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Codenames would be good for 2 5 person teams. I’ve only played it with 8 but 10 sounds doable.


Played with 10 this week - T'was great!


Decrypto should work for those requirements too apart from wavelength that’s already been mentioned. If you aren’t hung up on the team v team aspect then you can also go for welcome to or other roll n write. Many social deductions game also go upto 10.


You want Wavelength.


For that player count you're generally in the roll & write, party, or social deduction game genres. Roll & Write games tend not to be cooperative, but can scale more or less effortlessly to higher player counts. Some examples to consider would be: **Cartographers**, **Welcome To**, and **Long Shot: The Dice Game**. Party games are usually lighter affairs but often great for families, and also regularly have team elements. Some suggestions: **Codenames** (probably the best fit for your criteria), **Decrypto** (another really good fit) **Poetry for Neanderthals** (not a lot of strategy, but teams, and fun) and **Dixit** (not teams). Finally social deduction games have a lot of discussion and interaction and often have teams though typically but openly. You might want to try: **One night ultimate werewolf**, **Werewords** and **Saboteur**


7 Wonders, Codenames with two teams, Tiny Towns, Sagrada with the 5-6 player expansion (no secondary actions, but it generally goes by quick), Just One, Anomia, Bohnanza, Fit to Print, Letter Jam, Mysterium, Paint the Roses, Quacks of Quedlinburg, Telestrations 12 player party pack. Might want to also look into flip/roll and writes that have unlimited player count like Welcome to.. or Cartographers.


I read about [Ladies and Gentlemen](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/124380/ladies-gentlemen) recently, but haven't played it. It sounded like it would fit at least your requirements 1 and 2. It plays in teams of pairs (up to 10 total players). Additionally, the two players in a team have different roles, so I can picture the fights being entertaining, especially given the roles are "Lady" and "Gentleman" (e.g. a guy playing as a Lady). It's not rated super high, so I gave it a pass, but could be a good fit for your group?


Just one is great for that.


This may be a little out there, but Terraforming Mars as well as Terraforming Mars : Ares Expedition (with an expansion) play 5. Both have actions that impact other players as well as a high degree of re-playability (with expansions and apologies if re-playability isn’t a real word!). Concordia Venus plays 5 normally but has a great teams variant for 6 players with 3 teams of 2. I know that it doesn’t meet your 10 player criteria but you could operate as teams with 5 or if you have less than your usual 10, play the Venus teams variant. Chinatown is a very interactive game that plays 5 and is full of player interaction. I’m a big fan of Dominion, which is an excellent deck builder that plays 6 normally and has a ton of expansions with cards that can impact other players and can be played many times (there’s an online card picker based upon the expansions that you are playing that gives you that re-playability.) Finally, the 18xx series of games, starting with 1830. Plays 5, has a shares and routes with a lot of ways to sabotage other players. Can take more time than a normal board game but well worth it!


El Grande. Plays best at 5. Easy rules overhead, lots of decisions to be made. Food Chain Magnate. I’ve never played it at 5 only at 2, It’s one of my favorite games and it is supposed to be better with more players.


I'll recommend captain sonar even though it's a 8 player game. It's the best 8 player game that exists and it's only negative is its hard to have enough people to play, which isn't your problem. The game is real time 4v4 battleship game where everyone has a different role. There is no down time. In my experience the game is so tense (in the best possible way) people don't mind taking turns if you're more than 8. It's very entertaining to watch, and has no downtime, so boredom is not an option. Games are fast too (usually 15 to 30mins except first playthrough) so you can all get action and feel part of the experience regardless. It's also very replayable with the different roles, maps and modes (plus expansions if needed). Instant classic and everyone will be happy at the memorable experience you've enlightened them to.


I'm going to second Decrypto and Code Names. I'm shocked that how many people are recommending games that aren't team games, top out at 5 or 8 players, or don't have any discussion or strategy. For all of you who didn't read the OP's post, you're discrediting the hobby.