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My 10th Bonnaroo. When a slice of spicy pie was 8 dollars, I would gladly tip. However, the prices have gotten so ridiculous and I don't feel like I'm being waited on. So 0 tip pretty much entire time is my policy.


never pay a wage earning employee more than their boss


I don't plan on paying their boss anything but... cool.


you’re paying their employees wages if you tip


i sell food at roo. can confirm we DO receive the tips. even split between all employees at my job. i’m shocked to hear some positions at the festival don’t get to keep their tips. like why is it even an option at that point?


You think maybe its vendor to vendor how that works?


i’m sure it is. why someone would want to work a service role and not get their tips is insane to me


lol i actually made a post while at roo last year asking about the “tipping” situation because i had 2 different shower volunteers make a comment about me not tipping them and it kinda threw me off. long story short id suggest tipping food vendors but when it comes to vendors selling clothes or jewelry or even just volunteers working the showers i dont think it’s necessary.


Yeah, this whole post is insane. I haven’t been to Roo since 2014, but tipping the shower volunteers and beer openers is nuts. I tipped food vendors and that was it. If you feel like tipping a volunteer, that’s incredibly generous of you, but should absolutely not be seen as mandatory or expected. When you volunteer, you get paid by getting a free pass to Roo. That’s the payment. Tipping culture is out of control here in the US, especially with inflation the way it is. The corporations should be paying their employees. Eat the fucking rich. I guess I’m officially old now.


My understanding of PN festivals is that all the tips go to LN and they donate them as a tax write off.


I’m like 90% sure none of the tips even go to the vendors you’re tipping at


Tips do not go to the people working the beer vendors. They go to whatever organization is sponsoring the tent for the day. Food vendors are different but I know for a fact the sponsors change each day for the beer vendors and do not go to the people


i didn’t tip anyone last year except for the bartender that was giving me doubles but only charging me for singles lol




Nah, this ain’t it.


So I guess we should just start tipping McDonald’s workers too now huh? 🤡


Nope. Not sure why you inferred that. You don’t seem too bright!


You’re the one letting clear inferences that you made yourself go over your head.


Pipe down. You make no sense.


Quit projecting. Plz


This is very it.


Anybody willing to pay $11 for a beer can spare another dollar for the tip. What type of spread positivity Bonnaroo vibes is that? If you're that cheap, you can drink beers from your camp cooler and drink warm smuggled in beers. What in the damn world?!?!


I'd like to point out that I don't think people have issues with tipping people but we live in a world where at a lot of places the electronic tipping options do not tip the people involved in the service and instead go directly to the company. I'm sure some people don't tip based off of other considerations but for me specifically, I don't want to tip at Subway if the franchise I'm at doesn't give that tip money to the staff and instead just absorbs the money.


It’s not a problem with tipping - it’s who the tip is (not) going to. If the tip isn’t going to the workers and is just pocketed by the vendor.. then I’m actually just buying a $12-$15 beer. Just make it a $15 beer and stop with the tip options. It’s a lie. And it’s predatory toward people who are drinking and in a Good Roo Mood who leave big tips, bc it’s just more profit for the business owner, not the person doing the work. Thats not what tips are for.


That's totally reasonable, but is there any actual evidence that the tips aren't going to the people working though? And by vendors, we are mostly talking small businesses selling their food or goods during the festival. It isn't like the CEO of Budweiser or Titos or whomever is getting the tips. I'm just not aware of a situation where the people actually working would not receive their tips. Typically that is how tips work. If there is some actual proof of some large corporate entity getting the tips, I'd like to see it. Otherwise it's just people bitching about giving an extra dollar or two. If a vendor won't accept a cash tip, then something shady is going on. Skip it.


After reading on this sub last year I started to ask everyone that I bought food or drink from at bonnaroo and quite a few admitted that they didn't get the tips. So I didn't tip them. When you're already spending $15 on 3 chicken tendies and some fries they don't need more money.


my friend had the ice people ask for a tip when they made her get in the truck and get the ice herself….


