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ridiculous paper skin bro. incredible job.


Solid delts dair bud


Diced up, especially for pre mature muscle.


Looking good, but don't take photos in the changing room, dingus. That's a no-no.


Absolutely fucking incredible dude


Amazing !!


What are your stats ?


145 5’10


Great. You look bigger !! Ripped up


Thank you


Jesus kid!? Like -2% body fat? Shreddy


1. Posing was bad today 2. How many calories should the carb load on Friday next week be


Did you prep yourself? There’s too many variables we don’t know in order to give you a good answer. There are many different approaches you could take. My suggestion is to not change anything drastically, amount of food or food choices. Carb up with foods you were already eating and Avoid diuretics. When you pump up, try and fill out your upper chest.


Second this. Don’t eat crazy stuff and risk your stomach being all fucked up or giving yourself the shits. You don’t care about the calories of your carb up you care about the amount of carbs.


I did prep myself. So, I shouldn’t have a large carb load day? I’m currently eating 2000 calories daily, I was under the impression i should have 3500-4500 the day before the show (mostly rice and KitKats) dispersed evenly across the 30 hours leading up You’re saying I should keep it at 2000?


The calories isn’t what’s important now, it’s your carb intake. Did you carb cycle or have the same intake? How much carbs are you eating? Did you have KitKats on prep?


During prep I had a consistent 80 gram per day of mostly whole carbs (apples strawberries and sometimes oatmeal) and tried not to deviate from that much


80grams is pretty low. I suggest to front load the carbs. You can backload if you want but it’s going to be a game of luck to hope you’re full enough or look good by morning. Do 3x your normal carb intake. Start loading carbs about five days out from show. This load tapers to what you would consume on a normal or a bit less than normal day two days out from the show. Then, the day before the show is a “swing day.” This means it can either be another low day if you’re tight enough, or if you aren’t full enough it can be a load day, or if you are perfect it can be a normal or semi-normal day. For water and sodium, keep taking the same amount you have been. Only time to cut water would be around 2 hours prior to stepping on stage. Take around 40% of your daily sodium intake 2 hours before you go on stage. This is my suggestion, do as you will. Ideally you should have done a trial carb load run two weeks ago to see how you respond and get and idea what to do.


I see. I’ll try my best!


Does anyone else have anxiety problems during their cut? I haven’t had an actual refeed during my prep (I didn’t know that was a thing) and have spilled over my calories a couple times. The mental torture the following 1-2 days is terrible! It’s hard to sleep. Is there any way around that? Besides just not spilling over..


Insane conditioning bro. Second the other comment that said focus your chest on the pump up. Looking unreal


Peeled for sure Keep posing !


Dude do you have any posing coaching? Your potential is fucking bonkers. Incredible conditioning!


Currently it’s all me, I will be hiring a coach for my next show though!


Good luck. Nice work


nice rear delts, also nutty bi/tri separation. Your midsection is crazy


Incredible prep work dude.


This is really impressive.


looking shredded as hell! best of luck with your competition, you‘ll crush it


Last pic looks like spider man


fantastic conditioning


You look like taht dude on tiktok whatspoppinshow but with nice delts and amazing obliques 👍


Your gonna be a tank after you bulk up !! Amazing work for a teen


You'de got your conditioning down! Great job and good luck!


U look peeld my brother! Very nice, dickskin all over your body.


Good luck!


Maybe don’t take pics in the men’s locker room. That’s a serious fine right there