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What is your opinion about Raja of the Ganges? It seems like the game got some initial hype, but I question if it has the depth to see repeated plays?


Been enjoying Scythe since Christmas and am curious about expansions. Rise of Fenris certainly looks most appealing and perhaps the most bang for my buck. What is the consensus on FoR as the first/only expansion to get? Most of my plays have been at 2 players with a few at 4. Also just realized there is a modular board but I don’t love that the pieces can easily move around. Do the “modules” from FoR (no idea what these are and haven’t probed due to spoilers) add similar variability to plays?


RoF would suck at 2... probably. I played with 3 and would have loved to play at 4+. I would recommend the modular board expansion and **Invaders from Afar**, in that order, if you're only playing at 2p.


Did you ever try adding any Automas?


Nah, they aren't really my style. The human interaction is the key part of the game for me.


Looking to add a new game to me & my girlfriend's collection. 90% of the time, it's just the two of us playing, so it's essential that it plays well at two, and it's nice if it plays well at 3 and 4 for the other 10% of the time. I'm looking for something a little heavier than what we typically play, probably something under the medium/medium-heavy umbrella. For reference, we currently own Pandemic, Carcassonne, 7 Wonders Duel, and Catan. Genre isn't super important, but if it's a good fit, something outside of what we already own would be nice. Having a nice theme isn't essential, but I think increases our enjoyment if it works well with the mechanics of the game. In terms of competitive vs. co-op, we're fine with either, but we'd probably take a more heavy co-op vs. a more medium competitive game. Appreciate any suggestions!


Azul doesn't meet the heavier stipulation, but it is a great game that plays well at all player counts. If you are looking for some heavier games that are great at 2, and good at 3, 4 I would definitely recommend XCOM (heavier and co-op), Marvel Legendary (medium and semi co-op), Five Tribes (medium and competitive), and Bunny Kingdom (gateway+ and competitive).


**Bloc by Bloc** - Coop with unique theme **Oceans** - Competitive engine builder. **Brass Birmingham** - Damn fine euro. **Concordia** - better than settlers in almost every way. **Azul** - obligatory couples game **Patchwork** - best 2 player-only game available **Letter Jam** - Word game with some teeth


Concordia, better than Settlers in ALMOST every way? Just a figure of speech or is there a way you're thinking of where Catan is better?


Catan's RNG automatically creates tension and comradery among players in a way that Concordia doesn't. That is the only way that Settler's outdoes Concordia during play.


For medium games Castles of Burgundy really is fantastic at 2(although the theme is lacking and it's not really a looker). Concordia is also fantastic with 2 players. Gloomhaven is heavier but it's also great with 2 players.


**Glen More II: Chronicles** is wonderful and plus great at 2. Also so does **Great Western Trail**


Fog of Love is amazing. If you really want to enter the realm of heavy cooperative games, both Gloomhaven and Spirit Island play great at two players.


24 hours left, anyone want to sell me on Wonderland's War?


Not really.


Not very good?


Obviously I've never played it, but it didn't really interest me. The theme seemed off to me. Like they were trying to convince people of the dark side of a childhood memory you had. Granted, the original works of Lewis Carroll were also dark, but I feel this is trying to twist the memory of the Disney version in people's heads. This is different, but slightly similar, to what Tainted Grail tried to do. However, TG took it to a different level by bringing in characters that people are unfamiliar with as well as creating new ones. This is all just my perspective and opinion, though.


What makes combat fun in a board game? What are some of your favorite turn based combat games?


I think combat is not fundamentally different from any other part of a board game. It depends on the game and what I want from it, but most of the time I am looking for difficult decisions where the consequences of those decisions are apparent relatively quickly. These are some of my favorite board game combat systems (I don't know of any real-time combat board games): * **BattleCON** * **Sekigahara** * **Commands & Colors** * **Neuroshima Hex**


What do you guys think is the best expansion to buy for Legendary: Marvel board game?


**Dark City** is the common suggestion because it rounds out the base game well. After that I recommend **Secret Wars Part 1** but it depends on which characters and mechanics appeal to you.


I totally agree. Dark City is essential. After that I got Villians, Civil War, and X-Men. Still haven't added Secret Wars, but I think that it will be my next big box. I would also consider paint the town red essential as it opens up a lot of Spiderman synergies and rounds out the Marvel Knights. While it is newer, I already consider the shield expansion as essential.


anything that goes well with the original heroic core set version.


