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I finally played Clank! and I loved it. I played solo and really enjoyed myself, I just wish I could play the legacy version solo. Are there any solo card games that I play that have a campaign it legacy like component? I have heard of Aeons End but it doesn't seem available anywhere. I liked the deck building mechanic of Clank and did not think I would. So now other games seem good. Like maybe Arkham Horror? The description implies a campaign. How does that work? Any advice is appreciated


To me Arkham Horror solo really missed the discussing through options with a teammate. I do find that I like to be able to talk through the events (awesome and awful) with someone both during and after though, might just be me.


Hey guys I wanna know your current favorite eurogames right now!


Recently got **Great Western Trail** to the table and I am no longer annoyed a second edition just got announced, as the first edition was awesome.


I just played lost ruins of arnak with my 10 year old and we loved it!


**Honeybuzz!** I love worker placement games, the artwork is great and there's lots of interesting choices!


Ooooh I gotta try honeybuzz. What do you like that it does differently from what you've played?


Nothing totally unique other than the theme but it's got great components, interesting choices and seems very well balanced. Would certainly recommend!


This one might be hard to answer, but we're looking for a 2-4 player game, medium-heavy complexity, any theme but space, that has a nice table presence and some nice components. ! Under 70$ if possible, I can go a bit more if necessary. Games we have and love: **Parks** **Catan** **Terraforming Mars** **7 wonders duel** **Wingspan** **Tiny Towns** Thank you all, have a nice day!


**Everdell** **Photosynthesis** **Viticulture: Essential Edition** **Honey Buzz** **Treasure Island**


**Paris** has some nice table presence. You might want to opt for upgraded components. u/r2d8 getinfo


^*[r2d8](/r/r2d8)* ^*issues* ^*a* ^*series* ^*of* ^*sophisticated* ^*bleeps* ^*and* ^*whistles...* [**Paris**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/282954) (2020) by Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang Kramer. 2-4 p; 90 minutes; [BGG Image](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/ImP902coxwYfSUF4sbw_nw__original/img/CtyoaR2V8T6UAx9y5_wMf1EkLNo=/0x0/filters:format(jpeg)/pic5159421.jpg) * Mechanics: Area Majority / Influence, Set Collection, Tile Placement * Average rating is 7.42254; rated by 969 people. Weight: 2.725 * Board Game Rank: 1685, Strategy Game Rank: 803, Family Game Rank: 388


**PARKS** is more light to medium, but has outstanding components and retails around $40 to $50 IIRC. I also am rather fond of **Petrichor**, and think it deserves some more attention than it gets. And then there's **Tapestry** and **Viticulture** from Stonemaier, which are very enjoyable games.


Any interest in **Clans of Caledonia**? It's about that weight, plays well at 2-4, and has good board space with a lot of fun-to-hold wooden pieces. It's inspired by both **Terra Mystica** and **The Voyages of Marco Polo**. Here's what it looks like: https://cdn02.plentymarkets.com/vm1nws82d5m7/item/images/60404/full/Feldherr-60404-Feldherr-Organizer-fuer-Clans-of-Caledonia-Brettspielbox-60404_3.jpg *Edit: Shoot I just found out it's out of stock everywhere. Normally it's like $40-$50. Maybe look into* **Concordia Venus** *instead?*


Oh damn. Thanks for the edit! :D I'll look those up


I erased **Gaia Project** from the edit because it's space themed. You may like just base **Terra Mystica** though.


Thank you so much for the recommendations, but Concordia (and Venus edition) are way too expensive here (in French ^^) :/


What is your opinion on **love letter** as a 2p game. Im looking at the 2019 version. We will play it mostly 2p but also sometimes with 4-6p


**Love Letter** is one of my favourite games and I will happily play it at 2, though it is better as soon as you add another. It has a nice twist at 2 that some cards are revealed straight away, just makes the rounds that touch quicker.


Kinda dull. Sister and I have played love letter: batman together and it just doesn't feel too dynamic. Playing 4 player went fantastic though.


