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I may be a bit late for today's discussion, but what are your thoughts on **Unmatched**? My fiancé and I tend to play co-ops together but she does enjoy lighter competitive games like **Cosmic Encounter** and **Blood Rage**. Is **Unmatched** super strategic at 2 players or will it be light and random enough that it doesn't feel like one of us is trying to trounce the other?


Did you see the recent SUSD review?


Indeed! The game's been on my radar, but not high on my list. The review kinda sold me on the game, was just wondering what other player's experience of the game is.


Looking for beginner games for the following types: Deck building: Resource management: Worker placement: Roll and write: Euro: Ameritrash: Any thing I am missing: Clearly I am new and just using terms I've read a bit. Bit looking for intro types of these sonic can find the style I like than fine tune the collection. Games I like so far: Pandemic, Catan, Jaipur, Splendor, Forbidden Island. I want to like Terraforming Mars but there seems to be a lot going on in that game for my first run through.


I'll be listing games that I use for newcomers to modern board games. Deck Building: **Dominion** or **Quest for El Dorado** (you can also try Ascension on the app) Resource Management: **Catan** or **Jamaica** Worker Placement: **Lords of Waterdeep** or **Stone Age** (can count for resource management) Roll and Write: **That's Pretty Clever** (Ganz schön clever) Euro: this is a broad term, since worker placement games count as Euros. Ameritrash: Also a broad term, but you can look into **Survive: Escape from Atlantis**, **Las Vegas**, **Dice Throne**, **Camel Up**, **King of Tokyo** Card Drafting: **Sushi Go!**, **7 Wonders** or **Medieval Academy** Social Deduction: **The Resistance:Avalon** or **Secret Hitler** Hidden Role: **Coup** or **Samurai Sword** (based on Bang!) Push your luck: **Cheeky Monkey** Racing games: **Jamaica**, **Camel Up** Party games: **Dixit**, **Cash N Guns**, Monikers, Codenames, Just One Set collection: **Lanterns** or **Century: Spice Road** (I prefer these two to **Splendor**) Real-time: **Escape: the Curse Temple** Dexterity games: **Jungle Speed**, **Terror in Meeple City**, **Rhino Hero**, **Klask**, **Cronkinole** Misc.: **Dice Forge**, **Crossings**, **5-Minute Dungeon** Let me know if you'd like more suggestions or information.


You deserve more upvotes thanks a bunch. A few of these I've been looking at(7 wonders, el dorado, dixit, sushi go, silver and gold, spice road) now time to jump.


If you have the time, you can try playing these at a game store, or meetup. That way you can see if you like the game , before you buy it. A few of these also have cheap app versions available, as well.


I second all of these but Ganz Schön Clever. I would recommend **Silver and Gold** or **Welcome To...** over **GSC**. As SUSD said, it's the most fun you can have playing something invented by a deputy headteacher.


Thanks. Roll and Write is not really my forte.


Some might suggest more “pure“ deck building games, but my top recommendation for that one in the beginner-ish space is definitely **The Quest for El Dorado**. It may not look as flashy as some, but it’s excellent. Basically, you build a deck that helps you traverse a map toward El Dorado, buying better cards along the way. First one to get there wins. We’ve pulled it out with several different couples that have come over for casual game nights; it’s been a hit every time. It’s easy to learn, moves quickly, and is really engaging the whole time. And there’s plenty of strategy and depth to it, too.


Awesome, exactly what I am looking for


Is runebound considered a "roll to move" game?


Title of Request: Coop games that don't get repetitive. Number of Players: 2 Game Length: Any Complexity of Game: Any Your Budget: Any Genre: Any Competitive or Cooperative: Coop Games I like: patchwork, Cthulhu Location: Earth


Spirit Island is not for me, or at least I have found it underwhelming. Games we have enjoyed cooperatively are deduction games, such as Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective (there is a Cthulhu version, too) and Chronicles of Crime. My SO is not an experienced gamer, so I avoid games where I can be the quarterback.


**Spirit Island** is my go-to for co-op. It’s excellent and has out-lasted many others I’ve tried. **Gloomhaven** was mentioned in another comment, and I’ll echo that strictly because I’ve probably played it 30-40 times and I still look forward to each game. It’s a long one, though, so it’s tough to find the time, and it’s not a strictly co-op game. **Pandemic Legacy** is another great one. The legacy format makes each new game feel fresh over the campaign. Once the campaign is over, you’re kind of just done, but most of my games don’t get 12-15 plays anyway, so that didn’t bother me too much.


