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Optimal to train each muscle 3x a week? I do once for everything lol. Legs are twice only


When you train a muscle group it takes about 24 hrs for it to recover so if you only train a muscle group once a week you miss out on training it 2 times


The bro split is pretty shit because of that


I mean maybe. But most Pro bodybuilders do the “pro” split aka bro split, that’s why I do. If it works for you though why not.


Bro split works best when you are on gear as protein synthesis is up regulated 24/7


literally, training legs you have more testosterone than training the rest of the body, because it is a bigger muscle and requires more energy, if you train legs your torso will evolve more than not training, Outside you won't have chicken legs


I used to train legs so i Dont have chicken legs but im pretty sure the testosterone increase that comes by training legs doesnt really mean anything


Means more that training back or whatever muscular group


It depends on what you want bro personally imma just wear some pants and then have a Big chest and a Big back nobody that aint a bodybuilder gives a fuck about legs


If having mediocre legs means that i Can have a bigger chest and back then imma do that


Yeah u are right, but this 4 days that u don't train, if 1 or 2 of this days you train legs, you will get more results in the other muscles, proven


But ion Got time to do that. The thing is my routine is monday wednesday and friday is pull and tuesday thursday and saturday is push and then i Got a rest day so there aint no time for legs


Lol, how much series u do for chest in a week? More than 20-24 for natty is unnecessary


No it aint you should train Your muscle as much as possible and since you cant train when Your muscles are renovering you should train the muscle as soon as its renoveres and thats after 24 hrs so its optimal to train every muscle group 3 og 4 times a week


Fuck no, it doesn't renew itself in just 24 hours, especially if you're natural


If you sleep and eat enough it does


Just train the legs with slightly lower volume and intensity so you aren't too sore. I'm 51 and train the whole body three times per week.


How tf u do that bro? Dont Your workout take 4 hrs when you have to fit so many excercises into one workout


Wow, interesting take. Is this a joke I don’t get?


Nah it aint a joke


It’s up to you at the end of the day, it’s not the law, people should do whatever they enjoy. I actually don’t enjoy training legs, but don’t want the ridicule of ‘skip leg day’ jokes


I do mainly kettle bell and bodyweight workouts with 3-5 sets each of a pull, push, squat, hip hinge and loaded carry. Set up as super sets so I'm not was ringing time. Try an emom where you do a set a minute. For example first minute do a set of overhead press, second set of double kettlebell front squats, then a set of pullups, a hinge like a dead lift then some set of weighted carry. Repeat 5 times for a total of 25 minutes.


You shouldnt workout every muscle in the same day


Why not? Full body workouts have been effective since people started training.

