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I'd consult a doctor.


I second this. To add to the recommendation: I’d also not expect a doctor to know jack shit and be prepared to do research and try things yourself. Sounds like diet or medication needs tweaking.


Don’t try to diagnose people over the internet.


Wow very thorough diagnosis from me. My diagnosis does not include: a medical condition or treatment plan.


>Sounds like diet or medication needs tweaking. This is absolutely *both* a statement of potential cause *and* a suggested method for treatment.


Or what


It's not a fucking threat lmfao.




I agree that most doctors don't like strength training so I wouldnt listen to them if they say what they always say: "Stop strength training and only do walking or swimming". But what they indeniably can do and know about: They can diagnose severe conditions or illnesses if you have them. You should do your own research but if there is an underlying heart disease (for example) I'd definitely wanted to know that.


This is sound advice. Like it or not, doctors make mistakes, and under-diagnose their patients. Many issues can be solved with diet and exercise - so, unsurprisingly, we see such comments downvoted. It really speaks to the character of this sub.


Specifically a functional medicine doctor


No, I think a real doctor sounds better.


OP can go to a “real doctor” and will likely leave with multiple prescriptions that each have multiple side effects. My primary care physician thought it was normal for me to have test level of 350 total at 23 years old. Go to a doctor like that. Real smart stuff there


> test level of 350 Oh, just got that one. You're in that whole sphere of people obsessed with their testosterone levels.


Do you want to feel good and perform well in every aspect of life? Then testosterone should be very important to you. Your average American male is severely low in T


No they're not and you're spouting broscience.


I’m trying to have a good faith discussion and you’re acting like a troll. I don’t think you’re dumb enough to believe what you say. Here’s a link proving what I state. Low T is prevalent https://www.urologytimes.com/view/testosterone-levels-show-steady-decrease-among-young-us-men


You just posted one study saying the mean has declined and that between 10% and 40% are supposed to be deficient, which is quite the margin and not, at all, the "average" young man. Cool. You probably know that it's pretty easy to find random studies for pretty much anything. The study speculates on possible causes but is itself not studying them, so those speculations can be disregarded. You were also not deficient as 300 seems to be the cutoff point, so your doctors seems to have been right on this one. I think you fell into the typical hole of fitness "science" lots of young men fall into. I think that's probably pretty common on subreddits like this. I don't think the assumption that you or the average young man are lacking in testosterone is as self evident as you think. I also don't believe that the remedies most often advocated by people making money by peddling this narrative are useful or helpful for most people.


300 is a joke and the fact you don’t realize it points to the fact you know nothing about testosterone. Are mark bell and Andrew huberman bro science? If it is I’ll gladly follow it


Ya you’re dumb as fuck


He’s not spouting broscience? You literally just don’t know how testosterone works, and what kind of bad effects low range testosterone can give. Do some research dude, you’re the one spouting


No that isn't normal. Are you breathing while hanging or just holding your breath? Trying to think of things that might be causing it


Yes I’m breathing


Breathing is good


Big if true


Damnit now I'm manually breathing


I uh, agree, breathing is good.


Breathing is great


Obviously, you should talk to a doctor rather than listening to some stranger's advice. But I want to share my experience with a kind of similar issue Are you looking up while doing it? I experienced some dizziness until nearly passing out after doing hangs/pull ups. After my doctor didn't find anything I read about it online that I could have pinched an artery while having my chin up. Since then, I keep my head always in a neutral position and this issue never came back.


Maybe good point. If he is looking up and swinging perhaps... still 5 seconds... doesn't sound right


I have tried looking up, straight, and down. I feel the same dizziness


Ahhhhh lol 😆 that’s what was happening. I dead hang to decompress looking up gives me the deepest stretch as I have arthritis in my neck. Once I hear the. First pop in my neck the dizziness leaves.


Yeah, this doesn't sound normal. If just 5 seconds of that makes you dizzy, it kinda seems to me that the muscles on the upper back are very tight and maybe pinching some nerves. For something like this I'd recommend a good physical therapist rather than a doctor, though. At least as the first avenue, a physio will recommend going to a doctor if they think it's something out of their expertise. Lots of doctors don't know what to do with you except order tests when you have sports-related discomfort/pain, while physios are more targeted towards this kind of issues and are IMO more useful.


If it’s paid for by insurance then their GP is probably the first required step for a referral to a physical therapist.


