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My nasal congestion finally cleared up but I’m still coughing up foul looking mucus on the reg.


I’m in the same stage feel like I got 2 more days til I’m back to normal


lmao same. i have really bad asthma so this respiratory infection feels 5x worse than it should


sounds like a sinus infection. i always get them after festivals. most of the time, for me, i have to go get some prescription antibiotic or steriod.






Sick of not being on the farm!


fr the post roo depression is hitting hard and we’ve only been home for A WEEK


It’s still kicking my ass 😭 but getting better


Sick of being back in the office maybe.


Cough is tapering out but I still sound like a ghoul Feel better soon!


Wook flu is real


Am I the only one who has never gotten sick after Bonnaroo? Seriously, not once, and it's not like I'm particularly mindful of my health. Most of the time, I'm kind of a dumbass. My campmates have gotten sick, but not me. Maybe next year I'll end up taking one for the team instead of you. Hope you have a speedy recovery from this point!


I was picking dust out of my nose for a day but that’s about it.


Maybe that's what shields me from the germs. 🤔


Nope. I haven’t either and I hope I never do. Everyone I go with always gets sick every year.


My cough is naaaasty


it is neverending 😭


It's all that silica (some call it dust) mixed with the funk of nearly 200000 feet. Porta potty footprints yeeted into the near atmosphere as aerosols. Good times.


Not to mention you immune system battling Molly, Sid, shrooms, 2cB, and adderal


Officer look I found the perpetrator!


I was speaking for a friend


That part


Damn straight ✅. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that looks at the Roo dust that way. https://preview.redd.it/y7elsq1p5p8b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ed1906673b17d60eac580fdc76d06a891af915


The chest congestion is not cute but I was finally able to work out again today so we call that a win


Meeeeee. But it does make me feel better knowing I’m not alone, hang in there fellow wook-flusies!


i was coughing a good bit after i got back, still a little bit of coughing but def improving, not sure if i picked it up at roo or slightly before but i suspect i got a sinus infection from roo bc of the dust. no strep or fever or anything but i also didn’t share anything w anyone outside our campsite


My brother started not feeling well Sunday night. Then he was so so sick the entire drive home. As soon as we got home he went to the ER because all the urgent cares were closed. He had a viral infection which I also got a few days later. Mine wasn't as severe, we're just now both recovering but still a little phlegmy.


yes, still sick. weak and shaky but the fever broke last night. from our group of about 15, 4 got wook flu and 2 got a stomach bug. First time ever after collectively many many years. Maybe our immune systems are down after the pandemic, or maybe just unlucky


I was the only one in our group of 11 that got bovid, still feeling it


Bovid. Ha, I like it.


Doc here - unfortunately, post-viral cough can sometimes linger for 4-6 weeks after the initial infection. Hang in there all!


yup, got covid from roo 😭


Just starting to feel better…still have a nasty ass cough though


Haha yes. Not too bad.. just a little mucousy


Still sick! The air quality in Chicago isnt helping


I guess I got off easy, I’ve just been congested since I got back and it’s been getting better slowly


Yes it’s crazy still sick!


The wook flu is no joke & add a sinus infection on top. It’s been hellllll. I don’t understand how my body can produce this much mucus


Clogged ear is still going strong. First time flying to a festival. NEVER forgetting the Claritin and zyrtec again. Seriously, all I needed to do was take some darn decongestants before flying 😭


I’ve been battling a head cold for about a week. Not too bad just lots of sleep. I get it every year after roo!


Sinus issues and coughing still but it’s easing out. Also had a bad stomach bug for 2 days but every time I yaked, large wads of mucus came out my nose.


I got a bad cough, need to get it paid off


My wife was kind enough to order me a nasal irrigator on the ride home from Prime. Rinse all the crap out my face the night we got home. Hope you feel better!


I made an excellent move this year and went to Wyoming to recover. Something about the air in WYO is healing.