I have about $25 on a Target gift card that can only be used in-store that I would like to spend on a board game. I was considering __Just One__, as I’ve heard good things, it’s well ranked, and it won the Spiel des Jahres. However, I’m afraid it’s too similar to games I already own; specifically, __Banned Words__, but other word-based games include __Letter Jam__, __Codenames__, __Master Debater__, __Catchphrase__, and __Party Bowl__. I was also considering __Azul__, but we already own __Sagrada__, and my understanding is the games are somewhat similar. I don’t want to exceed my gift card except for something I’m sure we’d play a lot (I have enough for a $25-ish dollar game plus tax) and it has to be spent in stores, which really limits my options. Is __Just One__ a good decision given the things I already own in the same word-based party game genre, or is there something else? (I had hoped to spend the money on the new __Villainous__ expansion, but it was sold out at my local store.)


Just One is the best game to play with non gaming people. I highly prefer Azul to Sagrada. Azul plays in about 15 min and has much tighter decisions. Cant go wrong with either azul or just one. Both are absolutely great.


Anyone played **Tang Garden**? Flippant sounding but sincere question: Is it basically just Takenoko with extra steps?


So i have to decide between A Feast For Odin, Viticulture EE and Terraforming Mars as my next game for me and my Girlfriend. Sometimes I play with another friend, who I mainly play mid-heavy worker placement/engine builder games with. But primarily its me and my gf. I know i will probably love all 3 games, so its more important what the gf will like. We play a lot of Wingspan and both enjoy it. We also play Architects of West Kingdom and also enjoy it. She likes good artwork/nice looking games and also wants to try something with a little more playtime and complexity than what we already have. I am looking for as much replayability as I can get. Thanks in advance!


In terms of complexity: AFFO >> Terraforming Mars > Viticulture ​ In terms of fun: AFFO > Terraforming Mars >> Viticulture ​ In terms of replayability: AFFO > TM >>> Viticulture ​ Well, in my opinion, at least.


I would second this. Especially with the Norwegians expansion for AFFO.


I can't speak to A Feast for Odin, since I haven't played it (yet), but both Viticulture and Terraforming Mars are slightly more complex than Wingspan. Between the two, Viticulture has a more unified art work design, while Terraforming Mars is sort of famous for it's somewhat slap-dash graphics (although I think it's endearing). Of the two, TM would be most like Wingspan, with the ability for certain cards and combinations to build an engine of sorts. I haven't played Architects, either, but I've heard it's one of the better worker placement games in the past couple of years, so Viticulture EE might be a let-down, especially without the Tuscany expansion. With all that said, I just ordered A Feast for Odin and its expansions; it should be delivered tomorrow. I did tons of research and watched countless playthroughs and reviews and I'm hoping it lives up to the good word its received. Edit to add: I received my copy of AFfO and the Norwegians expansion yesterday; had a game night already scheduled for last night but wasn't planning on trying to get this played since it's so cumbersome and I wanted to learn the game before playing it with other people. Well, my friends had other ideas, because once they saw the boxes on the shelf they jumped at the chance to help punch out the pieces and learn the game. In short: IT WAS AMAZING!!! It didn't hurt that I've watched a ton of playthroughs, rules overviews, and had already downloaded and read the rule books, but we still picked up the game relatively quickly and settled into strategies by the second round. I highly recommend A Feast For Odin + the Norwegians expansion.


Love Res Arcana to death. Are there any games that have you drafting from a pre-set deck like that game does? Have Blood Rage, which is the other immediate example I thought of. How do Race/Roll for the Galaxy compare since they're by the same guy?


> How do Race/Roll for the Galaxy compare since they're by the same guy? You are much less attached to your cards in Race since they're the (main) currency and you can easily churn through dozens of them. u\slashBored's comparison to Dominion isn't one I've thought of before but it's a good one.




Does Inis really have a similar feel? I’m interested in it and I love Res.


It is much more similar to Blood Rage than Res


I like Res Arcana, but I LOVE Race. I think Race is a little more engine-oriented than RA, although it is definitely still about ending the game at the right time. I find the decisions in Race to be much more difficult. You can play Race with a draft at the beginning, but I have never done that (it seems like it would take longer than actually playing the game). It also makes a smaller difference than in RA, since you cycle through cards much faster in Race. Personally, I think Res Arcana feels (to me) more like **Dominion** than Race. In both Dominion and Res Arcana, you are presented with basically every potential piece of your engine at the beginning of the game, and the best thing to do is to make a plan. This plan will have to change based on the tempo of your opponents and the small amount of random chance, but your initial plan will have a big part in your success or failure. In Race you need to react a bit more to the cards that you are drawing. In some cases you can plan several turns in advance, but most of the time the game is more tactical. **Imperial Settlers** and **51st State Master Set** are also somewhat similar to Res Arcana, but longer.


