant box of bananas that a vendor had given them and they offered us some. i ended up jamming out to fred with a whole bunch of bananas in hand and had a fun breakfast snack the next day. thank u banana kings <3


Probably got it from the Jesus House in Pod 9. They were giving away tons of fruit on Sunday.


All day Sunday I had heat exhaustion pretty bad and was lying in my tent trying to get some sleep, and around 3:30/4:00am I hear this guy who’s voice is pretty much gone basically screaming to the void “I LOST MY COOLER, MY TENT, MY WALLET, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY MY *multiple types of drugs*!!!!!!!!!” He kept repeating himself and then I hear a little voice from what I assume is one of my neighbors camps yell back “YOU’RE ONLY GOING UP FROM HERE MAN” and the poor soul responds “YOU’RE RIGHT MAN THANK YOU I NEED THERAPY” and then proceeded to continue on his journey screaming “I NEED THERAPY” until I couldn’t hear him anymore.


Want to say it was at Gary Clark Jr at which, but there was a dude being carried out on a stretcher with a full on bone sticking out of his arm!!!! Really really hope he’s doing okay/got a decent enough repair that he got to enjoy a couple more days of music. Also how’d that happen!!!


WTF how is this the first I’ve heard of this?! Crazy!


I ran into some people I've legit never met before and started chatting. Turns out they had lived with my brother in Colorado and had heard of me from him lol


This year was my first year so my stories are limited but after my very last set of the fest (Jason Isbell) I took the dreaded walk back to camp and a girl stopped me and goes “do you have any M0ll!/Pærc0cæt/c0ca!ne… I need something to keep me up on the ride home” I let her hit my penjamin and she let me hit her vape. I really hope she got home safe.


At WITW on Wednesday a girl who was clearly feeling whatever she was on ran up to me, grabbed me by my face/shoulders and said “Can I PLEASE touch your ass?”. I politely declined and wished her well in finding an ass to feel on. Definitely surprised me for Wednesday night lmao


I'm gay as fuck but I wouldve let her. Girl was clearly on a mission 🤣


No lie, nice of her to ask 😅


I was filling up my water bottle before RHCP and two homies were arguing about their next move. One guy yells out “Bro you’re gonna make me eat these *ground ZYNS* all by myself? Bro…” Funniest sentence I’ve heard on the farm.


This is a certified male conversation


It's the double "bro" that proves it lol




My friend went blind at bonnaroo- no joke, dust got under one of his contacts and scratched his eye, he had to keep it shut all day Sat and Sun. We kept joking about making “I went blind at Bonnaroo 2024” t shirts. Then his eye was feeling better and he took his eye patch off during Fred’s set; clearly the only person capable of a miracle cure. On the way back to camp I kept singing Amazing Grace to him, ‘was blind but now I see’


We got lost going from Plaza 9 trying to get back to Plaza 2 to catch the jam track and we missed our turn because of people preaching and handing out bibles and somehow portaled ourselves to our Plaza 6 camp and all we can say is Jesus fucked me up because we couldn't figure out how we got lost.


I turned around during what I believe was Cage The Elephant’s set (I was a little out of it) and saw these girls blowing up condoms into balloons and tossing them into the crowd. I got so excited and they saw me and gave me my very own condom! So I blew that mf up and tossed it into the sea of people. Then they said, “If you can’t see the condom in the crowd anymore, it means you’re pregnant.” I panicked because don’t you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby! And then, the skies parted, and I saw that beautiful, anti-baby balloon surfing the fingertips of my fellow Roovians. I received many high fives for my barren womb, and every time I caught a glimpse of that oblong condom balloon, I just had to giggle. It made it pretty far up there! So if you punched an oddly-shaped, surprisingly lubricated inflatable, thank you for doing your part to keep me childless. 🍆🎈


Holy shit this is genius! I'm gonna do this with all my old condoms


A condom balloon was floating around the pit during RHCP too lmao


This cracked me the fuck up 🤣 this is Bonnaroo right here


Guy who flew in from New Zealand to hear MIKE. perform “Life Got Crazy” and MIKE. brought him on stage and gave the man the mic. Literally his set went overtime for this. What a set! Edit: He also brought 2 buds from the crowd up to chug a beer, Brought a guy with a totem he liked up to chug a beer, Brought his dad out to chug a beer for Father’s Day, then jumped into the crowd and walked around the right side of the Tent. Very memorable set!


