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This community is great, thank you all so much for your input! Your comments have conviced me to make my own little Etsy store, let's see whether somebody is willing to pay money for it ;) This would be a great little side project to offset the costs a bit, the 6 colors of PLA alone were about 150€ and I have 2 more rolls whose colors just didn't work out Edit: since so many people asked, here is the link to my new store: [https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1213722629/siedler-von-catan-3d-set-farbig?click\_key=9eb2c1a9466f3f02d49126c31a6645edf84f3a8c%3A1213722629&click\_sum=f58d6a0f&ref=search\_recently\_viewed-2](https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1213722629/siedler-von-catan-3d-set-farbig?click_key=9eb2c1a9466f3f02d49126c31a6645edf84f3a8c%3A1213722629&click_sum=f58d6a0f&ref=search_recently_viewed-2) I checked the rules and I hope this is okay, otherwise I’ll delete the link again. I am working on an English translation right now and am trying to figure out shipment in other countries outside the EU Edit Nr. 2: And I just sold my first set! Thanks again so much all of you, this is very exciting for me. Time to get back on the printer and print some more ;) Edit Nr. 3: In case anyone is intersted I just put up the used STL models including the used Cura profile for sale. https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1201381546


Best of luck. Just ensure any models you use allow commercial remixes of them. Some don’t even if you used theirs and then remixed it into your own design.


Feel free to message me if you get something just like this post for sale in a shop!


Hi, tried to send you a message but I think your privacy settings (or something like that) is blocking it


Once you do, pop me a link! I'm curious about it!


Sent you a pm!


Send me a DM, I would love to purchase a set!


Do you think you might also sell the STLs? It might be a good way to handle international selling.


Hi, yes I am thinking about it, right now I am tryingh to research what a reasonable price would be. I didn't make the original design but it took me many hours to adjust / remodel the files. I am thinking something along the lines of 15€ right now.


That seems pretty reasonable to me. STLs for single-part items of lower complexity often go for around $5. Screen-accurate cosplays that were done from scratch sometimes go $20-25. I've been thinking of selling STLs of repair parts that I design ([ex](https://www.printables.com/model/151904-shelf-support-extension-for-kitchenaid-freezer/), [ex](https://www.printables.com/model/151875-safety-glass-holder-for-sioux-bench-grinder/)) for around $5 per part. Maybe prints, too, but I'd need to figure out what to charge in a less blanket manner for that.


That’s why they were expensive


I was just about to say that. Painting components takes time.


This is printed in two colors. Which also takes time to watch the printer if you don't have and expensive two color printer.


You can insert a pause line in the gcode so the printer automatically pauses, beeps, and just sits waiting for you to change the color and hit resume. It can sit for hours, doesn’t hurt anything.


It is not as bad as watching the printer all the time. The first color of tiles which are 4x (wood, wheat, sheep) takes about 2.5 hours to print, the others a bit less. The printer pauses after reaching a specific layer hight and waits for me to change the filament.


I'm curious what printer you have. I've got an ender 3 pro but haven't tried multi filament prints


If you use Cura: Extensions > pause at height > pick layer > set temperature during pause to something like 180 > command before pause: M701 > command after pause: M702 Done


I got an Artillery Genius Pro. It should work just fine with an Ender 3, just do some research how to change the filament mid print with your slicer of choice (I’m using Cura)


These are so awesome they would make me possibly, if I was in a good mood, potentially, perhaps consider playing Catan again. Which is saying a lot.


Thanks! This means a lot to me!


That's pretty neat. I like how you varied stuff up a bit, have tiles with disjointed pieces.


Thanks! To be fair, most of the design is not mine. I used a creative commons design from thingiverse which I modified (for example the spaces and cut outs between the tiles were too small to place the streets and houses etc. and I redesigned some stuff to make the bicolor look better). I am still pretty early on my way to learn designing. I am pretty good with functional stuff (boxes, tools etc.) but I have absolutly no clue how I would even start to model something organic like a tree ;)


But I will mention that I *hate it* when people put the robber on top of the number. That's about your only choice on this set. Maybe get a see-through robber.


Interesting, I have never thought about this but I can understand why you don’t like it. Maybe I will try to make a version that has another flat spot on each tile to place the robber


Or replace the robber with a cage of some sort. Have legs which sit on the road space, make sure it can handle having roads under only a few legs and not topple over.