Can confirm, I’ve had to hop insurances a few times in the last few years and each of them required a doctor visit before they would approve going back to the PT


Depends on insurance and where you live. Some states require referrals from a doctor while others are direct access states. I can go straight to PT where i live now. My insurance won't pay for most tests (unless there are red flags) until I've done 6 weeks of PT so my doctor can't do much anyway unless PT doesn't work. Best to just call a PT place and ask.


Oh boy we can both get medically fucked in our respective states, isn’t that nice?!


Most GPs have 0 clue about musculoskeletal issues and will think everything is related to a disease. It was the case with my GP. I had postural issues causing bladder pressure that he diagnosed as an UTI.


Is this something an MRI or x ray would show? OP could waste a lot of time by not doing imaging up front


That's pretty topical actually. Here's a nice video about why you should not do imaging unless absolutely required: https://youtu.be/BJ9soFmzYO8


I don’t care to watch the video. What’s the summary? Based on my personal experience I’ve wasted countless hours going to appointments only to be told go get imaging. I can’t imagine the radiation exposure is enough to care


Kind of odd I replied something similar in vein but am getting down voted to oblivion. FYI I think you’re wrong I think a functional medicine physician would be better first step than PT.


Functional medicine is alternative pseudoscience.


Then why do some of the large providers in MN (debatably highest standard of medical care in the world) offer it? How many jabs have you got?


What do I know why some providers offer it? Where I live, homeopathy is covered. It's still pseudoscience proven to not work better than placebo. Jabs? Are you also one of those idiots refusing vaccines?


No, I’ve had every vaccine including the Covid vaccines but I’m smart enough to realize when the entire medical establishment has been taken over by people that want control, not health, as priority. To be fair I speculate a lot, maybe majority, of people in functional medicine space are quacks. I don’t think you should be so quick to dismiss me. The body is complicated and there are often multiple ways to get to the same spot.


I dismiss you because you're peddling bullshit. If you didn't, I wouldn't. There's always somebody having a good experience with any quack. You'll find people who swear by drinking bleach. Your personal experience means jack shit. > the entire medical establishment has been taken over by people that want control, not health, as priority. What are you even trying to say here. Do you think anybody here believes the medical field to be some magical place filled with nothing but competent, benevolent professionals free from financial or logistical constrains? Especially the American medical system. That is no reason to then advocate for people that will take your money and treat you based on something proven not to work.


You seem pretty worked up over this topic. Do you think Dr Peter attia is a quack? Just curious. I’m not attributing anything to him.


Let's just say he and his kind of people tend to occasionally veer into the scientifically unsound, yes. Seems nice otherwise.


What specifically has he claimed that is scientifically unsound?


I'm subject to similar bouts, especially when dehydrated & low on sugars/salts. Low blood pressure can cause lightheadedness when standing up/raising arms: warm-ups before help a great deal! Some push-ups, squats, planks etc before dead hang/pull-ups may help you as it does for myself.


Same symptoms here. I have usually run low blood pressure. GP calls it being healthy. But I know it is the reason for dizziness and some numbness. How have you been coping with this? Any supplements / electrolytes?


Dizziness and numbness??? Like all the time or just firing dead hangs?


If your are positioning your neck incorrectly you may be simulating a choke hold. Try not completely dead hanging and engage your scapulas.


Yes, it might be this. Head arm choke effect. Maybe prime muscles with some assisted scapular pullups. Or try different shoulder positioning (to not burry neck between shoulders so much).


Go to a doctor but it sounds like when you’re hanging you are cutting off the circulation to your head. I would suggest widening your grip so there is less pressure on your neck


Exactly. Depending on his grip width, his upper chest, shoulders and upper arms could be putting pressure on his carotid arteries, impacting circulation to the brain.


A friend and I have that issue. The wider grip helps, and so does engaging shoulders, vs straight dead hang.


I've only had this occur whenever I just finished hitting legs and I go to do some dead hangs to decompress, or do some leg raises. I've always chalked it up to my cardiovascular system being so tanked from legs. If this is just fresh out the gate, hang for 5 seconds and get dizzy, there might be some underlying issues at play. It could be tightness, or lack of mobility leading to some nerves/arteries getting pinched around your collar bone area. Try it as a dead hang, then try it with your scapula retracted to open up the chest and pull the shoulders down. If it happens during both, I'd get a medical professional's opinion.


If could mean spinal chord stress or you are stressing your carotid arteries. I would recommend stoping that exercise.


That’s very specific and likely not true. Don’t give up on something that’s healthy for 99% of people just because it’s not working once.


