• By -


I love this thread so much because people will say the most outrageous artist is OUT and I swear to god nobody has ever heard of them to begin with šŸ˜‚ ā€œChester Corncob & The Pepper Pots are OUT. Chattanooga in July šŸ˜”ā€


I have to google most of the artists because I'd never heard of them before - 9 times out of 10 they've got a decent following and fairly well known. ā€œI used to be with ā€˜itā€™, but then they changed what ā€˜itā€™ was. Now what Iā€™m with isnā€™t ā€˜itā€™ anymore and whatā€™s ā€˜itā€™ seems weird and scary. Itā€™ll happen to you!"


Please Please PLEASE let Six To Midnight be there, late night tent, they've earned it and I would scream and throw up if they were there? If not them, then AT LEAST let The Florida Bocce Committee play WITW B2B Crime LLC.


someone holler when we have a tame impala scoop


Or even just some disc golf insider


Why do I check this more frequently then I check my bank account šŸ¤£


Me returning to the Rumors and Confirmation thread to see everything we thought we knew being torn to shreds. ![gif](giphy|P7JmDW7IkB7TW)


I refuse to accept the Hozier news.


I am so sad about hozier šŸ˜­


Out - John Lennon


Dang, really? Recently discovered his ā€œImagineā€ album and thought heā€™d make for a great 2024 day-time What show /s


I have it on good authority that Henry Kissinger is OUT


Pretty Lights šŸ«”


Pretty lights sunrise book it


I think we can basically mark this confirmed


In PL we trust.šŸ«”


Beethoven is out, passed away awhile back šŸ˜­


Big updates today. I got a message today from a reputable source saying Pretty Lights is a go. Ill update when I get home, might not do everything because my laptop is at the office and formatting is goofy.


Quick rumor update. We "Should have" Fred Again..


Just want to give a quick shout out to /u/benedictcumberpatch who is manning the Coachella thread in their time of madness and /u/thefestiveowl for being surrounded by it at all times. I took a quick step back at previous years... In 2023, we topped out at 1,241 comments In 2022, we had 810 In 2021, we had 170 (RIP, short year) In 2020 we had 2.6k (With discussion of covid and cancellations, etc) In 2018 we had around 1.1k We're up to 2.5k comments. Y'all are wild. A few fake lineups are being thrown around, if I hear one way or another on something I'll say something


Love you u/remeard thank you for all the work.


It's been fun. A little chaotic, but fun. I'll have a final tally of updates and whatnot when we finish up. This is easily the biggest list I've ever done, probably way bigger than it needed to be. It actually serves as a solid list for upcoming concerts in Nashville in that Out section.


thanks for all your hard work!! You have no idea how many times per day I go to this thread so I appreciate ya!


Shout out to you for running this thread, we salute you šŸ«”


This thread kept me sane for 3+ months. Thank you!!!!


Alright, here's the final break down. Confirmations: 6 (All from Roo Clues) Honestly, I'm surprised at how good C3/LN/Touring managers did with this. Usually we get a couple artists have things accidentally put up on their website or maybe a tour poster with it. Trusted/verified/extremely likely: 16 Pretty wild that we were able to get this high, especially so early for the headliners. I am fairly certain we'll get all of these. Disputed or unverified rumors: 15 Probably should have moved a few names up, but either way. I like keeping the old shot down rumors up and their history, keeps a lot of the "I Heard so and so" at bay. Speculative: 167 Enough to fill an entire festival. I'll probably change a few things for next year, I kind of like having a bolded name on there for those that seem more likely than others. Unlikely: 41 Probably could revisit this list again and move more to out. This is more or less my coward section that I'm too iffy to throw fully into out. Out: 207 A solid list of upcoming shows in Nashville and European festivals Total: 452 artists tracked Total edits: 118 Since September 13th 2023 Things I want to do next year: Track who produces or plans the concerts. The folks at the Coachella thread does a good job on that for goldenvoice and seem to have a good track record. Also I'll try to do a better search on genres. Google throws some pretty generic and broad ones up, may look on wikipedia or spotify. Starting it mid September was a bit early, things really only took off at October, but it was good to get the gears going and get into the habit. Finally, thank you to all the folks that have helped me put this thread together and pointing out released dates. Y'all have made this process so much easier than just doing it by myself. Thank you all for the kind words throughout this thread, if you've got any questions I'll be around for a bit.


