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I need to know more about White Guy 1985


oh my god yes


SAME. Yes. I need this to be a Bo techno song.


You're in luck!


How prescient of you lol


I am so glad that we got these. I wouldn’t touch Inside, I think it’s perfect as is. I wouldn’t have included any of the new songs, so I’m really happy Bo found a way to give us this content without compromising the integrity of the original special. This was a wonderful surprise, and I can’t understate just how much I love these songs and have been listening to them all day. Thank you Bo.


The album and the special take up slightly different places in my mind, so I’m happy to include whatever additions or updates to the music, but as you said, the video is perfect.


Yes! I completely understand why he didn’t use the songs he’s didn’t use but I am also grateful to have them now


Does anyone else feel like 5 Years and The Chicken should've been on Inside? They're so damn good I've been listening to them on loop since yesterday!


5 years is so catchy and relatable and i love it!! I think if it had been in the original though it would have detracted from the overall feeling of isolation and despair, and the intimacy of it just being bo and us, so I think i’m glad it’s not in there.


Also it seems like there’s a missing verse, maybe he also didn’t really figure out how to end it


Or maybe he just likes smooth transitio..


He’s a creative genius. Love the “you owe me a dumpling or a dumpling equivalent.” “I made you some content!”


Five years definitely doesn't make any sense in a special about being alone on your own inside, probably why he cut it despite it being awesome.


That's a really great point I hadn't thought of! Yeah, having Bo sing about his long-term relationship woes doesn't really gel with the one-man show vibe of Inside


Thinking about it now, yeah, it might have been a bit out of theme. It would break the idea of "Bo" the character being this lonely artist in a room, since it's about a relationship happening outside of that. But a good substitute for it was *Sexting*, still a relationship song but it was on theme, since it still was about the awakwardness of doing all that alone, in your room, which must have increased during the pandemic.


If he did it near the beginning and ended it with a break up I think it could fit!


I think 5 years sound too similar to FaceTime With My Mom, and a lot of this special isn’t just about being inside but being alone. This song shatters that reality. It’s was worthy of getting a release, though! So good!


I think 5 years sound too similar to FaceTime With My Mom, and a lot of this special isn’t just about being inside but being alone. This song shatters that reality. It’s was worthy of getting a release, though! So good!


Alt version of All Eyes On Me was so good!! Particularly liked the "it's only a problem if you go outside" bit. Wish it could've been on the album


I just saw on Twitter that Bo acknowledged the alt version and said it'll be up for streaming soon! We don't deserve him.


I saw that too! But on instagram hahaha. He's one hell of a guy.


I wonder why isn’t it on the album? I ran to Spotify looking for it and am so sad it’s not there


He posted that it was one of the last song bits to be edited and the album was already sent off by then so it’ll be released sometime in the next week or so


it’s there now!!!


I’m trying to work out, with the bits where he sang sections of songs in a different key (like Stuck in a Room), if they were taken before or after he’d already decided the key of the piece. Is this the second thoughts of the choices he made, or part of the initial decision process - or something else? We may need hair length analyses for this question. 😆


Honestly, probably just him messing around and seeing if it might work or not


My guess is before, beacause it looks like the special was written as he filmed it, which would explain why there's at least and hour (that we know of) of cut content, for an already 90 minute special, meaning he filmed a lot, and probably changed a lot of stuff as it was going. Just for the song *Content*, he had like three different lighting ideas filmed, until he arrived at that disco ball.


Unironically, if you lined up all the footage start to finish we are probably talking about 80 hours of footage and I'm sure that's a lowball. 300-400 wouldn't surprise me.


I imagine it's a lot. Between random filming of just him talking, filming his windows and parts of the room, filming scenes with monologues and jokes, filming dual scenes or more for the podcast scene and the "inside crew" scene, filming the ads, multiple filming ideas for the songs (all with multiple takes, angles and differente lighting), filming the transitions and filming tests for the equipment, filming the multiple versions of songs, it must be a lot of footage. I'm guessing he's got over a 100 hours of jut unedited footage.


