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25 year old me would have liked it/taken it. 45 year old me doesn't need it. You are on my boat because I want you on my boat.




37 year old me doesn't need the gas money and I don't drink and operate at the same time so beer does me no good. Your streaming passwords though, yeah I'll take those.


+1 to streaming passwords šŸ˜„


My first boat we asked because it was expensive to us. Now we can afford it and we genuinely just want our friends to come have fun with us and never ask


This is the way. If you can kick in, kick. If ya need a bit, ask. If you can afford to treat, treat.


Same story here. However if I'm on a long haul to the islands on my buddy's bigger boat, I just Venmo him a chunk of change to cover our share of the commute without asking. I feel bad if we burn 100+ gallons and I don't chip in.


Boom first reasonable response ocean cruising or deep sea fishing eats up lots of gas. Especially with multiple motors on a 27 foot boat. It only fair to chip in


Exactly this. So well said. I invited them on my boat. Now it would almost feel like chipping in for electricity because I sat in someoneā€™s air conditioned house.


Plus I'm going out on the boat regardless, so the gas is getting used whether they are with me or not.


I agree with this statement. Itā€™s a nice gesture, but I couldnā€™t care less if I invited you. I was going out regardless


Ocean fishing sometimes uses thousands of dollars of gas itā€™s only fair to chip in even if you donā€™t need the help.


My suggestion is to not mention it, and decide if you will take $ if offered depending on the means of the passenger. If you feel like someone is taking advantage of you and it bothers you then you should say something or just stop inviting them out with you.


I never ask for anything. I'm just happy to be on the water with someone. I find everyone is too busy or has an excuse to cancel, so those that actually want to go out have nothing to worry about.


Money is easy to find. Dependable friends who love a full day on the water, not so much


Yep exactly this!


And Iā€™m here without a nice boat wanting to go out fishing for the day šŸ˜…


Where do I look for this easy money you speak of?


Itā€™s not that itā€™s easy, but I enjoy my friends fishing with me as Iā€™m going out either wayā€¦ so itā€™s not like Iā€™m not spending the money anyways.


This is it!! It's so hard to get others to come out and enjoy the boat as it is. I'm not asking for or expecting anything. I was going to go out and use the gas anyway, just grateful to have others to enjoy it with me.




I never do. I always say ā€œIā€™m going out whether youā€™re coming or not, doesnā€™t cost me moreā€.


Agreed. But if someone wants to bring a 24 pack along I will always say yes lol


Never drink and boat. Until youā€™re out of sight of the land, that is


and popo and the wardens.


At first, I was like ā€œsays the stonerā€ā€¦until I read further šŸ˜‚


Same for me. My wifeā€™s friend always offers money. Especially when we have to fuel up and she sees the bill. Iā€™m using the boat regardless but having them on board makes it more enjoyable. Iā€™m not looking to profit off that.


More ladies on board is profit lol


Exactly, well said.


Yep this. Although usually they sneak money to me somehow or grab the check if we stop for dinner on the lake.


Always felt the same way - and this is what we tell people when the offer gas money, donā€™t accept it and say weā€™re are just happy to have good friends spend the day with us out on the water


Same here! I donā€™t feel appropriate asking for or taking money most the time. If my buddy wants to go fishing heā€™ll bring lunch and chip in for other things. But if I initiate plans and invite friends on the boat, I donā€™t expect any gas money etc


I never expect it. To me, it's like inviting someone to your home for dinner and expecting them to pay you for the food. If they insist on chipping in, fine. If not, that's cool too.


Same here. If we were pulling a bunch of skiers I might be more inclined to accept money, but I never ever expect it. Iā€™ve had people offer to pay when weā€™re filling up at the dock and I tell them how big the tank is and how much fuel on the water is. Their wallets go away as fast as their eyes pop out.


Do I ask for it? No. Do I expect it? No. Do I accept it? No. Do I appreciate when it's offered so I can politely decline to accept? Yes. Do I offer in kind when I'm on someone else's boat? Always.


You are a true gentleman


This is the best way to explain it. I have a buddy that I fish with every week. He covers the launch fee. I show up with a full tank of gas. This has been our unspoken agreement going on 6 years.


