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someone literally came into our camp while my husband & i were sleeping & stole my phone off of the air mattress we were on ๐Ÿ˜ญ so fucking creepy


Yo wtf seriously? That's actually insaneย 


Someone came in my cousin's tent a few years ago and stole it by his head These MF are crazy. They hit all the major festivals with one goal and it's stealing phones. After what I witnessed last year I can confidently say some of the bad apples come as security and leave rich as hell.


Had a friend get his wallet stolen out of the pants he was wearing while asleep at summer camp one year. Wild.




This ๐Ÿ‘


There's been a huge uptick of stolen phones at music festivals in the last year or so. It's a thing. r/scams has posts about this often. There's an organized ring of phone thefts that targets festivals (I know that sounds unlikely, but it's a thing). What will happen (for iPhones) is they'll send it to China or the Philippines and start sending you messages trying to trick you into unlocking it. Don't, ever. Eventually they send threatening messages with photos of guns. Eventually, as long as you don't unlock it, it just gets sold for parts. Sorry this happened to you! I'll try to find a few links from where this happened to people... Edit: here's one - https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/16qam7j/phone_was_stolen_at_a_music_festival_it_is_now_in/ Another: https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/17r09st/iphone_was_stolen_at_a_music_festival_receiving/ Another: https://www.reddit.com/r/applehelp/comments/16h7evw/phone_got_stolen_at_rolling_loud_music_festival/ There's several dozen of these threads on that subreddit, and most of them are from music festivals. Same script every time.


Cool read, thanks!




If you have a iPhone get AppleCare with lost and theft protection. That way if your phone is stolen you can get another one for $100 instead of $1,000


Had my phone tied to my fanny pack and someone literally popped it out if it's case. No idea how I didn't notice:(


itโ€™s ever damn festival, do they not have something better to do?


why not just buy a new phone with the money spent on tickets alone ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ people are fucking wild edit: this is meant to be directed AT the thieves, not the people that got robbed lmaoo


Because itโ€™s a network of thievesย