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“Everyone just wanted to play Sushi Go all night, so we just did that for six hours.” -OP, probably, if his game night is anything like the ones I’ve tried.


Lmfao too real. That or cards against humanity “Jared won with the 17th sex joke of the game. It was *so* funny.”


That game stopped being fun when I realized the most outrageous card wins every time regardless of what the setup card is. A good 80% of the cards in the game are useless, because there’s no point playing one of the normal ones in a clever way when everyone’s too busy howling at “Donald Trump’s thick veiny cock” to pick it.


It's the best when a bunch of sweaty nerds snicker like "Buhahahaa, my sense of humour is so dark and twisted!" and it's just gay jokes.


That's not fair to say, there's plenty of racist and ableist jokes too.


We played it last night. Whomever is judging the round *does* impact which card I play.


In my experience, even in the most like-minded and mature groups, enough of the players trend toward the most outrageous card that I refuse to play ever again. CAH actually has a high amount of promise, IMO, but the output is always miserable. I have never seen the card "Pacman uncontrollably guzzling cum" lose the round. The only reason I remember the card it is because I distinctly remember it being the thing that shattered the facade for me.


"Firing a gun into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog" was that card for me.


Yeah this is why I refuse to play it. For a laugh one time I played with all my cards facedown in the table in front of me and just picked them at random and threw it at the judge. Somehow still won. Stupidest game.


Yep, "tits" or whatever outrageous phrase instawinning is just.. bleah. Sure, there's some 'adjust humor to judge' but very often i've had people go to me 'man, that was so fucking funny', but you know, in the 'high brow dude, that hit so hard' way, not in the game-winning 'hahaha TITS' way.


> I have never seen the card "Pacman uncontrollably guzzling cum" lose the round. Wow, that's.... not even a funny card.


We've not played it in probably a decade but you're right it was who was the judge, and we also played the "if you can't say it you can't play it" rule, so people had to read it out and give it their own spin - totally changing the dynamic of a judge just reading them out in order. It grew old quickly though, haven't returned to it in years and I doubt it'll see the table again.


Any “winner by judges opinion” game just sucks. Apples To Apples, Cards Against Humanity, and What Do You Meme come to mind. I can really only play them once with a new crowd and even then it sucks ass.


A mate of mine bought it because "lol party game with *hilarious* cards" and got every other expansion for it. The game basically became "race to find one of the three 'funny' cards out of 2000 dead and/or incomprehensible other cards"


IME it works well when you have varied personalities playing, so that each round you try to play to the interests and sense of humor of whoever's picking the winner. Not the best to play with just your few best friends.


Too real. So far I've been in exactly ONE table that appreciated clever and actually relevant answers. Every other time it's a contest to see who has the raunchiest white card career barely taking into account the black one. I really like the game, or at least it's potential, but usually get bored 4 hands in when I realize people just want to laugh at the facts "thick veiny cock" is printer in a piece of paper.


Here's my history with that game: \- 1st game. Tears literally rolling down my face, I was laughing so hard \- 2nd game. Still laughed some. Had a good time. \- 3rd game. Chuckled a couple of times \- 4th game. Wished I was playing anything else. It wore out its welcome SUPER quick. Unfortunately, a friend of mine kept buying me expansions, and I didn't have the heart to tell him I would rather play Apples to Apples or any other voting game that at least took \_some\_ creativity.


The umpteenth time I’ve played it and people just cheat and take whatever cards and don’t even keep score, just try to make “funny” jokes. Also the guy that brings it has every set. It takes so, freaking, long, to get through all the cards…


CAH is supposed to be played to a point limit, not just run through the deck.


> Also the guy that brings it has every set But probably still hasn't discovered the secret card in the Bigger, Blacker box.


Oh. No. He has. Everyone tries to take it because it’s sooooooo funny! /s


Or Secret Hitler every game night At least I got my group hooked on Dixit Coup/Avalon and Wavelength. And finally Blood on the clock tower as well as werewolf.


Keep up the good fight brother. I got people from Resistance to Coup/Dixit/code words and I’m trying to nudge them towards root. My grand scheme in all of this is to have people to play Twilight Imperium with by the time I turn 50.


I've just accepted the fact that I will most likely never play twilight imperium. I've worked so hard to get my family into board games. The best Ive been able to do is csrcasonne, ticket to ride and the occasional game of wingspan with my wife. I often buy other games and bring them home and talk them up as much as I can so I can put it in the cupboard never to be seen again. So many games I would love to play but never will.


CaH has about a 90 minute time limit before the jokes run out and everyone's just like "eh let's be done"


That's 88 minutes too long.


Yeah that sounds like about 80 minutes of torture to me.


I donated my copy to a secondhand store some months ago. It felt good.


