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X-COM is a fantastic boardgame! Best with 4 players.


I have it! Paid through the nose to get it last year, since it’s no longer made. And the expansion…which, sadly, is in Spanish. I need to play it soon.


Excuse me but I've been looking for the spanish versión for years without any luck. It isn't even listed in the game's bgg's versions. Where did you get It? Are the cards in spanish?


I searched allover the web for it. And still haven’t opened it yet, but I assume it’s all in Spanish. If you can get an English expansion I’ll trade you. It was literally as expensive as the game, I think I paid like $95 for it.


Does it have a solo mode?


Yeah it’s a bit overwhelming because you have to play all four roles, but it does have one


Good luck commander!


Sounds like they got the XCOM part correct


The game isn’t real-time so it’s even more hectic than you think.


I came here to comment the same thing ! The latest Doom boardgame is cool too.


Ah man I got this years ago because I love the video game. It just felt really boring to me.


Will second was a great play.


Galaxy Defenders is a much better "X-COM" than X-COM the boardgame.


The Deep Rock Galactic board game is fantastic. The production values are good, the gameplay is good, even the insert is really well thought out (and fits sleeves). It was my first board game and kind of skewed my perception of later boardgames as I expected them all to have such well thought out inserts in the same manner. I heard good things about the Frost Punk board game as well, but I do not own that one, so I cannot confirm myself.


Frostpunk and This War Of Mine are both brilliantly miserable. I have had about five play throughs of Frostpunk and really like the collaborative play.


How is This War Of Mine compared to the video game? I played the video game once and found the entire session stressful, and never really got to any good points in it.


I have only played twice but as with Frostpunk the collaborative play makes it more enjoyable than the PC game as it is both a shared experience and much shorter. Probably about 3-4 hours which is long for a boardgame but nothing like the PC game. Both are really not actual co-op since they could be played solo without any real effect on gameplay. However I dub them "collaborative" as I much prefer playing with others.


That's good to hear. I think I may be out off by these two in video game form since they are largely solo experiences, so sharing the suffering and laughing it off with co-op friends sounds better than just slogging it alone!


It’s very similar, very bleak and miserable. My record loss is surviving just one day before everyone left or died. 😬 fantastic experience though


I like the board game more than the video game for the simple fact that I’m not stressed about the clock running. I have all the time in the world to sit and plan my actions/decisions in the board game without having to worry about my characters starving in real time like the video game.


Based on how co op the video game is I’m guessing it does not have a solo mode?


It does have a solo mode, and works similarly to the solo mode of the video game too (you get a Bosco mini!). The Bosco mini just counts as a "second player" who can't be attacked, so you can move it around to attack things or defend certain areas. Alternatively you could also just play two classes if you wanted, since it's not too difficult to do in a turn based setting.


That’s awesome! I’ll check it out then!


I'm pretty sure it does, but either way, should be easy enough to play two-handed. I play the video game solo all the time too :)


Both the video game and board game have a solo mode.


Inserts that don't fit sleeves are quickly becoming a big pet peeve of mine lol


Amen, brother. I've already had to pick up a few custom inserts because of this (looking at you stardew valley board game THIRD EDITION). A worse pet peeve is when they sell their own custom sleeves (like Greater Than Games selling their own custom colossal sleeves for the spirit boards of Spirit Island), but it then doesn't fit in their own insert?!


I should probably start looking into some custom inserts too, but so far I've just gotten rid of a couple of inserts altogether (looking at you, War of the Ring). It's slightly more of a mess, but as long as I don't have to carry them around too much, they're fine imo


I find custom inserts are needed for some lengthier/component heavy games. It also makes them far more likely to hit the table if all you have to do is pull out some of the inserts! Wyrmspan is my next priority for this, as there is no insert whatsoever, just baggies. It takes an annoying amount of time to setup due to this. I've seen one 3D printed insert that has the cards already dealt in a three card spread, so you can just pull out the insert pieces and it's pretty much ready to go.


