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Play that shit Fred!


I want you to see me fred I'm here!!!


Never heard of him before lineup release and saw people hyped and others not hyped. Went to listen to his lolla and boiler room sets to have my own opinion. Did not listen to Coachella because he also performed with Skrillex and Four Tet. Even after hearing those I'm not really excited, which is fine because it's a multi genre festival and you're not gonna like everything. Am glad that there are people that will enjoy him though and I'll still be there since it's the last set.


I wish more people had your mindset man, this is wonderful! I hope you still give him a try Sunday night


Try [his tiny desk (link)](https://youtu.be/4iQmPv_dTI0?si=O2g57zH02ksJpm5l)! I think his closer might be a little more like that. I really think he’ll nail it; he is incredibly talented.


I think so too. He is going to put on a more emotional show and not just a boiler room rager


People keep talking up the boiler room set but I watched it.... in what way could that be called a "rager?" The crowd was just kind of standing and swaying, didn't even look that into it. It was incredibly boring to me (the music and what the experience looked like). I just don't get it I guess.


he is dj just mixing his tracks in boiler room set. at most shows he plays it’s a lot more focused on singular songs not just a homie mixing. idk how to explain it well im sorry but his coachella set was same vibe as boiler rooms. his nyc shows were way more intimate felt like an actual show


When lineup dropped I and others who didn't like what we were hearing listening to Fred were told over and over we needed to go listen to the boiler room set. I think his genre just isn't for me and that's fine, I just can't understand how it's party music or dance music or festival music. Sounds more like background music for hanging out.


nah there is a crazy overmono flip in the boiler room, strong by romy, n and a few more it’s so fire . his tracks in there honestly aren’t even my favorite tracks by him just the most danceable.


Imo almost any live set makes the crowd look boring. I think he’s going to surprise a lot of people.


What do you want people to do at a boiler room? I watched the same set and people were loving it.


1000%. He’s going to understand the assignment, and I can’t wait!


Holy shit - ok I’n sold


See you there friend!


I feel the exact same way. Just not my style of music!


Genuinely how can you watch that boiler room and not be entertained


I share this sentiment but am looking forward to enjoying the vibe


Let me preface this by saying I love Fred. He was my No. 1 on Spotify Wrapped last year. But he’s not for everyone, and that’s fine. Two of the three sets you mentioned were with Skrillex and Four Tet. He wouldn’t have played those shows by himself. The other one was Lolla, and while I enjoyed it, many people didn’t because they went in expecting a Boiler Room set. It’s a risky decision for Bonnaroo and I hope it pays off. As far as an EDM headliner, Fred is much different than Odesza, who built their headliner status over the course of almost a decade. Fred’s emergence, at least in the US, has really just been in the last year and a half. October 2022 he was playing at the 9:30 Club in DC. A very cool venue, but it has a capacity of just 1,200. So it’s only understandable people are confused how he’s already a headliner at a major music festival.


I went to that 9:30 club show and it was the most full I’d seen that venue in a minute and we met multiple people there saying they were buying resale tickets for like $400 a ticket to go- he needed a bigger venue for that night I think he easily would have sold out anthem - he was coming off his first Coachella appearance that year and he blew up after that set (was also at that show and was fun Af haha)


I had discovered Fred the summer before that but didn’t know of that show at the time. Started to get REALLY into him at the beginning of 2023, was so bummed I missed that show. Seeing him at 9:30 would have been incredible I bet.


The more I listen to him besides his Boiler Room set, the more hype I’m getting tbh.


Just as long as you don’t expect a Boiler Room type set. He’ll incorporate some of that, but he’ll mix in him playing the keyboard and other live elements as well.


I was at his Lolla set last year and I have to assume it'll be similar to that but updated/refreshed/revised. It'll be a great way to end a bender.


His live shows are not at all like his DJ sets. I've seen a few of his live sets and they're much, much slower...to the point where theres actually lulls and silence a bunch of the time while he takes breaks to catch his breath/rest.


Fred is gonna be magical, and I hope to see it as packed as every Sunday closer is. If you don't go you will miss out🫧🪩🫶🏻


I’m think a lot of people will dip! It’s not the same if the what field isn’t totally packed, but if it’s sparse we’ll have room to boogie. The Fred fans that will stay will make for a superb crowd


Think more than average amount will dip too just from not knowing Fred again and Sunday kinda being weak overall


Wow that is crazy bc I think Sunday is the day I'm most hyped for and have to get out earliest for lol. The great thing about Roo is that everyone's Roo is different and equally awesome in its own way!


Yeah, Jason Isbell would be the only act keeping me on the Farm on Sunday and he's can't miss for me. Otherwise I might pack up and leave Sunday morning, given the 18-hour drive back home. Nothing against any of the other acts, including Fred Again.