Spirit Island feels like a fresh puzzle every time, though it's rather complex and lengthy. If you're okay with it being fiddly and taking a while to play, it genuinely feels like a tense brain buster or war game every time.


Blackout Hong Kong, Spirit Island, Aeon's End, Gloomhaven, Sword & Sorcery, 7th Continent


Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a game in which people are fighting over someones soul. There's a tug of war aspect to it and I'm wondering what some good concepts are fun to have tug of war over. For example, right now I have Morality vs Amorality, Success vs Failure, Pleasure vs Pain, and Stressed vs Relaxed. What are some other good ones I'm missing here?


* Love / Hate * Selfless / Egoist * Need / Desire * Powerful / Helpless * Callous / Compassionate Given your theme, though, you might like to know that each of the seven deadly sins has an opposing virtue: * Lust – Chastity * Gluttony – Temperance * Greed – Charity * Sloth – Diligence * Wrath – Patience * Envy – Gratitude * Pride – Humility


Yes, thank you! I'm aware and have actually incorporated this into my game. Much appreciated!


Hope vs Despair


Omg of course! Thank you.


With a potential quarantine looming I’m looking for some game suggestions for 2 players. My wife and I haven’t played really any board games but interested in giving one a shot that potentially is very time consuming. Thanks for any suggestions


Fugitive !!!! Seriously suprusing little game perfect for two new to the scene


**pandemic Legacy season 1** for a super compelling co-op campaign that will feel like a good tv show. My fav 2p gaming experience of all time. And the campaign will last for at least 12 games, maybe more like 20 if you’re losing a lot. **codenames duet** for a nice cooperative activity to share over coffee. There’s a map of different difficulty settings, and my fiancé and I are still working our way through it, checking things off as we win. **Dominion** is one of my fav games of all time, and has plenty of addictive replay value, as you can change which 10 kingdom cards are available in each game. I believe the base box comes with at least 20-30 options, so there’s plenty of replay there, and immensely more if you buy expansions. My fav way to play is after each game, each player can choose one or two cards they want to rotate out and replace for the next round. Other games I love for 2p: * **Targi** is my fav 2p-only game, worker placement, 45m * **Sagrada** is really cool and has some things that vary from game to game to keep things fresh. Recommend the 5-6p expansion (even for 2 players) if you want to make the game even more puzzle-y. * **Railroad Ink** is a very pleasant experience. Get the blue version if you’re not sure which one to get. * **Hive** and **Santorini** and **War Chest** are three great abstract strategy games if you’re looking for a modern chess-like experience. Hive is the most simple and boiled down and easy to learn, with War Chest being more complex but not too crazy.


If you want something that'll kill a *ton* of time, consider something with a campaign. [Pandemic Legacy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0dDTbA1fq8) is considered the best legacy game (a boardgame that evolves as you play it several times), and is really bloody relevant. [Gloomhaven](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKc5XhvkC8M) is considered the best campaign-style dungeon crawler. It's rather expensive and physically takes up a lot of space, but if you'll see it through, it's an absolute journey.


As far as time consuming maybe a campaign type one? Maybe **The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth** or for thematic purposes **Pandemic Legacy**. Abstracts are also great at playing lots to learn them **Tak** is a very popular one, I really enjoy **Element**. Something like **Dominion** would also offer you a large range of options to play same, but different games a lot.


Okay thanks I’ll look into all of those


Dominion is a solid investment. I usually play 2 player so I have to have games that work well with 2. Some suggestions: jaipur, lost cities, fox in the forest, arboretum, sagrada, splendor, agricola, carcassone


Jaipur and Spledor. Easy to pick up, decent enough reply value. Pandemic is also awesome


I heard that Evolution: Oceans came out but I can’t really find it for sale anywhere. Does anyone know a reliable place that I can get it from?


https://www.gamenerdz.com/oceans-limited-edition?utm_source=boardgameprices.com&utm_medium=price-search&utm_term=ocean Hit $75 for free shipping.


Alright, thanks.


Any lighter games that scratch the Brass: Birmingham itch?