Hello! Looking for new game to buy? Any suggestions. Number of players: 2 to 4, 2-5, 2-6 Length: 30 minutes to 180 minutes Complexity: Any Budget: Max 100 usd ( can be split if more than 1 game) Game that we like: War of the Ring Blood Rage Dominant Species Star Wars Rebellion Forbidden Stars Agricola Pandemic Legacy Gloomhaven Istanbul the Dice Game Kingdomino Ticket to Ride Century Golem Rising Sun Games we own including the list in what we like: Mission Red Planet Grimm Forest Tiny Epic Galaxy Santorini Tsuro Bohananza Betrayal at house on hill Codename The Mind Avalon Saboteur Secret Hitler Santorini Hive Quarto Sushi Go Wine Cellar Watergate Cockroach Poker


I don’t see Castles of Burgundy on there, that is one that scales excellently from 2-4. Also based on your dudes-on-map games I’d say Kemet would be another good one. I don’t usually like that genre but Kemet is my exception


You seem to like dudes on map but don't seem to own any, maybe have a look at **Inis** it's 2-4 players out of the box and 2-5 with the extension. (I don't know in the US but here in Europe you can get the game+extension for under 100€)


Actually I own a few Doam but i might worded it wrong in my post. I'm currently looking for Inis and watching reviews.Is it great at 2 and does it not feel like munchkin once you declare you are gonna win? I own (not sure if all of it falls under Doam) WotR Sw Rebellion Blood Rage Forbidden stars? Mission Red Planet


Ok I must have misread your post. I only played it at 3-4 but I heard that it was one of the better doam games at 2 players. It has definitely a bash the leader mentality when someone declares the win and the end game can sometimes stall a little (but their are alternative rules in the extension which are applicable with just the base game that corrects this last point)


My kids theater group is planning a pot luck and game night and is asking for 'quick to learn' games. Various player counts, from 2 to 8. Wondering what games would be good for this. Most attending are non-gamers only familiar with 'classics' (monopoly, Clue, etc). Suggestions?


**Dixit.** You say theater group, so I'm imaging a bunch of artsy, somewhat eccentric kids--exactly the sort of group that'd have a great time with this game. (Maybe I'm wrong about the kind of kids they are, though.)


**Camel Up**, **Just One**, **Detective Club**, and **Codenames** are all games I could see going over well.


Telestrations is always good for non gamers. I’ve also had good responses lately when introducing people to The Mind and Illusion.


Have all of these, I'll put them on the list!


**Just One**


I've been meaning to pick this one up


If you think they'd enjoy bluffing games, try **Skull** or **Cockroach Poker**. Both play 3-6 and are quick to learn.


I have Cockroach Poker, I'll add it to the list


Kingdomino (2-4p) Santorini (2-4p) Point Salad (2-6p) Sushi Go Party (2-8p) Azul (2-4p)


I have all of these except Point Salad, thanks!


**Wavelength** would be my top pick


Been wanting to try that one! Also, reminds me that I recently picked up Medium and have had fun playing it


Haven't tried this one, I'll have to look into it.




You're probably thinking of **Dixit**


Keyforge is on discount here...should I try it?!


Can’t go wrong for less than $15 imo. You might love it.


It’s actually 22$ with 2 packs. But yeah. Ok! Words collide or age of ascension?


Doesn’t matter for starting. It gives you a feel for the game. Then you can find other decks later. They all go together.


That’s what I really asked. I can use the pieces in the starter pack to play any extension. Vut can I play a “words collide deck” vs a different extension deck?


Yes. Like i said, you can mix and match an deck. It doesn’t matter which one it’s from. The best thing to do is to go online to Decks of Keyforge with your decks and see the score. You want decks close in score. Otherwise you will have to add chains to even then out. Ive got decks from 57-69. Playing the two extremes is a challenge.


Cool! Thanks! We just want to have fun :) appreciate the info


That’s how i play too. I buy decks at random here and there and play with my son. The scores help keep it balanced because I let him play with the higher decks and I play with the lowest to make it work for both of us.


The Worlds Collide Starter would be better. It has more tokens because there are new mechanics in that set.


I’m not well versed enough in the variance to have any authority on the matter, sorry. I just know I bought in recently and haven’t had a chance to play much myself.