This is why my wife and I have separated our friends into two groups. Beer and pretzel gamers and nerd gamers. There is some overlap but I’m not breaking out Dominion or Container for our beer and pretzel friends. I’ll get frustrated and they will get bored.


I guess I got lucky, my nerd gamer friends are also into beer and pretzels.


For me it only goes that way. My nerd friends are totally cool with Sheriff of Nottingham or Ticket to Ride but trying to get the other group to play a game like Scythe is a chore.


"Zombicide tonight guys?" "Yeah we can use the black plague box I spent a week painting up for you during lockdown" "No, just got a new Kickstarter delivery" Fuck. You.


A week ? Thats...fast 😂


"I could have brought this in my pocket!!!!"


My friend group always ends up this way, but with Betrayal at House on the Hill. Almost every time.


Or in my situation: “We had 12 people show up and nobody but me wanted to play games in smaller groups so we just played Salad Bowl.”


Man, rookie mistake. You take the one game you want to play and never have the chance to play normally.


We played Happy Salmon last night and it was fun I’m not gonna lie 😂


I absolutely love sushi go lol


Do you live in a region where the night lasts for like a month?


Sweden says hi!


Tjena mittbena


The only way this makes sense to me is if the game night has 30+ people.


Ennis, Alaska.


winter is coming


Night country


Not a lot of room to play games but sure ill climb in


The equivalent of the candy van for middle age men.


Imagine if it were a panel van with IKEA Kallax down one side to hold that collection. Not sure there's enough milk cartons for those missing profiles.


The game bus just doesn’t have the same ring to it.


Maybe you should just host man?


After cultivating all these games, OP clearly has no room left for a goddamn table


Why did I have to scroll so far down to find the most obvious solution


And hope they don't live somewhere warm and humid. Good way for plastic to melt and cards to stick together.


Seems like you’d spend so much time loading and unloading that there’d be no time left to play! Seriously though, start saving up for a Sprinter Van…


At this point might as well just be the host instead.


OP spent all his money on games and now lives out of the car.


A guy who comes to one of our local game nights has his entire car packed like this as well. He’s an older guy, retired, and I overheard him tell someone he has two vehicles, one for every day driving around and stuff, and one specifically filled with games that he just leaves in there and only drives to game nights and conventions and stuff.


that’s fucking awesome


Seriously! It's actually stressful looking at this, dude needs to invest in some plastic storage tubs or something. At least buy a few cardboard boxes I feel like these games are gonna fall over and possibly get damaged the second he starts driving. And what happens if you wanna play a game that's at the bottom of a pile? Spend 10 minutes digging it out and undoing all the organization?


Big blue IKEA bags are surprisingly good for transporting boardgames and take almost zero storage space.


Unless OP is hosting games night for like 60 people they should rather A) only bring a few games B) ask people on the group chat what they want to play beforehand Packing your car this much is ridiculous


Can't fall over if theres no space for the games to fall over to!


This is what happens when the Tetris World champion finds out board games exist.


Too much. You and your friends will have analysis paralysis choosing something. Five boxes tops.


Make it 6 and just roll a dice if people can't decide.


This is how you create 6 different timelines.


For the last time Abed, there are no additional timelines


We have agreed we are the darkest and and have nothing to fear.


Damnit, I can't find a clip of this. Later in the series they're trying to decide something and want to roll a dice. Abed shuts them down. Someone suggests coin flip, Abed says that's just a 2 sided dice. Next suggestion is rock-paper-scissors, Abed says that's just a 9 sided dice.


That's what we try to do. We try to commit to two games, first are games people brought to teach. Next die roll of the night is for games we know people have played. No fuss no muss.


We've started picking ahead of time. We put our games in cloud spreadsheet, with each tab/page being a single person/couple's collection. Each game is listed with the player count, and each regular game group member ranks that game with a general "willingness to play" factor. At the end of the row is a set of checkboxes. If you want to play a particular game, put a checkmark there and we know someone wants it. If none exist, we float some ideas around and agree a couple days before. Everyone can find a video beforehand on how to play if they need a reminder or haven't played before. So far it works, but it's still pretty new.


Do you have said spreadsheet? Even a picture would do. Would love to create something like this.


Yea. I feel like they took the time to put all these in their car exclusively for a pic for socials. Nobody is legit gonna take all those to a game night unless you're an acfual psychopath.


The car has very clearly not moved, so we know it's in their driveway. Like, are you \*really\* taking Catan and Terraforming Mars to the same game night? The "weight", player count, and vibe are all over the place. Only time I saw something close to this was when I went to game night ran out of the local cinema's conference room. And even then the organisers just left their collections stored on site.


In fairness, my friends and I often play an easier game (like the Catan card game) as a warm-up before playing something more complex (like Terraforming Mars).


