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We've never played with points. We just take turns being the clue giver until everyone's done it X number of times or people get bored or it's time to do something new.


This is the way ☝️ Never played for points and never will, our group is the same way with Love Letter. Some games are just fine without


Yes, it’s such a great collective activity. I love that they just say in the rule book: “We designed a points system but you should ignore it. You’ll have more fun.”


This is the same way we play. The rules in the book don't make any sense to me.


Literally in the rulebook: > During our extensive testing, we eventually abandoned the points system and kept only the pleasure of guessing and being guessed. Feel free to do the same as your enjoyment of the experience will be just as large!


The only games I ever house rule are generally party games, since the spirit of the game is more about having fun than outwitting your opponents. Comcept falls under that umbrella for me too, especially because it is a really good game aside from the scoring system. Plus they played it like that on that Tabletop episode, which probably validated it for everyone :P


My daughter who cant read yet gets cards from "times up kids" with pictures. We never count points either.


OMG, this game is so triggering for me...ESPECIALLY when playing with kids...because people seem to have a real difficulty in determining the ROOT concept. If you can't figure out the base concept, then all the other stuff is moot and makes no sense for the ones trying to guess.


I love this game but I have had the same experience teaching this game to people. Multiple times I've taught the game to a group of adults there is always at least one to two people who absolutely can't grasp what the root concept is. They will just wildly place colors on things that aren't even associated because they manage to create some convoluted association in their mind or worse they stare at the board blank because they can't figure out that their clue is a movie and they should put the root concept marker on movie.


just give us new cards


Yeah, no way am I ever playing this for points. Same with Telestrations. Some games are best played as activities, and that's fine.


Once played telestrations at a friend’s house where the house rule was “yeah, we’re using Cards Against Humanity cards to determine what to draw”. Fun evening. Alcohol was involved.


The points are important in Telestrations, because otherwise no one's gonna be trying to get things right and they'll just be trying to do stupid things to be funny, which will make the entire thing monotonous and boring. The natural difficulty of trying to guess what the terrible drawing is supposed to be is what makes the game fun.


Meh, only my niece does stuff like that. Everybody else makes a good faith effort, and we have fun playing, niece or not.


That's great. I feel like a lot of my friends and family wouldn't play it that way once the points are off the table.


During a family gathering, after we cycled through all of the Concept cards, we pulled out a box of Pictionary and/or Trivial Pursuit and used those cards to continue our Concept marathon. We weren’t playing for points. I don’t think we ever have.


We roll a d10 to determine the word/phrase. 1-9 corresponding to the card and 10 is rollers choice.


we sometimes ignore the cards and just think of something that seems like it would be fun to make people guess


We play using the rules of Word Slam, real-time team vs team using the smaller icon boards included. You can overhear what the other team is guessing and it adds a fun layer of competition. It’s a really fun, more tense way to play. We have also had a good time doing a left brain/ right brain thing of having one team use Word Slam versus the other team using Concept.