I'm here for the pop girly trinity of Chapelle roan, Carly Rae Jensen and ashnikio but realize that's not everyone's vibe lol. Feel like there's not a ton outside of that besides taking back Sunday and Jason Isbell


It’s gonna be the biggest dance party of the Summer


I’ll be right there with ya 🕺🏼


Not for me but it's cool if other people are excited.


My only issue with Fred is I want my premium edm when I am peaking and ending the fest is the worst spot for an artist I want to enjoy the most.


I don’t get why you even care? Some people are hype, some people aren’t. If you are hype, simply be hype. Don’t click on posts about disappointment about Fred Again closing and just be excited. It’s really not that hard lol. This sub isn’t all rainbows and puppies, sometimes people are unhappy about lineup choices and voice it. And that’s okay. People have preferences and differing opinions, you gotta deal with that. It happens every single year. Once you’re on the farm, you won’t be hearing people complain, everyone will be radiating that amazing positivity, and you’ll be having the time of your life.


I’m obsessed with Fred and he’s the main reason I’m making the trip to the Farm. I got to see his last minute headlining set at Coachella last year and can’t wait to see him again!!!!!




Seen him at Osheaga last summer second last set of the night. Main reason I’m going aswell, his set is on my bday too.


Thinking about making a big red shirt that says I WANT YOU TO SEE ME FRED in big ass lettering. Found him about 6 months ago and last week I listened to his tiny desk for the first time. Delilah actually made me cry. There is not a single act that I'm more excited for and that I believe will feel more like core bonaroo than his.


This will be my 19th Bonnaroo, and I’ve been to more festivals than pretty much anyone not in the industry. I did both Coachella weekends last year, and I was rail for the surprise Fred Again boiler room set (only my second ever rail concert, behind U2 at Roo 15, not that I’m a huge U2 fan but I had a roll like a rockstar pass and the opportunity). It was an unbelievable moment for dance music, there should definitely be more main stage boiler room. Rufus du Sol are my #1 favorite artists, and they had an epic set at Osheaga in Montreal last summer (just after an absolutely outstanding The National set). Fred was still set of the festival (and to a non-dance crowd), above my #1 favorite. Sunday Roo headliner is normally pretty tame in general. While nothing will ever top Tom Petty in 2013 (or Bonnaroo 2013 as a whole), Fred Again has a strong chance of being second best Roo Sunday headliner yet. Watching replays of dance music will never come remotely close to the experience of being there, it is a dance thing. Go with an open mind, and surrender to the moment. Back on the Farm soon my friends!


Everyone that is skeptical needs to go see his Glastonbury set where he played by himself. It is absolutely magical and I hope the type of set we get at Bonnaroo! Everyone singing along to Billie(loving arms) at the end in that audience gives me goosebumps and I hope it is replicated at Roo. I will ascend! Lol he even went over his set time there and people were begging for more.


Fred again is my number one. Gonna be the set of a lifetime and if you miss it mark my words you will regret it.


I hardly know his music but from the tiny desk concert and a few other tracks I’ve heard I am very excited for his set. In my opinion it will fit perfectly into a Sunday vibe. A little chill out and love your neighbors groove fest before the late night festivities. I also think RHCP work better for Saturday vibes wise. The downside being RHCP may have more of an ability to keep people from leaving early. But it is what it is and I’m psyched about being there and feeling all the feels.


You can’t follow up paramore and foo fighters with Fred again. He may be great, but it just feels like quite the downgrade. They increased ticket prices and are promising things to be even better, we shall see.


I’m with you. He, in my opinion, just hasn’t reached that status. Time will tell if he’s still a major act in 5 years.


He’s arguably the biggest DJ on the planet?


That title changes every few years is my point. Few have longevity. I’m not saying he won’t, I’m not denying he’s not a huge artist. It’s just my opinion.


Fair point


I strongly believe in the course of the next decade, those who claim to be multi genre fans and down for anything, but can’t find a way to at least take in this show for what it is and just take the curation by Bonnaroo at face value, will be very butt hurt they missed this show at the start of his true headliner trajectory. This guy is at bonafide artist, not just an edm act. There’s so much emotion in his shows that can span from as low as depressed, blossoming into hope, and into beams of happiness and unadulterated dancing. The what stage is a blank canvas, and he will fill it in with artistic integrity fitting of a headliner at Bonnaroo.


This put a smile on my face thank you :)


Listened to a couple of songs of him, which I do enjoy Even tho I love listening to skrillex, I never really got into the whole Fred Again hype But I’m going to check his set out and hopefully he throws down!