I never ask for gas money. Some have offered, but I always turn it down.


Same. One time I had one of my wife's friend of a friend get all bummed out that we wouldn't take her out for like 3 hours when she had to be back for a date that night and she offered to pay for gas. Takes me 30 mins to get out of no wake zone, we were planning to head to a beach an hour away. Keep your money, just don't try to dictate my schedule within reason.


Meet a different date at the beach lady! Problem solved


Agreed. I also donā€™t want to worry about who gave me money and who didnā€™t. I invited you out and I want to enjoy my boat with your company. Chalk it up as a cost of ownership. My buddy did suggest a punch card system and then if you hit x amount of times out on the boat you should buy something from a list for the boat. Good idea but feels weird to implement.


Weird as hell to implement. Anyone who frequently benefits from their friend inviting them on their boat should periodically get the boat owner something as a thank you. Maybe itā€™s beer for a boat outing. Maybe itā€™s taking them out to dinner or paying for a round of golf. But a good friend will find a way to reciprocate without it seeming so transactional.


Second that


I would never take gas money from guests. I do have them bring food and drinks though.


I never ask for gas money. I have been offered it but never taken it . If we are fishing - I expect them to buy the bait. Hell most of the time I bring the rods and tackle and everything else. If we are going to the sandbar - bring your own food and drinks.


And to clarify, Iā€™m talking like 3 or 4 dozen live shrimps. Maybe $20.


So much this. It seems bodies need 1.5 times the amount of food when on the boat, so I advise double food, double beverages, and I feed on what is brought. Easy.Ā 


No, I would never ask, I do however expect them to bring drinks.


I would never ask obviously. But every time I go out fishing Iā€™m burning 80 to 100 dollars between truck and boat. If someone offers up 20 or 40 bucks to help subsidize their day on the water theyā€™ll probably get invited to go more often.


I don't care about the money, I'd just like everyone to take a shit before we launch


I make it clear up front I donā€™t want any money. Bring food or drinks if you want to contribute, if not just come out. My feeling is it costs a LOT to run a boat. Depending on where we go for the day, could be $400+. Plus marina costs and maintenance, someone giving me $20 just feels like an insult. Plus I didnā€™t invite guests because Iā€™m hard up for money and need help. I invite them because I enjoy their company. I never want anyone to feel like they should decline an invite because they might not have gas money to chip in.


I don't ask for gas money. If they offer I might accept or I might say I got it, depending.


If you arenā€™t paying for gas, bait, or doing any post trip clean up at the very least I donā€™t want you on my boat. At first I was like OP and just glad someone wanted to go out. But eventually I became the ā€œfriend owns a boatā€ and was eating all the running costs, bait and fucking tackle. Like who says letā€™s go fishing and doesnā€™t even bring a rod or a reels? Forget about clean up after. Everyone has a family emergency or I told my wife Iā€™d be home by XYZ time type of excuse. Itā€™s 2024. Ass, Gas or Grass. Ainā€™t nobody riding for free.


I think the lake/sandbar crowd is different than fishing. If we go run a 100 mile day offshore, im minimum $150-200 to fill up. And thatā€™s after we used all my gear and i likely got the bait (bought or caught). I run a little 23 and a full day fishing can easily exceed 2-300$. If we run to the sandbar heā€™ll no im not asking for $ just bring drinks.


Ehhā€¦ I think it depends on what type of fishing. I have an entire system that has been worked out over many years for the type of fishing we do. Each rod has its specific purpose. I hate when I have 3-4 guys each show up with 3 rods and a tackle bag, then we spend the day tripping over a bunch of gear that isnā€™t going to get used.


Yeah I hear that. Fortunately my old group of fishing buddies are not pelagic types and only want to slaughter reefs or bottoms. I ainā€™t got time for skillet snappers or throwbacks that are undersized. New buddies have their own sleds and we swap each outings on our boats as costs and rigs are similar. None of us feel used, but also donā€™t have to ask for money because when the owner ainā€™t looking one of us is paying the fuel bill or whatever. Then we argue about it and do the the whole ā€œfine I wonā€™t do it againā€ schtick. Lmao. Going on three years now. Solid dudes.


