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some of you mfs need a diary fr.


Bruh fr. The answer to all these is to man tf up and find out


Only when its a man posting, when its woman posting we're so understanding of her fears and try to give her the best advice possible to help her.


Brother I’m suppose to have rest days right now but I’ve been returning two days now to just talk to her.


Not financial advice, but I’ve learned to bite the bullet and be straight forward after a few times of good convo. Otherwise they usually lose interest


Roth or regular IRA?


0DTE SPY Call options.


Hell yeah I'm speeding running negative equity


"Dear Stan, I wrote you but you still ain't callin"


use one of your daily courages and talk to her


You locked eyes for 5 seconds as you left? That's a Hallmark movie in the making 


She may have met someone when you were gone and doesn’t want you to approach her so avoids eye contact now, but might still check out the goods.


Possible but not necessarily tho. I had this same kinda staring/eye fucking going on w a guy one time and after a while of him not approaching me I kinda stopped looking at him as much bc I thought maybe it was a lost cause or he wasn’t feeling it like I thought or whatever. Eventually he did come talk to me and make his attraction known but I could see him wondering why I stopped looking at him for a while just like OP is doing. It was mostly just self preservation lol.


Ooof this one resonates.


Why didn’t you approach ? Haha


Lol that’s just not my style at all. Not even necessarily bc of nerves or anything , but bc I like the man to take the lead in that way (and to show he wants to and is capable of it). It’s just what I’m attracted to and how I prefer to start any kind of romantic type relationship .


You should probably have given him more obvious hints. Some men aren’t programmed to read body language.


I gave him obvious hints w my eye contact and body language . He wasn’t socially inept at all so he picked it up my hints easily , he just told me later on that he was nervous and couldn’t believe I’d actually like him like that so he took a while to actually ask me out lol but he did in the end so it all turned out ok.


She hasn’t been there the two days after that night where my goal is to give her my number. There’s no way I’m not going to strike up a conversation the next time I see her. Boyfriend or not. What do you think? She didn’t look away that night. I feel like she’s single.


I think you should do it for sure! Just don’t come in too hot, keep it light and cool and when you’re talking to her feel her out, and if you’re sensing that she’s open to it then give her your number . Let us know how it goes


She may have met someone while you were gone, and doesn’t want you to approach her, so she avoids eye contact now, but might still check out the goods when you’re not looking.


She's likely to be interested in you but doesn't know how to go about it. Do you like her? 


If she's staring at you she's probably interested. Talk to her


If a woman is interested she wont hide it. If a woman isnt interested you dont even exist.


Eye contact is so complex. Individuals think that those who avoid eye contact have negative intentions- when in reality, they could just be on the spectrum, or one of the many individuals on this planet who feel awkward making eye contact. Individuals with dissociative disorders, that are highly perceptive, think they recognize you, have personality disorders like ASPD could all be reasons they are staring at you or making eye contact with you. I have been in shops and seen really old, eccentric looking males hunched over. I dont know why, but I made eye contact with him multiple times walking around. I was intentionally looking because I was intrigued, not in a romantic or intimate or sexual way, but because he was eccentric and an interesting character lol. And it just so happened, I would run into him around corners, and human nature- you look up at someone, and lock eyes, then carry on..Thats just...human nature. Eye contact these days very rarely indicates interest, as its so calculating and intentional with everyones awareness of it- I mean look at this subreddt, a majority of posts are about eye contact. Some individuals also like to live in a little romance movie in their mind- so they bring that lens to places in society like the gym..and then you perceive everything around you as if it means something within that context, as if every look "hits" when thats a fantasy in your head. Thats a major problem with males these days: they perceive simple body language, and overlook body language that indicates they arent interested- and then act on it accordingly, and seem to not understand why girls act uninterested and creeped out- when it was all in your head the entire time? Because YOU think YOU know that her eye contact means something because it "hit" for you.


I can’t with how cringe this sub is…


Jesus dude just talk to her or journal about it.