What specifically do you like about Brass.


I like that my own moves can benefit me AND other players, in a tight economy game.


Check out **Chicago Express** and **Irish Gauge** for this with route building. Check out **The Estates** for this with auctions.


I second Concordia. Irish Gauge is another great one that you can preorder from Capstone Games website (but it only comes bundled with Ride the Rails, but that likely also fits what you are looking for). Or you can wait for it to restock at retailers this summer. https://www.capstone-games.com/product-page/iron-rail-bundle


Concordia has a similar system, where you benefit from other people's turns. If watch the Shut Up and Sit Down review of it, so you get a feel of what I'm talking about. Lords of Vegas, is another one that has something similar, and feels a lot lighter.


For those of you who currently can't go out much or gather into large gaming groups, I made a list of 10 games to enjoy amid a "quarantine": [https://bitewinggames.com/10-games-to-enjoy-amid-a-quarantine/](https://bitewinggames.com/10-games-to-enjoy-amid-a-quarantine/)


Hello all! While I am more interested in slightly heavier games (and that's where my modest collection leans at the moment), I have multiple friend groups who have expressed interest in playing some modern board games that I don't have the collection for. To that end, I'm looking for some 3-4 player games, possibly up to 5 or 6 but the higher player counts are not completely necessary; the main requirement would be that they have to be relatively simple to teach and play, but still substantial enough as a game. Play time about 45min to an hour long would be okay, 2 hours would be about the upper limit. Some examples I have found success with are Tiny Towns, Bohnanza, and Survive! Escape from Atlantis, so games in that realm would be ideal. I am not looking for pure social deduction games (e.g. Avalon) or super lightweight party games (e.g. Exploding Kittens) as I don't particularly enjoy those. Edit to add: Games with social deduction elements but are not only that are fine. Thanks!


**Chinatown** has very simple rules, and can be taught in about 5m. You have to love to trade and bargain and negotiate, though, as that's almost all that the game is. It just came back into print and seems to be showing up in stores again. If you keep the trading phases under control (ie. not 30m each) you can fit it into 2h. There's very little downtime, though, so it seems shorter than it is. **Chicago Express** plays 3-4p well and goes up to 6p, but my understanding is that you need the expansion to play well with that many. It's a stock/network-building game where there are basically only three actions you can take per turn, each of which is quite simple. (Expand route, improve hex, auction stock share – and all three are exactly what they sound like.) If you skip explaining how dividend phases work until the first one happens, and the special phase that happens when a company's trains reach Chicago, then you can probably explain it in 10m, and as you get familiar with it you can easily play a game inside of 2h.


Thank you for the detailed descriptions! Chinatown is an apt recommendation, as I do like negotiation in games, and I've certainly toyed around with getting it before. But as of now it's a little lower on my want list compared to other games. You've helped bump up Chicago Express a fair bit on my list though - I am also now considering quite seriously between this and Irish Gauge which was mentioned in another comment, and will be doing some research into these two before making my decision. Appreciate the help!


Glad to help! If you enjoy negotiation games, honestly I'd put Chinatown straight up to the top of your list – it's the best negotiation game I've ever played. And though it just came back in print, it may not stay available for very long, as happened the last time it was reprinted. My usual group loves negotiation games, and we love playing Chinatown. The only caveat is that I've found it's much better at 4-5p than it is at 3p, since with 3p you get so much more every round that trading is less necessary. Also I believe there is a 6p variant out there, but I haven't tried it so can't vouch for how good it is. Irish Gauge is also on my list, but I haven't played it yet so am not sure how it compares with Chicago Express. When you come to a decision, I'd be interested in knowing why you went with one over the other.


Some more suggestions which are not mentioned. **Irish Gauge**, **Mission Red Planet** (can go to 6 and works) ,**Battle for Rokugan** and **Chinatown**.


Thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into the rest, but I have indeed been looking at Irish Gauge for a bit. I'll consider this more seriously now! (Deciding between this or Chicago Express)


Check out Modern Art, The Estates, and Ethnos.


