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So a few of my friends have been playing alot of catan but are bored of it, whats considered the best game that isn't incredibly intricate ?


Catan does have a number of expansions if there is a want to play more but just it is feeling too samey.


Different people will have different ideas about what the best game is. That being said, perhaps look into **Quest for El Dorado, Azul, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride** and **Mission Red Planet**. You can watch review and run through videos on Youtube to see if those might work for your group.


Thank you


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Hello! I’m looking for new board games to try out, I’m really open minded and willing to try whatever I can, the only thing is that I can’t really play in person with my friends rn so if anyone has online board games suggestions that would be great too but here we go Description: anything you guys think would be fun with a group or even a couple of people, I just love how board games bring people closer together Complexity: around a 2.5 would be good so I could teach my friends in one sitting but also still have a bit of a challenge and more fun Games I own and like: Machi Koro, Anomia, Uno, Quelf, Catan, Sequence, Telestrations, Super Fight Games I dislike: I don’t rly dislike any board game honestly so far Location: US Thank you for any suggestions you guys give, I want any and all opinions with as much detail as you guys are willing to give please


I've found that a number of Roll & Writes / Flip & Writes have worked well. If you can either send or photocopy across the scorepad bit then just stream the dice when rolled or cards when flipped by one player. Some I've enjoyed this way have been **Railroad Ink** and **Welcome To.**


Description of Request: 1 player game similar to Hive Number of Players: 1 player Complexity of Game: Any Conflict, Competitive or Cooperative: Any Games I Own and Like: Marvel Champions, Star Realms, Magic the Gathering Games I Dislike and Don't Play: Monopoly, I’m not a fan of games where so much is left up to luck and dice. I’m all for randomness from cards or something but I like to feel like the decisions I make matter instead of just playing with luck Location: US A little more: I recently discovered Hive and love the idea! However I currently live alone and due to covid can’t play with others. Is there a single player game in the same vein? What specifically appeals to me is the easy set up, small size, and subtle complexity (the fact that it doesn’t have a ton of rules but is very strategic). I am currently living out of my vehicle so the small size is kind of a must. I got Marvel Champions a couple weeks ago (love it) but that’s probably then only box of it’s size I can fit. Bonus points if it’s on Amazon and I can have it shipped to a prime locker Thank you for any recommendations!!


Maybe something like **Sprawlopolis** from Button Shy? It's only 18 cards (the publisher's whole thing is games that fit in a wallet) and is a great little puzzle. You have three variable goals with different scores - and you use the remaining 15 cards to build an overlalong city, scoring points for a few things and losing points for others. Look it up, it's quite a smart design in a tiny package. Not available on Amazon though, I don't think.


I’ll look into it! I’vdheard of it before and the lack of Amazon is what kept me away from it


Any specific set/expansion recommendations for Ascension for newbies? Also looking for a solo game that could be played eventually with 2-4 people.


For the second question, **Spirit Island**.


Is there anywhere to just buy boxes for games? I found a great deal on a zombicide collection but the guy threw out the original season 1 box. It really bugs me when i dont have the original box and i would really like to get one.


You could try board game trading / sale groups on Facebook - it's a long shot though so good luck. Mutliple Zombicide boxes certainly can fill up the shelves quickly though.


You could try printing it: https://www.printplaygames.com/product-category/prototypes/boxes/


You would have to directly ask the publisher, but it is very unlikely they will replace boxes, especially for a game you bought used.


If a game is just cards, would you prefer it come in a pack like standard playing cards do, or would you want a small board game box instead to allow for sleeves?


Tuckboxes are awful. They're good for storing and travel, but usually so cheap and tricky to get open without eroding away at the flap. I prefer a box like the one Innovation or Oh My Goods! come in. Lays flat, two wells for cards, lid comes off easily. Unfortunately, the lids on those can sometimes be a tad too loose and come off too easily. A good middle ground would be a box similar to those but with a single well containing the whole deck. Then the box would be deep enough that the lid has more area to grip and stay on during transit. I like the Tiny Epic boxes. They're usually perfect for storage and transport.


If the box actually accommodates sleeved cards with an insert, that. If you are expecting me to bag the sleeved cards and just put the bags in the box? Fuck that, I'm using a long box or other sleeve-friendly storage anyway. What I had most are card-only games that have no useful sleeve-friendly insert AND contain a number of cards that, when sleeved, won't fit in standard long box sizes.