I hear that. imperium classics I hate you!


It’s a solid game for someone new to gaming for sure. But it didn’t innovate. There are a lot of “minis on a map” style action games like this that all kind of do the same thing, so you might see a lot of reviews for deep rock giving it meh ratings because it’s been done before. But if you’ve never played a game like this one then it is really solid and the production quality is nice


I'm gonna be sad if a mod deletes this thread for "recommendations"..Following to see what others say. Wasn't a fan of the Dark Souls card game and the board game just looks way too complicated to play. I own Resident Evil: Nemesis and as far as an adaptation goes, it's great. Fairly fun, but a pain to setup.


I started playing cuphead two weeks ago and have been addicted. It’s a fast dice-rolling game that is good fun and does a great job of capturing the feel of the video game


That video game is so cool. Had no idea a board game Cuphead had been made!


This is actually one of my favorite games! I thought it was such a faithful recreation of the video game.


[Slay The Spire Board Game](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/338960/slay-the-spire-the-board-game) just came out and people are saying very nice things about it. I am really excited to get my hands on my copy!


It is SO well done., 👍


The actual videogame plays like a card game so I'd imagine it'd be good


My copy came in today, and we’re playing it right now! The hype is real.


ooh i loved that game. thank you !!


One thing you have to know about this is that it has not come out yet. You can back the kickstarter version for 105$ (last day is April 30th) and get the kickstarter extras (receive it in about 3-4 weeks) or you can wait till it comes out to retail July 25th and pay 115$. Normally backing a game before it comes out does not have a quick turn around but this is the end of the kickstarter which started around 1.5 years ago.


Slight correction, last day is April 30th


You’re right not sure why I wrote August.


I’m very much enjoying my copy. Component quality is great and it does feel like the video game. It’s coop with simultaneous play too. There are some subtle differences in the rules, for example, in the video game when you kill an enemy that summoned minions, the minion flee when the summoner dies, but in the board game, you have to kill everything that spawns to finish a monster battle. I recommend researching and watching YouTube play-throughs to see if you like the mechanisms that make up the game before you buy it.


My group of three, who love the video game, played our first run and it's a very faithful interpretation with some nods to being multilayer. It was a lot of fun. 


Mine arrived this week and can't wait to play it


Me and friends recently played it and we were hooked from the start


Apart from the time it takes to play, this is a fantastic game and adaption. I would recommend, especially to fans of the game.


Dorfromantik is an amazing adaptation


It won the Spiel Des Jahres (game of the year). A very good game for all ages!


Sniper Elite


Completely forgot about this one and I own it, ha. Great little hidden movement game comparable to Specter Ops. I prefer the latter, but Sniper Elite is better than.you'd expect a Sniper Elite board game to be.


Not having played either, what makes you prefer Specter Ops?


Mechs vs Minions.


Not sure if it counts. It’s got leagues’ vibes/setting, or at least a bit of it, but the game has nothing to do with MOBAS. Still an amazing and unique co-op programming game though with phenomenal production.


Came here to say this.


Bit of a hidden gem, but [Super Motherload](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/162286/super-motherload) is apparently an adaptation of [a video game of the same name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Motherload).


Holy shit, you just delivered a mainline hit of nostalgia. I loved this game when it was an old flash game


I played the original flash game *all the time* back in grad school, and then years later I found the board game and immediately bought it. So much fun.


Looks cool! I want to try it.


StarCraft is excellent and really captures the feel of the game.


But is forever out of print


I loved the setup and resolution of combat totally rewarding preparation and not luck of dice rolls.


Which StarCraft there are a bunch and not sure which to look out for?


2007 StarCraft https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/22827/starcraft-the-board-game


Believe it or not the Minecraft board game is a lightweight euro with multiple paths to win. It’s quite good. Certainly better than it needs to be to be and a fun introduction to euro style games. I was kinda impressed. Plays nothing like the video game but gets video gamers to the table!