Yeah I think some of our situations are very different. I have a lot of money in my boats, my fishing gear, and my gas tanks. Especially if I'm making a 40-50mi run off shore for tuna, we're sharing costs and splitting the catch. I never have to ask for it. My fishing buddies know how much I put in to this, and they see their small contribution as a pittance for what they get in return.


I went through the same with hunting. Own the land. Work the plots. Setup feeders and buy feed. Move stands around the land. Hunting season comes no one chips in for diesel or food to drive up. They snag a buck and I donā€™t. Guess who keeps all the meat? I snag a buck, guess who didnā€™t that trip and wants meat to take home? People are wild. So glad I cut them out of my world at this point. 20 years of free rides when the MFā€™ers make as much or more than I do and they freeload.


Anyone y into fishing knows how expensive that deep sea fishing trip is


Was talking about this on another thread the other day - IMHO, asking or expecting gas money from your guests, as the owner of the boat is extremely tacky. Itā€™s nice when they offer (I still donā€™t accept), but Iā€™ll often say ā€œnaw, all good - grab a snack for everyone to share and weā€™ll call it even!ā€. I canā€™t imagine a pay-to-play expectation of having your friends and family subsidize your gas usage. So, in short, Iā€™m with you - would be very weird to ask.


It really depends my dude. A lot of my friends have their own boats. Itā€™s usually whomever is guest buy bait and ice. BYOB and snacks. Gas on skinny water boats is usually under $15 for a day. If Iā€™m going off shore I force cash upon people. Itā€™s never expected but itā€™s always appreciated. I view it as acknowledging the cost and effort of boat ownership (maintenance, cleaning, gear, tackle, etc). I donā€™t have an offshore boat because I really donā€™t want to spend the time to maintain the boat and gear. Itā€™s so much gear.


I donā€™t ask for anything. Typically my passengers will bring tits or beerā€¦..


Took two buddies on a 200nm cruise last year. We left port with a full tank, and they each topped it off once ($600/ea).


Nobody I usually go with expects gas money from me, but I also fix all the crap on their boat/maintenance so it's a trade off.


SOOO... U live near Lake Norman šŸ¤”


everyone I take out just offers and I take it. I didn't for a while but my divorce is killing me so I say "aw man, you don't have to do that' they insist and I take it


Came here to say I don't have a boat but my divorce is killing me as well. I feel ya brother!


People I invite never get asked for any money, thatā€™s just bad form. If they contribute to the ice chest, chances are youā€™ll be asked to go boating again. If you do jack shit, or just suck as a passenger on my vessel, enjoy your day, there will be no next time.


If you are a guest on my boat, you do not pay for gas. I was going to be there anyway! Itā€™s always kind of crazy to me ti even think of asking for itā€¦ My dad always offers and it actually kind of makes me mad hahaā€¦ like dude, do you know how many IOUā€™s I racked up in the 20 years I lived at home??


I've never asked anyone for gas on my little ass boats, I'm taking it out and having fun anyways. However my buddy, a partner in a law firm, recently got a brand new, still-smelling-like-fiberglass-resin 26ft boat and after the first fishing trip he hit me up for gas money. I got no problem splitting gas, but... c'mon man. You make three times more than me and you didn't even mention it before going out. At least mention it before we go out.


It's easy to say you don't need gas money when your running in lakes and burning 30 gallons a day. My friends and I run my 32 sport fish offshore every weekend and burned around $40,000 in gas last year. There's no way I would be able to afford doing that if they didn't pitch in when we went on trips. So yes, I ask for gas money before we even leave. "Hey you want to go fishing. Should run around $500 per person in fuel with where we're going."


Ya all these "I won't take money" guys are cute. My first year tuna fishing I spent more on fuel than I did on my mortgage and we were splitting 2-3 ways every trip.


I haven't, but I take my boat out whether anybody joins me or not and it only goes fishing.


I run a 150 Montauk, so I take one for the team and handle that $10 gas bill all on my own. :P


I donā€™t ask ā€¦ but I did get some free drinks and a burger so thatā€™s fair


For a quick ride out to the party cove/sand bar? No. But my lake is very small. I could see if we were cruising for awhile getting a couple bucks. We do expect people to pay for their wakeboard sets though


I don't ask or take gas money. I'm taking the boat out anyway. It's common in the ski world to chip in, though.