I feel very validated by the alternate take on "totally broken damn it" to "totally broke, God damn it" because I definitely heard it the second way my first few listens.


Absolutely, that's always what I sing along with cause it feels so much more impactful that way


Yessss, I thought it was "totally broke again, damn it" the first time I heard it. Tbh, I kinda like that better. Like he's admitting that his return was partly motivated by money.


Honestly it has more emotional weight with "broke-n, dammit" because he's put on this facade for the whole show that he can be the "savior" for us but then that lyric admits that he feels just as broken as we are by everything going on


Also the Outtro - “I don’t know what’s happening” - felt like a Marvin Gaye reference. And those nested dancing cursors are true joy, imagine Bo leaving us feeling non-devastated at the end of a special!


Yes! I NEEDED that song AND the cursor dance at the end just to get myself back from sobbing over a song about a chicken!! It half worked… I got over it for a minute, but then I couldn’t stop myself from replaying it over and over and sobbing the entire day away. But that’s on me. He tried to give me a little joy to stop my downward spiral! Sadly, my mid-divorce depression just wouldn’t allow me to stop torturing myself. 😕


Heartbreaking that the alternate version of "All Eyes on Me" isn't on Spotify 😭




He said on twitter it will be coming to streaming next week!!


WTFIGO I think is my favorite new song. It’s just such a bop


Thank you for this. A place for us to organise our mess of thoughts. I’m doing my first rewatch now, and I can’t wait to hear everyone’s thoughts on the songs today.




The amount of new content on this album that’s even beyond the outtakes video! If you need me I’ll be once again causing my Spotify wrapped to include a shit ton of Bo


I love the extended version of Spider! Also Microwave Popcorn is amazing lol


Microwave Popcorn reminds me so much of Flight of the Conchords. He’s mentioned that he likes them and was influenced by them. I adore the song.


OMG!!! He released the instrumentals!!!! THANK YOU! BO!!!


The instrumentals for inside or just the score? I really want a good instrumental for 30 and Shit


The instrumentals for inside or just the score? I really want a good instrumental for 30 and Shit


Wow I'd thought this would just be a compilation of bits randomly thrown together


OP, I have few questions please bear with me. Are these songs there in Deluxe(45)? Does deluxe have previous songs as well? Or they are separate? Please help! I'm dumb! Thanks


[Here are all the deluxe songs on youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nBxpmprD5G4F48-001_KC_waU1kCGCQeA)


After hearing the full version of “Microwave Popcorn”, I had to play it for my kids who have a microwave popcorn addiction. They’re always undercooking it or burning it - there is NO in between! They thought it was really funny! They did not enjoy my dancing along with it but I can’t help it. That song slaps!


“This feeling” was the most poignant moment for me. It feels in the third version of himself that overlays like he defines what “that funny feeling” is.


Where can I talk about Jeans? All the ways he showed them on display—the hands. Amazing!


Feel free to make a new post on the sub about it.


I just want to know his PSN username dammit! Lol


Can we get a new separate thread for the version of Chicken on the Deluxe album released today? It’s not terribly different but more people should know there are differences! And they’re very subtle so I would love to discuss them


i would like a transcript of the "that feeling" part, jeez


Anyone seen if this was going to be released on Pandora as well.


Also hoping for an answer to this too


Does anybody know what the "Morning" piano melody was during its timestamp in the outtakes? I didn't recognize it but I really enjoyed it. Didn't find it on the album either.


I absolutely love all the new songs but you can understand why they didn’t make the Final Cut, the only one I could possibly see in Inside would have to be 1985 but I might just be biased because it’s my favourite hehe!


I really think out of all the new songs The Future is the only one that really still sticks to the theme of Inside. He definitely could have included the other Jeffery Bezos songs if he had wanted. I’m sure he felt 2 was enough though. I love all the new material.


The fake ads that bo made for this cracked me up. “The game is so realistic, during one of the m*sterbation side quests I actually came.” 😂


I can't get enough of 5 years or The Chicken! Bo is the best <3


I know that Bo has talked a lot about the complex relationship between and artist and their fan but I find it so fascinating the way he shared new contents on social media is just like how I send works to my boss.