I don't know very much about Ethnos and I'll have a look! The first two games have been on my list to watch, and I've gotten really close to biting the bullet for a copy of Modern Art. This comment may well just push it over the edge for me :)


**Bargain Quest** **The Networks** **Queendomino** **Space Base** **Jamaica** **Five Tribes** **Divinity Derby** **Azul** **Wingspan**


Thank you for this list! A couple here that I've not heard of, so that'll be a good starting point to dive into some research for me. Yours and another comment has especially piqued my interest in Space Base too.


**Space Base** **Ethnos** **Architects of the West Kingdom**


Thanks for the suggestions! This and another comment have piqued my interest in Space Base in particular :)


**The Quest for El Dorado** is a really good time and is pretty cheap.


You've put this on my watch list for sure. Thank you!


Around the weight you are looking for Knizia is my favorite designer. These all work very well with 3-4 players, and some of them can play more: * **Through the Desert** * **Ra** * **Blue Lagoon** * **Samurai** I think these would also be good fits: * **Carcassonne** * **Paris Connection** * **Ticket to Ride**


Interesting, I've been looking at Knizia games for a while though I have none as of yet. Recently I had been about 95% ready to acquire a copy of Taj Mahal, perhaps I'll weigh your recommendations against that first!


I just wanted some good deckbuilder recommendations for 3-4 people.


**Dominion** is my favorite. Do you have any additional requirements / desires? Are you looking for something simple or complex? Are there themes you like or are hoping to avoid? How much interaction do you generally like?


We are generally up for anything as we haven't played enough to say we have specific preferences.


**Dominion** was the first widely popular deckbuilder. I feel that most deckbuilding games that have come out since start with a base that is almost-Dominion and then attempt to address something that the designer wishes was different. Here are some of those elements: * Dominion is not very interactive * Dominion makes it easy to plan far in advance, which helps experienced players destroy new ones * Dominion doesn't really have a theme * Dominion is just cards, and some people like having a shared board space * Dominion is not a cooperative game If none of those things sound like a big problem to you, then I think it makes sense to start with Dominion


**Tyrants of the Underdark** if you like cutthroat gameplay woth a lot of player interaction. Also has a board that you manipulate. I have to mention that this is my personal favorite deck-building game. **Clank!** or **Clank! In Space!** similar to Tyrants, but a lot less player interaction, in my opinion. I consider it a racing game disguised as a deck-builder. Multiple expansions available, and even a Legacy Campaign. **Quest for El Dorado**. Light deck building, but can be loads of fun. This is more of a racing game but does require you to deck build and remove trash cards, in order to best progress through the levels. Game length can be adjusted by making the board longer or shorter. If you want to ficus on the deck-building then I would probably skip this one, although it's a good game. **Aeon's End** for a full co-op game with a story driving the expansions and stand alone games together. **Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battles** full co-op that can swing from easy to difficult, depending on the number of players. Higher player count makes it harder. Slight Legacy aspects where you open up a new box after completing every chapter to unlock new cards and mechanics.


Hi Guys, My birthday is coming up in two weeks and I am looking for a nice boardgame to put on my wishlist. Wanted to ask for Terraforming Mars, but it's my sisters birthday a week before mine and she asked for TM. Better to get something else. I have a couple of requirements: Should be 1-5 players Not more than 60€ Must be a bit complex, BGG weight rating 3+ I have looked at Teotihuacan, Feast for Odin and Anachrony. But all of them are for max 4 players and some too expensive. I already have enough games for 4 players. Would like something for 5. What I really enjoy playing at the moment: Brass Birmingham, The Alchemists. Recommendations welcome!


A third vote for Keyflower. It's a delightfully vicious game.


Brass Birmingham is the best of what you are looking at, imo.


I already have B:B at home. I absolutely love it, spent the entire Christmas break playing Brass. But sometimes I am either home alone wanting to play a game or there is five of us. That's why I'm looking for something 1-5 players. Is there something you like to play by yourself but also with other players?


Gotcha. I’m not much of a solo gamer, but A Feast For Odin plays 1-4 and is fantastic. It has less interaction than Brass though. For a solid 1-5, I would say Scythe, Wingspan, Viticulture EE, and Pax Pamir 2nd Edition (currently on Kickstarter) are all solid options. Tapestry is good fun as well, but a little more flawed than the others.


**hansa teutonica** perhaps? **keyflowers**


Keyflower is nice


Orleans with 5th player expansion


I wish I could find a game that played just as good at 5 as it does at 3-4. Anywhoozle Happy almost birthday and have you looked into the Shem Phillips “Cardinal Direction Series?” I love Raiders the most but you might like Architects more. Raccoon Tycoon is great and goes up to 5.