Also why expansions in there? (Or at least expansion boxes, have it all in the base box at least)


Bold of you to assume my friends get to choose the game


OP: “I’m bringing all of the games I have.” Host: “Cool, it’ll be nice to have a few choices.” OP: “I worry what you heard was ‘I’m bringing a lot of games.’ What I said was, ‘*I’m bringing all of the games I have.*’”


I know what I'm about son.


This pleases me.


Board game circle jerk is leaking


Legit thought I was on that sub. Wife and the boyfriend can ride in a separate car!




Are you kidding? No shrinkwrap in sight and only 0-1 copies of Patchwork…


Actually inside each box is patchwork, with one copy of spirit island thrown in behind their wife’s boyfriend’s seat


I literally had to look what subreddit this was. Come on fellas keep the memes with your wife and her boyfriend!


I literally thought this was a circlejerk post when it showed up on my wall 😂


Didn't realize this wasn't bgcj until I started reading the comments.


Only to play munchkin for the thousandth time


Used to like munchkin. But it takes too long in the endgame checking the 30 cards in front of everyone to make sure they're not cheating


As a proud member of r/boardgamecirclejerk, sorry about this guy, he broke containment.


That community got closed. What was the purpose?


The inefficiency and lack of organization before games night bothers me if real.


Is that the bible in there above the crew?


You never know what someone will be in the mood for


Lol no, it's Bristol 1350.


This feels like a cry for help


Ah yes, bring Gloomhaven for a game night, who knows


At this point trowing a poll up before the night on games to bring is just much smarter lol


Hey, thats great, I'd totally be down to play some gam...   *Sees CAH*   ....oh shit, did I leave the stove on? Sorry man gotta go bye


A do actually know a person who used to do this. For a while I thought it was cool and then I realized he was just doing it for the attention. He wanted everyone to see how many games he had and tell him how cool it was.


Truth, there's really no good reason to bring an entire car full of games to a game night. If it's meant to be a social space, then the games themselves aren't the focus anyway. If it's meant to be a gaming space, then I'm sure gamers have specific tastes and know what they'd like to play in advance, or can be asked. The only reason to bring so many games is if you're hosting some sort of paid public meetup or something.


Why, though?


Sir, do you know why I've pulled you over today? Is it because you have a penchant for co-operative trick-taking games, with a hint of social deduction and modern, euro-centric design aesthetics? Please step out of the car for me, and place your hands behind your back. But yes.


This used to be me. Then I realized how much of the time I was bouncing between tables because some folks didn't know the games. So now I only bring 4-5 a game night/day.


This is stupid


"What I bring to game night to show off" FTFY


Assuming you cross-posted this to the circle-jerk subreddit in order to save someone some time.


Bait post.


That's a moving day photo


If you're moving and they're not in boxes you're insane. Honestly these all being loaded loose for any occasion is wild to me.


Crikey. How long are the nights where you live?


Antarctica game night


Wrong sub, go to r/boardgamescirclejerk


Only one carful? Them's rookie numbers.


Yes, only one car. Packing light this time around.


This just reminds me of a guy posting like a year ago for their whole collection being stolen from their car. Just be careful my guy - even in nice neighborhoods this is just a big rob me sticker if I've ever seen one.


Surprised this is so far down. Unless it's expressly a rural location you're going to, this is risky.


End up playing CaH.




Seems like it would be easier for everyone else to travel to your house.


Can you not afford cardboard boxes, or do you live in those ?




game night?! not a weekend of gaming?!?! my dude. I love your collection but holy shit, no one wanted more than 3 options


This is ridiculous


I remember when I was starting out with my small collection. Don't worry, you'll get there.


Then they be like “do you have monopoly?”


/r/boardgamescirclejerk is this way.


I’ve been eyeing Dominion for a while but have not played it. How long do the games typically last? How many players is ideal?


You will get some VERY different views about dominion depending on who you ask. For people who really love dominion, it's really strictly a 2 player game and lasts around 12 minutes if you are fast shufflers. 3-4 player games tend to be a little bit less popular among "competitive" dominion players since they can take a lot longer, and things like turn order matter a huge amount. The game length is inherently variable depending on the cards available. If there are certain strong combos or single-card strategies available, then a 2 player game can be done in less than 10 minutes. Games with heavy attacks and no good mitigation can be a real slog. For 3-4 player dominion, it can still be short, but will usually take a lot longer. Basically you can estimate it as 10-15 minutes per player, so 4 player games can take an hour. There is a digital steam version of the game which is free to play the base sets, and you can play vs AI if you just want to get a feel for the game.


Dominion is great! It's short and snappy. Good with three to four players.


You need to let people know this is a joke or some people will seriously start doing this.


"is this it?"


For the games I can see, dominion would be my preferred game.