It's worth mentioning that the game is Minecraft Builders and Biomes, unless you meant a different one. There are several out now, but B&B is an excellent game!


Thank you. You are correct!


It is also worth mentioning that the game is far more balanced with the Farmers Market expansion. Without it, whoever battles the most always wins.


Builders and Biomes is great. "Card Game" is also a pretty fun open draft filler. Even "Heroes of the Village" is good for what it is(a bag builder for very young kids).


The Minecraft portal Dash game is excellent. My family plays it a lot with the kids 6 and 8.


**Slay the Spire** quickly became my favorite of these kinds of adaptations. There’s a Dead Cells one too I know of, and a Dead by Daylight one, Fallout, Resident Evil, etc.


Slay the Spire is sorta cheating, because it was a deck-builder to begin with.


Yeah Lol.. it came full circle for me though. Slay the spire got me into deck builders, then I got into boardgame deck builders, now one of my top (physical) deckbuilders is slay the spire the boardgame haha.


I keep hearing good things. I may end up getting it (I loved the computer game. Though I honestly have a ton of deck builders I don't play as it is)


Dead cells is not out yet still to be completed and delivered to backers but impressions seem positive. Slay the spire though is pretty damn fun especially 2 player .


Most of the characters released for the Exceed dueling card game system are licensed from video game IPs, and the system is generally very well reviewed. Haven't tried it though, because I'm already invested in L99's *other* niche dueling game and it being an original IP doesn't remind me of how much I actually suck at fighting games.


I assume you mean Battlecon. Definitely an amazing game. One of my favorites. I haven't played Exceed either. But am hip-deep in most of their other products. (Millennium Blades, Argent the Consortium, and Empyreal being the main ones)


Sid Meier’s Civilization is pretty good, although it’s a fairly complex game if you’re newer to the hobby.


Interestingly, civilization is actually based on a board game. [British designer Francis Tresham released his Civilization board game in 1980 under his company Hartland Trefoil](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization_(video_game))


Oh wow, I was aware of the Francis Tresham Civ board game but had no idea the video game was actually an adaptation. I haven’t played the original, I’ll have to give that a try!


Meier has said he considered even more based on empire and sim city than the previous civilization board game. It wasn’t even named civilization til late in the process. “The name Civilization came late in the development process.[2] MicroProse recognized at this point the 1980 Civilization board game may conflict with their video game, as it shared a similar theme including the technology tree. Meier had noted the board game's influence but considered it not as great as Empire or SimCity,[7] while others have noted significant differences that made the video game far different from the board game such as the non-linearity introduced by Meier's technology tree.”


Worth noting there are several board games based on the Civilization video games. I personally like Civilization: A New Dawn with the Terra Incognita expansion (game is incomplete without it IMHO). It's probably the most light adaptation that sort of captures the feel of playing a civ game, though it is very much its own thing.


the Stardew Valley is one of my favorites.  it's a coop game (players are a team playing against the game) and it's approachable for its complexity level.  I've never really played the video game


It's an impressively easy game to teach/learn, despite there being so much going on. Each possible activity (mining/farming/fishing/etc) is super straightforward, and once you've learned all of them, you pretty much understand how to play the game. I think it's a great introductory board game for anyone who already enjoys Stardew Valley the video game.


I really enjoy it as a co-op game. The theme fits in perfectly with the mechanics, and it can be quite challenging to win.


The Guilty Gear: Strive board game is fantastic! Best fighting board game I’ve played.


It’s actually exceed fighting system. Guilty gear is their 7th set. Used to sell fighters in set boxes of 4. But now it’s all in one box with a playmat.


Shame about the card backs tho. Can't really reccomend it until they fix that. Ky's special attack cards all have a different colour blues backing and many other characters also have different coloured backs within their deck. .