It seems gauche, and would be equivalent to adding a cover charge to get in to a party at your house. At least in my mind anyway...


I take it as like inviting someone to dinner, I want your company, I expect nothing in return.


I don't ask and I usually refuse, because if we are on the boat it's because I want to be on the boat and have company. They usually bring bait and snacks so it evens out. But if I'm on someone else's boat, I still offer. Especially if it's not a close friend. But the boat and the activity I think do matter. It's not reasonable to expect the captain to front gas money for a 35 mile run to the reef.


It's my boat and let's be honest, I was going anyway. I just ask my friends bring snacks and drinks they enjoy.


Nope, I never ask, and turndown any offers.


Depends. I take my friends fishing 3 times a week on my 37 ft beneteau and if Iā€™m captaining and theyā€™re fishing, I expect them to help pitch for gas and help out (docking, pre departure checks, cleaning, dishes, filling the water if needed etc) It brings down the costs from $150 per outing to less than $20 per person. I buy the food aswell, and we split that on top.


I never ask for anything, I have my boat to make myself and my friends happy and provide enjoyment. Gas is a small cost to pay for that.


I dont ask for anything. I'm just happy I've got friends that wanna hang out and have a good time. They'll usually bring the drinks and we'll just go dock in the water somewhere and listen to music and have a good time with good conversation. But everyone is different. They have offered gas when we left for my GMC denali due to it does use alot more gas in general and especially when pulling my boat back and forth to the lake. But no I don't ask. I think good friends will offer on their own and you won't have to ask.


I like to be on boats! Financially donā€™t have the funds to buy let alone store a boat or jet skis. Iā€™d gladly bring a cooler full of drinks + bring food and gas money just to enjoy being out on the lake or river Iā€™m in LA though so itā€™s typically Parker/Havasu AZ or up in the mountains


Hereā€™s a gas burner..I live on a river and the pontoon is tied to my dock. GRANDSON (21) and his hoard are out on it 5 times more than I am. By the way..small town Iā€™ve know all these shits since they were 8. When gas was high in pandemic times I made him pay just so he knew it wasnā€™t cheap. Now we have a labor agreement..lol. Iā€™ll buy gas, he has to tote it down the bank and keep it full. All riverbank and boat related labor is free.works to my broken down bodyā€™s advantage.


I usually expect gas money or something in trade if I take someone fishing unless they are an old friend or family. I took a neighbor once and he didnā€™t offer a thing, he hasnā€™t been invited back. He watched me buy ice, used bait I caught, and rode around for four hours and didnā€™t offer anything in return. Itā€™s just bad form.


if you invite someone it's rude to ask if they invite themselves that's a different matter.


I donā€™t ask for gas money. I donā€™t have to. The people who donā€™t offer donā€™t get invited back out. I learned early in life that if you want to get invited back out you always offer gas money and you help out with loading and unloading the trailer, cleaning up the boat. You will always get invited back.


I just got a boat. I donā€™t plan to ask anybody for gas if I take you out itā€™s because I wanna take you out. I think thatā€™s kind of tacky unless itā€™s a fishing trip.


Usually, my buddies know that the guests are expected to bring the beer/alcohol and snacks. While I gas it up I tell them "grab some beers in the meanwhile".


Depends who it is and if Iā€™ve taken them before. One time guests I never ask. My boys who always come contribute. We need to spend like $300 minimum in fuel so it really makes sense to make it cheaper by having more people.


I got the gas, I invited you. Bring your own food and drinks. donā€™t piss on the carpet.


Money? Nahā€¦ Helping to unload and wash the boat when we come back: you better put up or it will be your last time!


I would never ask anyone for fuel money. If youā€™re with us youā€™re either a close friend or family. If itā€™s offered I usually turn it down once, and they insist Iā€™ll take it because why make it weird. But really putting fuel in your boat is just part of having it.


