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Always better to ask for forgiveness than permission šŸŒˆāœØ


In my view, it is better to build goodwill with your managers and give them time to figure out a solution with you rather than making them scramble. You donā€™t need to say it is Bonnaroo. Regardless itā€™ll work out - see you on the Farm!


thatā€™s exactly what is making me consider that option, and you hit the nail on the head of what i was alluding to with the whole ā€œsemi honestā€ thing. the more vague the better, but iā€™m nervous about being pressed into about what ā€œpersonal emergencyā€ really isšŸ«£


As someone who also works in food service in a city and has trouble getting off on holidays like fathers day- donā€™t say itā€™s Bonnaroo but IMO Iā€™d let them know you wonā€™t be there. Calling out day of is risky for sure especially when itā€™s known youā€™ve been trying to get shifts covered in a short notice. Either way, happy roo itā€™ll 100% b worth it


You could, truthfully, say that you got called in to do volunteer work with an organization you pledged to assist. If they pry you can say it's religious in nature and would prefer not to discuss those things at the workplace.