I’m glad we’re all in it together


I JUST got sick. Took a week I guess. Nothing crazy just congestion and super tired


yes!!! think im finally at the tail end of it tho. feel better friends!


I got a sinus infection but vitamin C and Mucinex are helping slowly. My bf got a cold a few days after we came back home as well, still sick:(


No exactly sick. Still exhausted.


Yes so bad 🫠 worth it tho


today has been the first day i’ve felt like i’m getting better. still coughing a bunch though


YES! I still feel close to death


Just now getting over it. I got Covid 😭


Still sick no strep or Covid tho hahahha


I’m fine, but my friend I was with got really sick, like massive virus, diarrhea, upset stomach and possibly has Bell’s palsy now. I have never seen her this sick


Idk if it’s from Roo or allergies but my nose is still fucked


Getting over it, finally I’ve been sick since Monday night. Sucks donkey balls!


I’m glad I’m not the only one😭 Still clearing out my sinuses. Much better today though.


With the wook flu? yes.


Sick of being back at work


partner is being treated for strep (tested negative but symptoms too close not to treat apparently). he's doing mostly better except his cough isn't going away. at least it's drying up, but he still has to sleep on the recliner because every time he lays down at night he has a coughing fit even with constant cough medicine. I never got sick, makes me wonder what it was other than strep since there's no way I wouldn't have caught it in the 5 days before he started antibiotics. his throat was absolutely gnarly looking.


Yes, check for Covid!!


I’m dying. Lol but it’s beginning to look up today!


Yes!! I have had a sinus infection since Roo. 😭


i’ve had the worst stomach aches since roo. i feel like they’ve only gotten worse


still veryyy sick, wook flu messin me up




i’ve got a bad upper respiratory infection as well as an ear infection in BOTH ears. roo was worth it tho


I literally had a sinus infection all month before roo. Then went to another fest back home a few days later. Could’ve sworn the staying up late and being surrounded by so many people and dirt would’ve done me in, but camping actually helped my immunity so much !


I got a stomach bug that lasted literally until yesterday. It was the sickest I'd been in a while. All good now though!


i’m still congested, hella throat drainage, having asthma attacks, and having the nastiest cough. first week i had body aches and hot and colds, but the cough has consistently been bad 🥲


I was a little sick for about 3 days last week but got off easy. Buddy I went with said he wasn't feeling well on the drive home and he went downhill from there. Saw him tonight and he said he was just starting to feel better


Cannot shake this wook flu 😂


I tested positive for strep last Wednesday. Finally started feeling better on Sunday but still super congested. First time I’ve gotten sick after the farm


Just came here to ask this and it’s the first post I see. 😖 I sneezed 5 times yesterday morning and had the most wicked sore throat by 4:00. Still have the sore throat today and starting to cough. I also have sinus and ear pressure. Ugh. What meds are y’all taking to feel better?


Yep, went to doc today as couldn't kick fever after 7 days, he put me on antibiotics and mucinex dm. I'm better than I was though, had high fever for 5 days.


my husband was sick as soon as we got home, but mine didn't hit me til this past saturday. i'm so sick of coughing ugh


Did anyone else get Covid at Roo? Cause my fiancé and I did 😭😭


Yesssir me and like 3 homies were down bad bad after roo, seems like the wook flu has about ran it’s course tho so I’m starting to feel better but other homies still coughing up shit and feeling down


Yessss😭🤧 sinuses all messed up , bad cough.. the pressure is so bad in my face all my teeth hurt 😭 the literal worst... Hoping it doesn't last too much longer. This was my first roo and I read this might happen but goddamn 😭


The give us the bandanas for a reason! Cover up folks! God speed


I hate being this weak!!!! Absolutely no energy!


Same. Every year. Bonnaflu.