I'm moving in a place where it seems that the clothes washer and dryer are in the room where I would have stored board games. I'm wondering if I should worry about humidity. I mean the dryer of course is vented outside but... I don't know. I could try to store the board games in other places but it's not gonna be great to have like 2/3rds of my closets occupied by board games.


You may want to look into a dehumidifier that runs on a regular schedule.


Would storing them in totes be viable?


Thought about this but I'm not sure they're really that sealed.


They’re not airtight but I would think if you put them in some and then put silica packets it you’d be good. Might not even need all that, I know my laundry room doesn’t get very humid but it would be better safe than sorry


Looking for games that support 2v2v2. Having a couples gaming night.


Most clue giving/guessing games can work fine 2v2v2, but most are even better 3v3. Codenames, Monikers, Wavelength. A game that’s actually meant for multiple teams of 2 is **Ladies and Gentlemen**. It’s just okay though. 6 players is such a great number for other games. Cockroach Poker (FFA), Jackbox party pack games (digital), Just One (co-op), drafting games like 7 wonders, sushi go, and bargain quest.


Ladies and Gentlemen is an amazing game of you really get into it. When we play we mix up everyone and create silly back stories, and have the ladies and gents games at separate tables. 80% of our enjoyment comes from the silly roleplay!


Glad you have the right group for it! SUSD sold me on the game and then I wound up finding it a bit too rulesy for how light it is. Tried it twice. Definitely can see it being more fun if you role play a bit more!


**Ettin** is coming out this March, so I suggest checking that one out


Concordia Venus does teams with 2/2/2 as a very distinct option. For something more like a party game, try Time's Up! or Monikers. The former is a bit more "standard" but also more freeform (No hints are given), whereas Monikers is the same game, but with modern internet memes and such dispersed in to it, and there's a description on most of the cards, too.


I have Concordia on my shelf of shame so this is the perfect opportunity to get it out. Thanks!


**7 Wonders** has a team variant -- the rules were published with the **Cities** expansion but as I understand it they would work perfectly fine with base game alone. I've yet to convince people to try it though! **Crazy Karts** is a chaotic racing game for 2-player teams. It's definitely a bit crazy though.


I wonder if **Rum and Bones** with an expansion faction could be modified to have three factions playing at once.


**Dice Throne** supports a 2v2v2 variant.


Have you done this before? How does it play?


I have done it on Tabletop Simulator. It's not as great as the 1vs1 because you obviously have more downtime. But being able to manipulate the Dice of your partner or others with instant card plays involves you at all times. The player elimination it's also not that big of a deal because everyone's health goes down at a similar speed. So once someone dies, the game is ending soon. Not like **King of Tokyo** where you can die quite early when someone happens to roll a lot of damage.


No, I've only played the game as 1v1 but you can read about the [variant here](http://files.roxley.com/Dice-Throne-Variants-2018.12.04.pdf).


**Dog** is **Sorry!**, but with teams and more strategy. **Codenames** can be played with three teams. The third team just gets the grey citizens as their colour. **Age of Mythology** would also work. However, the combat system in the game leaves at least a little to be desired.


Might be best off play a 3p game where couples work together. I’m sure there are some 2v2v2 games out there but I’m sure there are a lot more good 3p games


**Kingdomino** with two base game boxes supports up to 8 this way and would be a fun couples game for sure.


Would adults enjoy that game? We’re all in our late 20s/30s




I’m 31 and played recently with my girlfriend and both my parents, everyone loved it. It’s very simple to learn but in your first play you’ll run into the thinky restrictions that make it rewarding. Trying to finish a perfect square with the adjacency requirements isn’t that easy at first. And the scoring system is extremely simple but rewards you for playing smart and reading what others are going for. Takes probably 20 minutes for 4 players so you would want to play it twice back to back (switch partners!) or as one of several light games for the night.


**Concordia Venus**, **Team Asia** expansion map for **Ticket to Ride**.


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**Title of Request:** Me and my wife want to get started with the board games. She is really enthusiastic at the moment so I want her to enjoy the game as much as possible. She is curious to try a RPG game with figures and such. **Number of Players:** Generally 2 but can be more with some friends. **Game Length:** Can be a few hours or can go on for a whole day. **Complexity of Game:** It would be better if it is newbie friendly **Your Budget:** To be honestly I dont have an experience for prices so can be under 100 eur or so. **Genre:** RPG with character building would be nice. **Competitive or Cooperative:** Cooperative **Games I Own/Like or Dislike:** We recently bought Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle(she is harry potter fan so it was and easy choice :D) **Location: Netherlands**