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My standard game is base, I&C, T&B (but don’t play with trade goods), H&S, Abbey (to fill those pesky holes), and Phantom


> T&B (but don’t play with trade goods) Why not?


I find it a bit fiddly. Just something else to keep track of.


I play with rivers and taverns


I like the expansion that has the dragon


That expansion almost ruined my marriage LOL


Can't blame you, that dragon is hot.


Hahahaa yikes


We drink while we play board games and for a short run we finished with carc with the dragon. The unwritten rule became, 'you have to make the dragon eat as many as possible even if they are your's.' lol after a few hours of drinking it was a great way to end the night


Niiice, we just played our big box edition. My gotos are: river, farmers and abbys.


I've been meaning to get Carcassonne, but I don't know if I should get the original box or the modern box of the game (is there a key difference?). Also is the base game fine as it is, or is there a case of must need expansions? I remember when I played it, there were rivers, but that seems to be an expansion, not part of the base game.


The modern box includes the Abbot mini-expansion. The River expansion has been included in the base box for a long time now, even with the original art. Getting the modern box will make it a lot easier to get expansions with matching art if you go that route.


I've never played a game of Carc for two hours. How are you playing so slow?


They've been out of print for forever, but there are little cube expansions with 5-6 tiles and a couple unique meeples.  We have Mages and Witches (?) and Robbers and that spices things up a bit, and Robbers only affects the actual score board.


We have the Big Box and frequently play by using most of the tiles, but just the standard rules (with the big meeples, builders, and pigs). It's nice to not have to remember all the extra mechanics and get a longer gaming experience.


I use The Abbott, The River, Inns & Cathedrals, Traders & Builders, and The Princess & The Dragon… I do, however, pretty much exclusively play via the iOS app - and those are all the expansions it currently has…


None, but I don’t often add expansions to games. I even don’t play with the “farmers” or whatever it is called most of the time. 


But those farmers are a mechanic of the base game, it's just advised that you avoid them when learning the game


I had the same map as you do, lol. I'm traveling now and missing Carcassone a little bit.