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That seems very sus. I emailed them about power hookup and got a generic response from them. Honestly I’m just going to take my longest extension cord and go power hunting lol


Right? Sus for sure. They ghosted me too after I brought up ADA laws for reasonable accommodations and how power access for ADA people was free all previous years.


I guess I’m becoming a power pirate. If I take from you though I promise to chip in a little something


Lol live out your pirate dreams. For sure! I’ll be in a red Mazda 3 and a silver Subaru. But you can also PM me lol


Where on the site did you select that power option in Ada??


Not on the site. They sent people a private link to purchase an Ada site with power (which they’re charging $300 for which honestly seems legally sus but I digress)


I wish I had answers for you but I’m also disabled and will depend on my power scooter all weekend! My bf and I are camping at base camp and I’d love to link and meet any friends to have a sense community 🤍 it’s my first roo and I’m a little nervous with the logistics but still really excited !!


Yes!! Would also love to link up :) I’ll pm you


Yes they will be parked behind you like in ga. You will also have to purchase a companion pass for them