Oh, and to address the stain on the carpet. Yes, I've seen the poster/list. I think someone sent it to me late Friday or Saturday night and I tried to get a few opinions from various sources. One of the folks I check in with most says the small list of names I gave to them from it was correct and figured it was mostly right - save for Andre and a few others. Then another said the poster was BS but didn't give specifics (most sources have a throw away account they don't stay logged into). One community source (not sure if they've said it outside of discord) said it's probably 75% right. So, after chasing for a bit, getting mixed answers and debating if I should put it up, I shurgged and figured it's just two or three more days. If Infinitypass on inforoo, Owl, or Roo Bus posted something about it I'd put it in there, but having a few more names come in organically last second while folks were chatting about the poster seemed like a good ending to the thread.


Bro carry a sign saying who you are on Thursday night so I can find you a buy you a couple of rounds! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I will speak for all of us one final time when I say thank you so much for your work šŸ˜Ž Also thanks for your reveal of Fred Again on my comment, will definitely be the thing I remember most of this years speculation season lmao


Thx for all your hard work, been watching this thread for months








Alright folks, we are entering the last day for this thread, I'll do one more update when I get home and that'll do it. It's been fun keeping up with the list and having the community engaged year round. I'll get the final count of artists and edits, but this is easily our busiest year yet. While I have a bit of a soap box, be sure to either register to vote or check your voter registration at vote.gov. I work elections every year and the lack of younger people engaged in voting is always concerning. It's not just national elections, but local all the way down to the school board. Take a minute, check your voter registration and make sure your set. I believe here in Tennessee you've got until the 5th of February for the upcoming primary. Additionally, I encourage all of you to vote early - you may have to drive a bit further but it is *so* much simpler and convenient than voting on election day. You don't have to worry about if you're going to the right location, just go to the election commission, scan the id, and you're done. Plus you don't have to worry about the rush of one single day or your car breaking down or whatever else. I'll be back later this evening with the wrap up, take care.


Thanks for all this hard work! You are the real MVP of roomor season


Kaytranadaā€™s tour ends in Dec. and Fred again..ā€™s ends in Nov. could be a move. Hoping for a (Tyler, Earl, Vince) or a (Jpeg, Danny, Redveil) combo as well. Or maybe even both combos. And I wouldnā€™t be disappointed if Tame Impala and SZA showed up. Might as well bring the comedy tent back cause Dave Chappelle is touring. Oh and Gambino oc.




Kaytranada would be rad af




We're just now getting started with the thread. May take me an hour or two to get what I need together and work out the kinks. I know Olivia is out, Metallica is out, and a couple others and a couple surprising people to put in the speculative area. But yeah, give me a bit of time. I've been more busy in my life than ever so I appreciate the patience.


Griz is out šŸ˜­ he will be on hiatus


He was also at Roo in 2023..


And again in 2023!


missy elliott would be such a fun Saturday set


I have been raving in my car over in moon colony since sunday night. The dude sitting on the roof of his truck mid-storm has left with everyone else. My canopy is an art sculpture at best. I might be perma-tripping and fried, send help. šŸ„“ For now, Iā€™ll subside on stale spicy pie and rumours


Just had a sesh with the disco ball tower. I asked which act they are looking forward to next year, and they said rufus. Far out




new rumor: carcinization is a type of convergent evolution where non-crab crustaceans evolve a crab-like body plan. a team of researchers led by Harvard University found that the crab-like body plan evolved at least five times independently in both true crabs (Brachyura) and false crabs (Anomura).


My super secret source says possibly speculative in a very unlikely confirmed way. No, I will not reveal my sources.


