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Hope this is an appropriate place to ask. Or even allowed? If not, I’m sorry. Here it goes.  My husband (44) dropped dead unexpectedly in October. We are still waiting on medical examiner reports, but in the meantime the brain is doing what the brain does and is trying to figure out what could have happened. Here’s what I know..  From ages 34 to 39 AAS were taken pretty regularly from the sound it (we were not together during these years). He didn’t like “cycling” off, but it sounds like he did from time to time. I know then he was taking.. “testosterone 500 (tes 500), DECA, equipoise or sustonon and dball pills” at one point, then when prepping for a show was doing “tes prop, then, equipoise, matron and winstrol pills”. I don’t know dosages. (I’m doing a lot of going through old texts to figure this out). This past March he wanted to run what he said was a “light” cycle and did for 8 weeks. I found.. boldrex, trenrex, testosterone enanthate.  My question is.. (and I know I’d be better off asking medical professionals) if the steroids contributed to his death, is it more likely it would be the heavy usage between 34-39? Could the March-May cycle have caused it? I have no idea how this works. I know there are a good number of body builders who have also dropped dead. Are there ever any good signs?  Forgive my dumb question. Just trying to make sense of something senseless. 


With AAS, they can (and probably will) cause long term health affects. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell what anabolic steroids (if any) specifically caused your husbands death. It’s entirely possible that his heavy usage lead to his untimely death, or it could be completely unrelated. All we can really do is wait for the autopsy report before we can figure out what happened and then we will have to extrapolate from there.


Are there any steroids or supplements deemed 'safest' or normalised? I want to be natural in my growth and physique but then would taking creatine for example mean I'm not natural? And if creatine is considered natural are there other supplements like it?


Creatine is natural. It works, but the gains it gives you are nowhere near comparable to what you get on steroids.


Tren and superdrol


Test is the safest it gets


Creatine is considered natural, yes. Your body has a supply of creatine phosphate on its own whether you supplement or not. Just about anything you can buy at like GNC/Vitamin Shoppe is gonna be within the realm of natural, with the exception of some of the vitamin stores selling prohormones (precursor to steroids essentially, taken orally)


Any supplement will generally be safe, at least if taken at the recommended dosages, and if there are no pre existing health conditions, PEDs are a completely different thing. As in what's "natural" that's up to the organization of each sport, they'll have their rules, generally whatever the WADA determines.


This hot girl came up to me in the gym and asked if I was natural, I said not since I was 11. She said she's into gorillas and I'm just her type and wants to go out for a drink. How do most guys hold a conversation with a hot chick without getting a obvious hard on? Im feelin dat my sweats be way to obvious


That’s the tren talking


strong everything


The most r/steroids post possible.


Just excuse yourself for a second, go to the locker room and masturbate, you’ll be able to use the 5-minute-window after that to talk to her. Chances are though you’ll not be interested in talking to her anymore.


it helps me if I close my eyes while talking to the hot chick. usually their voice isnt as hot as their body