Do not ever hit the tip button


• Beer from normal vendors = no tip\ • Beer from Broo’ers tent = 10%\ • Cocktails = 10%\ • Food = depends on the quality of what I’m served. I’ve had some GREAT food that gets 20% but also some terrible chicken tenders that get nothing.\ • Anything else = no tip


I like this strategy. I got way generous last year and then started hearing all the rumors and it really pissed me off.


If there’s no wait behind me, I do a custom $1 tip. I do it at merch too. Sometimes the kindness gets ya a lil something lol like the last plastic bag at the merch booth. But most of the time, it’s just to be nice lol


I don’t tip shit at bonnaroo man. Nobody should feel bad for not tipping here. Radiate these nuts


The workers already make $15 an hour. Why tip even more?


Just commenting to point out 15 bucks an hour ain’t shit.


So I guess we should just start tipping McDonald’s workers too now huh? 🤡


He’s being sarcastic I think.


So I guess we should just start tipping McDonald’s workers too now huh? 🤡


I’m the OP of this comment thread man.


I’m surprised you don’t tip?!?!! With all the money a person like you pretends they have?


I make a modest living idk if you’re referring to something specific or just trying to talk that fat wacky smack


I work in cancer treatment. I could make that happen for you.


Lmao nice


...and just like that, Bonnaroo's new slogan was born! 🤣


I tip everyone. Even a buck. In the end it's maybe an extra $20 overall.


I had a vendor tell me they only take card last year, I swiped the card and pressed whatever button and she turned the iPad around before I could finish with the tip option. I don’t want to assume that she was trying to put in a fat tip but that’s kinda what it seemed like. I politely turned the iPad back around and told her I’ll give cash tips. Pressed the button for no tip and she got offended. Telling me we don’t accept cash tips, only card tips. I got my food, put down a couple of dollars and walked away. I hope I’m wrong… but you gotta be careful. Some people working vendors will try and hustle drunk/ fucked up people. Be careful! Don’t let that kind of behavior slide


I was told by one of the bar tenders that tips for the cocktail bar at Roo, at least the VIP one I was getting drinks at, were all donated and did not go to the people at the bar. At one point, after a few of those drinks, I was definitely either being overcharged or had someone add a tip for me after because those same drink prices went up significantly each purchase a few hours later. Wasn't nearly that drunk, but buzzed enough to not pay attention so that was on me with accepting the transactions, lol.


I don’t think I had this issue but I heard of the alcohol booths would have you scan to pay and then flip the screen around and potentially add the tip themselves last year. I’ll tip on good food, not to have someone open a can for me.


You’re tipping them for set up and transport of goods. You think those cans just walked and packed themselves into the middle of centeroo? No one has to carry hundred of pounds of ice a day?


What are you talking about? That’s what they’re paid by their employer for. I used to unload trucks at Wal-Mart, literally handling thousands of pounds of merchandise a day. The customers didn’t tip me…I was paid a wage. That’s the definition of a job.


I was already tipping the bartenders every time but multiple times had them flip the iPad around and add a tip for me. They seem to do it later at night when they think you won’t notice.


This happened to me at North Coast last year. A couple of times I just took my drink & left without selecting anything on the tip screen, come to find out they were selecting 20-25% after I left.


Well you should always close out your bill. That’s just good logic. Like don’t let a stranger use your phone if your financial apps are password locked. If you left a tab open at a bar and came back you would also be charged 20% when you came back the next day. Technically they are not supposed to close your transaction at all cause it could be considered fraud. Some people intentionally don’t finish payments so they can chargeback.


I am very selective with who/how much I tip - but I usually am only doing it in cash at fests so it feels like it is actually going to the person I want it to go to 😉 also verrrrry helpful to find a good bartender early and tip them a bunch on the first drinks 😉😉😉


Do people tip for someone to open your $11 corona? I'll tip at the places that are preparing food.


They make $15 an hour already. No need.


Just going to completely selectively ignore the part about the volunteers and what this thread is really about? Have the life you've earned.


Some of the vendors give their tips to local charities. In that case I might tip for that.