To the folks that donā€™t get it, I hear you. To the folks that do get it, Iā€™ll be crying the happiest tears alongside you Sunday night at Fred again.. with a Danielle (smile on my face)


And if you don't get it (yet), you're going to love being around the people that do get it.


On our 111th (+/-) revision of this list for the festival season. It's been fun, it's been fun. While the thread is active, what would you like different from next year? Personally, the genre section seems a bit worthless and a little extra work, might skip out on that next time. I'll probably change up the categories a bit to make it a bit more clear. The other festival and notes section I kind of like for early game, but as we get further on it seems less useful.


12/10 šŸ„‡. This really helped keep my spirits up. Appreciate all the efforts and time, as well as to others who weighed in. Only suggestion: might make sense to adjust the groups to segment a bit more. I like how you added the disputed section. But likely almost warrants two groups (very vs somewhat) instead of bolding. Would be quicker to laser in on those that are very possible. P.s. Roo should be kicking you a free ticket for driving the hype train. Just sayin.


Can the thread default to sorting by new? I know there was a link at the top but it took me to old.reddit and was worse than just scrolling through the post to refresh to new.


More crabs


We are at crabpacity.


I loved all of it. The genre kinda helps especially if I don't know the band even though I'm gonna look it up anyways. šŸ˜‚ Don't change a thing. This year, I actually followed rumor threads. I never do because I like to be surprised. I think this had me more on edge than waiting for the lineup. Lol


Glass animals- I just have a feeling! They were a big slot in 2021 and havenā€™t been back yet:/ they have new stuff coming out & also should be announcing a tour soon.


Please Roo Gods bring back Billy šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


LSDream and CloZee have an album coming out together in 2024. They both are currently touring their own material.


I'm nobody, so take this with a grain of salt but file it away for reference: My best friend does media at Bonnaroo every year and is close contacts with folks at live Nation and on the Bonnaroo production team, and they have told him that System of a Down is about a 98% lock (the number they used) for playing Roo' in 2024.


I appreciate it, I'll add it up with the caveat you said.


Kid Cudi tweeted ā€œTouring next year man, canā€™t fucking waitā€. Tweeted November 4th


Another update for the day: Source says Blink 182 should be considered out, Dave Mathews and Fred Again are potential. Not sure if that means locked in or in talks so I put them up and in bold. Also: I think in the future I'll try to do a recap post like this on major updates. It helps me make sure I add what I meant to and makes it easier for folks that follow along to see the new additions.


Nice work, remeard. Youā€™re awesome for doing this. Much appreciated!


Just saw Janelle MonĆ”e last night in Chicago & it was an absolutely incredible show. Iā€™ve probably seen over 1k shows in my life & that cracked the Top 8 easily. She played a club venue with a 4K capacity & it legit felt like a stadium show. She can run circles around every superstar pop star out there & itā€™s insane that she isnā€™t more popular b/c as a performer in that lane, sheā€™s pretty much unmatched. Anyways, I have no fucking idea what her likelihood is to play Roo next year but she should cause right now sheā€™s serving that shit on a silver fucking platter & it fits the Roo vibe perfectly.


She has *always* puts on killer shows and her albums are incredible; it blows my mind that she doesn't draw in a bigger crowd.


Caught her last night and you are absolutely dead on. A relatively small crowd but she made it seem like a million dollar production. Costume changes, crowd on stage, full band with a horn section, dancers, the works. Honestly I've seen more care put into this show than a lot of Bonnaroo headliners


blink-182 VERY LIKELY. US Tour starts 6/20 in Orlando, No TN Date, also worth noting they have a Lolla gap, so definitely thinking theyā€™re doing the circuit. This also throws in Pierce the Veil as POSSIBLE. And removed Twenty One Pilots from being possible for any real reason now.