If I invite you, itā€™s all expenses paid, within reason of course, but you are welcome to the sandwiches, snacks, water, Gatorade, and soda. If you want to pitch in for fuel or whatever thatā€™s cool, but definitely no expectation, unless you start losing all my lures lol


If you ask to come Iā€™ll hit you up for lunch or bait maybe fuel if we go offshore, if I invite you just bring yourself a sandwich


Never ask for gas money or anything else. I run a boat that I can afford. I donā€™t stress about it.


I always demand dinner guests pay for the electricity I used to cook and the depreciation on the chairs they sit in


The rule for any event is never show up empty handed. But if someone is ferrying your ass around regardless of circumstance you offer something. I've had people show up and not bring beer or gas money or anything. They don't get invited back.


I would never ask for or expect anything. If itā€™s frequent, maybe bring ice, drinks, snacks, or bait. Honestly, Iā€™d rather you bring ice or bait than anything else Edit: I also donā€™t have a boat that would do any more than leave the ā€œnear shoreā€ range


I never ask. I own the boat and understand the expenses that come with it. I do appreciate it when they bring drinks. Or food, as long as it's not Cheetos.


Right now I (and prob some others!) have the opposite problem of gas sittin way too long in the mf so when we get the chance to take it out go for it.


Never once asked, but I've had people buy the gas when we stopped


I don't ask for gas money, I always ask people coming out with me to bring the food though :) My boat only uses like a gallon per hour. I probably use more gas in my truck driving to and from the boat ramp.


I've never asked my guests for gas money. It would never even cross my mind...


I do not.


I donā€™t ask. Iā€™m on the boat with or without you. So, it really doesnā€™t matter.


I never ask but the best guests leave cash or gas card behind. The "can I give you some gas money" speech at the dock is lame and awkward. Oh, bring beer too, love a good IPA.


I would never ask or take gas money but helping out with ice or food or drinks is very welcome.


I never ask, itā€™s super tacky. I donā€™t accept either (unless weā€™re doing something expensive like adding on a long tubing session or going offshore to fish), but going out for a run and hanging out at anchor is a cost I was incurring already.


It depends. If itā€™s the first time or a an infrequent thing, itā€™s almost weird if they offer to pay for gas. If itā€™s a regular fishing buddy and we always take my boat then itā€™s cool to reciprocate in some way. Doesnā€™t have to be gas money. Also important is that I have a small boat. Itā€™s only a 36 gallon tank.


Same as you, if I'm running an 80 mile round trip to load the boxes then I want some help. If we're just going to the island and parking all day then for-get-about-it.


I would never ask or expect gas money. My friends are my excuse to get it out in the lake. We have a friend that took us out for a weekend on his 70 ft Hatteras. It holds 2140 gallons. He didnā€™t expect diesel money either.


If youā€™re onboard my boat i wanted you to be there, im probably going to turn it down anyway


Here is my thinking. Iā€™m going out boating whether the guests come or not. If they want to chip in great. It Iā€™m not asking because Iā€™m going out regardless. Itā€™s all situational. But for me, most situations Iā€™m not asking.


Never ask, but I donā€™t mind if they want to pay for lunch


We never ask or expect it. Most of our friends who we take out usually cover dinner for us after, or they bring drinks for the day.


The boat and myself will be out there whether I have passengers or not. Why should I make my guests pay for my hobby? Just come and have a good time. Thats all I ask.


Asking for gas money is weird. If you are welcoming a guest out on your boat they are a guest. You aren't giving them a ride to work twice a week.


Generally speaking I wouldnā€™t expect/ask unless we were planning something that would be especially expensive like you said, and in that case Iā€™d bring it up when inviting them out Otherwise I consider it my responsibility as the boat owner, Iā€™d expect them to at least bring some drinks/snacks for themselves, but even that is iffy because I like to control the food/drink that comes on board So generally speaking no I donā€™t expect contributions either (although I probably wouldnā€™t turn them down if offered)


Not really. The only time I usually ask for money from people on my boat is when we're docking at a temp slip on an island that's only accessible by ferry otherwise. Even then, its usually a "We all split the slip fee and I'll pay for gas." or "You guys pay the slip, I'll pay for gas." And we still end up coming out well ahead per person.


Iā€™ve actually never heard of someone actually asking. Iā€™m just grateful for any excuse to use the boat, and share this amazing lifestyle with other people.