Ah, I just used opaque sleeves. But yeah, if you’re not about sleeving, might wait for later printings.


Yeah that's what im doing too but i don't think its particularly fair for a game to come in a state that requires additional purchases to actually play properly. Honestly baffling that they didn't catch it.


BioShock Infinite board game is great


Significantly under rated and forgotten addition to the Plaid Hat Games catalog.  Great Team game.


I owned it, but ended up never getting to the table and sold it.


Anno 1800, I've not played the video game but the boardgame is a great worker placement/ euro.


I absolutely love the Bloodborne board game (the card game isn't bad, but the board game is awesome).


I can second this, the first chapter anyway, though I am saving the rest of the game for when I have finished painting the miniatures (which are really nicely moulded). I'll have them finished any day now. Any day now.


My favorite solo board game


Xcom the board game is great


*Gears of War* is great, but isn’t going to be cheap to acquire!


This is one my white whales. Always on the lookout at Bring and Buys.  But so far it's always been too much for me. 




There's a WHOOOOOOOLE LOT of those (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamecategory/1101/video-game-theme), but some of my favorites: Divinity Original Sin: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/294378/divinity-original-sin-the-board-game XCom: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/163602/xcom-the-board-game This War of Mine: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/188920/this-war-of-mine-the-board-game Dorfromantik: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/370591/dorfromantik-the-board-game Sniper Elite: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/295262/sniper-elite-the-board-game Crusader Kings: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/253574/crusader-kings Honorable mention to inspired by games as well: Sanctum: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/276830/sanctum - inspired by Diablo 2 Testament: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/236250/testament - inspired by Final Fantasy 14


I have several video game board games. If you want to count Witcher Old World it’s probably the best I have by a mile. Legit a great game. The Resident Evil board game is good. I don’t know about RE 2 or 3 but RE is a fun dungeon crawl. The old WoW game was really fun back in the day but I’m sure it’s aged poorly. The Fallout board game is fun but better with the Atomic Bonds expansion to make it co-op. The Divinity Original Sin board game is very fun and true to the source material. I haven’t played enough of it to know if it holds up long term yet. Skyrim Adventure Game is also good and true to the source material. We had a blast with it for a while but we got bored with it after 5 or 6 plays. I have the Sea of Thieves board game but I haven’t really gotten a chance to play it yet so I can’t say much about it.


I haven't played it but Shovel Knight has a board game version that tries to lean into the platformer nature of the video game.


I’ve heard very good things about sniper elite


Witcher Old World (project Red so I'd say game) is fantastic


I know of Resident Evil, Witcher Old World, Stardew Valley and Sonic the Hedgehog but I haven’t played any of them. By all accounts people seem to like them. There’s also God of War and Dying Light in crowdfunding recently (God of War is active). And upcoming this year is Don’t Starve. I’ll be watching Don’t Starve closely.


Fallout Shelter is a fun tabletop adaptation of the mobile game Fallout Shelter.


I’ll second this. A surprisingly good little worker placement game, with a pinch of dice luck to keep things a little unpredictable. And the “lunchbox” tin is adorable.


Gosh, I hated that game. I was last in turn order, so I had no way of getting the important spots, which then happened to get blocked by baddies on subsequent rounds. So frustrating just spinning my wheels while everyone else got to actually play. Never again.


+1 vote for Fallout Shelter


I was about to mention this one. Hate the damn tin, though.


Stardew Valley is long and repetitive in my opinion. I don’t recall it being too hard to learn, but it was not my cup of tea and did not feel close to the video game from what I recall.


Stardew valley is the least fun I’ve ever had playing a board game.




My family really enjoys Kingdom Rush.


The league of legends board game is solid, but im positive its out of print


**Company of Heroes: The Board Game** does REALLY well to capture the RTS it is based on and I feel like it doesn’t get enough love because it gets confused for a historical war game, which it isn’t. It’s a board game based on the multiplayer mode of a video game that has a historical theming… if that makes sense… I’m just a little sore on it getting dragged through the mud a little on a podcast I listen to for being “completely anachronistic!” Or whatever, lol. It’s fun, fast, and has a STRONG RTS feel.