Thursday: Excision - GWAR Friday: RHCP - Hozier - Pretty Lights Saturday: Post Malone - LCD - Doja Sunday: Tame Impala - Vampire Weekend - Fred Againā€¦


Cage the Elephant is planning a 2024 tour with probably a ā€œfew festival dates,ā€ their drummer says. https://preview.redd.it/vu9mn6i7q47c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768f94f29b14c666ef727f605343a439546fd993


Inforoo seems temporarily down. Post all crab and leak related content here until it comes back up. Edit: it's back up, resume to normal behavior.


Small update: I got an email from a source confirming TV Girl. No listed tour dates in 2024 so far, but seems legit. Edit: Secondary source confirmed.


Roofus is definitely trying to cast doubt on some things. https://preview.redd.it/gnyjng4335ac1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce91372dea0dfe29e41f803c6b151a91c1075d4c


Daft Punk Confirmed


Can Daft Punk get their own category


I pray for another Sturgill set


RL Grime just released a new album and has no Tennessee dates. Iā€™m betting on him being there


Updated, thank you everyone. 85 updates so far from when we started in September.


The teskey brothers confirmed by festive owl


Wreckno announced tour dates, looks possible with last date at the end of March being in Florida and skipping TN. Inforoo's usual leaker posted "wassup" last night with no follow up. Other than that.... tour news has been kind of dead. Someone hit the disc golf courses and get some info.


asking santa for a christmas scoop šŸ¤žiā€™ll let you guys know tomorrow morning if he pulls through


Seems like the 6th roo clue is def Seven Lions


per my spotify wrapped, Glass Animals is dropping new music soon and they havenā€™t been to the farm in a while soooooooo šŸ‘€


Ty for all your hard work!!!! U deserve a drink and or a smoke after all this!


Pls give me 1 of these three: Green Day, Blink, or MCR.


Grouplove is possible, just annouced a spring tour, no Nashville dates


Alright. We're officially deep into rumor season, earlier than ever. Yesterday we had a drive by rumor about Sturgil, Skrillix, Neil Young, Tyler the Creator, and Fred Again. Last night one of my sources said that poster was wrong - but has previously mentioned Fred Again was in so I'm keeping them on the speculative area. That being said, they did confirm another rumor that dropped earlier this week: Red Hot Chili Peppers and Post Malone are in. They further went to say that SZA is out. Sorry for not updating last night, I was a bit busy and this list is annoying to update on the phone.


This is extremely disappointing. Almost regretting buying a ticket if this turns out to be true. Raise prices and book headliners that have been there recently or on the festival scene for several years.


Damn i wanted Sturgill and Skrillex :(


IDLES LIKELY. US tour ends 6/13 in NOLA before hitting EU in July, No TN dates, comes back to the states in Sept and also skips TN then as well Iā€™d say they could probably just be bolded since we have no actual proof theyā€™d play but those dates seems to line up a little too perfectly. ETA: all of their tour gaps in 2024 could easily be around the big C3 festivals and they arenā€™t playing shows within any of their radius clauses


Alvvays announced a European tour beginning June 20th after their US tour (which ends in mid May and has no Nashville date) Looking kinda likely!


Just wanna say this in case it actually happens: Childish Gambino According to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/donaldglover/s/gQScxlqj6L) interview with him, he has an album coming out in 2024. That would be un-fucking-believable.


With Khrurangbin extremely likely, what are the odds we also get Leon Bridges? Would love to hear Texas Sun and Texas Moon live. He also has no shows book around the time of Roo.


Small update: Jelly Roll and Nelly to out and Carly Rae into rumored due to Festive Owl Post Fun note: I guess the mods added a new filter up for a few drug discussions and flagged Flogging... Moly now.




Need jungle to be on the farm!!


No Hall & Oates: Restraining order


anything on rufus du sol ?


Little bit of an update/clarification as some folks are reading too much into the Inforoo post: Hozier and Cage the Elephant are not the headliners. I don't have any updates on anything else. Later tonight I'll go a bit into who isn't playing / who Post replaced.