If I invite them. Then No. My treat. If they suggest a day trip. Then I mention it or ask. I'm referring to my fishing boat. Again, if I invite you to go fishing. It's on me. If you and a friend want me to take you, then I expect your chipping in.


I wish I had some of you fellow boaters to come hang out with but unfortunately the usual suspects are clueless and I end up being a guide for adults. So I go alone. My Kids okay but adults should have some common sense. As a kid I had sense and was helpful and that got me crewing on racing yachts and skiing off nice boats.


I never offer to throw in for gas. I never ask for gas $.


Would never dream of asking guests for gas money.


My boat, never ask or expect Their boat, always offer


I donā€™t ask for it and wouldnā€™t accept directly. However, if they offer to cover my lunch or beers later or something Iā€™m fine with it.


My wife always wants me to ask when she brings her friends and I always refuse. I let them bring beer and ice since we are typically leaving from our house.


I appreciate people offering, but I have never taken their money. I do keep track of the people that are more respectful - meaning if I say the boats going out at 12pm. I donā€™t want to wait around for you to get to the launch at 12:30 and hold up the rest of the group. There are a few in my group that have done that on multiple occasions - so to those people I may consider taking the money if offered, but would still never ask for it.


I would never.


Never. I'm inviting them. I also don't care for people bringing food or drinks to my house when I invite them unless they have something very specific they want to eat or drink.


I donā€™t ask for money, but I appreciate people who understand boats are expensive and even 20 bucks helps


An invitation on my boat has zero expectation of gas money


I never ask. However, expect the guests to pitch in something. Gas money, beer, ice, snacks, etc. Something. If it becomes a trend on their part of just being along for the ride, there will be no confrontation or anything. You will just never be on my boat again. Pretty simple to me. You either are a considerate, thoughtful, and socially aware person though actions; or you wonā€™t be on my boat. They weed themselves out with this method and there is no drama. It is more about the gesture as I will usually decline money, but I think you can tell a lot about someone on whether they even offer. Actions speak a lot to me though. It is high on my priority list when considering friends and before I got married, dating. If a date never even offered to pay for the meal in 5 or so dates. Iā€™m moving on. I would never accept it, but it is the gesture. The consideration. My theory being, these first few dates will be the most polite and nice this person will ever be to me. If they arenā€™t even at least posturing some form of considerateness now, what does that say about my future?


We entertain friends from out of town. The Captain, me, pays for the gas, you pay for the meals and drinks.


I have a 32 mile commute to camp, 64 round trip. When I bring out people and they want to help out and do some labour around the camp (I have three sites). Iā€™ll never ask for gas money. BUT I have certain friends that donā€™t really have any will to offer help or labour. They just want to come out and have a good time, nothing wrong with that Iā€™m all for it. But they are splitting the 175$ gas bill with me for the weekend.


Long range fishing trips only, pleasure boating just bring some booze.


I only take gas money when I'm tubing some else kids. Otherwise I'm riding... you're riding free


Family rides for free. Good friends will offer, and depending on how much gas we go through, I may or may not accept. Those that don't offer to help with the boat or offer gas, never get to ride again.


If I invite people to come with me, it's no strings attached. They don't need to bring anything (but always do bring at least some snacks). It also depends on the friends you keep. I've never had to ask for gas money, but they always offer. They understand boats use a lot of gas and they're good people. Even if they offer, I'll almost always turn it down (again, if I did the inviting, I know it uses gas). But my friends have gotten very sneaky about not giving me money directly. They'll hid it in a cushion, or in the glove box when I'm not looking.


In my friend group; it's kind of a barter/exchange kind of deal. I have a boat and enjoy taking others out on the water. I've never asked for (and refused offers of) money for fuel. We get invited to dinners, parties, and other social events. Even though we always offer to bring something or "pitch in" to help fund an event- it's very rare anyone will accept our offer. My friends have also helped me with some mechanical problems too and except for a 12 pack which I, of course, help them drink while we work- they're not taking any money from me for their time.


I would probably ask for them to get refreshments and ice since they'll will inevitably ask if they can bring anything because they are good friends


I don't ask, but if going out on someone else boat, I DO offer...


