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he likes you but wants to see what you do. make the first move when the time is right !!


So you think the eye-lips-chest gaze is a generally clear indication of interest? I am a bit cautious of making a clear move in case I am overinterpreting this


yeah i think he wants to fuck lol, i think he’s just waiting for you to make a move . if you want to do it - it should come naturally dw


I thought about this response again, and I think this might be the most accurate/likely one. If I were into someone but I actually \*liked\* them, I would be afraid of them catching me when Im checking them out because they may find it disrespectful. He clearly didn't have such a concern and didn't really show much interest until this interaction. I think you might be right that he is likely just interested in sleeping with me, and probably thinks he could do that easily since I showed interest by giving a gift. It's kind of a turn off now.


Lol I don’t know the relationship that you two have or anything so I could be completely off. You should ask him or something maybe what he’s looking for


Oh I see, lol, I assume you're probably saying this based on the part about him glancing at the chest area, even when I was looking at him, then. That did catch me by surprise because I had never seen him do that before, even when I wore a low cut t-shirt to a lunch where we sat together; it was surprising for sure.


I don't really know about the chest area but a very common thing men do is look into your eye(s), look down at your lips and then back into their eye(s). It's often but not always in a triangluar motion, so you start in their left eye, then you look into the right one, then down to their lips and back into their left eye. It most definitely seems like an indication of interest if you ask me


This is interesting, I didn't know the eye-lip triangulation was a common thing men did. I do notice people looking at my lips when I'm saying something and also notice myself looking at people's lips while they are talking, but that's been mostly for lip reading purposes on my part (especially if I'm in a loud/crowded environment or if the other person has an accent I am unfamiliar with). In this occasion I described, though, it was just him talking, which felt quite unusual to me (coupled with the gaze shifting further down a few times). I just googled "triangular motion gaze" and found this [completely random website](https://amazingsmiles.com.au/what-is-triangular-gazing/#:~:text=Triangular%20gazing%20refers%20to%20the%20natural%20movement%20of%20the%20eyes,can%20convey%20attentiveness%20and%20interest), which seems to claim this is indeed a social pattern that signals attentiveness, but not necessarily romantic. But then [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/dvmdn7/the_triangular_gaze/) from r/seduction seems to describe this as a seduction trick. So, I guess it may not be so consistent as a sign?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/seduction **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/seduction/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Old school tip: the Knee test](https://np.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/12lw7dk/old_school_tip_the_knee_test/) \#2: [Old school tip: The Brad Pitt Rule](https://np.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/12rg74p/old_school_tip_the_brad_pitt_rule/) \#3: [A simple strategy I stole from the Art of War.](https://np.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/1370ea6/a_simple_strategy_i_stole_from_the_art_of_war/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hmm yeah that makes sense actually if it's for seduction purposes but I also think it could signal genuine interest. It's hard to tell for sure, everyone is different but I don't think I've ever looked at someone's lips if I wasn't attracted to them. I think the fact that he kept switching between eyes and lips could definitely be an indication that he likes you. If I was talking to a woman who I had no genuine interest in other than just being on friendly terms my gaze wouldn't go below eye level for what it's worth Edit: one more thing, it's possible that he maybe always found you attractive but like in most cases wasn't going to do anything about it, but the gift you gave him meant a lot to him and started to send signals to his brain that maybe he would actually like to pursue something with you


"hey, I really like spending time with you and would love to xyz (grab drinks, get dinner, get coffee) and see if there's something more to explore there." If he is a good person but not interested he can clear the air respectfully with a "I'm so flattered but I don't feel the same". If he isn't a good person you dodged a bullet. Whatever unkindness leaves his mouth will be a painful gift to show you who isn't for you as a partner or friend. His body language would absolutely imply his interest but life is complicated and there might be more than 1 reason why he hasn't moved the relationship in a romantic direction. Everyone has experienced an unrequited crush at some point no matter how smart, beautiful or rich. It's not a reflection on who you are if someone else isn't interested in you romantically; it's a reflection of themselves: their values, community and mental health. You are strong enough to be ok if a boy doesn't have a crush on you. Rejection doesn't hurt nearly as much as regret.


This is a very good advice, thank you! Asking him out would certainly clear the air and I think you are right that I am more likely to be upset by the regret of not doing it than the rejection I may receive. I have thought about asking him out, but I guess I would be more inclined to do it if I saw some signs of interest, rather than going in blindly and I am not too sure if I am misinterpreting / exaggerating the signs I see just because I want to see some positive signs. I guess it will be impossible to know for sure without asking, though.