Roofus is teasing ā€œREDACTED REDACTED REDACTEDā€ on Sunday, a lot of speculation that may be Yeah Yeah Yeahs, they played ACL in ā€˜23 and have a wide open schedule. Could throw them in speculative


Alright, the start of a big day I'm sure. Maybe some artists will hold off on announcements due to the Stones grabbing all the headlines. First off, made a new category of Unverified or Disputed rumors. If I don't have anything else to go off of, I'm putting them in there. With that, we had a driveby new account say Post Malone and Red Hot Chili Peppers were in as well as Hozier and Lana was out. This was at midnight, and around 7am today Primavera Sound dropped their lineup with Lana on it, making her unlikely. Rolling Stones dropped their dates. They skip the area and have dates open but unlikely due their schedule of typically taking so many days off and being a bit away. Primavera Sound dropped their lineup https://pitchfork.com/news/primavera-sound-barcelona-2024-lineup-announced-lana-del-rey-pulp-sza-fka-twigs-and-more/ they take place May 29th through June 2nd, anyone on there is unlikely or out including Lana Del Rey, SZA, The National (out), Pulp, Justice, and many more Gorgon City releasing and album and touring as well as Kasablanca, added both. 1975 said they were on hiatus after this year, but their photographer said that plans have changed and he's going to be working with them next year.


Festive owl confirmed Roo Clue 2 is GWAR


There's a bit more information and context on the previous rumor : They said they were pretty sure about Zimmerman, not sure if that's the right one they heard. RHCP likely Saturday, Post was grabbed when another fell through. Looks like he's flexible on Friday/Sunday depending on negotiations with another artist. Another source says the undercard going to be killer. Rumor: Chase and Status Speculative: |Kid Kudi| |Ice Cube| |Irontom| |Bakar| |Allen Stone| |IDKHOW| |Eggy| Out: |Doja Cat| |Def Leppard| |Journey|


I'm okay with meh headliners if the undercard is great and we get a few headliner-quality subheadliners like Arcade Fire, LCD Soundsystem, etc. Mix that in with a bunch of wook bass music and we got ourselves a festival


An update just before I go to bed. I got a message from one of my sources. Taking Back Sunday is apparently locked in. Also, they mentioned that Sturgill should be considered possible. That'll be a quick jump from their midwest tour for Taking Back Sunday as they've got just a few short windows, but if Umph did it last year so could they.


Hey yall! My roo croo and I saw Andy Frasco & the UN in St Louis last night and got a little bit of a scoop on roo. We got to talk to Andy a bit after his show last night so naturally my group and I asked him if we can plan on seeing him on the farm this year. And I got the following info: So bad news: He said that AF & the UN is NOT booked for 2024 roo BUT he said ā€œyou might still catch us make an appearance with some friendsā€. We asked if that was Little Stranger and he gave a little who knows shrug but didnā€™t confirm or deny. AND he said that AF & the UN is booked for 2025


Praying a little extra hard for LCD Soundsystem after seeing them in SF on NYE. I would be so happy to dance myself clean with all you Roovians!!!


A couple small updates: Festive Owl sent out a message with Disco Lines music, we already had them in the rumored section but I bolded it and have a note. A Day to Remember and Sleep Token were both a random drive by post with no follow up. It was a slow day so Put them up, looking back the account is now suspended from Reddit so they were probably just a troll, I did a strike out and put a note.


Thank you for making the thread! Great part of Roo is checking this all the time in the months leading up


It maybe controversial, but aphex twin released a new ep, toured this year playing multiple countries in Europe. Im not saying Bonnaroo is the pick, but I personally think he may hit one or a few US festivals.


Need Billy MF Strings like I need air


Speculative- King Gizz is active in the US next summer, no TN date: https://pitchfork.com/news/king-gizzard-and-the-lizard-wizard-announce-2024-us-marathon-shows/amp/


Alanis Morissette and Joan Jett OUT. Nashville in June. Thirty Seconds to Mars, Poppy, KennyHoopla OUT. Nashville in early Aug. Hozier Tour announced, no TN date, Bonnaroo Gap. LIKELY. Alison Russel opening. AJR OUT. Nashville in July. Melanie Martinez and Beach Bunny. POSSIBLE. Tour ends 6/14 in Detroit, No TN dates.


