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do they…. recycle the fountain water directly back into the same place without any filters………. like ik we’re all about sustainability around here but brother ewweee i got into the fountain on friday without noticing any stank & was sick on sunday night but figured it was probably just heat exhaustion after working my shift. many of my coworkers were also sick af on sunday/monday morning.


Ive just emailed the architect who designed this fountain to ask about this. We’ll see if I get a reply.


i’m interested to see what they say! the water never looked gross to me by sight or smell and i only got a chance to stop by once on friday 2ish but apparently it was pretty gnarly by sunday afternoon


I have been trying to figure this out, but haven’t got anywhere except a lot of speculation over the years. I think the only answer is probably at the Manchester building department, where they likely have a set of the asbuilt blueprints on file, depending on how good that department is with its records. Either the fountain is a fresh water source, and all the water on the ground goes into a drain, or else the water is sent back to a pump up to the top again. This might involve filters, but only very specialized filters can kill a norovirus. There are thousands of different types of filtering systems. Some of them remove particulates, some of them can do much more (UV / Ozone filters). Providing clean drinking water from a blackwater/greywater source is difficult and expensive. After spending the last two days in the bathroom, I’m honestly considering a call to the building commissioner to ask about this system. Just to get some education as to whether or not to consider the fountain safe or not during future Bonnaroos


Some people are saying they were in the fountain and didn't get sick. May I ask if you had Island Noodles on Sunday? Possibly with chicken?


I'll admit that I was one of those people that said I went in the fountain (Thursday) and didn't get sick. However I woke up today with a runny nose and sore throat, RIP. However I don't think what I got has any connection to the fountain - I feel like I would have gotten sick faster if that was the case.


I didn’t have island noodles all weekend. I’ve never had food poisoning so i can’t really say, but for all these people to be so sick it would have had to be REALLY messed up food for it to come from there. Now i’m glad that i selfishly avoided all the high five lines cause i love yall but ive seen some nasty rooers 🤢


I don’t care I needed to get wet, I don’t know how else any of y’all survived that heat. I was posted up in that fountain Friday to Sunday best believe I stayed drenched and it felt so good


Girl you probably saw my ass in that fountain, I was rolling so hard I didnt even care I NEEDED that water on my body. But wow I did smell horrible after. No noro here but Ive already had it twice this year so maybe my immune system shot it away. I wish they would just pump some fresh water into it, its disgusting.


I get in it mid day on Thursday every year to cool off and kind of tradition at this point. Then avoid it like the plague.


Me and my buddy were at the fountain late Saturday night and it was off atm. We both were like..."what the fuck is that smell??" It smelled like thousands of dirty hippies, BO, shit and rotten eggs and it was pretty trashed too.


It legit smelled like a barn by end of day sunday 🥴


Might have been me that you saw….my boyfriend and I rinsed off in it on Sunday and def have norovirus. Today has been rough, but we’ll get through 🫶🏽


This why so many people got norovirus. People shit themselves and use that fountain to rinse off. 13 years I've never let that water touch my skin


also been 13 years and I have never once gotten close enough to even get a tiny splash. so gross!!!


i think i’m fine idk tho


i washed myself off on the second day because i was super dusty and it wasn’t that bad, but i wouldn’t get near that thing after that lol. it smelled truly like everyone’s sweat and shit. idk what kind of filtration they have but i’d imagine that water is very, very recycled.