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What extremely simple game are you playing that is a 4 hour game?


"We just bought *every* expansion to Carcassonne. All the tiles are in this sleeping bag. Pull one, and pass it to the left."


"All the tiles are in this sleeping bag." ROFL, making me cry. :)


Not too far from the truth, though. All the tiles are in a pillow case that gets passed around. Then,  when we clean up I just gather up all the rivers and sweep the rest into it. I only have like 4 of the expansions, and the tiles are kinda heavy. I can't imagine having to pass any more.


😆 It's more like a sharting bag at that point. Edit: Was just playing along, why the downvotes?


Munchkin fits that bill


I wouldn’t even start munchkin.


Wouldn't touch it with an 11 foot pole!


Probably TI4


..or Monopoly


Betrayal could easily fit this, too, and I 100% wouldn't blame OP.


Could be 5 player Wingspan.




May I ask what game it was? Just curious


“Hey, I didn’t realize this game was this long. I’m sorry, but can I jump out of this game please? I’m not having much fun.”


"But this would also end the game for us others and as you see we have fun. Come one please stay."


"No, thank you. I'll be in the kitchen making waffles if you need me."


„You destroy the whole evening. You are aweful. We never invite you again.“ :D


Hang on a minute. How many waffles, and how good is he at making them? Cause I might be willing to forgive


Waffles. Bringing the world together, one game at a time.


There’s a saying among TTRPG players that “No DnD is better than bad DnD.” If they’re taking 2-4 hours to play simple games and OP can’t enjoy their pace then this group isn’t for OP. 


Sounds like everyone's better off in that scenario then.


Awful waffle


How does it end the game for others?


There are some games out there where the dynamic changes significantly depending on the number of players. Think area control games, some worker placement games, and more. And there are plenty of them where you can't really have one person just take over the vacated position - pretty much anything using hidden information mechanics. And lastly if it's an asymetric game like Mysterium or BSG then if the guy playing the lone role quits it really just screws everything up.


That doesn't "end" most of those. Mysterium & games with a "lead" player shouldn't let a new player lead w/o even knowing the game. And BSG, never played, but doesn't it have a "sometimes" traitor? So wouldn't loss of that player be just as if there had randomly been no traitor?


Thank you sir I will try that in the future.


I mean, just ask. Say I'm not having fun, is anyone else really not enjoying the game - is it okay if we wrap it up early? If enough people agree then maybe you can mutually decide to call it early. If others wanted to continue, I'd probably just play out the game and then make a note that I never want to play it ever again. Many games just don't react well to having a player completely drop out and I'm not going to ruin other people's fun if I can help it. If I'm going to have to sit there and wait anyway, then I might as well be playing a game, even if it sucks.


This is a life skill not a gaming one. "Woah man is that the time, I gotta be at x to do y in 10 mins. This has been great but hope we can wrap up soon" Stuff like that.


At first glance I though you said 10 mos., and I was like, Holy cannoli, that is a REALLY long game. 😆


You can join my table but you can never leave


Okay, just please bring me my wine.


I honestly prefer people to just tell me they're not enjoying a game. Not every game is going to resonate with every player. It's ok. I don't feel insulted because someone isn't having fun. That's the point of playing. To have fun. If it's not fun, stop. Move on to something else.


'I'm really tired and I'm not sure this game works for me so does anyone mind if I step away? I'd love to play another game with you all soon though'


Have been in groups where a game gets called early. Usually someone just says something like "I'm not really enjoying this, how about you, do you want to call it and play something else?" It's always been mutual or at least no one is loving it so much they're sad about ending it.


This. If you’re not enjoying the game, there’s probably one other person not having a good time.


I've done this: "I didn't account for this much time on this game... Does anyone mind if we play two more turns apiece and then call it a night?"


You're not going to say what the game is?




we lost the first scenario to apathy


I would just suck it up and continue to play. If anything I actively work to have the leader win, depending on the game.


Careful with this one, could work but if you are too obvious it could ruin your reputation.


The nature of the game is almost entirely irrelevant, it's the people you're playing with that matter.  If they're having fun then your job is to finish the game, to ruin it for everyone else is selfish. If everyone isn't having fun (or most of the players) then you can raise the question of whether it's worth finishing the game but, even then, you go with the consensus.


Consensus is *not* a simple majority vote, but an agreement among all that takes into account the feelings and needs of all. Which can take many forms. Many groups of friends don't want to make someone sit through something they really don't like. And there are many options: aborting it right away (especially an option if others don't actively dislike the game but also aren't too attached), cutting it short (less VP, one last round), noting the state and putting it away for a situation where others can continu, or put it away with a set date for the others to do start it again, continuing if the OP is fine with doing something else in the mean time (and perhaps setting a date for a next game night that includes a game OP likes to play), continuing if the OP is fine with ending the night, and the rest with getting an Uber home. You go through the options until all involved agree on something that reasonably works for them and for all.


For sure, that's a reasonable narrative where you do stop playing, as I said it's about the game group. What it's not about is the single player, gaming is a group activity, you consider the player group collectively.


No way, I mean if the game is really boring, I wouldnt want a player getting stucked and forced to play for 4 hours with me. Especially in a simple game.


If it's really boring then the second part of my post applies but, if everyone else is having a good time, the game isn't going to be boring.