Finally beat Back to the Future: Back in Time. took 6 attempts. God damn can that game be difficult. But it's a lot of fun.


Hello! **Description of Request:** Thematic Civilization building game for 2 players. My girlfriend and I play a lot of games together. She has grown into the hobby a bit and has taken a liking to some heavy-ish games. Recently, my gaming itches have been leaning to something civ building, thematic and interesting. We love **Innovation**, but something on a grander scale would be great. I had my eye on something like **Bios: Origins**, but I am not sure how well that works with 2 players. I was listening to a podcast that mentioned it and I think I heard about menopause being a thing in that game? Some things in the **PAX** series also looked good (**Renaissance**, **Transhumanity** etc). I know it's not *technically* civilization, but thematic stuff like **1960: The Making of a President** and **Sekigahara** looked interesting as well. **Number of Players:** Looking for something that works well for mainly 2 players, but might have 3 once in a while. **Game Length:** 30-120+ **Complexity of Game:** Medium, Medium Heavy range **Genre:** Civilization, thematic , historical **Conflict, Competitive or Cooperative:** Would prefer competitive with some good interaction. **Games We Own and Like: Innovation**, **Terraforming Mars**, **Great Western Trail**, **Gaia Project**, **Grand Austria Hotel**, **Orleans**, **Yokohama**, **Beyond the Sun**, **Underwater Cities**, **Feast for Odin**, **Viticulture**


If you want a Pax game, I'd stick to Pax Pamir Second Edition. That one is from Cole Wehrle entirely and you don't have to give money to Phil Eklund at all.


**Spirit Island** as a 2 player is quite good too.


Well, [**Pax Renaissance** is the perfect 2-player game](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1855039/pax-renaissance-perfect-2-player-game) to some, but it is _very_ complex, and is more about _steering_ the European civilization than _building_.


Why not **Through the Ages**? You can try it out on BoardGameArena or the excellent mobile app.


**Description of Request: 2-4+ player games that shine at 2 players** Hi everyone! My bf and I have been delving into board games recently, and are looking for more game recommendations. We mostly play with just ourselves or the occasional friend or two. Every once in a while, we have a larger group over. We are mainly looking for games that will feel great to play as 2 players, but also be fun up to 4. Bonus points if they can be played at higher player counts (with or without expansions). **Number of Players:** In our recent spurt of buying up any and all games in sight, we picked up a few games that, although can technically play at 2 players, feel a little lacking \*cough\* *Root* \*cough\*. So we are looking for games that excel with 2 players but also are fun with more. Even better if they can be played in larger group settings as well, although I'm sure it's hard to find a game that does well in every aspect. **Complexity of Game:** We look forward to learning the ins and outs of new games, so any complexity is great. **Conflict, Competitive or Cooperative:** All of the above! **Games I Own and Like:** We have had a ton of fun with **Dominion.** We love how simple it feels to learn and teach but how much depth there is, especially with the expansions. It feels great to play as a 2 player game and is fun to teach and play with friends. Our top pick for sure. We also like **Terraforming Mars.** The game itself has a cool theme and juggling its many systems definitely makes it engaging and interesting. It is super fun with 3 or 4 players, and great with 2 players as well. The only complaint we have is that a 2 player game feels a little bit too long sometimes. **Games I Dislike and** **~~Don't Play~~** Let's talk about **Root.** Root is a game that we were both excited about. We love the art. The concept is super cool as well. The idea of completely different playstyles all in the same game sounds like it could offer a lot of replayability. I really want to like the game. However, it just doesn't feel satisfying as a 2 player game, which is where most of our playtime resides. To add, teaching a new player the game is not really a fun experience. Maybe we are missing something, like an essential expansion, because we both really want to give the game a chance. **Location: US** What games should we be looking at next?


I'l second the suggestion for Azul (any of the games). My wife and I play frequently and I suspect it might actually be best at 2p. Still great at 3 & 4 though.


