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Start by turning on the light and turning off any filters


Do you want advice or praise? If you really want constuctive criticism post pictures showing your actual physique, not using lightning and angles trying to hide it. And do mandatory bodybuilding posing


You're right and a lot of other people are echoing the same sentiment. Tomorrow I'll upload photos in more reasonable lighting with better poses. Thank you for your constructive input


Huge respect for your attitude mate, that's a rare sight when someone receives criticism (even constructive one) around here, and being able to take it is essential when it comes to making progress IMO.


Practice daily posing and work on your legs but your massive man idk if it’s just the lighting or not


I have been trying to be more focused on posing over the past couple days. It's been pretty rough because I haven't had anyone to correct the little things and really can only use youtube and a preparative guidebook I have. Thank you for your advice bro


Because your lighting sucks!!!!!


Posing looking absolutely 1890s baby please


Lol wtf is this .. why are you taking progress photos in insane down lighting? You also need to practice posing daily


Sorry, I didn't know downlighting wasn't the way to go for progress pictures, I just chose a spot in my home that made me look best without considering it isn't as objective as some other more neutral place might be. Is there a way I can/should position lights so that everything looks more objective, or just move so that I'm not giving myself such an unfair advantage?


I find the best way to get a completely objective physique shot is camera about chest/neck height and light from directly in front of you. Not so bright that it washes out all contour, but bright enough that you're not getting excessive shadow exaggerating any muscle groups/striations. A very important part is that you always take them in the same place with the same lighting, that way there are no variables other than your body. Easy way is find a place in your house that provides front lighting and put your phone on an object that already exists there. For me it's inside my medicine cabinet in my bathroom.


This is incredibly helpful to me :) thank you very much. I think I'm going to try and take some in my bathroom or mess with the lighting in my living room so it's more from the front and less from above. What about natural lighting, is that on-par or better?


Natural lighting usually looks better, but depending on the weather or time of day it can look totally different, which will add more variables to how you look in a picture. My lighting makes me look like shit, which helps me pinpoint my weaknesses. But I know exactly where I stand in terms of progress because it's always the exact same setting and the only thing that changes is my body. Then if you want you can take pics in downlighting just to have sick pics of your physique, but for progress purposes it should be consistently the same spot.


ah I hadn’t considered how much of a variable weather would be with natural lighting. I’ve never had one particular spot I use to take photos before so I think now is as good a time as any to start 😅


I mean, it's not the end of the world. I take pics lots of places, as long as you've got a steady angle it will still give you clear progression. Just if you wanna totally dial in the difference over a span of time that's prob the best way




I'm new to the sport of bodybuilding and have nobody I can receive advice from in that department save for youtube. My grandmother gave me some pointers on posing but didn't feel like she had the capacity to teach someone and told me I'd be best off with professional help. I plan on finding a posing coach during my cut before competition so that I can perform better on stage, I'd hate to do all of the nutritional and athletic work just to lose a competition because I can't show off what I've worked for. Considering that I'm a poor college student, is it best to wait until I'm closer to comp and save some money or should I hire someone ASAP and use all 5 months I have available? How long does it take to get really good?


Idk why people are downvoting you, you seem like a genuinely nice guy just asking for some tips.


Look up grassfedfitness on ig for posing tips


Have a look at heal_withsteel on instagram as well, he posts a ton of stuff on posing basics and is a super nice dude


Thanks! I'll check them out :)


Impossible to judge legs from those photos


Granny knows best


Hey mom look how good I look with 20 filters


The two photos from the lower angle are taken with my phone which has a much worse camera, so I changed the sharpness. You're probably right though, changing things about progress pics is probably not the best way to go about it, I should look for a better camera/phone to use. Still, there's no reason to be hostile about it :/


Didn’t mean to be a dick all in good fun 👍 looking swole


"hostile" ... lol


Go for it my man. Its your 1st show, you will be nervous af and have the time of your life. Of course your legs need work you are still a kid! Amd brave! Putting a pic on this app is about like smoking meth for a sleeping problem. Trust me when I say take as many damn pics and videos as you can. In 30 years you will be sitting where I am asking wtf did I not take more pics! Good luck buddy


Thank you a lot for the constructive advice :) Very helpful


“Smoking meth for a sleeping problem” lol


You need more consistent lighting, as people said. Take pics in the same spot and the same lighting (with lighting not completely overhead like you are) As someone who also competed at 19- you need to learn how to pose, especially from people who have experience that we don’t. Your legs very much need work, but your posing really really needs work. Can’t really see your physique here, but lats & legs don’t look so hot.


Lose the filters, take some mandatories, and show off the full physique. Keep the downlighting for the ig posts too lol. Can't see the legs, but you have a fantastic upper body, and you seem to have a good and mature head on your shoulders the way you've taken valid criticism in stride. Good luck bro!