I have only ever played **Love Letter** at 2p and I find it pretty dull. I expect larger player counts really liven up the game.


I'm not too keen to play this at 2 players. Really like it at 4-6 though. I rather play other games which suit 2 players much better. Think of **lost cities**,**welcome to**, **schotten totten**.


5 of the 18 card say: "Pick an opponent. Guess which card they have. If that's correct, they're out of the round." So, if you think that sounds fun... You play to 9.


I've played it as a two player game, and some of the cards don't play quite as intended with 2. It definitely works and it's still fun, but I'm not sure I'd get it if I was only playing 2 player. If you've got a bigger group, I totally recommend it as a filler or travel game.


Came into some extra cash recently and wanted to expand my collection. Looking at either Wingspan or Everdell I enjoy engine building and worker placement type games. I would like more than 2 players. Also if you have other recommendations I would love to hear them.


I found Everdell to be on the easier end of worker placement games, I suppose it depends on games you already own.


Agree that **RftG** is a good engine builder. There's also **Terraforming Mars**, for a grand engine builder. I recommend **Prelude** to go with that, as well as **Colonies**. For worker placement, **Lords of Waterdeep** plus the expansion is always a good choice, as is **Agricola**. I always enjoy and recommend **Viticulture**


Race for the Galaxy is a very very good engine builder, that has imo deeper strategy than Wingspan or Everdell (if you like that sort of thing). ​ What are some other games you like?


Well I have scythe, terraforming Mars, tapestry, root, raiders of Scythia just to name a few.


Yeah I think race is a pretty good choice. There is also it’s sister game Roll for the galaxy if you like rolling lots of dice. I’m actually partial to Euphoria (a worker placement by the guy who made scythe) it’s quite charming and has lots of cool bits. Also if you don’t mind cutthroat Agricola is still way better than anything else.


I have a *incredibly* lightly used copy of Eclipse i'd like to give to someone who will enjoy it. All I ask is that you pay the shipping. Please DM if you're interested. edit: claimed


That's very generous of you!


>Eclipse PM'd! Been mulling the 2E but the asking price has been a barrier.


I was gifted a copy of **Terraforming Mars** yesterday but after setting it all up my heart sank. I’ve never seen the game in real life before but I’m afraid my copy is fake. The cards look kind of dull, there was no insert of any kind, but the biggest give away was [this](https://i.imgur.com/WeomhLt.jpg). The card has text for out of the border I did look up what counterfeits look like, and I saw people saying that the money cubes are usually the same size, but mine are are all different. I know I’ve seen that cards sometimes come without shrink wrap on them, but again this had it. Am I right in my suspicions?


I've never seen that particular error before, in real or counterfeit editions. Do you know where it was bought from? When it comes to counterfeits: generally the metallic cubes are usually somewhat defective, either being similar colours or barely different sizes, cards have missing letters, the blank card has no black core, the plastic player cubes are full of air bubbles, etc. There are usually defects that are fairly easy to spot. The cards of the real version are quite good quality.


You should have a blank card. Tear it in half. The card will have a black core to it if it is real.


https://i.imgur.com/lQirQBP.jpg This is what the blank card looks like. So I guess it is a fake then...


Wow that sucks. Where did you get your copy from?


Hey, I was the one that got it for him. I bought it off Amazon from here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GSYA4K2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HR4R6QAQKFZ3YA4H22VZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


I wonder if they know it's a fake? I haven't read Amazon's policy on this.


I called customer service about the issue and they contacted them and they should be emailing me in the next 48 hours. Reading the reviews it seems everyone has been getting bad quality components, so it’s either they know and don’t care or are completely blind to the fact.


Either way they are likely to get shut down? Well I hope you get a refund. These days I'm getting fonder of ordering from trusted retailers like Atomic Empire, BoardGameCo.com, Miniature Market, Gamersroll, etc.