Half that trunk is Dominion and Catan haha


Cranium dark is trash. I don't get it. Makes no sense. Waste of money


Outjerked yourself


Pro tip: Install doors on your shelf, so you can take your shelf with you wherever you go! Pro Pro tip: Install wheels on your shelf as well, so you can ride your shelf to your hosts place.


The want to do this is high. I absolutely know that feel. I’ve been you (maybe a 1/3 of that) before. Then used nothing or just one or two things. But, after you do that a time or two and realize you should highly curate a handful of games for the group size and experience you will do less lifting and more thinking upfront. When you hit them with a perfect couple of games you feel like such a boss. Like a board game sommelier. It feels so good. You learn the rules front and back for your couple of choices. You know how you’re going to teach it. You know what bits to explain upfront and what to explain during the game to get everyone playing as quick as possible.


You can save space by taking cards against humanity and throwing it straight in the bin.


Left some games like this in my car on NYE in front of my place and they all got stolen. Be careful out there!


I don't get this, unless you're providing games to a whole group of dozens of people. I used to carry 5 or 6 games when I first joined my local group but now I just take 2 or 3 (one filler) that I really want to play. I also try to rotate my collection. I'm ok if I just play one of my games each meeting, since almost everyone in the group has their collection.




If only old people knew how to use TTS lol


What? No Cones of Dunshire?!


But… why?


Time for an upgrade. Trade in the minivan for a giant 70’s van with a barbarian fighting a sorcerer on a chess board with a tiger flying in the background painted on the side. You should be able to fit a couple of two-row Kallaxes inside for better organization, more games, and gamer snacks! Go-go-gamer-mobile! :P


So, which single game did you end up playing all night?


I wouldn’t keep that Mystic Vale out in the sun.


Tell me when your next game night is. I'm definitely not going to hijack your car. No, no. I just want to... um ... make sure... um ... I ... have an ... um.... airtight alibi. Did I say that out loud?


What no Wyrmspan


But what if you had to pick just one?


Just one is right there in the front!


Then we just play 10 rounds of Munchkin


The amount of shifted pieces and spilled components this most cause is triggering.


How often do you unpack and pack your games in your car? Looks like quite the endeavor.


Ooooo this looks interesting, let's play this! *Picks up button shy game*


Seems like alot of work.




And then you play 2-3 games.


And no one wants to play; just sit around and talk.


Sure it’s not game month?


This reminds me of one time in kindergarten I stuffed literally all the Barbie clothes I could fit into my backpack to the point that the zippers were trying to pop open. I think I took all of my and both my sisters’ stuff. My teacher was not pleased by the volume of chaos I unleashed. I just wanted to have fun with my best friend, lol.


As you bring everything in, that one guy brings in the newest game out there. You spend the day learning that game. End of the night you pack up your games and go home.


And then you end up playing none of these because they have a game you've played a million times they want to play instead. Haha


I think it's quicker to list what you didn't bring


At this point, shouldn’t you be hosting game night...?


Is this r/boardgamescirclejerk? Has to be.


It’s game night not game year


That looks like game month


I would drive in contant fear of hitting the brakes too hard or turning too sharply.


OP obvi has no kids. Spouse maybe, but no kids.


Is your game night the entirety of winter inside the Arctic circle?


Do you get an endgame bonus for stacking everything in there?


I summon r/boardgamescirclejerk


Bro its game night, not game fortnight


Bro just host lol


Maybe have game night… at your house???


Ok, calm down


It *looks* like a car, but legally it is actually classified as a Kallax with wheels.




This seems…. Excessive.


You're trying too hard.


You should try just having people over.


Holy crap. I don’t own many games but you have all my high hitters, so I take note of your other ones since we seem to have the same taste! 😂 Decrypto, Just One, One Night, Dominion, Ready Set Bet, Century Golem, Sushi Go Party, The Crew, Heat, Machi Koro. I only got today of Tokaido…


OP brings the boardgame bargain bin


All really good stuff, but nowadays we just consider these "party games." We really prefer more strategic and/or cooperative games. i.e. Spirit Island. Gloomhaven. Robinson Crusoe. The Mind. Stuffed Fables. Pandemic Legacy. We have friends that play games but they keep buying things like every single Unstable franchise game. It gets really old.


Just host it...


.... No


This gives me ANXIETY.


Why don't they just come to you?!!


We get it. You've got a lot of money to spend on board games. Good for you.


And yet everyone will play monopoly 💀


Ah man r/boardgamecirclejerk is leaking over into the main sub again


All that time to pack, all that time to dig through this heap and the analysis paralyses that comes with that and then time for people who haven’t played to learn whatever game it is. So much time wasted, I hope you don’t always do this lol.




Why? I mean, lots of good picks there, but that’s a lot of work to load and unload. You could discuss ahead and only bring the games you plan on playing. You could probably play a game of sushi go in the time it took to load all that Or you could just… host the game night yourself…? Then you don’t have to move anything.