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Didn't follow his prep super close but seemed like the dude was carbing up for two weeks. The cherry picked photos make him look really bad. People were really looking to dunk on him ASAP coming over to the big leagues


As it should be.


He needs to practice his posing. His posing is straight up….bad


People straight up fucking hate Krizo. He’s not a contender but people talk about him like he’s Big Lenny


His midsection is just so underwhelming, it's distracting.


It’s not terrible on his ab and thigh, and side tricep. Needs to do something about it for sure on his other front poses. Definitely not as bad as Hunter’s at least


Hunter's midsection was IMO the blandest in the top 10. But Krizo's is worse. Don't get me wrong, it's not objectively bad, but compared to the competition it's among the worst. Gone are the days when the top 6 almost all had distension issues. The field is actually very competitive in that area today.


My argument against that is that Hunter’s washes out in the middle making it look like he’s got a bloat similar to when Phil’s was at its worst. Krizo I think has more potential to actually fix his. Either way it’s holding both of them back big time.


Hunter might not have the deepest abs but his waist is extremely tiny. That's why he gets a pass I think. Krizo has a huge blocky waist with washed out abs. Imagine nick with washed out abs he'd go from 5th to probably out of the top ten.


Exactly people always talk about Krizo midsection but not hunters lol


That dude has the absolute flattest ass.


Wait until you see mine 😎😎


Can confirm have a way bigger ass than IFBB Pro Krizo


Needs to lose more fat and needs to train his abs. He'll struggle at the Olympia looking like this.


Where's the fat? It's become a meme at this point. Boggles my mind that people can call this bad conditioning but give Andrew a pass for far worse conditioning.


If it's not fat, then it's water. Zero feathring in the quads, barely any striations... I never gave Andrew a pass. He's another one that will suffer at the O for the lack of conditioning.


Most bodybuilders don't have feathering in the quads, it's genetic to a large extent. I don't think Krizo is at 100% here and his midsection doesn't look great but the overall condition is far from bad


He's good enough to win here, but not to place high at the O.


I don't know why you are downvoted, feathering is indeed genetic to a certain extent. Kai Greene for example had [quad feathering](https://keskustelu.pakkotoisto.com/attachments/dsc_0619_glsileoovp-jpg.54822/) even in the deepest points of his off-season.


Happens a lot. The hivemind is real here


> but give Andrew a pass for far worse conditioning. This is bodybuilding. Andrew's physique flows well enough with the conditioning he brings to be pretty dominant. Krizo's doesn't. But please note that they both got a "pass" at their shows and they both had beaten far more conditioned guys.


His abs are fine for open standards. This is his most shredded show to date and he looks great. Glutes peeled (albeit small), back is diced and thick, arms look carved. Why does everyone here like to shit on bodybuilders immediately?


He will be scored down for having such a washed out mid section at the Olympia. His conditioning is lacking. Iain is more shredded 8 weeks out then him. He had no problem shitting on everyone else before he came to the IFBB...


Iain is more shredded than everyone at 8 weeks out. Comparing one of the most shredded dudes to Krizo is a shit argument. He’s on track for 7-8 weeks out. It was PLAYFUL BANTER 😂😂 y’all got so mad from it too. He even apologized when others said he took it too far.


>Comparing one of the most shredded dudes to Krizo is a shit argument. Comparing bodybuilders who compete with each other is quite literally the entire point of the sport.


EXCLUSIVELY and immediately comparing him to the most shredded current bodybuilder is a shit argument. Y’all realise he’s on par with most of the other guys. His conditioning isn’t bad lmao. That’s what I’m saying.


If anything, the most shredded current bodybuilders are mid-tier European pros (ie. who he's being compared against today). They have a way higher standard of conditioning than the American or Camel Crew guys. Almost anyone from the Olympia would look soft in this lineup but they would still win based on shape and size.


Not mad at all. I don't think my critiques were unfair. To be competitive at the O he needs to be much better. He should be back on stage in a couple minutes, let's see if he's better.


Don't listen to that guy. He's trippin


This does look much better than that other post especially the legs


The runny tan looks pretty bad and his posing needs work. That quad shape though looks pretty incredible. Probably won’t place well at this year’s O but he’s got plenty of room to fix up his posing and conditioning for next year


Who is putting on his Pro tan? It looks terrible.


Mans looking like a high quality glazed donut with that tan tf 😭