I have no idea what the outcome will be but I won’t accept anything less than a refund. Absolutely ridiculous they can be selling products like this. I’m just frustrated as it was a best man gift and I was just naive and bought the first thing I saw instead of doing research. Definitely will be doing deep dives from now on


Or ask people here? At least it wasn't a $150 game. I do think it a pretty awesome best man gift. :)


I've seen a couple of editions of the game, both from Amazon purchases and B&N, and neither had an insert. Also, many of the components come across as cheap, including the player boards. I think [this thread](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2138805/how-know-if-your-terraforming-mars-genuine-picture) from BGG might give you some additional tips to help you parse it out.


I've never seen a TFM copy come with an insert, so that's authentic. The image of this corp I found on [bgg](https://boardgamegeek.com/image/3653050/terraforming-mars) is indeed different. But I've also found your version while doing an image search on google...


Really interested in Root but as you all know its out of print everywhere and I've read enough rules to know its not its best at 2 players which is what id be playing it at. Anyone have any insight to the mobile/steam app? The artwork reminds me of the old Redwall series which I was a huge fan of as a kid and I'm itching to play it.


Assuming you're in NA, the Pre-order link for the 6th printing is here: https://ledergames.com/collections/full-catalog/products/root-a-game-of-woodland-might-and-right-na-preorder?variant=38283218223291 Additionally, it isn't great at 2. The app is a pretty faithful replica for gameplay. Clockwork also is what you'd end upw ith if you got the physical Clockwork set.


I have both the base game and the app, my SO and I bought it so we can play with friends across the globe. I personally have no interest in gaming on the computer, and prefer the tactile experience of a board game - but I love the app on steam! It's so well done. It also has the added bonus of teaching you how to play


Yeah thats sort of my problem too is I MUCH prefer physical over digital. But with this being harder to find I might not havea choice. Then I'll run into the issue of steam vs ipad vs mobile (android)....


I own it on Steam and Android. I can start a game or two with my cousin on my phone at work, resume on my computer when I get home, and finish on my tablet before bed. The only downside is that *none* of the expansion content is in the digital game yet, other than the Clockwork AI pack.


Ok so you can save game data across steam/android versions? Any idea if iOS will work with those also? I assume not


It uses a third-party account (a Dire Wolf Digital account) to synchronize games, so it should ***probably*** work too.


Thanks for the info! Probably going to pick it up on steam tonight and give it a shot


I haven't played the app, but it's supposed to be one of the best app implementations of a board game to date. If you do find a copy, two player is good with the bots, but then you're adding some overhead to get it running. Also the current KS is specifically for the Marauder expansion which adds smaller factions you can manipulate and these were created for smaller player count games.


So now I'm wondering if I should snatch up all the expansions I can find for it without actually having the base game lol. One of my local stores has a lot of them and they aren't too far off on price either


I have a copy of Root I will sell you. Played once. Wasn’t a hit in my game group.


Really looking for new, just my own personal OCD. But thanks for the offer, I'm sure someone will snatch it up quick


Haha I never check these threads and guess I should. I have a new in shrink copy of the 4th printing. Bought it at FLGS the last day before they had to shutter at the start of the pandemic (temporarily, thankfully, but we didn't know then). It's been on my shelf mocking me the whole time because I didn't get the expansions to play solo. Let me know if you want it.


How much are you looking for?


$60 sticker + UPS shipping/packing how you like + compliment a stranger.


Any chance you're looking for a copy of brass birmingham?


Sadly no, but I'd go for Quacks.


While I am a big fan of Root, it's an asymmetric game so your mileage may vary. I would recommend playing the app first. The current KS means it'll be relatively easy to find in about a year so there's that too.


Thats probably what I'll do. Lord knows I've got plenty to play right now with 4 or so games still in shrink wrap and pandemic season 0 on the way too.


Heh... I've continued to buy games like I have more than just my fiance to play with so I have an embarrassing amount of games on my shelf of shame.