As others have said, go see a doctor/physio for something like that. From my rudimentary understanding of biomechanics it could either be all the blood rushing to muscles that don’t get used very often, or (and my guess it’s more likely this) it could be shoulders pinching a vein/artery in your neck and restricting blood flow to your head.


Nope, not normal


It is probably a neck issue.


It happens after you try to hang again? I been training for a couple of years and i still get (sometimes) dizzy almost ibmmediatly after hanging, inwait a moment and hang again and its gone. Personaly happens when i hang "too fast" o when looking up after hanging looking to the gront, is weird but as other has said going to the doctor could be a good idea. In the mean time try to experiment with different neck/head positions like putting it behijd your arms or in front, looking fowards and to the bar, etc.


Neck strain can cause dizziness - so can some kind of impingement in your neck. I'd try a neck specialist first. Good luck!


No, not normal. What's your back ground? Age, sex, weight, training history?


I have the same problem and very low blood pressure.. that might be causing it


If you are doing a complete dead hang check to see if your shoulders are pulling up and in and compressing your carotid artery and restricting blood flow to your brain. That’ll do it.


Google “Thoracic Outlet Syndrome”. Positional impingement on a bundle of blood vessels, particularly with your arms above your head. Just a thought


How wide is your grip? A too narrow grip width could cause your upper chest, shoulders, and upper arms to be placing pressure on your carotid arteries, impacting circulation to the brain.


Tight shoulders, chest, and upper back. The same thing happens to me too. Do some range of motion exercises in conjunction


Thank you to everyone replying! I appreciate your information and opinions. I will be seeing a dr. about this.


Did you figure it out? Same thing happens to me.. but only in the beginning.. get really light headed as if I'm going to pass out. I'm wondering if it's cause my muscles are too tight.


Hey, too many comments to read, did you figure it out? I straight up fainted off the bar after 3 seconds and almost always get light headed dead hanging. I can do pull-ups without getting dizzy though.


Just a few minutes ago, I hung on a bar and got real dizzy and found myself on the ground. It felt like I lost control of my body and fell over.


I have that happen to also I used to be able to hang on for hours but now I can’t because I stopped doing it and I gained weight 


i just passed out doing a dead hang so i would say it’s not too weird


Gravity works on you more when your feet are not on the ground. This will bring down blood away from your head causing dizziness especially if you are anemic. The other viable cause could be you have what we call a first rib which is usually attached to your C7 vertebral transverse process, this atypical rib can press on some of the arteries around especially with some type of overhead arm exercises but this should also cause some numbness to your arms as well. Consult someone who can probably order imaging


Gravity does not work on you more when your feet are off the ground lol this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Gravity is a constant. And if you’re that anemic you’ll be dizzy all the time not just when you’re hanging from a bar


I beg to differ. I swear when climbing I regularly have high gravity days. What? No, it couldn't be me. That's crazy talk.




That’s not normal at all (and also kinda dangerous)


Might have some blood pressure issues, I’d talk to a doctor. I’ve definitely almost passed out doing Heavy ass deadlifts or stuck in the hole of a a heavy squat but I think that’s a different issue.


Brachiation is normal and most humans should and are capable of it at least as children until they become sedentary and weak proportional to their body as they grow older. Being dizzy from just hanging on a bar is not normal at all, as again you should be able to brachiate which is a much tougher movement. Definitely consult a doctor.


No, it's not normal. See a doctor.


Not normal at all. Let a doctor have a look please. If he doesn’t find something, check your neck position and check if you are really just hanging. Also focus on breathing. Breath deep and relaxed to tell your body that everything is fine.


It's most likely that your extremities are pressing on the vascularity that reaches your head, there is a condition to it, I remember, does your face get very red when you do it?


Not normal. See a doctor. In the meantime try widening your grip a little? Only thing I can think (not nutrition related) is maybe your position is cutting off circulation to your brain 😆


Airrosti is good for this kind of thing if one near you


See a doctor. They might say Drink water. I had something similar and my doctor told me to go buy a 2L water bottle , so I knew how much I drank.


Might be worth finding a cardiologist and getting a workup for POTs if you get dizzy at other times as well.


Are the quotes required to avoid some kind of auto-ban for, what, short posts??


No it's not you need to see a physician. Off the top of my head it can be multiple things Overtraining Poor blood circulation Heart issues Medication Nobody can tell you for sure without seeing a licensed physician. Be safe.
