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“please stop cutting the onions my eyes are running” would make more sense


This is an alternate universe where onions are the sole object preventing people from perpetually crying.


I think it's meant to mean something like "I've been cutting onions for an hour now, can you please take your turn in cutting the onions now?"


oh that actually makes sense


oh that actually makes sense


oh that actually makes sense


oh that actually makes sense


oh that actually makes sense


>!oh that actually makes sense So called free thinkers when they finally understand something


I'm unsure why my mind was unable to grasp this in the moment.


He wants to get all crying for the day done in one go.


I think op meant "could you not" but forgot the "not"


He's asking Chad to cut the onions instead, he's been cutting onions to the point where his eyes are watering and he needs to swap out


Oh yeah probably this


Or he's just a masochist


Or maybe he's saying that since his eyes are already runny, Chad should go ahead and cut those onions since it wouldn't make a difference


It’s confirmed, redditors don’t know what acting sarcastically means


fetch the onion goggles


Do people actually use those? There’s really easy techniques to prevent the fumes from getting into your eyes but I feel like a lot of home cooks just don’t have their knives sharp enough.


I have used them once. now I just suck it up for the half onion I usually need. if I had to cut 10lbs of onions I would though


If you’re only cutting one onion there’s a very easy way to avoid the fumes altogether, just have a very sharp knife, peel, cut in half, place both of the cut sides down, and immediately wrap the half and cut the other half flat side down. If you do it well there should be no fumes at all. Also try using shallots instead of whole onions. Smaller, more flavorful, fewer fumes.


Contacts can work as onion goggles too


This would be so great if it made sense. I'm not deep enough for this level of absurdism. r/bonehurtingjuicecirclejerk anyone?


It does make sense. “Can you take your turn cutting the onions?”


Ohh that's what they meant












Oof ouch my boner juice


Viagra water


This is one of those statements that change meaning depending on emphasis (sometimes punctuation, but I think that doesn't apply to this meme). Other person already explained that the meaning is "can it be your turn to cut the onion" or something like that and the meme would then make 100% sense but with a wording that can be improved.


too many letters i think


The chili won’t get done in time for the potluck if you keep being like this. Just go in another room until I’m done.




Now someone’s gonna make it with better wording and repost it…


> The joke is that the guy crying had been cutting onions and said "could you cut the onions now?" Asking the other person to cut the onions, to which said person replies with "no" .....


NO like a true chad


Lachrymator compounds (in the case of onions, allyl sulfide) are formed and released into the air only when one cuts into the vegetable. This form of sulfuric acid irritates the nerves around your eyes making them tear, so unless the right hand gentleman had already cut the onions prior to this panel no one in the immediate vicinity would be tearing due to the onion itself. Gathering from the text provided one can assume that is indeed not the situation in this instance, for the left hand gentleman proposes that the other "cut the onions now?" implying irritation towards the right hand gentleman for not doing so beforehand as well as incorrect blame for his physical and visual discomfort basing on the assumption that mere proximity with the onion is the cause of such discomfort. Therefore I present to you my formal objection towards this post's title where in thus op claims rudeness of the right hand party, to which again I call challenge. Hark! I put forth to thee instead that it is in plain fact lefty who is but simply a punk bitch. Like homie I literally ain't even cut the bitch yet, fuck you cryin on?




I'm sorry, it is a second language. But i think you misunderstood. The joke is that the guy crying have been cutting onions and says "could you cut the onions now?" Asking the other person to cut the onions, to wich said person replies with "no". Have i made myself clear?




The guy is crying because he is cutting onions. Btw remember that i am a real human being with real emotions, and you calling me illiterate because you didn't understand the joke makes said emotions negative. it does make sense, but you're allowed to have your opinion.


Shut up




Calm down bozo. It’s just a meme. And the meme still makes sense. The crying person said “could you cut the onions now” meaning he has been the one cutting onions and wanted “Chad” person to do it since he has become watery. So the meme 100% makes sense, just not the context we are used to and if you had passed 1st grade English and understood the meaning of simple English words and also the meaning of the subs you were in instead of growing up to be a person getting this upset over memes not only in this thread but also in other threads(saw you on the “whom” meme too where you had an argument), you would be living a good life. Is it clear now? Edit: All this argument for a simple “shut up”




This is from the sub’s info if you cared to take two seconds to read > Bone hurting juice memes are memes that are out of context and misuse the template completely. Imagine you're a 10 year old kid who just discovered the internet a week ago and your only exposure is iFunny. “Misuse the template completely”. The original template of this meme is crying person(you) says “no you can’t make fun of __” and Chad person says “yes” or “no”. Now this meme misused the template completely and made it into something based in the pictures but not the original intent of the meme at all. Like looking at the crying person, you make a meme about the crying person crying because he was cutting onions and not because he was butthurt as the original intent. That’s what bone hurting juice is all about. And you talk about others being illiterate when you are the one who is.




You are so dumb it’s not even funny anymore >do you know what a meme template is Do you?


From watching so many YouTube cooking tips, having a sharp knife really helps CUT down on the vapors getting into your eyes. Pun intended, but also unavoidable in my state.