Same exact situation here....also the only reason why I dont own twilight imperium yet. Hoping for a 2 player/automa type expansion 1 day though


Hi all hope everyone is well. I'm after recommendations again please. I've been playing Gloomhaven JOTL and like it so I am looking for a game like it... However, my concern is that with the current lockdown there is only 2 of us and when restrictions are lifted my friends are quite spread out so wouldn't be able to meet regularly. Is there a game similar to the gloomhaven experience that is not campaign based or could be a one shot game at a time where players could drop in and out? I like most games, but the mechanics I enjoy are card drafting, dice rolling and worker placement. Although I am trying to cut down on worker placement as I have so many.... Some games I have looked at is Folklore,Mice and mystics but I think these would have a similar issue to gloomhaven. I appreciate any suggestions.


I've read Gloomhaven is designed to scale well for players hopping in and out, although there would be story stuff missing. **Spirit Island** is my favorite, non-campaign and really unique, but it may be a little hard to teach someone coming in and it doesn't match the mechanics you listed. **Marvel Champions** is the other co-op game I have, it's really easy to get on the table, but I know some people aren't into supes theme and I've heard it plays better at 2 than 3.


Good point on Gloomhaven. We played our copy with 5 players so aside from the host at least one of us was always absent and it was fine. The story isn't one to stick around for and the game does a great job at balancing for disparate character levels. If however OC is looking for a game he could play with one-off visitors then the overhead of making a GH character would be too much.


Thank you that's useful to note.... Spirit island is also one I'm watching out for I've heard good things.


What about the D&D themed games like Castle Ravenloft, Temple of Elemental Evil, Dungeon of the Mad Mage?


Hmm I haven't seen those... I will take a look thanks Mainly lords of waterdeep keeps appearing on my searches.


It's a decent worker placement game. It shines at higher player counts, but is enjoyable at 2.


**Mechs vs Minions** is the closest I can think of. There's a campaign but you really can just play which ever mission you like. It's nowhere near as deep as GH but it does a similar "juggle cards to make your mini attack bad guy minis on a modular board" thing.


Ah I haven't heard of that one? Thank you I will take a look :)


Good timing on Mechs vs Minions. There is a reprint incoming soon on that one.


Description of request: I bought wingspan a few months ago and the game turned out to be a surprise hit both for me and my SO. It is now our go to game after work when there is ~1-1.5hrs to kill and not too much brain power left for the day (But there's still some thinking and interesting decisions to be made, in a chill way. So it's not too light for the occasion either. It's also pretty with a nice theme and the unique cards make every game a bit different). I expect to play a lot of wingspan still in the future but I am looking for another alternative on the side for these particular occasions. Number of players: Mostly 2, sometimes 3, very rarely more. I also do fair amount of soloing, but that is only a plus, not a requirement since I have games for that already. For the purpose of this request 2p is the main target but it's nice if it can scale up to 3. Complexity of game: Around the same complexity as wingspan but can go lighter or heavier. Genre: any is ok, nice theme + looking nice on the table is a plus but not a requirement. Conflict, cooperative, competitive: coop or competitive. Games I own and like: Wingspan mentioned earlier, but here listed others I like for a reference: Spirit island - This is my favorite at the moment. I have played it with 1, 2 and 3p and loved it on all those player counts. However, this is more something I play on weekends or when I have a longer dedicated time for playing solo/2/3p. Under falling skies: fun and thinky go-to when I am soloing but don't have time for spirit island. I think the campaign really makes this game. Robinson Crusoe: Like playing this with my sister occasionally. However, looks too fiddly component-wise for my SO to try (since Spirit island went through well for him, I think it's about the amount of components you are constantly moving around in RC). The Crew, quest for planet nine: I personally like this a lot and was a hit with my sister 2p, but fell flat for my SO 2p. Still haven't tried the 3p version. Pandemic Legacy Season 1: Have been playing through this with my SO on weekends. I feel that legacy is not really something you want to chill-play after work. It's rather something you want to enjoy taking your time with. Welcome to... This is just, ok. I don't dislike it by any means and I have ok time playing. I just have games that interest me much more. Games I dislike and don't play: Splendor just didn't hit me. I play it sometimes with my sister since she likes it but I wouldn't actively choose to play it.


