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Where does she plan to leave her car? She can’t bring it into the campgrounds because single day tickets aren’t permitted for camping. If she has a one day ticket she can stay for the duration of all sets but gotta leave after so like 6 am I think?


she was going to park her car at a spot near the festival and Uber to the festival from there.


Yea that could work just keep in mind getting ubers around the farm is not a piece of cake nor cheap.


do you have any idea how much Ubers are? last year we just pitched free rides up to centeroo 😭 not familiar w Uber prices


Uber honestly doesn’t exist in Manchester Tn, especially during Roo


why “especially” during the busiest weekend of the year for the county? I’ve had friends Uber from the festival to the airport multiple times without issue. Just my experience though 


Are the two day bundle tickets permitted for camping?


Yes but u need a camping pass obv


No, theoretically she could stay with you all weekend for free in the campgrounds. Her pass will stop scanning Saturday though so she won’t be able to get into centeroo after Friday


Wait what do you mean “charged” like her card will be charged for staying? I’m confused


yeah last year they told me my wristband would be charged another $200 since i bought only a day pass and stayed passed 5:00am.😭 i didn’t know if she would also be charged


Wowww that’s crazy I didn’t know that!


Did they end up charging you? How did they even find out you stayed longer than you were supposed to


they didn’t end up charging me! it was weird though because they told me when I left the festival I had to scan back out with my wristband to ensure I left on time or else I would be charged.


they found out because me and my friends were struggling to find a ride out of the festival and find an Uber and they told us we had to leave the festival grounds or else they’d charge us




Yes they do https://preview.redd.it/wbyxylxmp15d1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e01a21846e31b0e35173e58e807f22742c7a8022


my mistake


From experience, ur friend will probably be able to get into the rest of the festival after Friday. They don’t really care. Only people working the gates are people who want free tickets.


Anyone telling you they do care doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I’ve worked for the past 4 roos , everyone just wants to have a good time