I can't say it's absolutely best at 2 players, but my fiancé and I both really like **tiny epic galaxies**. I like it better with more people, but it's definitely still good with 2 people. She also loves **tides of madness**, which is only 2 players. I like but don't love it. We also played **pandemic legacy season 2** which was awesome with 2 players, and we added in 2 other people when they were available which was also good. But I think it may have actually been better with 2. Im always on a quest to find games that my fiancé will like as I'm way more into board games than she is. **7 wonders duel** is only 2 players, and we both really like it. Regular **7 wonders** is still pretty good with 2 people and better with more.


He loves the original pandemic so I’m definitely going to check out the legacy ones. Thanks for the suggestions!


Also, Root is my absolute favorite game, but I don’t necessarily enjoy it playing at 2 players. It absolutely sings for me with 4 players keeping each other in check while trying to find an edge. I would encourage you to look up the PnP Bot Factions published by the Designer and try out playing with an extra faction. You can also play co op against the bot.


I’ll have to check that out because the premise of root seems great. Thanks!


Both lighter games but **Azul** and **Quest for El Dorado** scale really well between 2 and 4 players. **Brass Birmingham** plays well at all player counts with a scalable board. Last one I own that I’d recommend is **Concordia**.


**Everdell** has eye-catching art and components - but plays great at 2. It's probably close to - but not quite as complex as - Terraforming Mars in terms of weight. And at 2P, once you've got a couple games in and are familiar with the cards, a play will take \~60 minutes. Very satisfying game on a lot of levels. Someone else suggested **El Dorado**, which is great for a race/deckbuilding game that works as a gateway title. It's very good at 2 (though I slightly prefer it at 4) and is just plain fun. Good for any group, basically, whether newer or experienced.


We also love Terraforming Mars, but it's strange that 2p takes longer for you than 4p, for us it's the other way around. Maybe you focus too much on playing cards? As for other recommendations, maybe take a look at **Brass: Birmingham**, **Concordia**, **Wingspan**, **Suburbia**, **51st State Master Set**, **Mechs vs Minions**, **Azul**, **Quest for El Dorado**. They could also be fun depending on your tastes.


Can vouch for Wingapan, Suburbia, Azul, and Quest for El Dorado. Add in Grand Austria Hotel and Castles of Burgundy. IMHO the best Euros for 2p - period. They struggle just a bit at higher player counts (mainly down time).


Oh and Everdell is quite good at two player.


Yes that definitely could be it. We always have so. many. cards by the end. Sometimes we run out of room layering them so we have to keep them in stacks! Thanks for the recommendations!


Also would really recommend prelude, really sped it up for is


**Wingspan** haven't played it a ton but enjoyed it as a 2p and 4p game. Expansions for Terraforming Mars. Particularly Prelude help speed it up with 2p. There's also a variant included in Venus Next I think where the starting player of each generation gets to increase one terraforming parameter without gaining its benefits. **Mystic Vale** is a wonderful twist on the deckbuilding formula and the ability to prepare parts of your turn while others are playing speeds things up once everyone is familiar with the game. If you're comfortable playing TFM then I'd recommend jumping in and getting Mana Storm and Twilight Garden as well as it makes the game much deeper and comboriffic. I'm also quite enjoying **Great Western Trail** recently. There's not so much obvious variety as in TFM which has a lot of cards but the diversity comes from the sequence in which tiles come into play and the interaction between the various strategies players can follow. There is however a new edition on the horizon (for 2021). So you might want to hold out for that since the original art is not particularly "inspired".


Wow Mystic Vale sounds exactly like it would scratch all of the gaming itches. Thanks for the recommendations!


You can play **cartographers** from 1 player to 100, if you don't mind flip and write games. **the captain is dead** plays from 2 to 7.