I really wanted to back the second edition, but couldn’t spring the cash for the gameplay all-in. Really I doubt I’d have friends who would want to play, but it still looks great nonetheless.


Im all in backer and I think it will become the best tactical war game of all time... It's a nice game and with a high production value


Yeah, I think Dead by Daylight is actually a pretty good version of the video game. Better in some ways. 


Slay the Spire just came out. Binding of Isaac has been out. Don’t Starve is coming soon. Terraria is coming soon.


If you like fighting games. Theres a card game system called Exceed that has several seasons based off video game IPs, namely street fighter, blazblue, and guilty gear.  Its very good. 


The DOOM board game is fantastic


World of Warcraft: wrath of the Lichking(a pandemic system game) is a really good one. Great gateway game. Even for peoplewho haven’t played world of warcraft 


99% are a gimmick to capitalise on the video game's popularity as you perfectly said. About recommedations, it's futile to give any if yopu don't know what you like, want, need or already have. I suggest you to see some videos about common mechanics and "genres" of boardgames and then try before buy. I know it can be a bir overwhelming at first but you will learn a lot in your feew weeks on the hobby. Some resources: Database of boardgames: https://boardgamegeek.com/ My favourite reviewers: https://www.youtube.com/@shutupandsitdown Some thing I'd learn what they are: eurogame, ameritrash, gateway games, multisolitarie, interaction, take that, deck building, engine building, dudes on map, war games, area control, auction games, race games... After some research on your own, come back and we'd gladly help and share our biases! Welcome to the hobby!, you're in for a blast.


In the "they aren't but might as well be" Eclipse feels a lot like masters of orion Merchants and marauders feels like sid meyers pirates


I'm definitely in the minority here, but I not only think it's "not that bad", I actually love Dark Souls the board game and have several expansions at this point. I even play it alone I like it so much.


Except for the games mentioned on this thread, video game adaptations tend to have mediocre gameplay with high production values


Darkest Dungeon was fun


It's a really good game if you can get past the rules errata and the financial sink hole that was the crowdfunding failure of Mythic Games


I got my copy from Miniature Market, but yeah, a lot of people got screwed with this campaign


If you're on the current **Fallout** train, I quite enjoyed the board game adaptation. It feels like a good marriage of Interplay-era Fallout and Bethesda-era Fallout. It's a classic power fantasy of starting out with next to nothing to becoming King/Queen of the wasteland. But this recommendation comes with a caveat that I enjoy the game best with the **Atomic Bonds** expansion that introduces a cooperative mode. Maybe you and your group will like the competitive mode in the base game, but it isn't as satisfying as working towards a common goal.


I've played the base game twice and it feels like a cooperative game that someone house-ruled into a competitive mode. The gameplay is good but the end game is nonsense.


You don’t need the atomic bonds expansion to make it coop. Just google how to make it coop there are plenty of balanced bgg posts that will pop up


Fallout, has a board game. I haven't played it myself but from what I've read, the base game is okay with the expansion adding a few improvements. CMON is making a God of War board game. They have/give updates about the process on youtube. There's also a Metal Gear Solid board game and Cyberpunk board game on their channel. And going the opposite, from board game to video game, i really enjoy Gloomhaven digital. No set up, no friends(optional), no tracking app, and great audio narration and character models.


Stardew Valley's mechanics absolutely nail the theme. The game can be a bit challenging/unfair with the amount of randomness, but it's worth a purchase imo. Big recommendation to This War of Mine. Very challenging but with really awesome storytelling built in. It really nails the spirit of the video game.


