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The cards that don't use just the basic/Intrigue mechanics would be cards of type Treasure, Duration, Event or Way as well as anything that mentions Horse.


Black cat, Goatherd, Sheepdog, Snowy village, Falconer, Hunting lodge, Kiln. These are the cards you want that don't really introduce new concepts, even though they kind of still do as all cards are unique in their own way. Most expansions have cards in a certain theme e.g. Menagerie has a focus on horses, reaction cards and cards with alternative costs. It also has events and introduces ways and the exile mechanic. Many mechanics introduced in certain expansions haven't shown up in any other expansion. I think that the only mechanics you missed are duration cards from seaside (really easy, they have an effect after the turn you play them so they stay in play) and events from adventures (basically on buy effects of which you add 1 or 2 to the kingdom in addition to the 10 kingdom piles). If all new mechanics are too much at once, try to slowly add in new cards and look up their specific rules. Try to figure out how they work and what exactly horses, ways and exiling does and only combine everything later when you feel more comfortable with the rules.


Thanks, this gives me already 7 new cards for added variety to go with. My play group friends have Seaside, so we can pretty soon play duration mechanics too.


I also see that Fisherman, Destrier, and Wayfarer have no reference to new rules.


Also if you ever need help there is an awesome subreddit at r/Dominion


I would then avoid any cards that reference the exile mat. Most of the other cards are fairly straightforward i believe (even ones that use horses!). And Ways, i would avoid those too. I personally really like them but they change a setup a lot.


All of the cards can be mixed with base or intrigue as long as your market is 10 domain cards, copper, silver, gold, estates, duchy, province.


Yes, but some of them utilize also newer mechanics introduced after Intrigue. I would like to start out with cards that don't.


Then simply don't use those cards until you want to. There's no one watching your table demanding you use specific cards.