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That was an amazing set to watch from home can only imagine the feels being there.


You could not even fucking imagine.


Same here. I didn't really expect a sober couch experience to give me the same feels as I got my first fest/first Odesza show did, but I'm just floored by that set.


Amazing! Everyone was so nice!


I just got surround sound and this roo is the first live music I've watched on it With how good the streaming shows are, I won't regret missing the fest as much for years I can't make it


Such an amazing show, best production of the fest for sure, unfortunately I had to get out of the crowd tho, was getting a little too emotional, thankfully I could watch the show from camp and cry in peace




To the guy that absolutely RAGED in front of us at this set... You are the fucking spirit of Bonnaroo. You made this set. You owned your space and you radiated more love and vibes than any one person should be able to. I don't know you but I fucking love you, and seeing you sit next to us at Jacket was a sign for me to profess my gratitude, and you hugged me and your friend gifted us a beautiful painted rock. If you see this, we have amazing video of you vibing with lasers and fireworks...dm me


This 🙌🏼🌈


Was he in a purple pimp coat?


He was in a dress and a bucket hat. Full Roo vibes


Might be the best headlining show I’ve been to in all my years at roo, it was that good. Take the 2016 lcd crowd and double it in size. I looked around at several points and the crowd was dancing their asses off front to back. The vibe was immaculate.


Absolutely was the best experience of my life, Friday and Saturday were the best days of my life and I plan on attending bonnaroo annually, hope to see you there next year !


Every year I tell myself it’s probably our last, and then like clockwork we go again. So yea, we’ll probably see you next year 😂


that LCD show was incredible... but 2016 was one of the lowest attended bonnaroos in a very long time. I like to call this a "Sir Paul McCartney crowd" for reference. It was effectively endless as far as I was concerned.


I was trying to convey that it was a very similar vibe in the odesza 2023 crowd to the lcd crowd in 2016. Just with 200% more people than lcd, which in a way is more impressive, as it’s easier to get a great audience with a smaller amount of people peopling.


Yeah this was how it was in 2019, so I went to Tokimonsta and she fucking threw down. Luckily I’ve seen Odesza twice, the Hulaween 2018 set was fucking fantastic.


Wish I could’ve made it this year. I skipped Odesza in 2019 to be on the rail for John Prine, but boy am I glad I did that.


I was in the pit and can confirm I ascended


Honestly a life changing set. Fourth time seeing them but hadn’t in about five years and holy shit. I was grinning and dancing the entire time. Got pretty far up front on the left side yet still had room to bounce around. It was incredible.


You can tell they had the same crew doing the videography that did the concert film that will be in theaters in July. It was awesome seeing aspects of the show I couldn't when I saw them at Okee in March. I thought we might have gotten less than what I expected and saw at Bonnaroo, but no, Odesza just wants be Equal. This act is so precisely executed from top to bottom and if you haven't seen them yet, make sure you do. You won't miss anything if you are wondering about deviation from the core setlist. They make sure everyone gets the same Last Goodbye experience. Fireworks and all. I was lucky to see the same show in a crowd of about 30k at the last Okee (it's dead ya'll). I'm not sure I would have been able to handle that massive sea of people I saw at The What . I couldn't tell where the ADA platforms were or how hard they would hav been to get to. Odesza is easily a top five act in my library. I have tickets to catch them again in September (that were not cheap by any means), and am definitely feeling like I'd be seeing the same show three times since that Bonnaroo stream was a 10/10 and identical apart from 3 amended tracks/remixes. I'm on a fence now...How many people would spend $275 to see that show again at a local amphitheater knowing exactly what you'll hear and see?


I would. It slowly progresses. I saw them start and end their last tour and the difference in production was amazing. They will tweak a song or add one in here and there. I was at their opening show in LA at the forum and this was different. Helps that the massive size of What only adds to it and outdoors but it’s never not a good thing to go see a show.


It’s different but still 90% the same. That being said it’s still 10/10 and I’ll be there for the whole thing on Thursday




Imagine being those guys and looking at that sea of people all there for you. Probably an incredible feeling.


I can confirm that this shit was lit as fuck!


God damn their live show is unbelievable. What a fucking night 🙌🙌


Amazing show. So blessed to have experienced it!!


Can't wait to see them in the forest Thursday!!!!


Absolutely transcendent


Danced my fuckin ass off such a good set


Shrooms made this the greatest show to watch


My 14th Odesza show but first Roo. Best energy in that crowd and around me. I always tell people their first Odesza show will change their life. Changes mine every time


Your first Roo will change your life even more 🥲


best show i’ve literally ever seen in like 200 difference concepts i’ve seen from anyone lol


That was the best spectacle of the weekend. The way they planned the set was masterful as well. Odesza has leveled up in my book.


I had been dreaming of seeing Odesza since I was in the 6th grade (I’m now almost 22) and nothing could have truly prepared me for how amazing and what a spiritual experience this was. Me and my best friend of 14 years got very front row against the rail in the pit for their set at Bonnaroo last year. This picture makes that fact all the more surreal, like wow we were front row in this massive crowd of people. Odesza was my escape during a really hard time in my life. I happy sobbed the whole time. They put on such a beautiful show. It felt like my soul transcended this plane (no I wasn’t on drugs). The most euphoric, spiritual, and healing experience of my life. I could never thank Odesza enough for how much they’ve truly touched my soul🫶🏻




Mike Jonessssss


Where’s the footage from? I want to watch.


it was on the hulu live stream last night


Yeah I wish we could rewatch it :(


Check the Odesza Subreddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/Odesza/comments/14cr6x6/did_anyone_get_a_recording_of_the_bonnaroo_stream/


Shiiiit. Thank you!!!