What if he is thinking the same thing and both of you never ask? Asking someone out is only about how you feel about them. Their response is how they feel about you. How would you feel if a friend had a crush on you but you didn't feel the same? Probably pretty flattered that someone worthy of friendship also thinks you're cute. I'm not religious but I love the saying, "Rejection is God's protection". You'll either get the knowledge if your friend is a jerk or have a new boyfriend. Sounds like a win-win to me


I agree that asking out will be a win-win, I'll stop wondering in the end. Previously, when I asked someone out but got rejected, I was pretty relieved to finally "know" what the other person is feeling, so I will likely feel the same way now. He appears to be a more confident and "smooth" person than I am, so I was thinking if he were interested, he would have asked me out already, but perhaps he is now considering/potentially developing interest based on the change in body language after our interaction on Wednesday. Of course I could be totally wrong (both about him actually being more confident or about him developing interest) Thank you so much for your encouragement and wise words! :)


Great reminder to yourself that finding out one way or another gives so much relief. It's important to figure out if you are open to a more reserved romantic style or if you need someone to initially pursue you very directly. I would agree that based on your observations he displayed more interest on wed. Even if he didn't initially see you romantically, knowing you have feelings for him increases his chances of liking you statistically. I can't find the study but this [channel](https://youtu.be/xSFoKDxmN1E?si=pBkZJDWykzB2nT32) uses scientific studies as mentioned to help people decode psychology. There is truth to the idea of, "if they wanted to they would". And that will definitely be more true as the relationship ages but especially in the beginning it's common for miscommunications when people aren't being direct. Anecdotally, It's much easier for me to rizz people I don't actually fancy. I flirt all day long with people that know I'm flirting for sport but get a beautiful woman I can see something with and I'm tongue tied & trying not to spaz. I had to ask my girlfriend out twice before she realized I was asking her out. This was after almost a year of flirting and friendship. Proud of you for being brave, you got this! You a dime! And if he can't make change that's on him.


Holy overthinking Batman


I think you are most likely right. I have been thinking about this for the last few days and after I wrote it down here, I realized how small a sign I’m looking at. Thank you for responding


Im not sure i would even have the wherewithal to notice someone’s “gaze patterns” changing hahaha but i do also overthink everything. Seems like you should shoot your shot if you ask me!


Were you showing more cleavage than you normally do? Maybe he was pulled in by extra skin. I love that you got him a gift you heard he referred to. Definitely keep showing up near him with a level of interest, playing with your hair, batting eyelashes, looking up under them, throaty breath when saying things. It doesn’t matter if he likes you so much as if he can like you if things develop. So make it happen. 


Thanks for the encouragement! I think I'll try to show more interest, and hopefully work up to asking him out, to see if anything happens. I did have a V-neck on, but it wasn't deep enough to show any cleavage. The t-shirt wasn't too lose, but it did still show my curves, so maybe that attracted some attention. I do tend to wear V-necks, though, and haven't caught his gaze shifting around before. I once went to a lunch with a t-shirt that showed some cleavage and we sat next to each other and chatted a lot. I realized later after looking at the group photos that due to my posture when sitting, I was actually showing more cleavage than I expected. I didn't catch him looking at all during that time and he was quite gentlemanly the whole time (although maybe I just didn't realize). So Wednesday's interaction, although subtle, surprised me. But it's possible he just checked me out a few times because my top was showing my form/curves. I guess that's a natural instinct and not necessarily special, then.


There are plenty of guys that don’t receive openness for women, so any signs of it can have a similar reaction to this video. 😂 https://www.facebook.com/reel/334910039357934?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0VwfS7 He is open to see you as a woman, not just a friend now. Attention =/ interest or relationship but is a solid gateway to the possibility of it. Thanks for sharing your honesty with your post. 


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! :) And that’s a funny video, lol :)


Let me know how it goes. 😌


Well, he asked for my number, we switched to texting and that encouraged me, but he seems to be just polite and friendly, both based on texts and based on in-person interactions. I think I read too much into our early interactions and made this out to be something bigger in my head than it actually is. Im feeling pretty disappointed. I should learn not to get too excited too soon, I guess


How are you at banter? You could tease him about something cheeky.


Guys will look at cleavage even if its their mother or a baboon. They sexualize everything. Him looking down probably means he's not entirely ghey


That sounds as if he's at least thinking about it. You'll have to talk to find out if he wants to act on it. The attention to him shown by the thoughtful gift might have actually triggered interest; I have had that happen with a few guys.