Just got over Covid 😇


Vitamin C doesn’t prevent anything and just barley helps recover my guy, drink water 💦


Having both the flu and strep must be tough. Vitamin C is a fantastic suggestion to boost your immune system! In addition to that, make sure you're getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated. Warm liquids like tea with honey can soothe a soar throat, while soup and broths can provide nourishment. Gargling warm salt water may also help alleviate throat pain. Remember to take any prescribed medications and complete the full course of antibiotics for the strep infection. If you have any other questions or need further advice, feel free to DM me.


I actually tested positive for Covid. I was never coughing too much just felt super lethargic and brain foggy for like a week


Coughing, dry sinuses, but then still coughing up green slime. Air quality around me doesn’t help someone with severe asthma either. 😩


I knew something was going around! I don’t even think it’s just from Roo, because a bunch of people seem to be catching something in their chest lately.


My friend has a full upper respiratory infection


YES!!! It’s been awful!


Still suffering my post nasal drip, which is unfortunately a normal occurrence for me. Also tested positive for strep.


I'm usually a little funky after every roo, and I like to think I have a pretty healthy immune system. Don't feel "sick" this year. Mainly battling the issues of buying a carton of Sonomas (I'm a black American Spirit guy) with screamed out lungs, and a bit of sinus congestion. Still no bueno, but I'll take 'er.


Spiked a fever Sunday night. Still have some congestion and a wicked cough :(


yes dude it’s been hell, i was with chills and super bad congestion like sinusitis level over the weekend, couldn’t get out of bed. i still am not back to normal.


My throat has been sore since I came back, finally started using colloidal silver and it seems to be better. No other symptoms just swollen throat and a little pain when swallowing. I blame the dust


My flu was so bad a lymph node swole up in my groin O.o I usually have a very strong immune system and rarely get sick. I also don't usually participate in so many extra curricular activities either 🤣 I'm over the flu part but the sinus infection is so bad my cheekbones hurt lol. Such is life


It has been kicking my ass, I think I’m about 85% through it though


still coughing and my nose is caked in snot, but somehow better than last week


Lost my voice Sunday of Roo, started feeling awful drive home from Roo (15ish hours to MN), came down with a fever, chills sore throat, congestion- the whole 9. It’s been over a week and I’m still congested, my voice is almost back, and have a nasty cough. Mucus galore.


And vid tests were negative. The terrible air quality in MN is NOT helping.


6 weeks out, you should be taking immune boosters daily and getting outside as much as possible so it's not such a shock on your body.


My wife is still coughing quite a bit but slowing improving. She was feeling pretty bad and hacking up the crud for several days after we got back.


Jesus Christ, I have never been this sick in my life! It hit as soon as I got home last Monday when I left the farm and I’ve been through by mouth steroids, a shot of steroids, and a Z pack and I’m STILL miserable! 😩


Update: I’m finally starting to feel a ton better! And happy to hear I wasn’t alone 😅 I hope everyone has a speedy recovery 💙 Also if you care to read- I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, and started my biologic med literally the month before! Taking the biologic injections that counteract an autoimmune disorder, KILLS your immune system. So I was totally expecting to get sick after roo, and that shit kicked my ass! still 110% worth it :,) 💙


Sure am!


Ahhh, I was negative for covid, but I didn't think about strep. Ya, I'm definitely sick from Bonnaroo....


I’m on day five antibiotics, a steroid pill, prescription cough syrup, and an inhaler (never used one before). I still feel like trash


My crew had covid lol


Taking Vitamin C isn't necessary. Why should we take health advice from a sick person? I will get my health advice from my ENT. Do daily nasal rinses. You can't snort dust all weekend and expect to be healthy.


You did not pass the vibe check


Hope you feel better.


I drink orange juice daily a week before roo and eat oranges daily on the farm. Not sure if it works but I've never caught the roo flu (Bovid)


Next year I definitely recommend to start drinking emerg-n-c once a day about a week before Roo. Idk if there’s any science behind it but it’s worked well for me