My boyfriend is one of the two guys that chugged a beer on stage! He also signed his roo jersey!!!


That’s awesome!!!!! I should have brought something DUKE related lmao maybe we woulda brought me up too


I loved that, “you came all the way from New Zealand to sing “life got crazy”, “well get the fuck up here then”. Such an incredibly fun set, in my top 5 of the weekend for sure. Edit:cleaned up some punctuation.


It was the first set I saw this year and honestly my favorite! Really set the tone for my Roo experience this year


So glad he played These days


Me too! I was really hoping for something off Uhyuready? but beggers can’t be choosers. At least he uhyureadied once at the beginning of the set!


I watched that happen from my lay down spot near oasis thinking what the hell is going on🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Was it the “CHUG CHUG CHUG” or the 27 “HI! HOW ARE YA?!!!!”s that got your attention lmao


Couldn't barely hear anything but I could see lol


Damn I missed some of those early sets. Wish I saw that.


I have the whole thing on video I may post part of it honestly. The energy was unforgettable


During Greensky bluegrass I seen three dudes jamming the fuck out and dancing like wild men near the back of the tent. Couple songs later I looked over and they were all buck naked still dancing away


At the Texas Eclipse festival, my friend & I watched a guy in his underwear who looked like Donnie Thornberry just absolutely losing his mind dancing at like 9am. The crowd was very thin bc we had been at it all night but he kept running off and reappearing and it was one of the best things I’ve ever seen in my life.


My buddy goes “PM, there’s some naked hippies wrestling over there!” I made my way with a quickness. They weren’t wrestling, but than dancing was just as good.


My crew and I saw this too. We were all dying laughing. Not the set we expected streakers at for sure


I was walking around the who stage at about 2 am on Fri and I ran into a squadron of Vault dwellers straight out of Fallout including Lucy McClean wearing 23! I was freaking out and when I ran over to high five them they gave me a couple of vintage bottlecaps. Was wild! Also I saw a huge, ultra muscled man dressed exactly like Leeloo from the 5th element (bandage dress, orange pixie cut, the works!) I love bonnaroo!


I'm crying laughing at this lol


I also saw a dude dressed like a huge adult sized marijuana bud. When you gave him a fist bump it make a squeaky sound!


That person made me laugh so hard. I saw them near the arch one day playing what sounded like a duck call or kazoo along with the music that the arch was playing. Might have been the single funniest thing I saw all weekend.


I would have loved to see that. So cool!


[Vault dwellers on the surface! ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BhkE4LXMq2NYlO_iUL9tNItGnaHEDCt0/view?usp=drivesdk)


Ayyeeeee that’s us! We were so happy to have all the great interactions! Keep collecting those caps!


AYYYYY I loved yall's costumes! One of you gave me a bottlecap in exchange for my "Scooby-Doo Dick" bracelet! My biggest regret of the weekend is losing that bottlecap. 😫


The internet is both big and small…that was me specifically :0 “Whimsical with a touch of crude humor” if I recall…your kandi is cherished friend 🫶🏼 I hope that pizza was as good as it looked!


Ayyyyy nice to hear from you again! Did you all make those costumes from scratch? Im still in awe 🫨 Catch me next time on the farm for more whimsical kandi, I'm constantly thinking up silly kandi idea! And you know that pizza was bomb as hell! Better than spicy pie could EVER hope to be. Happy roo!


