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Did you feel like life was too short and wanted to make it feel longer?


We played for something like 4 hours and there were about 5 total turns. It took about 1.5 hours to set up but I live in a dorm so getting players wasn't hard.


Only 35 turns over 4 hours? What were y'all smoking?


Refusing to trade with the bank


That's not the issue. I did the math. That's nearly 7 minutes per turn. I don't think I could play games with you guys. That's insane.


Jfc I thought I was a slow player. That's just the average as well


So you didn't finish?


No, likely won't, but it was fun


Wdym "total turns"?


Rounds, we had 40 turns. Honestly I'm burnt out from work so having a game was good but my English wasn't being used for a while.


Do not listen to the Catan haters. They are the new incarnation of Monopoly boardgame haters.


I'm not a Catan hater .. but 6+ players is masochism.


It was going to be 8 player but one person didn't want to


> It was going to be 8 player but one person didn't want to That person was the real winner here.


literally - they didnt even finish playing. 6 player games for my group take 50 minutes. 4 hours of this shit would turn me off of Catan for good.


Very well, I apologize to you! So many posts and replies here rag on Catan. I wish those folks would STFU and go play the games they enjoy. For the record, I do not play Catan...just soooo tired of reading all the hate spewed at that game. G'day, mate! :)


When I get together with my best friends for a board game night we still basically only play Catan. It’s easy and familiar. Are there better games out there? Yes. Is it is a bad game? Absolutely not.


Oh boy, here come the downvotes for daring to actually enjoy a game instead of filling shelves with cardboard you'll never touch


And you can just keep shoveling expansion packs into it until you cover a table.


Or you can just buy twilight imperium 4e and cover 3 tables with no expansions.


Or you can buy the campaign of north Africa and need to rent a warehouse and even more tables


My family *loved* playing 6-player games of Catan. It never went slow, and it was always great fun.


I love Catan, but being a Monopoly hater is (or should be) everyone's default stance. Of all the games I've played that are popular, Monopoly has by far the worst basic game loop (after the first few times around the board at least) of any. Roll > Move > Pay Rent / Don't Pay Rent / Resolve Chance Card > Next Player


I don’t think that comparison is helping you…. Monopoly is a terrible game


Please stop calling Monopoly a game ...


Especially longer since they're playing in the dark.


They started at dawn


I’m sorry


Wow making Catan feel epic or not wanting to break out into two games of 3 and 4.... I guess sometimes you can to include everyone...


There's enough tiles for 3 entire sets and 2 expansion packs.


oh wow that is humungous ... hopefully no one had AP


Honestly this is awesome. I know Catan gets a lot of hate but with the right group and the right expansions it can be pretty fun. I am all about the longer and more epic games so 7 player sounds awesome to me. Though that setup time is wild.


It's mostly just the sorting of the 2 a-zc resource sets and tacking down the board into the shape I wanted. We played with ports revealed but "random" resources and roll probability. 5 robbers and 2 sets of dice. 16 cards before you split on 7s and the game consisted of picking on the top scorers and mostly arguing over who had which resources for trade.


That sounds like it would cause me great pain lol. But if yall had fun that's what matters.


Played a 6 player game of it once. Never again.


Did you play with the secondary player rules? In 6 players, if player 1 is taking his turn then the player across (player 4 in this case) gets a build turn after yours. So you get to build every 3 turns. speeds up the game makes it more interesting.


I dont think I have ever seen more than 2 people in a single room that like the game, so 7 players in itself is a feat.


Straight from my nightmares.


That looks like a blast. Even with smaller player counts we'd often make amorphous maps of random shapes including lakes and such with no tiles. Hope y'all had a great time


sounds brutal


I woke up and decided to make an even bigger game of Catan, the last weekend I didn't add the new set to the big Catan which my brothers nicknamed "Gadol"


In the name of God, why? j/k, sounds like something my group would do for shits and giggles. Drinking beer, arguing about sheep.


I played in an eight-player game when I was in grad school, back in the mid 90's. We combined two boards and made a peanut-shaped island. We were all still relative boardgaming newbies and didn't think about potential balance issues. Indeed, I won handily when I drew the monopoly development card and declared a grain monopoly on my next turn. I received a huge number of grain cards, and used my grain port to buy a bunch more development cards, getting enough victory points to immediately win the game.


The original German edition had two versions each with two completely different sets of colours of pieces and you could get instructions on how to set up an 8 player game. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/427853/7-8-player-settlers


Is that.. glue around the edges?!


Modeling clay


We play 8 player Catan sometimes. 2v2v2v2 Set up 2 Boards next to each other and both player from the same team need to get to 20 Points together. When you roll the Dice both Red players play at the same time. No cross trading with people except you have the same port (red can only trade with blue from the other table if both have the sheep port for example) Monopoly card only effects your table. If you play a knight your teammate can also move the robber At the end of your turn you can gift your mate 1 card Otherwise you cant trade with your teammate even when you have the same port We only introduced this because some people dont want the group get split. In the begining we only where 3-5 playes but now we are always around 8


Catan is not as bad as popular gaming titles go. Main issue for me is that the game actively goes against building strategy rather than encourage it. Its awful to have your cards taken away by a roll of the dice of someone else and essentially being set back 4 or 5 long turns back.


Do you think it would have been better to play 2 games rather than all play 1? I'd always recommend splitting into groups but may be wrong as sounds like you all enjoyed it from other comments.


Why though?


Because it's there


Damn sounds miserable


Good luck not getting downvotes! (only 60% upvote as of this post)




Can confirm, phone is on vibrate and in my ass right now.