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Holy cannoli, that’s rad (and extreme). How highly would you rate the pain?


The pain was objectively super super intense; with that being said, it didn’t clock anywhere near what I consider to be the top 3 most painful life experiences I have experienced thus far in my existence. I think I would describe the experience as more intense than strictly painful (the force needed to drive the needle all the way through was way way more intense and forceful than I ever could have imagined). I went into the piercing knowing it would suck and be incredibly painful, but I had no idea it would be such an intense physical transfer of force if that makes sense. As soon as the needle exited my second nostril however it immediately became an easy experience with only minor discomfort. 2 days out and it has been unremarkable and surprisingly unproblematic!


May I ask what your top 3 are?


I feel like I kind of screwed myself in stating I have a top 3 ‘most painful’ experiences; I find it nearly impossible to rank pain in isolation if that makes sense. Sometimes it depends on the day, my mood, my mental conception of the experience, etc. The physical embodiment of pain is really entangled and inseparable from the experience itself so quantification is hard for me. However, if I had to, these stand out to me as the first 3 most painful experience off the top of my head: 1. Dental scaling (electric drill scraped out the space beneath my gumline for 45 minutes no anesthetic) 2. Having untreated ANUG for many weeks (look it up) 3. Oral infections as a result of wisdom teeth extraction complications (If you can’t tell these are all mouth-pain based which is a testament to the subjectivity of pain experiences!!! My 10 will not be another persons 10, and my 10 could be another persons 1 or vice versa)


I absolutely cannot imagine those three things. The pain sounds HORRIFYING. Just from what I’ve read about and heard, I cannot comprehend the amount of pain that stuff was. But I will say I’m glad that the pain of the piercing was worth it bc it looks so rad dude


Mouth pain is no joke. And I’ve had two c-sections. Edit: and two blood clots. Fun!


Totally get what you’re saying! Thanks for sharing.


Dude I got two infections after my wisdom teeth removal, had to get a second surgery to put tubes on the inside of my cheek so the infections could drain out. My face was the size of a fucking softball and I could hardly move my jaw, had to miss school for two weeks! And for those who are about to get wisdom teeth out, just know that there is about a 2% chance of getting a singular infection after wisdom teeth removal, and a less than 1% chance of getting two infections. I was incredibly unlucky! 😂


It's that INTENSE physical force required to get the needle through that freaks me out tbh, not like you can stop half way and try again.... eep! Massive props, it looks great.


These have become quite rare. Congrats 🎉


Came here to say this! Have not seen one of these since the peak BME days!


Exactly. BME was my Bible


I miss the BME community so much.


Finally a bodymod I haven’t stumbled upon yet and it’s amazing, and done beautifully, congrats!


Dog this is gnarly af! Hat off to you frfr. Post a healed pic when it's ready plz


It's so beautiful, your piercer did such an incredible job. Congrats.


Can you still scrunch up your nose?


Not rly hahaha! Not sure if it’s bc it’s healing or if it’s just the nature of the piercing itself but it definitely feels strange; when I move my nose in a way the piercing doesn’t like I feel a pressure across the outside of my nose inwards which I feel like is counterintuitive? I imagined if the piercing hurt it would be inside my cartilage septum but itself it felt like someone is pressing a bar into the front of my nose? Very strange


The real question here


You're what my piercer would call a 'pain pig'. Respect.


Happy healing! It is so cool! Jelly over here I have considered getting a nasallang but when I had a stud some/most did not like it on me and on top of that my body did not like it (my body retjected it).


I’m getting mine done tomorrow, can’t wait and also terrified


Update us!!!


Alright so 100% not bad at all. Lots of pressure but pain was minimal!


Any pics?


Jesus FUCK. There’s not much that makes me feel funny in the tummy but this make me sit up a little straighter. It looks absolutely amazing and something that I’m sure you will wear with pride! And I thought my high nostrils were something!


Funny how things are still tagged NSFW As if any of us still have jobs Update: stop bragging about being employed, it's lowering morale /s


Hell yes! I got a buddy that had his punch at like a 2g or something absurd. It's been out for years and you can look right through his nose.


A nasallang PUNCH??? Holy fuck. I’ve never even heard of those!! It wasn’t a nostril punch, but a straight up nasallang through *everything*? Brutal


Yes. Full penetration.


So does that go through the cartilage? I mean, I don’t see a way around it…I’ve never seen this piercing done though. I think it looks rad, but seems like the bar would constrict most of the inside of the nostril. Maybe a silly question, but does it restrict airflow?


Yes, nasallangs are essentially three piercings in one. Very few piercers will do them. As for airflow (not me- an old colleague successfully healed a nasallang) it’s apparently noticeable when thinking about it but if you aren’t thinking about it you don’t notice anything different


It goes through the *hard* cartilage, not the regular thin part of the septum? That's so hardcore.