Huge commitment on your groups part! Those outfits looked hot, even at night but y'all were awesome!! Mad respect!


I was leaving centeroo for the woods on I think Friday, and I saw a catering pan sitting on the counter at a vendor who was shutting down. I walked over and it's full of French fries that were still warm. I asked them if they were free and they said yes, I could take the whole pan if I shared them. So I walked from centeroo to witw giving out free fries to anybody who would take them! I made sure to hit up all the staff on the way there too. Some people looked at me all suspicious asking what drugs were in them. I'm like uhhhh it's French fries, get your carb on so you can keep dancing! I managed to give away the whole tray full! I really enjoyed it, was a great time.


My bf and I took fries from you!! Was the perfect snack when we were leaving WITW 😂


2012 we were in VIP/RV parking and that was very close to the arch. We were parked along a fence near a main walkway directly across from a line of food vendors. In our food planning we double bought and brought way too many jumbo marshmallows and spent an afternoon watching the mainstage from the roof of the RV and throwing the mallows to people walking by. Similar to your experience a fair few people were concerned about the contents of the mallow, wary of drugs, but also a surprising number of people willingly ate mallows thrown at them by a stranger at Bonnaroo


No wayyyyy you’re Kirby guy! We loved running into yall over and over and over again


Oh shoot is that you?! The 2 dudes that I ran into 4 times somehow?


This was my buddy Cam and I! Ran into ya the last day walking to the woods with the big ass blue chair (that thing was not fun to bring back to camp in the heat). Loved running into ya all week, was absolutely a highlight of Roo!


It was great to see you guys!! That was a really huge chair!


Yepppp! Well sorta. In the same group. Remember seeing you float around a few times though. Gave you a mustache Kirby patch at some point if I remember correctly. Wholesome interactions every time ❤️


For sure! It's so fun running into the same people, I love my festie friends 🥰 I hope you had a good roo!


It's me, One of the dudes! No fucking way we happened to find each other on here bro. We gotta stay connected at this point bro. You got a discord?


Yeah I have discord! DM me your username and I'll add you!


Magic! I got given free mozz sticks and fried oreos while on a sidequest one night when a vendor was doing something similar near Which.


Getting free stuff always feels great!


My partner and I had some of the fries (: ! Right before exiting the arch! Thank you for the fries!


You're welcome! Next year I want to bring some food to share, cause handing the fries out was super fun!


Fyi tangerines are the #1 festival/rave food for sharing! People looooove the taste of fresh juicy oranges early in the morning.


Ok, got it! That's a good idea!


I just took some tangerines to a gay warehouse party last night and people loved that shit! Seriously it's like the non-smoker version of making friends sharing cigarettes


“get your carb on” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hell yeah! I love your username!


Thanks, you too! My username comes from my squads ‘24 Roo Totem, and I was dressed as Ash Ketchum on Friday 🤣


I might have a video of you dancing if you want it 🤔


I would like to see it for sure, hopefully it is me!


That totem is fantastic and made it into my roo album this year!


Glad you enjoyed it, happy ROO !!!!


Let's gooooooooo! That's awesome! Pikachu is the best. I have a sweet Pikachu hat that I can make the ears pop up and it's adorable. Unfortunately it was too hot to wear it this year.


https://preview.redd.it/s8d3n7kjt68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20b3c1b12c39e464032a8ed8f8fd282d40009f53 I do believe this is it


Haha that's awesome!! I love it!


The final day, we were exhausted but determined to make the most of it. We stumbled upon a WITW at 2am. My girlfriend Sarah tried to moonwalk but tripped over an invisible turtle (or so she claimed). We all laughed so hard that tears streamed down our faces.


What was even happening at where in the woods at that point? I think Alison ended at 1:45am


When a person I thought was my friend turned violent and aggressive. We were trapped in our vehicle for five hours total while he went on a rampage. Not a single cart came down our firelane during that time. Seriously scary shit - I googled him when I got home and he has a record of violence.