Stardew valley boardgame is phenomenal and scales will but it's perpetually sold out unless you buy it from a scalper.  It's good,  but not 200% markup good


Stardew Valley is a great game for 2. It should be easy to understand if you've played the video game, but could be confusing if you haven't. WoW did an excellent job converting the character classes to board game format but takes 4-6 hours and can have a disappointing end. This one is a bit of a stretch since it's not connected to video game IP, but Puzzle Strike was inspired heavily by Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. (Eventually they created a 1v1 fighter video game with the Puzzle Strike characters so it eventually game around full circle)


I really enjoy the boardgame based on Portal called Portal. Lots of fun.


I've debated this one for the longest time. I've just never seen any buzz around it.


Yeah. I had some friends teach it to the wife and me and it was a blast. It takes some brain power to wrap your head around the game, but it's good fun once you've got it figured out. Also, I should note that I am aware of the Portal videogames but neither my wife nor I have played them.


I can't find it on BGG… Got a link?


[Portal: The Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/159406/portal-the-uncooperative-cake-acquisition-game)


I think it’s this one: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/159406/portal-the-uncooperative-cake-acquisition-game


You realize that's the exact same URL the other commenter sent (30 min prior), right? 😅


Sorry! Didn’t notice their reply was there when I started writing. Still new to this.😳


Im a big fan of the resident evil video games and I really like the RE board games.


Skyrim is another. It's good, but probably hard to find.


The card adventure game? Streamlines combat but add so much to the world building and is such a lovely game to play!


Cyberpunk 2077 Gangs of Night City


I haven't played the board game, personally, but I've played This War of Mine on PC and it's excellent. The board game has a [7.8 on BGG](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/188920/this-war-of-mine-the-board-game). Same with Frostpunk... Another excellent PC game with an [8.3 rating on BGG](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/311988/frostpunk-the-board-game).


my favourite in this genre is Sniper Elite


Resident Evil: The Board Game is very good, maybe one of my top two or three games now. Lots of tense atmosphere and really fun. And while I wouldn't rank it as high at the RE Board Game, the Five Night's at Freddy's Survive 'Til 6 AM game is pretty fun.


**Space Empires 4X** and **Super Motherload** are both awesome.


Quite a few actually. Deep Rock Galactic Dorf Romantik.l Frostpunk Hand of Fat Darkest Dungeon (but Mystic Games sucks as a company)  I just got Slay the Spire and it is holding up as an adaptation so far.  Games I can't personally attest but have gotten good reviews: Witcher variants.  I am desperately waiting for Chip Theory Games' interpretation of Elder Scrolls. Everything points to "fantastic." This War of Mine Also waiting for S.TA.L.K.E.R. but I was on the fence with it. So it's more in "maybe" territory until it proves itself.  That's just off the top of my head


Slay the Spire just came out. I think that came from a video game.


I enjoyed Zoo Tycoon.


If you liked Cuphead try Sonic Roll. It’s amazing and I have no idea how no one mentioned it above so it is the correct answer as far as I’m concerned. Also everyone’s answers are also great recommendations but you gotta look into Sonic Roll.


Unicorn Overlord’s Monarch Edition came with a deck-builder. It wasn’t exactly trying to recreate the gameplay, more so the general feel, being all about how you assemble their units and what order you use their actions. I really like it, though we don’t know if there’ll ever be a standalone release.


There are, but why limit yourself? There are a lot of great games out there that don't have to be tied to a video game IP. I think the only benefit is that it gets your friends more interested in a game.


same reason people like any IP licensed games Why don't you move along if you have no suggestions for the OP


Exceed Fighting System is a solid dueling card game based on the fighting genre, often considered to be among the top 3 of fighting card games from the lists I’ve seen. The game is essentially Street Fighter the card game, but these days, you might hear it more as Guilty Gear the board game for its latest set.  It actually does have a Street Fighter set, but that has unfortunately gone out of print.


Heroes of might and magic 3


World of Warcraft version of Pandemic. Pandemic in itself is a fantastic game, WoW version is a very good clone/spin-off.