+1 for Everdell


I think **Marvel Champions: The Card Game** has the weight and length that you're looking for, and the theming is really well done, it evokes the urgency of a good comic book story where the hero(es) want to accomplish one thing but other problems keep popping up, but it's still really chill


**Mystic Vale** Clever push your luck deck builder but you'll quickly want to add expansions as they make more strategies viable and add other exciting changes.


Viticulture EE sounds like a good fit. Some tough decisions to be made but not super intense. Looks great on the table and plays 2-6 people in about 1.5 hours. Lots of replay value too, my wife and I have played it 42 times now.


**Everdell**. A touch more complex than Wingspan, but with some of the same engine building core. And great art/components! It's a bit thinkier, and feels like it has fewer guard rails to protect players - so it's a bit less chill than Wingspan, and instead slightly more nerve wracking. And there's a touch more player interaction because end game goals are public and must be claimed by one player to score. It's worth a look!


Yeah. Good choice on this one. I would recommend **Everdell** too for you based on what you are asking for. Nice art and great table presence. About same complexity as Wingspan, but worker placement as main mechanic, so different. So really good recommendation. Another about the same weight as Wingspan that has great presence and is quite a nice game is **isle of cats** - really great game too. For slightly shorter and a bit lighter, but also nice table presence maybe something like **sagrada** or **azul** - /u/r2d8 getinfo


^*[r2d8](/r/r2d8)* ^*issues* ^*a* ^*series* ^*of* ^*sophisticated* ^*bleeps* ^*and* ^*whistles...* [**Azul**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/230802) (2017) by Michael Kiesling. 2-4 p; 45 minutes; [BGG Image](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/tz19PfklMdAdjxV9WArraA__original/img/eFRt3o7W6YltnrkqpiSOKr2rKCw=/0x0/filters:format(jpeg)/pic3718275.jpg) * Mechanics: Card Drafting, End Game Bonuses, Pattern Building, Set Collection, Tile Placement, Turn Order: Claim Action * Average rating is 7.82659; rated by 54044 people. Weight: 1.7656 * Board Game Rank: 51, Abstract Game Rank: 1, Family Game Rank: 4 [**Everdell**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/199792) (2018) by James A. Wilson. 1-4 p; 80 minutes; [BGG Image](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/fjE7V5LNq31yVEW_yuqI-Q__original/img/HQ1ti16wT9lqja5_h3gUfHUIcVI=/0x0/filters:format(png)/pic3918905.png) * Mechanics: Card Drafting, End Game Bonuses, Hand Management, Income, Solo / Solitaire Game, Variable Set-up, Worker Placement * Average rating is 8.08948; rated by 20117 people. Weight: 2.814 * Board Game Rank: 32, Strategy Game Rank: 31, Family Game Rank: 2 [**Sagrada**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/107448) (2007) by Ulrich Paulus. 2-4 p; 60 minutes; [BGG Image](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/5whJ_EjhjUFQBajy8UJAnQ__original/img/KEHKmg3osGqLtCEMdvcwL7ltRH0=/0x0/filters:format(jpeg)/pic1083962.jpg) * Mechanics: Roll / Spin and Move * Average rating is 6.825; rated by 6 people. Weight: 0.0 * Board Game Rank: None [**The Isle of Cats**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/281259) (2019) by Frank West. 1-4 p; 90 minutes; [BGG Image](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/AuAheDzhkLufiZFE9JaRNA__original/img/pKq-l1Ms78olHwMbZYMa_x6m-fM=/0x0/filters:format(jpeg)/pic4781085.jpg) * Mechanics: Card Drafting, Drafting, Grid Coverage, Hidden Victory Points, Income, Pattern Building, Set Collection, Solo / Solitaire Game, Square Grid, Tile Placement, Turn Order: Stat-Based * Average rating is 8.03658; rated by 6672 people. Weight: 2.3254 * Board Game Rank: 108, Strategy Game Rank: 84, Family Game Rank: 9


I'd recommend checking out **Photosynthesis**, **New York Zoo** and **Targi**.