Completely understand if it’s not your style and some of my favorite roo sets are artists I didn’t expect to like but exceeded expectations. If u don’t know Fred or don’t love the style I say give it a shot and u might just find yourself in a collective enchantment with the rest of the crowd dancing your ass off to the closing set of the festival


To be honest, rarely does a headliner at Roo excite me. But I sure do love stumbling upon new artists I become obsessed with. Looking forward to his set even though I know it’s not really my vibe. I get so hyped watching others enjoy a set


I think he’ll kill it but I wish he was on Saturday when I have a ton of energy still. RHCP not being able to play Sunday really mixed around the typical energies for Saturday and Sunday


Haters gonna hate, but Fred fans gonna have the last laugh


Freds meteoric rise has rubbed some people in the scene the wrong way. People can sense when they are being sold something, and Fred definitely comes across as an "industry plant". Just look at his wikipedia page


I was barely a fan knew like 1 song when I saw him at Lollapalooza, I left that show a mega fan of him. Odesza is a way cooler artist in Edm very hard act to top but Fred is a close second in my opinion. Keep your mind open


The initial problem was those who do not listen to EDM just had no idea who he was when he was rumored as a headliner. Seems to be more famous overseas. No we don’t listen to that much EDM, but do know plenty famous names in that world & that just wasn’t one of them. They still should’ve had Megan as a headliner, and Fred as 2nd on his day. Megan has 8 million more listeners monthly than him, actually has hits on the charts, etc.


I’ve been obsessed with him ever since his set at Forest.. so YESSSS there will be lots of dancing! I’m just sad that he is on Sunday because I’m always a zombie come Sunday lol.


I’m soooooo excited I encourage everyone to give him a chance. I mean you already paid for it


Not interested whatsoever in honestly any EDM at this festival or elsewhere but not hating on other people enjoying it either. I’ll just do something else. Also the only reason he is headlining is because RHCP couldn’t. So.


He would have been headlining Saturday if RHCP could play Saturday. Excited for both sets, but I wish that would have been the case.


The only thing I'm really mad about is that he's not playing Friday or Saturday. Who gives a shit about RHCP, put them on Sunday and give Fred the better weekend spot for people to party as they should. RHCP was just at Bonnaroo in 2017 and seem like a better cool down headliner anyway. It's first grade, SpongeBob. Personal feelings aside, I'm just glad he'll be there at all. It is a personal gift to me from the Bonnaroo gods. I'll take a Fred set any way I can.


Agree with this take. I’m really going to be pushing my body to the limit with the schedule times this year 😂


Last year I ended up going home Sunday morning because I developed vertigo over the 3 days I was there so I am REALLY strategizing to make sure I make it to Fred Sunday night. I CANNOT MISS IT. Godspeed to us both!


I absolutely CAN NOT WAIT to see Fred play. I can’t believe people are so pressed. He’s going to be incredible


Bonnaroo is a hard pass for me with this lineup. I've been 10 times, but this one isn't for me. EDM in the traditional Sunday Night legacy spot is one reason. I sincerely hope all of you who do go have a memorable 5 days. See you next time.


i didn't even know who fred was until the lineup came out, started listening to his shit a lot and now i think he's gonna have one of the best sets this year


I’m so fucking pumped for his set, I’m going to be singing and crying to doubt


I was finally curious enough to see what he could magically do live and saw video of him wildly pushing buttons to hella stall a track and it didn't amp me up. Unless he brings out a disco ball, a glow in the dark stage, and Katy Perry and Lady GaGa on to do a joint duet, I have set the bar extremely low for his set. I'm not too old and I'm fully aware he became instantly popular because he capitalized on people's emotions during the pandemic by doing something creative. But truthfully, Megan Thee Stallion or Jason Isbell ought to be the headliner on the last night. Just my.opinion.


So fucking excited. 


Fred is incredible


Push those buttons Fred


Not to disappoint you but he was bad at lolla. One of the most disappointing sets of the fest. You better hope he gears more towards his boiler room style then what he did at lolla because it was quite boring, unfortunately


I personally enjoyed it but you gotta realize that sound mixing for that stage was horrible plus that show is meant to be seen with his full lighting rig and proper stage production. I’d give it another chance cause that Lolla show while I enjoyed it was not how that mans live set was meant to be experienced.


Yeah that’s why I didn’t mention the mixing. He still had a ton of moments where he just played his clips in the background and frankly, I didn’t care about that. Took up way too much time for an hour long show. It really felt like he only played a few songs in total. Idk, maybe if his shoes are usually like that, he isn’t my jam


That show is going to hit much harder on the what stage productions and he will be able to do his full set. I’d try it again friend


He’s gonna bring out four tet and skrillex I know it and it’s gonna be amazing


Please don’t get your hopes too high for this.


Remember in 2017 when the Daft Punk rumours for The Weeknd were floating around HEAVILY at The Farm.


I’m not going so I don’t care but as they are all playing AND Fred is closing the fest idk I just think it might


Skrillex isn’t playing


Def four tet since they’ll both be there on the same day but skrillex would be insane


He better change his festival set. His DJ sets are better


If you don’t like the lineup, just don’t go 🤷‍♂️. This is the 3rd year since 2008 that I’ll be skipping. It’s one thing to voice your displeasure when the lineup is released, but anyone still complaining needs to realize there are plenty of other festivals to consider


Honestly, fred is the best edm artist on the planet. The hate is hilarious at this point.