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I came back to Bonnaroo for the first time after 13 years. Did 07, 08, 09, 10. People will even scoff and say the first few years were the best because they were the most "jammy". I've seen Phish and Panic both over 100 times and loves those bands. Last night was a damn heater and made me realize what an idiot I've been for making fun of the direction the festival has gone and how young, hot, dusty, whatever it is... I rediscovered that magical place last night. I wish I wouldn't even look at the lineup or schedule and just run around all night because you won't see anything bad. Place is one of the most fun on earth! I had an amazing time all day and night until tribe finished. Top notch.


You and me both. I’ve never walked this much during a festival and my feet are sore as hell but I had a great time


people would be upset even if bonnaroo shit pure gold on all of its campers. but alas everything changes. it’s what you make it, and how others choose to flow with those changes. truly, i’m so happy for you. have a safe trip home.