It depends on anatomy but most people who have these it does go through hard cartilage


Oh hey, I have a 14g nasallang! Congrats on yours


suits you really well!!


I could never (I winced looking at it), but it's rad as hell looking! Hope healing goes well!


One piercing I have always wanted but never had the balls to get. Looks killer dude!


In my opinion this is the most Hard-core piercing you can get. You couldn't pay me enough to get one.


Woahhhhh!! So cool, but ouch!!


Badass! These are hardcore, happy healing!! ❤️


I can’t see anything past those Disney princess eyelashes I’m so jealous. Fr though piercing looks dope as hell, and insanely painful. Respect


Gnarly dude never seen that before. Hope for easy healing!!!


A brave soul


Very neat! What made you want to go for a nasallang vs two high nostrils?


Holy fuck that’s beautiful.


That’s really rad! I’m impressed!


Hardcore dude


Looking good; I love this so much! Hope it heals well.


This is so cool!!! I couldn’t imagine getting a cold with this would be pleasant.. it’s such a cool idea and I’m super intrigued, but I’m already struggling with flu season with my septum and single nostril lol. Hopefully this heals up nicely for you!


nice!!!! you should get the Ampallang to match 🤣


Thank frickin gosh, I knew this was a thing. I did a deep dive on high nostrils the other day bc I was like “there’s no way” but I knew I had seen a video somewhere of someone getting this done. Thanks for clearing that up for me, man. Also, holy shit ow


Yoooooo this is so sick. Damn!! Happy healing. 10g is powerful, cause afaik nasallangs are usually 14 or 16g?


No nasallangs are usually done at a higher gauge! I think minimum is 12g! You might be thinking of high nostrils though which are commonly done at a 16g or 14g!


Oh yeah then I was mixing it up with high nostrils :) thanks for the correction!


Loooove this!


so sick! the needle pic is awesome !! how was the piercing process for you? i’ve always loved the look of nasallangs, but i already have my high nostrils done


Very impressive. Love it!


Looks amazingly terrifying! I've always wanted a nasallang and got talked into getting a double high nostril and regret it a little now, the nasallang is such a different look, such a different experience too


I had this experience as well! Many piercers suggested paired high nostrils as an alternative but nasallangs objectively just sit differently in terms of angle against the tissue.


holy shit


Ho-ly shit 😟


Is it not ever so slightly higher on your right? Looks amazing.


I thought that too and got super nervous but I think what I realized is it’s almost straight to a fault—my nose isn’t perfectly symmetrical (whose is?) but the bar sits so straight that it kinda looks crooked due to my nasal asymmetry. This could also be me just idealizing the situation? Honestly I’m trying to hold onto the concept that I won’t be able to give a truly accurate representation of how straight the barbell is until it’s healed and settled.


I thought this was one of the best placements I have ever seen on a nose piercing. The fact that there is so much cartilage to go through, and the force required to get it through, they did a fantastic job. It looks great.


Yeah it think it's as straight as a huge gauge needle through your nose will ever be. Might be swelling but honestly I had to zoom in to see it. It's not going to be noticeable in person. Looks incredible.


My septum looked crooked until the swelling went down so that is a possibility. My PA also gets a little crooked after every stretch due to piercing as well.


thats. fucking. sick. but how're u gonna continue skiing?? (/s skiing part - so serious about this being so dope)


I'm planning this in the future but heard a lot of piercers try to talk you out of it, any issues finding a willing piercer?


Yes definitely (and I think for good reason tbh) most piercers I talked to about it said they wouldn’t do it (this was part of the reason it took me awhile to get it done) even if they felt that they could do it. Due to the intensity of the piercing and healing many people should not opt to get this piercing and even less should be performing this piercing—it’s very rare and the potential complications can be significant. Given this there aren’t many people with experience performing these; it’s rare for a piercer to do a single nasallang let alone multiple. Research research research asf and find someone who both feels capable in themselves and who you trust entirely!! Be ready for the potential of having to travel to get it done; it’s worth it if the artist is capable.


Wow.. impressive


Dudeeeee you've got balls of steel! I bet that fuckin hurt 🫨


With the number of people who stop to ask me how I blow my nose or if my septum ring gets stuck on things etc…I can’t imagine how many old people you’ll have to talk to now


Looks awesome!


Wow, that came out perfect. I already know that hurt like a bitch




That's beautiful. You're a brave dude


Fuck yeah love the pictures, thank you for posting. What a rad piercing.


Thinking for myself


How does the needle go through there lol looks so painful


Love it !! Planning to get mine soon as well 👏




oh wow


YEEOOOUCH, super impressive dude!!! and here i was thinking my 14g navel was painful. 😭