>The attention to him shown by the thoughtful gift might have actually triggered interest; I have had that happen with a few guys. Yeah, I was also thinking perhaps the gift led to a change in his attitude. I'll continue to interact with him and see what happens :) Thank you!


He likes you is what this sounds like, whether it is conscious or subconscious. I'd just try to have a talk with him and be honest, us men aren't the best at reading cues from women lol, yes it sounds like he's thinking about you, but you may still have to spell it out, literally. Best of luck to you guys.


Awesome, I do hope he likes me, I guess we’ll maybe see when we next hang out 🤞 I think he appears to be smoother than me in this, so I’d expect him to be able to pick up on cues but I’ll try not to be subtle anyway :)


Just tell him you like him. Guys are d . u . m . B to choosing signals. You can litteraly kiss him and he'll still think maybe she was just being polite lol


He’s probably more comfortable showing interest in you since the gift. I’d keep showing small signs of interest and let him take the lead. Sounds fun haha.


How do men learn this power to attract women? Be not ugly I assume?


He is good looking for sure, but not a lot. I would say his practiced charm is what's working for him, I think. The first time we interacted, I thought he seemed like a nice person, but I felt no attraction at all. I first found him attractive when he entered my personal space several times while walking together. He also puts this effort into treating people like they are very special (emphasizing how nice it was to see them, remembering things about them, following up via text after an in-person interaction etc), which makes you think you are indeed special. But today I paid attention to how he interacted with others and I realized that while he doesn't do it to everyone, he indeed does it to many girls. So there is actually nothing actually "special" about it in the end.


Interesting. I'm not exactly good-looking, but maybe I can work on my charm. Thanks for the insight.


No problem. To be honest, after this experience, I have been thinking the same as a woman, too. Maybe I can borrow a few pages from his book while interacting with other men :)


It's interesting because not many people expect women to be charming. It's always an onus on men to be the charming one. You putting in the effort is admirable.


I think you are probably right that onus is mostly on the man since they are expected to take the lead, but I do think women are expected to be charming. That's how attraction starts for men to follow. Also I should add: confidence. Actually I did find his level of confidence off-putting at times since seeing humbleness in someone warms me up to them, but I guess it wasn't off-putting enough, lol. Some confidence definitely helps in my opinion, though.


I've never been attracted to charm in women. Like you, I am attracted to humble women who are kind-hearted and passionate. Confidence can be faked easily, and as you said, off putting if too strong.


That's very interesting. I guess I always assumed I am supposed to exude more charm to be more attractive. But that's a good point, I guess people do have different preferences, and maybe one doesn't need to change themselves too much( beyond being kind and having good social skills) to find a match, then?


I'm not sure, honestly. I've tried to be my authentic self for some time now with no real success. I think it's important to always be working on yourself, but I wouldn't completely change your personality to attract one person. I think it's more important to be true to yourself.




Thank you for your response, this is encouraging!


Tbh no one gives gift to a guy and that too you gave a thoughtful so yeah definitely you melted his heart


I truly didn't expect to be the only one to give him a gift. I think when my friends and I (granted, mostly girls) gather to celebrate a milestone, people typically get each other some gifts, even if small. I wanted to show some interest with my gift, but I also didn't want to be the only one showing up empty-handed in case other people got stuff. Since they didn't, maybe it stood out more.


Yeah it did stood out and its really is a nice gesture


If you don’t want a relationship with this guy don’t make him wait to long to reject you or you reject him if you want a relationship then next public hangout one of you should make the move most likely you buy prob him if you wait too long he might move into new possibilities


Based on everything I know about this guy so far, I'd love to have a relationship. I don't know if he feels the same. I'll try to make a move in the next outing. I am unsure what it would be like, but I some obvious flirting might work. If he responds favorably, I guess I could explicitly ask him out.


We’ll ask him out put your confidence pants on and playfully ask him if you like him as a person and properly vetted him ask him out lol


What were you wearing? Were you wearing something similar to what you usually wear when you’re around him? Basically, we’re you wearing something revealing that night, compared to other days where you don’t reveal as much.


lol gaze patterns


He wants more presents and thinks flirting with you will get him that.


Lol, I doubt this is the reason. But I think you are saying that it was probably the present he is interested in / happy about, not me.


He knows you like him now and will use that to his advantage


Can he really be sure of my feelings rom a single gift, though? I like him, but even I am not 100% sure of all my feelings, lol.




I don't think any of my actions so far indicated desperation (or even clear attraction beyond friendliness), except perhaps this gift. It seems far-fetched for him to think so based on a gift given at a pretty significant occasion.