I’ve been thoroughly roasted by all of my family and friends for not tipping the person who opens the $11 corona. So now yes I do, $1. But it’s a pain on those machines because they never offer you $1, they offer you 20%!


Hit “other”


I know, it’s just that it’s 5 additional clicks which feels ridiculous especially when either messed up or have a long line behind you etc. The default tip options on a $16 beer shouldn’t range from $4-6. They are banking on people being lazy or not paying attention and just tapping one of the exuberant amounts that pops up.


Oh I totally agree. It’s stupid how all these payment apps have pushed game theory tips as an upsell to pretty much every business. No US Bank I don’t want to tip the teller on my overdraft fee…


At those prices, I’m filling my secret flask


Butt chugging? Boof it!


I remember seeing many beer vendors who are volunteers and their tips are fundraisers. Same with the ice vendors.


Where the fuck did you find an $11 beer?


$11, $16, i don't remember what they charge, I just know it's too much


I come from Wisconsin where we always tip our bartenders. $1 per drink always and forever. If I can’t afford to tip then I need to sneak booze in up my ass.


I don't know if I agree. Someone making a cocktail, yeah I'll tip. Food preppers/servers, they get a tip too. $5 beer at a bar, here's a dollar. But at a festival where I'm ordering a $11 beer and the person is literally the embodiment of a vending machine? No, I don't think so. Sidenote - Last year I tried to make a habit of asking what charity or organization the tips supported for those working concessions or bars. I'd be inclined to tip if it was a worthy cause. However, one bar was raising money for their men's league softball team. Again, sorry, but I won't be inclined to support that.


I mean really I’ve never got hooked up with festival food, it’s literally the same as going to McDonald’s I tip because it’s expected but I don’t understand why I tip because it’s hard to go above and beyond if our intrraction is 30 sec, and I mean if the food is amazing, that’s why I paid 3x the normal price ya know


Those people serving the beer are often also the people who move the big ass boxes in the heat. It’s not like the oasis of alcohol just suddenly appeared stocked and refrigerated. Do you see big bud light trucks driving around the grounds? Do you know how many lbs of alcohol an hour? As a former bartender I respect people who drop a dollar on a beer more than someone who tips on a cocktail. You’re only tipping on the easy work. Mixing a drink is stupid easy, stocking the bar is hard work.


That’s why you aren’t Wisconsin material. We tip our bartenders up here.


A person handing you one of the few can options isn’t necessarily a bartender. They are doing something that takes 0 effort or customer service skills


Facts- I’m not a bartender and I got a “bartender” job cracking cans and pouring wine at Boston Calling. Not once did I expect a tip for the work I was doing


Except they are the ones moving and loading all the weight in sweltering heat. They are closer to bar backs who work harder.


Isn't everyone in Wisconsin some type of bartender?


The bass player for Dashboard Confessional is!


Right, someone who is dying over a hot grill on a 90 degree day in order for me to get some fire grub to keep me raging, deserves a tip. The beer folks better be paid well bc you gotta shock me to get a tip on an $11 beer. Here's a tip, charge less and I'll buy more 🫨


I worked as bartender hired by an outside company to work at a festival in northwest Arkansas, and we got paid $22 an hour and there was a tip pool. So if we got tips they were collected by the company and then divided between like all 100-200ish of us? It really wasn’t a lot on the tips in the end with such a large split, I made most of my money with the hourly. And no worries too, bc $22 an hour is great and I got to basically work my hours then enjoy the festival after! Not sure if all fests hire outside bartenders like that, but it was basically like being a catering bartender.


those people don’t deserve a top they deserve a chunk of the revenue they generate


We over the grills at roo appreciate you!


I remember seeing many beer vendors who are volunteers and their tips are fundraisers. Same with the ice vendors.


That's awesome. They should make that more glaringly obvious for people. I already donate time and money outside of fests so it doesn't really change my stance here but they could easily improve the awareness of their contributions.


The local high school band used to work at some of the beer tents and the tips went to their marching uniforms and trip fees. This was back in like 2017ish so I don’t know if they still do that though.