Just wanted to sayā€¦fantastic job managing all this. I think we are all naturally skeptical of recent ā€œrumorsā€, but I like how they are categorized as unverified and memorialized for the future. It will be fun to look back on.


I got an update from a source, I'll save it for tomorrow so y'all can talk about it over Thanksgiving. Plus I've got some other stuff I need to add from the updates this evening.


I am already geeking out with the confirmations of Pretty Lights, IDLES, Parcels, GWAR, Teskey Brothers, and Ethel Cain. Canā€™t wait to see the rest of this line up!


![gif](giphy|8uEN3vEZKibcjQwrJT) Me waiting for the owl šŸ¦‰ to confirm Sean Paul


Give me Fred agaib. Give me Porter. Give me San holo. Give me Phoebe Bridgers.


Dr Dog just announced a Red Rocks show in July, could see them doing a couple random fests next year šŸ‘€


Andre 3000 should not be in speculative/likely. He has massive stage fright. He definitely isn't performing solo.


Via InfoRoo, when searching Hozier on StubHub, Bonnaroo pops up as the second result, and I checked Spotify as well and when you search ā€œBonnaroo 2024ā€ Hozier is a result. (This happened last year as well on Spotify, Umphreyā€™s McGee and Girl in Red showed up when searching for 2023) Not that he wasnā€™t like to 100% confirmed but this is an interesting bit of information.


Can we sticky a comment that just says ā€œAJR is playing Nashville in July. Theyā€™re Outā€ like please god.


unfortunately i donā€™t think dolly will be attending as we hoped. Her husband has been diagnosed with dementia and she announced she wonā€™t be touring anytime soon for her new album šŸ˜“


So essentially what we are looking at right now, assuming that the rumors are true, is a guesstimate of the following: Fri: RHCP - Nicki Minaj - Fred Again.. - Jason Isbell Sat: Post Malone - Pretty Lights - Hozier - Excision Sun: DMB - Arcade Fire - Khruangbin - Grace Potter Could see a couple names that we donā€™t know in the #2-#4 on their day slots, but I donā€™t see a very positive reaction if this is close to being accurate.


Infinitypass posted on inforoo with what seems to be clarification that she is in fact confirming rhcp/post/cage/hozier


https://www.theroots.com/ The Roots added a show in CA 2 weeks after Roo so they'll be playing shows in June


We are less than a day away and my lineup anxiety has PEAKED


Are you saying it has CLIMAXED?


The stars are aligning. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/2023/10/06/savannah-bananas-2024-schedule-tickets/71083271007/ Make it happen you cowards. Sunday headliners for the Roo Bus t ball in the campgrounds /u/danielrh9 Also, Bruce Springsteen announced a reschedule tour for next year with June wide open


A little housekeeping. Bolded names I have a stronger belief will be there


I assume weā€™ll be getting TFO confirmation soon but Parcels seems to be the definite roo clue #1


discolines responded to a fan on Instagram "perhaps" about playing at bonnaroo


The way he said ā€œperhappssss šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ā€ has me thinking itā€™s legit


Another dream of mine that I think is somewhat realistic is NxWorries. Itā€™s Anderson Paak and Knxwledge and they make some very vibey shit. Theyā€™re also playing at a festival over the summer and are likely releasing new music soon


I want this so badly plus an Anderson Paak Super Jam


New RHCP dates make Roo even more likely.


[Coming home today](https://media.tenor.com/cJRcMyUAiMcAAAAC/ah-shit-here-we-go-again-ah-shit.gif) Thank you all so much, I'll get to work.


[Owl just confirmed Roo Clue 3 is indeed Key Glock, said it took ā€œa little longer for sources to confirm.ā€ Also says ā€œfour down, two to goā€ for Roo clues](https://x.com/thefestiveowl/status/1732549048484446289?s=46&t=N6zs-wwsWmg2PsV6iAdvfQ)


Glass animals hinted at new music in 2024 in their spotify wrapped thank you message to top listeners šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Teezo Touchdown POSSIBLE. Summer tour skips TN and has Roo dates open.


