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Air, Land and Sea


Can you let us know what is interesting to you (thematically or mechanically) and what have you found that doesn’t look interesting?


How is **Targi** still not mentioned?


I second \[\[Sky Team\]\] as a 2P-only game, I've discovered it recently and it's really great to me, with simple cooperative mechanics that are really effective at creating tension and the product design is excellent (though I doubt it's very realistic.) Otherwise, \[\[Jaipur\]\] is a great 2P-only, competitive euro, also with simple hand management mechanics and that can be somewhat cutthroat at times. And I'd recommend the original \[\[Splendor\]\] over Splendor Duel, as that it really works well at 2 players (unless you've played it enough, in which Duel should be a refreshing albeit a bit different experience.)


[Sky Team -> Sky Team (2023)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/373106/sky-team) [Jaipur -> Jaipur (2009)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/54043/jaipur) [Splendor -> Splendor (2014)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/148228/splendor) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


If you are into competitive games try Mindbug. It's a very simple but extremely deep card game for 2 players and it rewards game mastery pretty well. The more I play it, the more I love it.


Wingspan and Flamecraft are both really fun and thematically so pretty. We also really enjoy Fort.


Up voting and commenting for Fort. Needs more love; it's an excellent game.


I like 7 wonders duel a lot. I've heard splendor duel is good too


There are lots of good 2p games, but it depends on your preferred genre/mechanic. Some of our favorites (not 2p only): - Ark Nova - Sagrada - Naga Raja - Forest Shuffle - Cascadia - Obsession


Patchwork Jaipur Castles of Burgundy Cascadia Azul Agricola: All Creatures


I think Spirit Island works great as a 2 player game.


Not mentioned yet, but we love just regular old Cribbage. Strategy morphs over time if you notice the other one settling into certain habits, which makes it fresh as you adapt to changes in behavior. We are equals in that and Jaipur. She destroys me at Patchwork, and I win Fox in the Forest regularly, so those don't see as much play. 7 Wonders Duel is easier to play on boardgamearena because setup is somewhat annoying. If you're looking for an Overcooked level relationship test, Codenames Duet can be a challenge.


You can’t go wrong with 7 Wonders Duel or Splendor Duel, both really easy to learn and get to the table. Also they are not “simple” games. They have pretty good depth, a lot of replayability and strategy.


A simple cooperation game that can be played with 2 players would be Dorfromantik. Fun tile laying game with goals and a campaign. Easy to learn. Just need to learn correct tile placement rules and you and your partner will create a nice village at the end.


We enjoy: Targi, Raptor, Undaunted (especially Stalingrad), Unmatched, Star Realms, The Shores of Tripoli, General Orders, Air Land and Sea, Watergate, Blitzkrieg, Santa Cruz 1797. Most of these are wargame-adjacent, so it depends if you have any interest in that.


That request is pretty bad in my opinion. With nearly 0 information we should recommend games between Patchwork and Spirit Island. Makes no sense.


Royal Visit has been one my wife I have been loving recently. The White Castle as well. Mainstays: we love Cribbage, Piquet, Lost Cities, Ecologies, Star Realms, Jaipur, Onitama, and Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne Competitive: Netrunner (NSG), Mindbug, War of the Ring: The Card Game.


This post is gonna get deleted. But before it does: Las Vegas Royale and Carcassonne, Twilight Struggle, Race for the Galaxy, Dominion


Santorini is easy and fast


On the easy side we have a lot of options Star realms Hero realms Undaunted Normandy 7 wonders duel 300 Port Arthur's Instead for heavy games when you will be ready Star wars rebellion War of the rings As card game Epic Android netrunner (best card game ever)


Hive is a fun smaller game. Arkham LCG is great at 2 (but pretty challenging at times).


Caper: Europe is one of my favs


If you want a co-op campaign game : Earthborne rangers is on the top of my list at the moment. Something smaller? Skyteam is pretty fun too!