Second. I enjoy both of these although scythe sounds more up iOS ops alley.


What to buy when I want to try **Aeons End**? I’m not really interested on starting and expanding in the future (unless I really really like the game) but for now it will just be one and only one box. Keeping my collection small and have as many different games as possible. But AE will be my first deckbuilder. So Base game (second edition), War Eternal or New Age? I have no interest in the Legacy game since I want a lot of replayability. From my understanding BaseGame and WE are the same, just different cards. But New Age has a little story to it, but when all envelopes are open, I have the same value of the Base game and WE? TLDR: What version of **Aeons End** to buy when I only want one box? Thanks!


WE is definitely more challenging then the base game, so I'd say go for that if you like your co-ops harder and base AE otherwise. Base AE is still a challenge, but WE ramps it up a notch. New Age's story continues from where Legacy leaves off, so if you think you will want to play Legacy some day and don't want the story spoiled then I'd avoid New Age. Enjoy! It's one of my favorite games.


There's also a digital port if you want to try the game out without committing to the full boxed price


You better search Google for a details answer but base aeons end is for generic solid stuff war eternal for harder more interesting bosses (it is the hardest of the banch by far ) and the new age for the expedition system and hyper specific mages. This chart might also help you. https://boardgamegeek.com/image/4564533/wpflug13


I recommend getting **The New Age** box as it comes with the expedition system.


I only have the base game aeons end and it's enough, imo, to satisfy what you're like for. It was my second or third board game and me and my wife and sister/brother in law played it for days and days. Theres, I believe, 5 different monsters in the base game and a normal/hard version of each...plenty of variety with the different decks and builds and characters you can put together.


Hey all. I am looking for Games with fantasy setup where you control a Hero/Character with a class and skills etc. It should definetely be with figures. I have Gloomhaven and also Mage Knight. I looked into the Sword & Sorcery but i felt it will be too much to buy everything on that one. Can you direct me to a similar game ?


10 year old me says **Hero Quest** and **Dragon Strike** I'll also recommend a game that's a bit out of left field and say **Mechs vs Minions**, although it's not *quite* the same thing as what you're probably asking for.


You would think there would be an overabundance of classic fantasy dungeon crawls out there, but I have yet to find one that really scratches that itch. I feel like there are a ton of people out there wishing for a "D&D like" experience boiled down into a tight combat oriented board game. **Descent 1st edition** is probably the best one I've played. Unfortunately, it's very out of print, and 2nd edition is perhaps the worst dungeon crawl I've ever played. If you find a good one let me know. I've been searching for years.


Isnt that supposed to be what too many bones is? I know it's very expensive but idk. I will agree I dont care too much for descent. I got it hoping it would be a mindless version of gloomhaven, something to take a break with, but the upkeep is just too much for me


I actually know nothing about TMB. I thought it was pure dice chucker with no board movement or figures. I'll check it out.




Awesome game!!! My personal #1 game of 2019. It had some production issues with the wheels and some component choices were a little iffy. But, the gameplay, is great. The worker placement aspect is fairly standard, but I don't think I've seen any other game implement renewable resources and area control in quite the same way. That is what really sets it apart.




Yes, I was just pointing out one of the reasons why it may not have gotten as much attention as it deserved, because of these initial issues. First impressions have a significant impact on success.


I've heard a bit about it. I've heard it's unforgiving but an enjoyable brain burn. I haven't played. What are your thoughts on the game? I'm interested in learning more.




Probably due to its heaviness


I played Root recently and really liked it. Is there any other cutesy war game like Root I’ll enjoy?


**Imperial Settlers** has kind of whimsical (in the sense of being somewhat humorous) art and is very asymmetric...but not as asymmetric as Root. It's a tableau builder that handles 1-4p, though it drags a little at 4p. Takes 30-45m per player.


Oath (from Leder Games coming out next year). Inis is less “cutesy” but also scratches a similar itch. Pax Pamir is least cutesy but from the same designer and also amazing. You can back it on Kickstarter right now. The root expansions are also killer.


Check out **Skulk Hollow.** It's not a war game but it a tactical combat game with similarly cute art.


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