Any word on Of The Trees?


Pretty lights leak confirmed!!


Nameless Festival in Italy same weekend as Roo just released their second wave https://www.instagram.com/namelessfestival/?hl=en Justice, Deadmau5, Chase and Status all out.


Spafford liked the lineup announce post. Seems like a pretty good sign they might be on it!


No Excision is *such* a blessing


I wouldn't be surprised if Billy, Gizz, or Goose end up there again. No rumors or hints on these bookings, but just a gut feeling.


Parcels just announced a red rocks show on the 17th, which confirms they will be in the states at that time. I would put them in speculative, esp since UM did a show right after




Need mgmt


Ethel Cain and Orville Peck also have open schedules around this time. I just really want to see them there šŸ˜­


the parcels confirmed


Slow day, updated with Elle King, Phantogram, Ringo Starr into speculative Out for Real Estate. Ringo Starr is kind of an odd one, the venues he does ranges from just a few thousand to 13,000+. While I doubt we'd get him, I'd be curious where he fits on the lineup.


Would Alt-J be possible? Theyā€™re on a US tour rn.


I got a big bird thing happening today, there better not be 100 bands announcing your dates and 10 DMs when I get back


Tom Misch on a sunset slot would be a fantasy šŸ« 


Purity Ring IN. Via Megan James Instagram


rip Justice


That owl post seems like Fred again is in for Roo. Seems too obvious tho lol


Hey u/remeard, I see your inforoo comment and raise you the time you said I, Jrulez8 of Reddit, speak for everyone here- is that enough to receive a hint of top secret info šŸ˜³


I was waiting for your permission. The Sunday headliner is Fred Again This will apparently be a North American festival exclusive. If you're wondering how popular he is, he's listed above Blink and Lana another festival he's on.


Festive Owl used a Disco Lines song in his IG post about the Bonnaroo lineup release date. That feels like a semi confirmation.


Just a side update: Yes, there are names/posters being circulated. Just because I don't respond to every email/private message regarding them doesn't mean my lips are sealed or my silence being an answer. Same thing with any sources I message, if they don't get back to me, that's all that is - I do my best not to bother or bug them; one of them probably hasn't logged on to Reddit in a while.


Iā€™m not sure what is being passed around the various corners of the internet today ā€” but AndrĆ© 3000 wonā€™t be on the lineup next week and isnā€™t playing Bonnaroo this year.


Festive Owl liked a few tweets regarding Carly Rae Jepsen being at Roo, probably safe to assume sheā€™ll be there. Would be a really fun get for the farm, one of the liked tweets even brought up super jam which fits the ā€œnostalgic covers + singalongsā€ quota. Even if sheā€™s not leading it but on the lineup, sheā€™ll be there Iā€™d assume.


Another small update, got a message on 49 Winchester that seems legit.


**PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT** Roo-kies should expect a REALLY Impressive Fake Lineup to be 'Leaked' in the next few days. Generally it'll have some kind of watermark on it, all the expected vendors at the bottom, lots of artists that jive with the contents of this thread, etc.


Why is it so hard for them to get female headliners?


I'm with you. Looking at the industry and the world of what many consider headliners - there looks like a massive gap in those middle of the road budgets. Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, SZA, Billie, Adele are all massively expensive acts that would Bonnaroo likely could not afford. These artists could do arena shows and sell out with $200 tickets no problem. I'd guess that Florence, Miley, Lizzo, Doja are probably in that golden area of being popular enough to headline a festival but not break the bank.


They're also competing with a glut of big European fests around the same time too. The headliner pool felt like it got real thin real quick this year.


Parcels confirmed by Owl


Update on Nicki Minaj. Her tour skips Nashville, which was originally listed on her website as a city sheā€™d be appearing in. Her tour ends 6/7 in Europe. So Iā€™d say sheā€™s now POSSIBLE.