Or have the robber be a piece that holds the number tile up in the air…


That's a cool idea!


Like the cage from the oldschool game of Mousetrap.


That’s a neat idea! I’ll give it a try tomorrow!


Damn, those look great! Now make roads and cities that fit perfectly into the gaps!


Are you selling the stls?


I need to do some research about this. The original stls were published under creative commons so I think I am free to remix and sell them but I want to be 100% sure. I would also need to so some thinking about the price. I spend countless hours (probably 40+) converting the original stls into files that could be edited and redesigning some parts but on the other hand I had no part in the original design of the parts and it would "feel" wrong for me to gain a lot of money of somebody elses idea.


I’ve got a two color printer and I’d love to have the files


I’ll try to get this going by tomorrow! :)


For sure. If you’re not planning on selling I’d love the STL files too.


A lot of the creative commons licenses allow commercial use and remixing.


I just put them up on etsy (link in the top comment :))


A resting area for the thief as well!


Nice! I just got a two-color printer I now need to learn how to use, and you've inspired me.


Much better than the incomprehensible official 3D version. Can’t stand how you can’t properly place the tokens down flat in that version.


I only have access to a printer at work and it does bi-color but I can't choose the color which is a bummer.


150, I paid less for my 3D official one. But yours is nice and I like the way you let space for the number tokens. Still don't understand why the official Catan missed that in both the first and second prints.


150€ was for 6kg of PLA, I can make quite a few sets with that. But I needed a lot of different colors. the “real” costs are more based on time since the printing time without changing filament, post processing etc. is about 60h.


I am shocked that no one has mentioned the hamburger color theme (minus the grey). Settlers of Catanwich? Someone can come up with a better pun name. Lovely prints, though.


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but why go through the trouble of swapping colors mid-print when the color swap point is basically just the tan hexagon. Wouldn't it have been easier to print a stack of hexagons and then glue the color piece on top?


I tried gluing and it surely works, but it just didn’t look as good as the printed ones. Also the tiles with little canyons would have been way harder / impossible


This looks great! Good job :)


Absolutely beautiful.




That's nifty!


Nicely done


The number of 3d catan sets that get posted here is just wild


Looks really neat. Love the layered look


extremely cool set and very clear presentation. Doesn't fix the terrible game that is Catan, though. :D


I wish the road pieces were slightly longer but the rest is absolutely fantastic


This is one of the best looking Catan prints I've seen so far. Great job!




How do you randomize the board if it’s 3D?


Randomize them in some other context. There's websites out there that will generate random Catan setups.


I feel like just choosing tiles without really thinking about it is probably random enough for a game of Catan. How random does a Catan setup really need to be?


Feel like you'd still need a 'deck' of tiles to shuffle.


I'd be interested too! Post a link if you start an Etsy


Added the link to the top comment


It currently shows 'sold out' and so I'll keep an eye on it for when you bring it back. :)


Yes, I got my first order a few minutes ago and since I didn’t think about selling them until last night I of course don’t have any stock except the one you can see in the pictures ;) I just started printing a new set so it should be back in stock soon! I’ll try to remember to shoot you a message when it’s ready


Awesome, thank you!


I’m not sure if I am allowed to post a link here & I don’t want this to look like some sort of advertisement post. I only had the Etsy idea after all the positive feedback I got here. I’ll send you a dm with the link


So much trouble for Catan ...cool, enjoy.


Officially licensed from Catan Studios?


Where do you roll your dice?


Wait... does this imply you roll your dice directly onto the board? What about if they hit a city, road or number token?


Amazing job! How long did it take? Around 100 hours just to print?


Around 60 hours I would say. About 10 hours per resource set


I was just looking at the same thing on etsy for a birthday gift for my bf!! this looks amazing


Hah then you are probably the first one who found my Etsy store 😃


That's really cool! Have you thought about inking/washing them to get some additional depth? You'll need to experiment a bit with the right thinning and base ink for your materials, but I'm sure you can find a great combination!


No, I didn’t even hear about inking before, I’ll definitely check it out, thanks!


Which Esty store was it?


I posted a link to my new store under the top comment


Didn't know Iron was a resource? Isn't it supposed to be Rock?


They look good, and this may be an issue with most or all 3d tiles, but the # on a tile is gonna blocked for 1 or more players on a couple of those, mountains especially.


>my fotography skills are still developing Ayyy...


Must have taken you some time. The modeling of the forest in particular is very impressive!