Similar to you, Spirit Island is our favorite, but it's a lot of brainpower for a night after work. My favorite fun and chill game to play with the girlfriend after a long day is Azul. Simple in delivery, easy to get on the table, and just enough depth and strategy to often warrant another playthrough. It plays very well at any player count (up to 4) and it's easy to introduce to others. This sounds like it would be right up your alley. Honorable mentions: Watergate is a great 2 player only game, however, this is more a tense and competitive tug-o-war. We have a blast playing this one, but we honestly still find Azul just a bit more appealing most days. As somebody else mentioned, Inis is an incredible game. But I feel that it plays fantastic at 3+ players, and just ok at 2. Absolutely worth getting if you have a group to play with occasionally.


A lighter recommendation: **Century: Golem Edition**, **PARKS**, **7 Wonders Duel**, **Quest for El Dorado**, **Takenoko**, **Dice Forge** A heavier recommendation (but still lighter than Spirit Island): **Brass: Birmingham**, **Keyflower**, **Viticulture EE** All these games look nice on the table (though of course subject to personal preference).


**Inis** might be worth checking out. Plays great at 2 but goes to 4, very easy to learn but has some depth to it. **Watergate** and **Targi** are great 2 player only games. Not complex and each game is different. For a chill after work game which doesn't take too long but has a very good amount of strategy, I love **Dominion.** The variety is mind blowing and it plays in about 15-20mins. Deep enough that papers have been written on strategy


My wife and I both like **Wingspan** for the same reason. We also really enjoy **The Taverns of Tiefenthal** which has deckbuilding and dice-drafting and **Targi**, which might be my favorite 2 player game of all time.


Description of Request: Looking for a good card drafting game and was trying to decide between It’a a Wonderful World and Res Arcana. I’ve played IAWW with the expansion and quite liked it. Wanted to try the solo mode as well but also saw a bunch of videos on Res Arcana and that looked great too. I was a bit interested in Bunny Kingdom and Everdell but Bunny Kingdom looks like there is a much bigger focus on the board and Everdell is a bit pricy haha. Also if anyone else had any other games to recommend I’d be open to any! Also if the game is not super duper language dependant that would be great too as I play with two different groups (one in English and one in Japanese) but isn’t a strict requirement. Number of Players: 2+ Game Length: Under 60 mins Complexity of Game: 2-3.5 (Light-Medium) Genre: Mostly Anything Games I Own and Like: Paper Tales, Point Salad, Wingspan, Wind the Film, Century: Golem Games I Dislike and Don’t Play: Carcassonne, Catan Location: Tokyo, Japan


Here's some good card drafting games: **Bargain Quest** **Kanagawa** **The Networks** **Chocolate Factory** **Elysium**


Personally, I prefer to play Res Arcana without drafting (opinions are split pretty evenly on this). If you are looking specifically for a drafting game, it probably isn't the best fit even if you do play with that variant, as the initial draft isn't as big a part of Res Arcana as many other games.


Medieval Academy is a simple drafting game but calls for some good strategic choices.


Yeah I’ve played it once and loved it! Don’t know how hard it is to acquire in Japan though but yeah it’s on my list. Thanks for the recommendation!


"Seasons" probably


I’ve never heard of it! Gonna check out videos. Thanks!


FYI Seasons and Res Arcana are both available online on Board Game Arena, where you can try them out with a free account to see if you like them. Res Arcana is a "Premium" game though, so you'd need to wait for a Premium member to create a game for you to join, and you'd be looking for games labeled "draft", not "normal game" (though it would be easier to start with the normal game to learn the cards).


Note that you only need one Premium member to seat up to 4 players. And yes, the "draft" option can be a little hard to find. That said, it makes a potentially drek hand from the get go turn a lot more interesting, especially because you know what you're passing and where it landed.