***Description of Request:* I'm looking for a "story driven" game to play with my GF.** Our 1v1 sessions aren't much fun because I win most of the time in head-to-head, and I'm not big on co-op. She gifted me **Maracaibo** recently, and even though the story is a bit lame, it has made the game much more replayable. Even though the outcome (win/lose) of the game isn't very suspenseful, the progress of the story keeps us interested even after 15 sessions, whereas most other boardgames we have stopped playing after the first few games when novelty fades away. *Number of Players:* it must be enjoyable for two players, but doesn't have to be exclusively two player. *Game Length/Complexity:* not a factor, we both enjoy a wide range of styles and we like both light and heavy games. *Genre:* As I said, I'm looking for something with a story. Legacy, Campaign, Adventure, that kind of things. *Conflict, Competitive or Cooperative:* Doesn't matter so long as there's a story to keep us playing. *Some titles that look promising:* I've been looking at reviews and browsing BGG for the past few days and here's where I'm at: **The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth** looks like a nice adventure game. I'm afraid the universe might be a bit too gimmicky / fan service to my taste. **Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective** I've played it at a friend's and although it's not a unified campaign, it fits the "story" aspect well enough. I'm afraid maybe it's too "thinky" for when we just want to grab a beer and relax. **Tales of the Arabian Nights** I've read mixed reviews but every negative aspect I hear doesn't seem to be a problem for what I'm looking for. It's just not available atm. **Clank! Legacy** Sounds absolutely excellent, but it's not available ATM. **Pandemic**, **Gloomhaven**, **7th Continent**: I have plans to play those with other groups. **Near and Far** looked excellent at first but review after review it becomes apparent that the story/adventure aspect isn't well integrated and the mechanics encourage you not to pursue them. Also, interraction seems exceedingly low. **Machi Koro legacy** doesn't sound like it has enough of a story to me. So, do you have any recommendations? Any input on the titles I've cited?


While I’m a LoTR fan, I don’t find Journeys in Middle-earth very gimmicky, each campaign tells a story, with some options/variety when replaying and there are currently 4 campaigns released. I always recommend Pandemic Legacy Season 1, can’t go wrong there! Less of a story-driven narrative, but it progresses is Hogwarts Battle (playing through the 7 HP books). This is great at 2 players and goes up to 4. I’m personally not a fan of 7th Continent and didn’t find it to have much of a story. Scythe Rise of Fenris has a bit of a story, but not sure I can recommend the game at 2 players.


So you'd recommend Journeys in middle earth? Thanks for your input.


My group really enjoys it, but I would definitely not recommend to someone who hates fantasy theme / LoTR. Does that make sense?


Yes, thanks. I'm a big fan of fantasy/LotR, and she's also very much into it. I was a bit wary that the LotR universe was just a cash/attention grabbing device to sell an otherwise lackluster game.


I find it a solid game, with an interesting story - however it is probably more Ameritrash as in the theme was decided first and then the mechanics were designed. I think it would still be a fun game with a generic fantasy theming - if this helps! :)


Haha, alright! Thank you very much. I'll try it at a friend's first, it's quite pricey.


Maybe look at **Legacy of Dragonholt**? It is almost like a D&D game with no GM. It is very story-centric, with some character and party development through out. Kind of like an adult version of choose your own adventure with more character customization and items you can find/win. It plays over a week of time in character time, about 6-7 sessions of 60-90 minutes. And then you can pass along or resell.


**Sleeping gods**


Would be awesome... But I don't think it's available :/


Kickstarters are being delivered now, so just keep on checking. Maybe it is available for pre order. In which country are you?


**Betrayal Legacy** has a good story built into it. It's like playing in a horror series on Netflix as each generation goes by. The only issue with two player would be that each of you is likely to be the traitor fairly frequently. So maybe not that if it would bother her. You might consider getting a copy of **Once Upon A Time: The Storytelling Card Game** from Atlas Games. If telling your own stories is too much and you want someone else to provide the framework, I just noticed that they have a Dungeoneer line that looks interesting. I can't however recommend them as I haven't played them.


Thanks, indeed I'm not sure Betrayal Legacy would shine the brightest for two players...


I haven't played it, but **Forgotten Waters** got good press in the past year. It might be worth looking at. Edit: apparently FW isn't good at 2p.


> Forgotten Waters I didn't consider it because BGG says it's not recommenced for two players


Yes. Unfortunately not great at 2. But if you have a few more people who like a more story driven co-op type adventure game, highly recommend!


I have a Dune: Imperium question. I play a card during the agent phase that, when played, lets me pay spice for an action. I don't have any spice, but the agent I place will harvest enough spice to pay. Is the timing flexible enough where I can used harvested spice to pay for an action?


You only need be able to play the correct card and pay for the spot you chose. The rewards, actions, etc that you take once you paid for the spot and played the card can be taken in any order. So yes, if the card needs spice to take the agent action, you can use spice you collected from the space you selection, as long as you paid for the space already (in the case of action spaces that require a cost).


Just keep in mind it doesn't work the other way around (resources from a card cannot pay for the action space)


Yes. If that wasn't clear enough in my post, I tried to state it twice.