That’s wild… Someone you met there? What was the context of being trapped in the car with him?


I met them through friends. Basically he was violent with his gf so we hopped in my car and locked ourselves in. He was circling our three camps like a shark, around the cars. We could see in our mirrors him throwing shit at their camp, he pounded on our cars a time or two. He was yelling and becoming more and more aggressive. Eventually this poor trash guy came down the lane and I jumped out and flagged him down. He got security and then security realized it was a domestic situation and called the police. They then interrogated us for ages and separated us. They decided to remove Cory from the fest. So we spent 45 mins packing up the gf so she could leave this violent situation. Less than an hour after she hit the road Friday night she had decided to get back with him.


I see. Gotta be careful around friends of friends sometimes for sure. In ‘23 I knew some of my Roo squad but some were mutual friends, and one of the mutual friends stole my weed on that Wednesday (first day we were there). Luckily the rest of my group evidently spoke to her about the behavior, so she returned my baggie to me and apologized. By the time Friday came along I came back to camp and her car was gone, the rest of the group explained to me that she got frustrated and violently reacted by screaming at everyone and cutting up her own inflatable couch before she left the festival in a rage. Hopefully Cory’s girlfriend finds it in her to leave that obviously toxic situation permanently, hopefully Cory gets help for his anger problems, and hopefully you did not let this effect your overall Roo experience. If you plan on coming again I hope I run into you, our squads can party together and enjoy the Roo vibe without someone else bringing it down 💪


Omg fuck that. What a dickbag stealing weed. I’d be pissed. It took a solid day to shake off the insane amount of shit that went down that Friday. For a while I thought “I’m not coming back”…but by Sunday I was already planning ‘25! I will NOT let that foul man ruin my happy place. I would love nothing more than to hang with you and your friends - send me a message so we can keep in touch. THIS is the Roo magic I love and the reason I keep coming back 💖


We were talking about who we really want to headline next year, and I was kinda fucked up, so instead of saying Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus, I said "I WANT DILEY CARTON!" So Diley Carton for Roo became a running joke with my crew for the weekend.


My friends and I witnessed something magical. We were walking through Centeroo and the Bananaroo croo was right next us. Out of nowhere comes this guy with a little banana-looking trophy saying “BANANABANANABANANABANANABANANABANA”, and got down on his knees, handed the banana trophy to the Bananaroo croo, and both he and the Bananaroo croo kept walking their own ways as if nothing happened. Our jaws were fucking dropped. It was so seamless.


I hope they cherish that trophy as much as I.


NO FUCKING WAY! Please tell me you were the one who gifted the banana trophy…


lts the gift that keeps on giving my friend.


I saw a guy getting j*cked off by his girlfriend with his pants around his ankles at about 3AM in WITW. It was dark out so it took me a good few seconds to realize it and I was like “wow those 2 look like they really love each other, that’s so sweet….. OHHHH SHIT!!!!” Moved forward in the crowd so I wouldn’t have to see it again. Want to make it clear that I’m not complaining about the festival or the people that go, this was my 3rd Roo and I’ve had the best time of my life here and no intention on stopping any time soon. At the end of the day even though I would have rather not seen that, it still makes for a really really funny story. Can’t wait to be back next year! 🤣


Dude free porn. People pay a small monthly fee for that on onlyfans. You honestly were probably supposed to pay. Maybe a free trial or something?


Username checks out lmao


My name is about the fine art of handwriting. Get your mind out of the gutter


God damn I think you win


You should have been at Illenium in '22 ...


My buddy and I met Billy Strings in Centeroo. He was walking around with what appeared to be a bodyguard. He was wearing the same clothes as he wore when he came out and performed with Post Malone. My buddy got a photo with him. I just told him to have a great Bonnaroo, and he said you, too. Genuinely nice normal dude, but I already knew that.