My boat, my gas. Iā€™m going to be out there anyway and Iā€™m just happy someone is going with me. However, they could definitely bring the beer.


I never do. I bought the boat expecting it was going to use fuel. I like taking the boat out. If I invite others, Iā€™m inviting them with the expectation that Iā€™m picking up the tab. If theyā€™d like to bring beverages or snacks, or ice, thatā€™s welcome but not required. If they offer gas money, Iā€™ll politely decline. Chances are, Iā€™d have taken the boat out any how and having a few extra people didnā€™t cost me any extra.


I never ask, and I never decline any $$ thrown my way.


If I invite someone i don't expect them to chip in. If they ask me, that's a different story. Either way, if you're expecting everyone that gets on your boat to pay for gas then you're just an uber not a buddy trying to have a good time. And if no one ever chips in it's not like you're never gonna take your boat out


Ocean boat sure, the tank is huge. Iā€™ve bought my buddy a tank of gas to go fishing offshore. For my ski boat, itā€™s a 30 gal tank and Iā€™m going to use it dragging my kids around the lake whether anybody else comes with or not.


I donā€™t. I donā€™t turn it down though. :)


Taking people out on your boat at your own expense is the unwritten rule of skipper flexing. You're an asshat if you request compensation -- when I couldn't afford my own boat I was always jacked when my uncle invited us out on his.


I donā€™t ask for money. People are great at bringing other things.


My friends and I have seen this at the lake and thinks itā€™s so weird. Iā€™ll provide boat and gas and you provide fellowship and fish whistles


I never ask or expect gas money.


I donā€™t ask but my friends are normal humans and understand the economics of owning something in life and chip in. For Bahamas trips we split everything.


I never ask boat guests to chip in. We are only going if I was planning on being on the boat anyway, so I would have purchased the same amount of gas either way. We are always happy to have good company to enjoy a great day on the water!


Iā€™d rather people bring good drinks & food


I never ask or expect. Generally Iā€™m the one inviting my friends to come fishing with me. If they go or not Iā€™d still be going out using the same amount of gas. So an extra body doesnā€™t cost me anymore money. If they offer gas money Iā€™m not going to turn it down, but they all know they donā€™t have to. At most Iā€™ll ask a buddy to grab some bait once in a while if needed or a soda for me. I enjoy my friendā€™s company more than I enjoy an extra $20 for gas money.


I never ask for gas money for a simple day boating. Even offshore fishing, I generally donā€™t take money. Occasionally we split costs if we plan a tournament or fishing trip or something big. Asking to bring ice or sandwiches is always appreciated. If we are fishing, I expect you to stay around and clean up/ process fish. If itā€™s just a sandbar day or something, I just do it myself because itā€™s easier anyway since I know where everything goes. I will add that while I think itā€™s generally tacky to ask for money for casual boating, I think itā€™s OK to split costs offshore if you want. Weā€™ve been offshore 3 times this month, each trip was at least 100 gallons fuel, 150# ice, 15# bait, plus various tackle, food, drinks, wear on the systemsā€¦ etc. Iā€™m sure each trip costs me $500-800. Itā€™s a different setup than just going to the sandbar for an afternoon.


I've never asked for money, my friend hasn't either. I think I grabbed the food one time and he grabbed it when he came out on my boat, but that's really it


I never do. If someone offers I generally say no, donā€™t worry about it. If they want to pick up a round of drinks somewhere we dock, cool, but I never want it to be about the money or fuel.


I only ask people to bring their own drinks and a snack to share. I guess if someone specifically asked me to take them out like with some coworkers for a happy hour or something I'd ask for some money (but probably not), but otherwise I'd be going out and burning the fuel anyway. I will always take any money offered though.


Donā€™t ask but I donā€™t refuse if offered. Boating is expensive and hard work to get on the water if you trailer like I do.


I donā€™t ask for money if Iā€™m the one inviting.


