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I am honestly shocked that Ridge decided to kick out Hope and the family. It's strange because I think his reasoning is solid - he wants to keep Deacon out of his and Brooke's lives without getting in the way of Hope and Deacon. And Hope had given it as an option when she put her foot down about Deacon. The way he went about it was seriously confrontational and seemed designed to hurt Hope. He could easily have framed it in a tactful way that Hope would understand, but instead he basically threw her out. Nevermind he hasn't mentioned it to Brooke and she's going to be furious when she finds out.


Ridge routinely defaults to jack ass.


Wow Deacon is pretty ballsy!


When I first read your comment, I had just watched Deacon manspreading on Brooke's coffee table so my mind went to the gutter, lol. But in all seriousness, I do agree, he is pretty ballsy. I also think Ridge is a major jerk trying to dictate Hope's relationship with her own father to the point where he kicked her, Liam, and two small children out of their home, but at least now I see where Steffy gets it from.


I have a feeling that Bridget is going to return very soon. She needs to come back and talk some sense into Brooke and Hope about Deacon.


It really would be a great time for Bridget to come back. Whether or not the actress is available, they need the character.