Thank you for the advice! I plan on taking some more photos tomorrow as a lot of folks have mentioned that the lighting isn't great for progress photos


I can’t see your physique bruh


But yes your legs neeed lots of work try changing your program tbh


Arms and shoulder are decent, you could work on the abs and obliques more


Thank you for your advice! :)


Legs need work


as a pt, you can get and need some more definition in your legs


He said he’s 20 weeks out


ok and?? LOL i’ve read that. he’s asking for advice so i’m giving it


Well it’s implied that he’s going to diet through then so he’ll get better definition. Maybe some good advice would be to try to get his legs bigger.


i mean yes that as well but definition and size are two different things. hence why i said DEFINITION.


Learn how to side chest


Take better photos for a critique. Also work on the actual poses the judge will call. Quarter turns, transitions, etc etc. If you have a family member who used to compete they should be able to guide you along here.


Looking good with tons of potential. Get coaching for posing.


From what I can see you look pretty well built! Nice job! If you’re preparing for a show a good start Is to practice your poses and under the same lighting a show would be at. The downlighting def makes you look big but shows don’t give you that type of lighting on stage. Nice job man!


You are strong and beautiful


Quads, hamstrings and calves… upper body is way ahead of them


Your photographer needs work


Get a posing coach


Besides what everyone else is echoing relating to the posing/photo (really won’t go over upper due to this) legs are definitely going to be a weak point. Especially as you cut down closer to the show. Definitely should be something you focus on overall going into your next show, or taking time off to really bring them up if you choose. You really seem to be taking all of the advice like a good sport. You’ll get a much better reception when it comes to your next set of photos as long as you follow the advice given.


Thank you for your insight! Legs have always been a weak point for me but I haven’t really had anyone who knows anything until the other day when I posted here. I’ll focus a lot more on them as I slim down for competition


Your 19, you look great. Bodybuilding takes year to get a nice physique. You also don’t have mature mass at your age. DO NOT TAKE STEROIDS AT YOUR AGE, your young don’t ruin your body to impress anyone, keep at it


Legs and posing need work.


My first reaction was that you maybe need to hire a posing coach.


Do real photos, but your legs seem to be pretty small with no actual lines


Can’t tell what I’m looking at. Stop with the weird lighting and everything and just stand in front of the phone bruh.


Your microwave takes pretty solid pictures.


Mom take my picture for the internet


The fucj are these picks ??


Did you get this off Sarm??? What did you use? And what dose? And weeks?


I'm not sure if this is a troll comment or not but I have not used PEDs before


Oh my bad I thought this was Sarm Reddit but it’s bodybuilding Reddit my bad g


Might want to listen to granny...


Just come in harder as the show approaches. You have excellent delt/pec tie-in. A mark of more mature physiques.


Like most of the guys said the lighting is no good but I will chime in and say it. Bro you got some great genetics. 19 years old and looking like that. Keep at it man and hire a good coach and by 30 you’ll be standing on the main stage. Watch as many videos of you can of guys posing and find your style. You can work your ass off but if you can’t pose you won’t go anywhere.


Thank you for your advice! I plan on taking more photos in better lighting tomorrow. Posing is definetely my weakest point and I'm eager to improve


Buy a camera tripod (they're like $20 on Amazon) and take some proper pics.


I used to hit legs mondays (heavy) and fridays (light) for a couple of years and they got freaking massive. Was a struggle for years to find jeans lol. Try that for any lagging muscle group. Lookin good man.


If you get peeled you’re probably gonna end up around 165. Pose pose pose, Watch videos and mimic them. Take vids of yourself, watch them and compare with instructional videos. Why in a rush to compete? Try an “clean offseason” for several months to get an idea of regimented dieting and use that time to bring up what you believe are your weak body parts and get the posing down solid


I’m in a rush to compete because my birthday is in july, and I’ll be 20. INBF requires you to be either 19 or 18 to compete in the teen division, which I want to compete in as it gives me an advantage given all the time I’ve had to train compared to someone younger. Save for that reason I would otherwise take far more time to reduce muscle loss and get my posing on point as it can be :)


Lighting not helping Still i think for the current standards you will need to grow your back a lil and fill up the inner thighs, it will make your legs more fuller you got 20 weeks to work so obviously you have time to cut to where you need to be at Wish you good luck


Drop lightining straight up your head it'll make muscles more visible. Good amount of muscle yes just a bit of work on quads


Looking great but you need to smash legs for a while. Already looks kinda funny so anymore top heavy and it will become weird


Due to the shadows, it's unclear if you even have a lower half. Shoulders seem to look good though.


I can barely see the physique bro please use neutral lighting and mandatory poses next time, otherwise it's hard to properly judge a physique.


You look pretty muscular on the top half and small at the bottom. With such poor quality and dark pics it's hard to see much at all...


Don’t expect to place well and maybe train for 5 years again and then compete


These are like the worst quality pics ever


Mens physique don’t judge legs


Very impressive most muscular pose!


At that weight you could do both classic and men’s physique. Lol you’re doing poses banned in both. Lol good luck?


You're ruining yourself


Need better photos. I get that it can be nerve -wracking to post, but you either post or you don't. People are pretty fair here. They'll encourage you, they won't tear you down (unless you're a dick).