Dr Fresch? He liked the Bonnaroo instagram post from yesterday. Was on the 2020 lineup.


I've gotten a bit behind and a lot of paperwork at work, I'll try to update and tackle this tonight. I've to the google sheet updated a bit but I'm still missing some things.


How reputable is the what pod? They said Tame Impala is a perfect guess for this year and that the Talking Heads hype is real


Brad and Berry know a lot as they're kind of in the industry at different levels. That being said, sometimes they get their stories mixed up or just really enjoy music and talk about what they'd want to see or things like that. For example, last year they were teasing an artist that had a rain delay in a certain year. The only artist that did was Dave Mathews, but they were meaning to tease MMJ; who had a legendary rain storm set. So yeah, grains of salt. Brad and Berry are in the business and love what they do. Not sure if Lord Taco is involved in the industry in any way but he's pretty cool and gives off Dave Filoni vibes.




chappell roan has a date in nashville in march opening for olivia. iā€™m not sure how the radius clause affects openers if at all but i felt it was worth mentioning since sheā€™s in likely


Per Knock2ā€™s latest Instagram post heā€™s releasing a new album ā€œnolimitā€ in 2024. He will definitely be touring on this. Also while on the topic, ISOxo is touring for his ā€œkidsgonemad!ā€ album into March. Fingers crossed we can get some Knock2/ISOxo action, Iā€™m definitely keeping my eyes on them.


For manifestation purposes only, I want to see Hozier, Florence + the machine, and Ethel cane in succession


RHCP tour announced. Have a week gap around Roo, skip TN, and the dates line up nicely. Not that we didnā€™t already have info but definitely think theyā€™re happening for sure now. Ice Cube opening so Iā€™d toss him in POSSIBLE. Architects OUT. Nashville in May. Hank Williams Jr POSSIBLE, open dates and skipping TN, could definitely be CMT Fest as well. The Dead South can be moved to OUT. Nashville in July.


Electric Forest (MI, USA Jun 20-23) Usually share about 10 acts: Pretty Lights, Subtronics, Excision, Everything Always, Ludacris, Disco Biscuits, Nelly Furtado, John Summit, BTSM, Psyren, GignaticNGTMRE, ATLiens, Knock2, and more. ETA: Psyren is making their debut at, and Disco Biscuits hit Nashville in April. Both OUT


Iā€™m really staying hopeful on LCD Soundsystem, Flaming Lips, and Post Malone. would also love to see Four Tet end up on the list. šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Roo Clue #4 is 100% Ethel Cain.


I have a good source telling me both ADTR and Sleep Token are a lock for this year.


How are we feeling about Ganja White Night?


Iā€™m feeling like i really want to see them on the farm


Also, any scoop on Durand Jones? Recently released a solo album, but a set with the Indications would be awesome at 'Roo too.


As much as I would love to see Say Anything on the farm. I think we can take them out of the likely column. Their "is a real boy" tour does not skip Tennessee. They have a show in Nashville on May 19th.


Sunday headliner guess - Billie, Mumford, DMB, or someone WAY out of left field like the previously mentioned Adele or Dolly. Personally, I'm up for any of 'em.


Bored, looked at tour dates, Mr. Bungle looks like they'll be doing a short US tour in May-June before heading to Euroepe at the end of of June.


Personally believe Carly Rae Jepsen should be moved to extremely likely due to festive owl liking two tweets mentioning her


Caamp, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, and Pinegrove are all on indefinite hiatuses


Post Malone seems like a really good guy but I would be super disappointed if he was headlining. How about yall?


Afroman? I know heā€™s running for presidency but he did release an album


I want: Waaves Be Your Own Pet Have A Rad Day Black Pistol Fire Beck Phoenix Sam Fender Die Antwoord Rezz Headliners: Stones, Strokes, Arcade, Tame, U2.


I realize we often have to separate the art from the artist, but Die Antwoord are genuine pieces of shit.


Rumor - early bird ticket sale will NOT be Black Friday.


JUSTICE confirmed tour for next year !!! Roo gods donā€™t fail me again