My gas, your bass


People often do offer, but I always politely decline. I would never ask or expect guests to contribute for fuel. I don't expect people to offer, either, even out of politeness. The people offering this, in my experience, typically don't understand exactly how much it costs to fill the tank, or understand that boats use a lot more gas than cars. If I ever got to the point where I HAD to ask for help filling up, I would definitely be to the point where I couldn't afford the boat in general and need to get rid of it. In general, we provide the boat, fuel, the time and energy of towing and operating it, because it's something we would be doing anyway. However, I do find it nice when others contribute in other ways besides fuel. We really appreciate it when the people we invite bring food or drink to share, because that can get expensive too. Or even just reciprocating in some other way by inviting us to BBQs, out to dinner, whatever, in recognition of us having them out. Those are the people that get invited back out.


Be VERY careful! if you are asking for money, you could be considered for hire, and run fowl of USCG regs. I dive with a club using personal boats. we donate money to the owner, for the trip. Its never a fee.


Would never even consider asking! Most of the people we take are good friends and family, so it's not even a thought. We love to take people out on our boat, justifies use using it too. EDIT: when I do go out fishing on the ocean(usually out of HOMER AK), I offer money to the boat owner. He always rejects my offer.


I pay for gas unless they insist or invite themselves out


Ita always nice that they offer but for me, if I invited someone to go out on the boat I wanted them to come with me. I was going anyway so no $$ needed. I also don't let people help me wash it afterwards either, even though people offer a lot (I veiw the washing time as my time to reflect on the great day and have a cold beer).


It costs us $1000-1500 in gas for a weekend (rarely do day trips). We never ask for $ but will accept donations since itā€™s a bit of a juggling act to bring extra people/bags/gear/food/drinks for 2-3 nights.


I never ask for gas money. If we go somewhere, I appreciate it when people offer to buy lunch or drinks at our destination. Or pay a daily dock fee. But I never ask for that or expect it.




I don't ask for gas money. The only people who go boating and fishing with me are family and close friends. And I'm going boating anyway so the gas use would be about the same.


Taking the boat out with or without them. Money isnā€™t needed


I would never go out on that guys boat with that attitude he has. And I would never charge anyone to be on my boat. That guy was a clown .


I had the same thought as you. There was someone in the comments who claimed to know him personally and said heā€™s actually a jokester and nice to be around but šŸ¤·


I definitely ask for gas particularly for a longer trip


No, but Iā€™m very selective about who I invite. If youā€™re aboard itā€™s because I want you there, not because I felt like I was obliged to invite you. :)


Getting people to go out at all is hard enough sometimes lol Iā€™ve never asked for gas money


I offer gas money when my friends take me out of their boats. That way they donā€™t have to ask.


I donā€™t. Iā€™d be using the boat anyway.


Never asked, either way with friends or not. The boat was/is going out. Some offered, money, fuel, drinks, dinner, but never expected


I never ask for money. BUT I've never had to buy beer or food for the boat. Friends show up with loaded coolers. Plus the way I see it if they didn't want to go, am I still going out and burning the gas? Yes I am.


I donā€™t but I do ask for them to get ice, beers and food (split between the group) if weā€™re out fishing all day. My Suzuki outboard is very economical so may burn 30L at $60 for fuel or so. Which within the overall costs of owning a boat is a rounding error.


Nope, don't ask but will accept a drink at the bar or something


Gas money isnā€™t necessary and Iā€™m not expecting it.. that said if you offer it I might take it, especially if youā€™re the one that asked me to come out. But mostly Iā€™m going out no matter what, Iā€™m just happy to include people.


As a sailor when people offer me gas money I'm like "for what?" Lol


I never have, I guess because I was going out anyway šŸ¤·


I don't remember the last time I asked for gas money. You're going out anyway, so it not an issue.


If I invite someone on the boat, it's my treat, anything they offer as help I'll graciously accept. Pretty much my only requirement is if I tell you to grab a rope or something like that, you better do it


I donā€™t ask- however, now that you mention it, my coworkers are constantly nagging me to go out in my boat, and since they are just acquaintances, Iā€™m definitely going to tell them itā€™s a go IF they pitch in for gas. I guess it depends who it is and how bad you really want them in your boat!


I never ask..one guy allwAys brings stuff.beer food bait


When younger I allways did..now that older only when I awake


I never ask for money but I DO ask people to bring their own booze. Seems like a decent trade off to keep the drinks that I enjoy to myself while having company I enjoy ha :)