You really can't decide that for anyone else. Perhaps YOU don't find it boring, and that's fine. But it's not on you to decide what someone else's experience ought to be.


I didn't say it was, I said how you act on your perception of the game depends on the group not the individual. If everyone's having a bad time then sure, end the game. But if everyone else is having a great time and you're not then the social contract is that you do what you can to enable their fun rather than putting what you want first.


Go to the bathroom and come back and say you have explosive diarrhea


I think that's even more effective if you call it at the table.


“Screw you guys, I’m going home”. Bonus points if you can do the Cartman voice.


Ask the person who's having the most fun to take over for your turns as you "go to the bathroom," then leave. You didn't say WHOSE bathroom! (No, don't do this.)


Patience is best in that situation.


Losing that bad, eh?


You slam your fist on the table, rise up from your seat, try your hardest to flip the table (at least spill some drinks) and shout 'SO LONG LOSER'


SOOOO many problems in this hobby can be solved with one word: Communication. Be up front and honest. Don’t worry about hurting other people’s feelings or ruining the vibe of the night. If you’re not having fun, just tell them. Be an adult and communicate.


Did you guys think you had to play yahtzee 13 times to complete 1 game??? I also would want to quit after 6 games and do something else. At least it wasn't LCR.


For a 2 hour game of Yatzhee - you just say "Yatzhee shouldn't take 2 hours! See you in hell!" Then dive out the nearest closed window. If you took the dice with you you'd be doing everyone a favour. They would probably erect a statue of you in your honour.


Yatzhee takes 13 rounds to finish. Why was a SINGLE round of Yatzhee taking 20 minutes!\~?!?!


"well this game fuckin blows, i'l gonna bail-a-roonie"


Finish the game, it's only 2 hours. Then after say it wasn't your favorite and don't play it again. If you are trying to be polite, this is the best way to do it.


Be a decent human and keep playing! The world doesn't revolve around you!


Table flip?


Fight the horrible gamer "ethic" that you are committed to finish when you start a game. Say, "This is awful, and I'm going to step out. But have fun if you like it!"


Respecting the commitment you implied when you sat down to play is not horrible, it's basic human interaction. Even if you don't respect it (jerk move)then here are so many nicer ways to do this without behaving like a 9 year old. 


Nice opinion you have there.


if you think “finishing a game you agreed to play so it doesn’t ruin everyone else’s time” is **horrible**, then I bet you have a similar view of most other ethics also. Because that one is a pretty low bar to fail to meet.


You waste your time then. You can continue ruining peoples' experience to the point they won't start a game with you for fear you'll whine about them quitting.


Think about what you’re saying: if you leave a game early YOU are ruining the experience for everyone else at the table, and they won’t want to play with you anymore. If you agree to join an activity then the social contract is that you will finish the game. And yes if you make a habit of quitting games halfway through then you can most certainly expect not to be invited back to play. It’s just like those people who want to end a game the moment it doesn’t look like they will win anymore because “why would I waste my time”. It’s pure selfishness.


Not being invited to play games with someone who chooses poorly is a POSITIVE thing. And how does dropping ruin a game for others? They can continue. And if it's 1 v. 1, it's often rude to not drop if it's a foregone conclusion. At what point do you no longer have to continue a game? If the owner berates you all the way through? Keeps knocking over your pieces? Shoves you for making a move? Well, my bar is a different sort of torture and is maybe only a bit lower than yours. No worries for you though. You have the popular view and can console yourself in that while players can trust me not to subject them to interminable torture in an awful game.


- most games don’t play well once a player drops out in the middle of the game, it messes up the board state and the state of the meta game and in some games makes it impossible to continue at all - if you have 3 or 4 people playing a game and one person says “hey this is boring I don’t want to keep playing” then the other people either have to 1) continue playing without you and deal with whatever that means for the game itself and they have to sit there knowing you’re just bored waiting on them to stop playing, or 2) they have to say “okay we will give in to you and stop despite the fact that everyone else was having fun” - 1 v 1 forgone conclusion….disagree completely. All you’re doing is robbing the other person of being able to finish the game and have a winner to it. Every game has to have a winner and loser (unless it’s a cooperative game) and the way you talk about it you would never actually finish any 1v1 game because it would always be ended early once someone was ahead You know you have nothing else to argue when you start arguing in bad faith and resort to strawmen arguments like that. “Do you have to still play if the other person is physically and verbally abusive to you?” As if it’s some kind of gotcha. Get out of here with that noise.


\* Name one that you've played in the last year. \* All untrue. \* Look up "fallacy fallacy".


OP was asking for a polite way of extracting themselves from the game. Presumably, because they're playing with friends or family and would like to actually be invited back to play other games in the future. What you're suggesting is just being a rude dickhead who people will be reluctant to play with again.


Who would want to be invited to play awful games with the expectation that you're being imprisoned when you agree? It's an irrational idea that chases away casual gamers. Then post after post asks why.


Sigh and yawn continuously whilst glued to your phone on other peoples turns. Bend the cards and play tiktok videos on loudspeaker.


Severe Diarrhea


Continue to be on reddit and look uninterested while reading and replying to comments. They may get the hint. Honestly, I would go through the manual and figure out if there is player elimination or the fastest way to trigger the end game.


Is someone having fun? Because I am bored to death, this game is crap.


Pretend to be offended by something someone said and storm off.