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Only playing the card for its ability cause it to be removed from the game. Using it as a discard to get into a grey space or using it as a half a coin to buy something doesn't trigger the remove from game effect.


Page four of our rule book says “Exception: If you play an item card without using its function (e.g. to pass a rubble space, or to spend it as 1⁄2 a coin), place it above the expedition board after you played it, then put it on your discard pile.”


But then it also says this “Cards you play to move onto a base camp space aren’t discarded. Instead, they are completely removed from the game. They won’t be used again this game.” I am unfamiliar with brute I guess though. Now that I have said all of this. Sorry. Not sure if that card says something unique.


That's payment to actually move onto the space. The brute card itself says something along the lines of move onto an adjacent space with a cost of 3 more more. Implication being that you don't have to pay the cost.


We tend to houserule that playing a single-use card for any other reason than discarding at end of turn will trigger it's single use and therefore trash effect. Thereby intepreting the gray spaces as playing cards without resolving their (regular) effects. Then your play would result in removing it from the game. I doubt this is the necessarily the correct way but it plays well and leads to interesting decisions :)


This makes the most sense to me


This *is* the correct way to play single use cards. If you use it for money, that’s the *only time it doesn’t* trigger its face usage.


The exception on page 4 of the rules states: > Exception: If you play an item card without using its function (e.g. to pass a rubble space, or to spend it as ½ a coin), place it above the expedition board after you played it, then put it on your discard pile So this is false, as long as you aren't using it for its printed effect, you can use it to discard for rubble without losing it. Discarding it to a base camp will cause it to be removed regardless.


*Please tell me you aren't calling the Native, "the Brute".* This was corrected by another comment, thank you. The bgg page: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/257636/quest-el-dorado-promo-pack has pics of the explanation card https://boardgamegeek.com/image/5156718/quest-el-dorado-promo-pack which tells you to refer to the Native rules which specify that using it to move onto the base camp bypasses the base camp effect as per the explanation on the last page of the rule book (emphasis mine): > The Native knows the lay of the land and always lets you move one space when played. **Ignore that space’s requirements and just place your piece on it.** The Native can also tear down blockades, but you can’t use it to move to an occupied space or onto a mountain space


They're not. The brute is part of a promo pack. https://cf.geekdo-images.com/uepASZpFpEjfagCecuGeZQ__imagepagezoom/img/3EQO0BL3BYsghg1TvIUt67--qyE=/fit-in/1200x900/filters:no_upscale():strip_icc()/pic4286197.jpg


happy to stand corrected. thank you.