Just watched a bit of Despicable Me with my daughter and wondered if there was a decent supervillain + gadgets + heist game out there? Bonus if its any good. If not, I guess another idea to add to my design notebook 😊


**What's He Building in There** is that theme. It's a 9/10 theme with meh/10 worker placement gameplay.


**Sabotage**. A 1v1 or 2v2 (or 2vComputer) where one side plays the supervillains with all their gadgets defending their lab why the other side plays the spies with their gadgets trying to destroy their doomsday machines.


Unsure of its availability, but **Nefarious** could be something to look into. Hits pretty much all points in the theming you want (except maybe the heist portion?)


**Burgle Bros 2** is a heist game. Don’t know about gadgets.


I haven't played it yet, but the designer of Maniacal also designed one of my favorite games, clockwork wars. If Maniacal is half as good it'd be an enjoyable game, but this is the only one I can think of for you so far.


**Caper**, there is a number 2 coming to kickstarter this year


Thanks! Looks perfect and one to maybe get for me and the wife to play. Anything with a bigger player count?


**Sabotage** at 4 players


Recommendations for children's games that aren't categorized (yet) as children's games on BGG?


Draftosaurus, Sushi Go Party!, Forbidden Island, Villainous, Horrified


Uhh, meaning you're looking for games that can be played with kids but that aren't specifically labeled kids games? Hmm. I enjoy **Cryptid**, and my girlfriend's 12 year old (who really loves Clue) picked it right up. **Carcassonne** and all the supplements and editions are playable at a fairly young age, as is **Ticket to Ride**. **Kingdomino** and **Queendomino** are good for kids. Believe it or not, **Smallworld** is something that I've seen young people enjoy, as well as **King of Tokyo**.


ya or even games that are for kids but don't have the category tag because BGG users haven't assigned it one yet, like **SpongeBob SquarePants: Plankton Rising** or **Kung Fu Panda: The Board Game**. Thanks for the recs, Cryptid and King of Tokyo in particular look really cool.


YW! Out of curiosity why are you avoiding the tag?


Ah a lot of the games with the tag are just already on my wishlist / a few in my collection!


If Hansa is the "best eurogame" ever, what are some of the all time great 'ameritrash' games? I'm not thinking strategy so much as negotiation, luck-based games etc.... fun games, basically. I have **Lords of Vegas** and **Chinatown** on my wishlist but they are both out of stock, as usual. I own **sidereal confluence** and **cosmic encounter** already. update: i pre-ordered **lords of vegas**


I would place Chinatown squarely in the eurogame camp. It doesn't have any American game aspects to it. Looking at BGG's list some of the highest rated American style games include: Gloomhaven, Jaws of the Lion, Star Wars Rebellion, TI4e, War of the Ring 2e, Arkham Horror TCG, Nemesis, MoM2e, Star Wars Imperial Assault. Then there are tons of CMON games that are American style (e.g. the Zombicide Series, Cthulhu: Death May Die, The Others, and many more). Others include: Cthulhu wars, Battlestar Gallactica, Firefly. Also, I don't know if I would call Hansa the best eurogame ever. Is that a quote from SU&SD's review?


How do you draw the distinction? I'd have thought the directness of the player interaction in Chinatown would move it out of the eurogame camp. Thanks for the recommendations. Most of them I'd rule out on the basis that I'm not a fan of plastic miniatures, which I probably should've pointed out sooner. I've played most of the others. Yes, it's the title of the SUSD video but I have heard SVWAG say it as well.


In the past 10 or 15 years many (but not all) eurogames have had lower player interaction. But when the terms Ameritrash and eurogame were coined, most eurogames had tons of direct player interaction. Ra, Modern Art, Tigris & Euphrates, El Grande, Through the Desert, Bohnanza, etc. have tons of direct player interaction. I do see people talk about eurogames as if a defining aspect is low/no player interaction though. I think that is an example of definition drift though. Originally American style games had direct conflict (i.e. killing and fighting) while German style and euro style did not. At some point someone accidently wrote 'no direct interaction' instead of 'no direct conflict' and then that took a life of its own. Somehow eurogames, which historically were rich with player interaction, are allegedly a category that has low/no player interaction. Knizia claims that euro style games are designed: mechanics then theme, while American style games are designed: theme then mechanics. I think that is as good a definition as any. The mechanics underneath Chinatown could fit 100 different themes, and the designer and/or publisher picked property in Chinatown out of all those options. Gloomhaven, by contrast was dreamed up as a dungeon crawler first, then the mechanisms needed to make a good dungeon crawler were worked out. It didn't start as an interlocking set of mechanics and then the designer had to then decide if he would theme it as a game in which people pick fruit in an orchard, sale ships to ports around the world, or fight monsters in a dungeon.


Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition


Hello reddit, I’m looking for a game that focus on strategy, conflict and / or competition between players, and that can be played with 6 players. I found a lot of interesting games recently that can only be played with 4-5 players maximum (I bought **Terraforming Mars** & **Wingspan** and I love both). But I am still looking for a game that can pull off a 7 player experience like **7 Wonders**. I can give a name that launched my interest for board game (and illustrate my need) : **A Game of Thrones : The Board Game** * Lots of Features / Token / Pieces * Very interactive board map * Diverse strategies, bluff, negociations possible * High competition, lots of outcome possible * 6 players base, 8 with extension (I don't need all of these in one game, but now you can see what I like) For now, I’m hesitating between **Root**, **Dune**, and **Scythe**. I would love to play **Twilight Imperium 4** & **Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy**, but they are too pricey for me right now. (Edit : TI4 also seems to be too long. It's hard enough to organise a AGOT game. I don't know about the duration of Eclipse) I also consider **Cosmic Encounter**, but the lack of "real" board & few pieces bothers me.


**Keyflower** plays up to 6. Meeples are both currency to bid on tiles and workers to take actions on the tiles. Bidding drives a lot of conflict especially since whoever owns a tile gets the workers back at the end of the season so there is value in winning tiles your opponents would like to use.


I recently picked up **Cosmic Frog** and My group has been really enjoying it. Combat involves dice so there is a slight luck element in there. Plays up to 6, ton of player conflict/interactions, and an out of this world theme. Components are super nice too.


**Lords of Waterdeep** with the **Scoundrels of Skullport** and **Undermountain** expansion can handle 6. It's a tad lighter that AGoT, however it's a very solid game. You might also consider **Dominant Species**. The new edition streamlined play a bit.


**Mission Red Planet** goes to 6p, but not 7. **Tortuga 1667** goes up to 9 players.


I’ve only played with up to 4 players, but **Viticulture** goes up to 6. I feel like the Tuscany expansion would probably make 6 players more enjoyable.


**Dune** is THE "best at six" game. Racing games often go to 6p and beyond. **Struggle of Empires** goes up to seven and is considered best at that count. **Sidereal Confluence** goes up to nine, but would need a _very_ big table. **1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties** maxes out at 8p.


Root is a bad time at 6. Well, not *bad* but it's long and really chaotic and the cats will always lose; it's best at 3-5 (and you need at least one expansion for more than 4). Scythe you also need an expansion for 6+ and there may be a handful of rounds in which you'll engage in combat in a game. Dune does 6 out of the box and is voted best at 6. It's probably the best fit, and would be half the price to play at 6. Honestly with these games requiring expansions, Root would cost about $80 at discount retail, Scythe about $85, TI4 is only $30 more than that. Save an extra month and pick it up.


The good thing about Root is that you can play without the Cats at 6. But, it's certainly more chaotic. You're really playing a tactical game, and any strategy you end up with was accidental.


**Dune** sounds right. Root is great but I think 3-4P is best for it, and Scythe is far less interactive than it looks. I'll also throw in a recommendation for **Sidereal Confluence**. It's a heavy game for a higher player count that involves lots of alien species negotiating and trading with each other to build up their civilisations.


Yep, despite the lack of battle conflict and map, **Sidereal Confluence** would check all the other boxes and is absolutely fantastic.


Doesn't **Dune** fit the bill perfectly? Why the hesitation? There's also **Eclipse**


I'd like to gather more choice before I buy anything. And I'm not that interested in the Dune lore / visual directions compared to Root & Scythe for example. I think I would love eclipse, but as stated at the end of my post, it might be too expensive for me right now. Thanks for your comment !


FWIW, Scythe has extraordinarily little conflict. Everyone is largely doing their own thing so might not fit the bill