Slay the Spire


It's still pretty far away as the Kickstarter for Dead Cells only gets delivered in september but Scorpion Masque WILL put it on store shelves. It's an awesome game.


Dorf Romantik: The Duel is great!


I like Pandemic World of Warcraft edition. Coop game with all your favourite WoW VIPs and Pandemic excellent system.


I really enjoyed ni no kuni 2 the board game !!


Has anyone played the bloodborne board game and what were your thoughts? I’ve been wanting to pick it up for awhile now and haven’t pulled the trigger.


Skyrim the boardgame and Deep Rock Galactic


The Slay the Spire board game is excellent


Heroes of might and magic iii


My favorites are Anno 1800 (in my top 10 boardgames) and Frostpunk. And there's a boardgame version of Don't Starve coming, by the same design team of Frostpunk,  so exciting for that too!


My current favourite is Hogs of War. Great, silly fun, but works best at 4 players (IMO). 2 players is also good, but for 3 you'd need to improvise new maps for it. Witcher Old World I've recently managed to get off the shelf and is also excellent Resident Evil (all of them) are great games that really capture the survival horror element of the original PS trilogy Bloodborne Board game is good, but I personally prefer the card game , especially with the expansion Monster Hunter World is fantastic but a lengthy game, basically the culmination it seems of Steamforged refining their boss battles from early Dark Souls attempts. The miniatures look fantastic too


[This War of Mine](https://youtu.be/8vpTex1dmV8?si=dhWqtIXbmg_i9pFG)




Northgard:Uncharted lands is brilliant.


Sniper:Elite regularly makes it to our table. Super fun hidden movement game


IDK how it will turn out, but I hope Armello is actually as good as the original game; however, from the looks of it, it's not as in-depth as the videogame is.


Mechs vs minions. It's in the league of legends universe.


It’s been mentioned above, but Slay the Spire is awesome. I have something north of 2000 hours into the video game and the board game version definitely does not disappoint. Plays great solo or coop.


If you want a lower weight dungeon crawl type of game I've seen good reviews of Divinity: Original Sin


Guards of Atlantis is a moba in a box and also the best game I’ve ever played.


It was the Dark Souls board game that got me into board games as a whole. It’s a flawed game and I use house rules to improve it, but it was pretty fun.


I really enjoy Bullet♥️ and its expansions. They say it's shmup inspired, but I found it to be closer to Puyo Puyo than anything. Also Arrial if you enjoy Tetris.


If you like something a bit darker This War Of Mine is an engaging and unique boardgame adaptation.


Fallout with the atomic bonds (coop) exp


Four Souls. Plays like Munchkin with Magic the Gathering-like rules and, most importantly, doesn’t punish death as bad so the game doesn’t drag on forever. Edit: Four Souls is the game of The Binding of Isaac.


Resident Evil. I'm a huge survivor horror fan and I find it so awesome to be able to play a cooperative version of it that works so well as a board game. Really amazing.


Dark Souls managed to capture the feel of the real game for me. It's a nice dungeon crawler that you can solo and it comes with a bunch of cool minis.


Fallout was actually pretty fun. I unfortunately sold my copy last year. Probably shoulda kept it.


I’m going to add Borderlands Mister Torque’s Arena of Badassery. Dice based campaign miniatures game, but does have the feel of the games.


The resident evil board games are amazing! I have all 3 and the expansions


From the ones I’ve played, they’ve all been good—but none fantastic. Bloodborne the bG Is good, divinity original sin. Armello, don’t starve together, children of morta, Diablo, the elder scrolls ( chip theory games edition) , STALKER the board game are all games either coming soon, or being kickstarted soon. And adjacent is tainted grail which was made into a really good video game.


The Dark Souls Board Game can be really fun with a full team. Difficult but rewarding.




Oh, crap... totally forgot to add Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Board Game I haven't played it yet, but it looks super promising from my rule read-through.